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The current study utilizes in-depth interviews with inner city African-American and Latino adolescents to understand how they negotiate initial substance use. We applied the social norms approach to explore the role of peers, family, and neighborhood on adolescents’ initial substance use. Utilizing data from 36 interview participants, our analysis revealed that extended family members were pivotal in providing adolescents with their initial alcohol; however, female adolescents were more likely than male adolescents to acquire marijuana from their male peers, for free. Understanding situational contexts underlying initial substance use is imperative for future interventions with this population.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the special problems and processes encountered in organizing and running a group therapy program for black, latency age, male children within an urban school setting. The group chosen for presentation consisted of five boys (average age 11.8 years, range 11–13) and was run by two white clinical psychology interns (a male and female).

In the course of the group several important issues emerged which acted as catalysts for change. These included unplanned interventions, setting effects, cotherapy issues, and racial transferences. The findings and follow-up suggested that a modified expressive group psychotherapy approach can be successful in treating inner city black children.  相似文献   

Background: Adventure therapy is a short‐term experiential psychotherapeutic approach that utilises adventurous activities and being in natural environments in order to facilitate therapeutic change in clients. The present paper examines how students with self‐reported anxiety and depression experienced participating in an innovative intervention that combined individual therapy with an adventurous outdoor experience. Clients participating in the Adventure Therapy Project received between 10–15 one‐to‐one counselling sessions prior to the outdoor experience, as well as ongoing counselling following it. Method: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used in order to record and analyse the experiences of three male and three female students who presented at a major UK university student counselling service with self‐reported depression and anxiety. Findings: Twelve themes emerged which were categorised into four major domains: enhancing intrapersonal relationships; improving interpersonal relationships; providing an experiential outdoor venue for achieving therapeutic change; offering a secure, personal place for achieving inner healing. The intervention was perceived to improve the ways in which interviewees related towards themselves and other people. Interviewees perceived the counselling sessions as offering a safe therapeutic space within which they could unveil their anxieties and achieve inner healing. Conclusions: Outdoor experiences offer an experiential venue for achieving personal change and, it appears enhance the therapeutic process. Prior and subsequent individual therapy increases the benefits of such experiences.  相似文献   

The preponderance of the research evidence supports the conclusion that abuse of certain types of illicit drugs, separately from the abuse of alcohol, predisposes to subsequent violent behavior. The relationship of cocaine/crack to violent crime has been established more clearly for users of crack in inner city areas than it has for those who are users of other forms of cocaine in the general population.In regard to any race/ethnic or socioeconomic factors in the relationships between substance use/abuse and violent behavior, most clearly established is that a higher proportion of young Black males, compared to other race/ethnic groups, are actively involved in dealing cocaine/crack in some inner city poverty areas.As for gender differences, the research evidence indicates that alcohol abuse as a predictor to and a precipitant of violent behavior, is more clearly established for males than for females. Drug abuse, as distinct from alcohol abuse, has been found to predict subsequent violent behavior, for females as well as for males. “Co-morbidity,” the combination of substance use with and psychopathology, appears more likely to predict for females to later violent behavior. Psychopathology and mental health problems are less likely to predict occurrence of either violent or criminal behavior in the future than are either alcohol abuse or drug abuse.  相似文献   

The preponderance of the research evidence supports the conclusion that abuse of certain types of illicit drugs, separately from the abuse of alcohol, predisposes to subsequent violent behavior. The relationship of cocaine/crack to violent crime has been established more clearly for users of crack in inner city areas than it has for those who are users of other forms of cocaine in the general population.In regard to any race/ethnic or socioeconomic factors in the relationships between substance use/abuse and violent behavior, most clearly established is that a higher proportion of young Black males, compared to other race/ethnic groups, are actively involved in dealing cocaine/crack in some inner city poverty areas.As for gender differences, the research evidence indicates that alcohol abuse as a predictor to and a precipitant of violent behavior, is more clearly established for males than for females. Drug abuse, as distinct from alcohol abuse, has been found to predict subsequent violent behavior, for females as well as for males. “Co-morbidity,” the combination of substance use with and psychopathology, appears more likely to predict for females to later violent behavior. Psychopathology and mental health problems are less likely to predict occurrence of either violent or criminal behavior in the future than are either alcohol abuse or drug abuse.  相似文献   

The Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank was administered to fifty out-patients at a rehabilitation center for narcotic addicts. There were twenty male heroin users, twenty male pill users, and ten female heroin users. Interscorer, intrascorer, and split-half reliabilities were all high. It was found that a cutting score of adjustment of 135 correctly identified 80 per cent of the male heroin users, 90 per cent of the male pill users, and 100 per cent of the female heroin users.  相似文献   

The discontinuities of development in the male psyche that are manifested in some analyses in unconscious experiences of inner disintegration are described. Narcissism and a de-somatized relationship to their own presence are the dominant clinical presentation in these patients. The analyst sometimes experiences these analyses as 'dead', as a result of the projection of a 'dead mother' object. The question of how psychic deadness and impotence can be worked with is examined. Clinical experience with these men shows how notions associated with the puer-senex archetype can illuminate the stark realities of a patient's early experiences, particularly in how mother's presence is felt. A theoretical and clinical bridge is proposed between puer and narcissus to frame how a man may unconsciously strive against psychic fragmentation by clinging to an identification with both--in order to remain intact in the face of being caught in a pre-pubescent state which reflects the insecure attachment to mother. The author describes how patients may find a more grounded embrace of reality via the use of the analyst's empathy and a greater potency through work in the transference/countertransference. These strengthening achievements help men to begin to leave the 'dead mother' behind.  相似文献   

The reliability of the Finger Tapping Test was investigated in two studies. In the test-retest condition 30 male and 30 female college students were tested twice by the same examiner. In the inter-examiner condition 30 male and 30 female college students were tested once by each of two examiners. Reliability coefficients for the dominant and nondominant hands were high in both studies (about .8), as contrasted with that of the ratio score (about .5), casting doubt on the use of the ratio score to lateralize impairment. Significant sex differences (males about 3 taps faster) were found, calling into question the use of single test interpretation schemes. Slight inter-examiner differences in mean scores were also detected.  相似文献   

已有研究表明,与个体主义文化相比,集体主义文化易引发整体加工方式。但是,文化不仅可以按照东西方文化划分为个体主义和集体主义,还可以依据个体的文化经验划分为多元文化和单一文化。那么,与单一文化经验相比,多元文化经验,尤其是最常见的双文化经验是否也有利于整体加工方式呢?在两个实验中,我们将被试分为两组,让其中一组被试暴露在双文化情境下,另外一组被试暴露在单一文化情境下。然后让这两组被试要么寻找两段视频间的相似点或者差异点(实验1),要么回忆与老年人刻板印象一致或不一致的信息(实验2)。结果发现,与暴露在单一文化情境下相比,暴露在双文化情境下的被试倾向于寻找事物间的相似点(实验1),并且不易形成刻板印象(实验2)。这表明,双文化经验有利于整体加工方式。  相似文献   

This study used the following guiding question: Is gender associated with variations in perceptions of supervisory style and the frequency with which spiritual issues are addressed in supervision? Results suggest that spirituality is perceived relevant to numerous aspects of supervision. For example, findings indicate that a relationship exists between two characteristics of supervisory style and the frequency with which spirituality is addressed in supervision. Results also intimate that male therapists viewed male supervisors as addressing spirituality more frequently than female supervisors, and female therapists viewed female supervisors as addressing spirituality more frequently than male supervisors. Overall, these findings highlight the significance of spirituality within the context of supervision and underscore the critical need for attention to gender in the study of spirituality within clinical settings.  相似文献   

The intention in this paper is to study what we mean when we say that play is a mediator of an inner psychic world. The internal scene becomes furnished with your own impressions from the external world. The passions and the experiences from within have no forms of their own and will use the forms in time and space in external reality. An inner object world will be created, and thus far it is the same process as it is for the creation of the dream image and its furniture. In play, there is a circular movement: the furnishings from the inner world intrude into external reality; the external form and the form of the inner object create a double exposure. We look at the object in the room with a binocular view. The experience from psychoanalysis with three children is presented to give different perspectives on the internal movements inherent in play and playing.  相似文献   

This investigation provided a test of the gender‐as‐culture, or ‘two cultures’, hypothesis proposed by Maltz and Borker (1982) to explain male/female differences in language use. Analysis of previous empirical investigations located 16 language features that had consistently been shown to indicate communicator gender and these were tested within the framework of the four dimensions of intercultural style proposed by Gudykunst and Ting‐Toomey (1998): direct versus indirect, succinct versus elaborate, personal versus contextual and instrumental versus affective. Study 1 provided preliminary evidence supporting the hypothesized language‐feature‐by‐dimension relationships (e.g., male directives were rated more direct and female uncertainty verbs more indirect). In Study 2, respondents rated multiple exemplars of the 16 language features, as well as 16 contrasting foil sentences, on all four dimensions, finding that nearly all of the variables fell on the hypothesized intercultural dimensions. In Study 3, respondents rated four sets of naturally occurring target sentences and matching foil sentences, representing all language variables, on their appropriate intercultural dimensions in order to establish dimensional polarity. Results across the three studies supported the hypothesized language feature‐by‐stylistic dimension relationship for 15 of the 16 variables: The 6 male language features were rated as more direct, succinct, personal, and instrumental, whereas 9 of the 10 female features were perceived as more indirect, elaborate, and affective. The findings demonstrate that gender preferences for language use function in ways that are consistent with stylistic preferences that distinguish national cultures.  相似文献   

This essay attempts to examine the difficult question of sex scandals both in public school settings and in the academy. It raises issues over the way authority in the classroom is unequally exercised by both male and female teachers in terms of power and seduction. However, the Law remains explicit when it comes to judging who is at fault within a-student relationship that collapses into the bedroom. The ethics that surround such sexual affairs is raised through the psychoanalytic and philosophical writings of Jacques Lacan. The essay ends by offering a surprised perspective over the question whether an ethics of diabolical evil is possible, given that such affairs are differentiated as post-Oedipal relationships where age differentiations have become blurred.  相似文献   

This essay attempts to examine the difficult question of sex scandals both in public school settings and in the academy. It raises issues over the way authority in the classroom is unequally exercised by both male and female teachers in terms of power and seduction. However, the Law remains explicit when it comes to judging who is at fault within a-student relationship that collapses into the bedroom. The ethics that surround such sexual affairs is raised through the psychoanalytic and philosophical writings of Jacques Lacan. The essay ends by offering a surprised perspective over the question whether an ethics of diabolical evil is possible, given that such affairs are differentiated as post-Oedipal relationships where age differentiations have become blurred.  相似文献   

Ås, A. Non-hypnotic experiences related to hypnotizability in male and female college students. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1962, 3 , 112–131.—Some recent research on the relation between subjective experiences and hypnotic susceptibility is reviewed. In a male sample of 50 subjects significant correlations between scores on the Experience Inventory and hypnotizability were found. A cross-validation of composite experience scores on this sample and a female sample studied earlier gave positive results. Based on several sources of data a preliminary analysis is made of the similarities and differences between male and female students regarding experiences related to hypnotizability.  相似文献   

The present study as aimed at exploring peer victimization (teasing) experiences, interpersonal sensitivity, self-schemas and psychological distress in youth. The sample consisted of 231 male and female participants who met specified criteria. Participants completed The Teasing Questionnaire-Revised, Teasing Checklist, Interpersonal Sensitivity Measure, General Health Questionnaire- 28 and Self- Schema Questionnaire. In addition, an open ended question was included to obtain data on teasing experiences. The results showed that the appearance related teasing was reported to be the highest, with more females than males reporting teasing experiences on this domain. Teasing experiences in the domains of performance, social behavior, family and appearance were positively related to psychological distress. Interpersonal sensitivity and self-schema were positively correlated with distress and there was a significant difference between distressed and non-distressed participants on these measures. On IPSM, the need for approval was higher in females whereas fragile inner self was higher in males. Self-efficacy on Self Schema Questionnaire (SSQ), Separation Anxiety (IPSM), Social behavior (TQ) and Teasing Checklist were found to be significant predictors of psychological distress, accounting for 29 % of the variation in psychological distress. Teasing experiences is a significant predisposing factor for psychological distress. Our findings have important clinical implications in understanding early teasing experiences in the development of psychological and emotional disorders.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of Christmas within many cultures, researchhas not examined the types of experiences and activities that are associated withholiday well-being. Thus, we asked 117 individuals, ranging in age from 18 to 80,to answer questions about their satisfaction, stress, and emotional state during theChristmas season, as well as questions about their experiences, use of money, andconsumption behaviors. More happiness was reported when family and religiousexperiences were especially salient, and lower well-being occurred when spendingmoney and receiving gifts predominated. Engaging in environmentally consciousconsumption practices also predicted a happier holiday, as did being older and male.In sum, the materialistic aspects of modern Christmas celebrations may underminewell-being, while family and spiritual activities may help people to feel more satisfied.  相似文献   

Dichotomous models of gender have been criticized for failing to represent the experiences of individuals who claim neither an unambiguously female nor male identity. In this paper we argue that the feminist theoretical framework of intersectionality provides a generative approach for interpreting these experiences of gender multiplicity. We review our previous research on four young sexual-minority (i.e., nonheterosexual) women who are participants in a 10-year longitudinal study of sexual identity development, applying the framework of intersectionality to understand their exploration of transgendered experience and identification. Our analysis highlights the value of intersectionality as a framework for understanding not only multiplicity across identity constructs (e.g.., race, gender, etc.) but also within identity constructs (i.e., female and male).  相似文献   

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