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人是科技活动的主体,人的心理因素也必然渗透在科技发展的过程中。人作为社会的人,其心理因素在科技发展中有着重大影响。探讨社会心理因素在科技发展中的作用,这是一个带有综合性,边缘性特点的研究课题,需要由心理学、科学学和自然辩证法等理论工作者进行协同研研。本文从自然辩证法的角度,个体心理因素、团体心理因素和环境心理因素,试作一个粗浅的阐述。一、个体心理因素对科技发展的影响个体心理虽然属于个人的心理,但它具有深刻的社会性,在社会环境中形成,受社会因素的支  相似文献   

男性不育症是一种多方面因素共同作用的综合征,在临床治疗中如果只考虑其中的一方面因素是不全面的.治标不治本。因此必须多加考虑其他影响因素,其中的社会心理因素尤为重要。针对不育症的社会心理因素加以阐述。  相似文献   

男性不育症是一种多方面因素共同作用的综合征,在临床治疗中如果只考虑其中的一方面因素是不全面的,治标不治本.因此必须多加考虑其他影响因素,其中的社会心理因素尤为重要.针对不育症的社会心理因素加以阐述.  相似文献   

研究表明,安全事故的大部分原因是人的不安全行为导致的,影响矿山安全问题的心理因素主要是通过人的不安全行为机制发生作用;通过对已有矿山安全生产的心理因素的研究,得出矿山安全问题的心理因素的研究理论基础主要有事故致因理论、安全心理学原理和胜任力特征模型等;影响矿山安全问题的心理因素可以分为个体心理因素和社会心理因素两方面;矿山安全问题的心理因素的预防应着力于从入职前的员工选拔配置,在职中的心理健康教育和安全心理干预,以及企业安全文化的塑造。  相似文献   

社会及心理因素对胰岛素应用的影响新疆石河子医学院第一附属医院内科(832008)常向云目前,国际上推崇生物、心理、社会整体论和多因素综合观点解释糖尿病,并提出糖尿病是一种心身疾病。本文主要从社会心理因素对胰岛素应用的影响加以论述。第一,从糖尿病患者来...  相似文献   

改革开放以来,邪教之所以在中国大陆作乱,其社会心理因素是多元的,本文认为主要是社会人群的信仰迷惘与缺失;社会变革中人们心理压力加大;社会消极腐败现象滋生蔓延和贫富两极分化的现象愈演愈烈造成的社会人群的不公平感飚升;神灵信仰泛起;邪教对人们求生避死、希异灵魂永生愿望的利用;人们之间的正常情感交流和情感慰藉减少导致的情感饥渴;社会人群潜意识的欲望和冲动等所致。文章认为弄清邪教作乱的社会心理因素是建立邪教治理的长效机制和帮助特殊群体防范抵御邪教侵害的前提和基础。  相似文献   

心身疾病是指心理因素在病因和病程演变中起主导或重要作用的具有躯体症状的疾病。它们多数受丘脑和下丘脑影响,与植物神经系统和内分泌系统功能密切有关。心身疾病和躯体疾病均有明确的躯体症状和受累器官。两者的区别在于前者在发生、发展过程中心理因素起着重要作用。心身疾病和神经官能症虽然均以心理因素为诱因,但后者仅表现为功能障碍。精神因素对疾病的影响是医学界长期以来研讨的重要课题。为了了解心身疾病在综合性医院门诊中的比例、心身疾病的性别、年龄等分布情况以及社会心理因素与心身疾病的关系。我们对中山医院和华山医院有关科门诊的心身疾病作了一次调查,现报告如下。  相似文献   

老年糖尿病社会心理问题分析大连市友谊医院(116001)张帆,李洁糖尿病是老年人的一个重要的健康问题,大量调查表明老年人糖尿病患病率高,约3倍于总人口中的患病率,常不能及时诊治,预后严重。研究发现糖尿病社会心理因素作用的证据有:人格因素、社会心理因素...  相似文献   

在社会人际交往中,总是伴随着种种心理因素,其中有些人对人际交往是起积极促进作用的,如对自我和他人的正确认知、开朗乐观的性格、宽容大度的胸怀等;有些人对人际交往是起阻碍作用的,如羞怯、猜测、孤独心理等。了解阻碍人际交往的心理因素产生的原因,并自觉消除这些心理障碍,才能有效地进行人际交往。  相似文献   

合作学习过程中的社会心理因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余明 《社会心理科学》2005,20(2):25-27,80
合作学习是一种充分运用学生之间的社会互动来完成学习任务的教学策略,尽管推崇它的原因的许多方面与它能提高学生的自我效能感、学习动机、改善同伴关系有关,但更重要的还在于它对提高学生的高级思维能力存在积极影响。许多研究发现,合作学习的成功运用与社会心理因素的适度把握密切相关。本文就从影响合作学习的认知效果的几个社会心理因素出发,探讨它们在合作学习过程中对知识构建的影响方式以及正确运用的建议。  相似文献   

Psycho-social and biological theories of suicide are sometimes presented in a dichotomous manner. It is hypothesised that there is a base rate of suicide in all communities which is influenced not only by biological factors, but also by psycho-social factors. However, various countries or specific groups or regions within a country whose suicide rate diverges significantly from this base rate do so predominantly because of psycho-social factors. This theory has practical implications in terms of where certain countries or regions should focus their suicide prevention programmes.  相似文献   

The present study sought to empirically identify what factors are important for international assignee perceived success along with their relative importance. Subjects were 338 international assignees from diverse countries (nationality) and organizations, assigned to diverse countries, and performing diverse jobs. Five factors were identified and in a descending order of importance, these were Family Situation, Flexibility/Adaptability, Job Knowledge and Motivation, Relational Skills, and Extra-Cultural Openness. Although importance ratings were not influenced by job type (managerial/nonmanagerial status), they were influenced by organizational type. In general, the pattern of importance ratings for service organization international assignees was different from those of international assignees from other organizational types. Furthermore, service organization international assignees ascribed more importance to relational and psycho-social factors. The perceived relative importance of psycho-social factors reported by the study's participants tends to suggest that more attention should be paid to these factors in the selection and training of international assignees.  相似文献   

This article describes a special program wherein infant mental health specialists participate in hospital rounds with pediatric residents. The purpose of the program is described in terms of medical awareness of psycho-social needs of the family and improved clinical services. Examples are given of the way in which “rounding” contributes to the meeting of infants' and families' medical and psychological needs. Note is made of the multilevel impact of this collaboration.  相似文献   

病历是医疗活动的原始记录或历史记载,是最准确,可信的记录。在现代医院管理中,病历作为医疗活动信息的主要载体,不仅是医疗、教学、科研的第一手资料,而且也是综合评价医院医疗质量、技术水平、管理水平的依据。即病历质量好坏体现医生的学术和品德,体现医院的管理水平和医疗质量。病志书写的水平,是一位医生理论基础、技术水平、临床经验、表达能力、逻辑思维的综合检验。然而现在有些病历,特别是大医院的病历质量不高的原因是工作太忙,病人太多。下级医师对疾病特点了解不够,概念不清楚。上级医师要养成习惯把您心里想的思路说出来,以提问的方式讲更好,这样对下级医生的印象会更深,同时也可以掌握他们是否理解正确了,督促下级医生平时的学习,始终要抓"三基三严",强调临床基本功。本文把内科病历书写中的常见问题一一列出,并具体指导如何改进。  相似文献   

Self-harm is a complex phenomena that occurs in many different settings. Multi-factorial explanations predominate in the literature and accounts of treatment reflect this diversity, ranging through psychobiological and psycho-social theories. This study aims to identify, describe and interpret some of the accounts and understandings of self-harm from a cross section of the general population and then relate this to clinical practice. Q Methodology is used to explore various competing viewpoints of lay people in understanding and treating people who self-harm. Eight different accounts were produced from the Explanation Q-sort. All but the Biological account described self-harm as a coping strategy, utilized in response to feelings of helplessness following social interaction and were therefore psycho-social in nature. There were four treatment/policy viewpoints that were all psycho-social in nature. These were influenced by humanistic and cognitive types of therapy and were united by the importance of empathy, positive regard and empowerment. These viewpoints are fully explored in this study. Common themes and factors connecting the explanations and treatment Q-sorts are discussed. These findings are then discussed in terms of their implications to current working practice and further initiatives and research projects.  相似文献   

This arts-based case study is a critical reflection on how performance art can be used as psycho-social commentary. It is an attempt to amplify arts-based inquiry using critical understandings of diverse and inclusive meaning making in expressive arts praxis and psychology. It examines the use of performance art in the expressive arts to understand psycho-social proximity to and complicity in dehumanization and structural racism. This arts-based research exists in the intersections of culture, race, the arts, and social commentary with the goals of learning how it facilitates awareness of psycho-social justice and how current uncritical expressive arts and psychology praxis and practitioners can perpetuate structural racism and racial trauma. It asserts performance art can be utilized as a catalyst for psycho-social transformation in creative ways.  相似文献   

This article reviews several assessment factors useful identifying the presence of a possible medical illness or neurodevelopmental disorder contributing to a client's adjustment problems. Use of behavioral observations, record reviews, brief neuro-behavioral screening tests, and the taking of a history are outlined that can assist in raising the index of suspicion for organic influence. Also addressed are issues pertaining to referral for medical and specialty assessments, including neuropsychological evaluation.  相似文献   

This paper explores the major problems involved in the ethical and adequate use of behavior modification procedures in social settings. Problems are presented in the form of controversial issues which the concerned behavior change agent should be aware of at each step of a behavior change program: selection of the target child, data collection and record keeping, implementation of a behavior change program, personnel qualifications. Suggested guidelines for addressing the problems are provided.  相似文献   

常人疾病观是普通人对于某一疾病的认知、解释和态度的集合。与专业医务人员相比, 普通人更关注心理、家庭和社会因素而非生物学因素的致病作用, 就医选择多元而并不遵循标准化的就医模式, 同时更愿意将疾病体验视为个人生活的特殊问题加以建构性理解。常人疾病观与科学医学观之间的不一致性可能降低患者的就医满意、对医信任和医嘱依从性, 从而影响治疗效果。立足中国社会的医学文化与医疗制度, 研究中国人的常人疾病观, 并探讨其对医患关系的影响作用与社会心理机制, 可为改善当下中国医患关系紧张现状提供有益建议。  相似文献   

The medical record, as a managerial, historic, and legal document, serves many purposes. Although its form may be well established and many of the cases documented in it ‘routine’ in medical experience, what is written in the medical record nevertheless records decisions and actions of individuals. Viewed as an interpretive ‘text’, it can itself become the object of interpretation. This essay applies literary theory and methodology to the structure, content, and writing style(s) of an actual medical record for the purpose of exploring the relationship between the forms and language of medical discourse and the daily decisions surrounding medical treatment. The medical record is shown to document not only the absence of a consistent treatment plan for the patient studied but also a breakdown in communication between different health professionals caring for that patient. The paper raises questions about the kind of education being given to house staff in this instance. The essay concludes with a consideration of how such situations might be more generally avoided.  相似文献   

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