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中医的"证"与人体"状态"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来在证的研究中 ,像“机体反应状态”、“机体宏观状态”、“整体功能态”、“异常机能状态”、“综合性的功能态”、“应变态势”等等一些类似的语词常被用来说明证的内涵。这些来自不同角度的称谓之间虽然有些细微差异 ,但大都认为证是人体的一种异常状态。甚至有人干脆说中医学就是状态医学[1] 。那么什么是状态 ?证为什么能够称作状态 ?把证看成状态又有什么意义呢 ?对这些问题目前尚缺乏一个通盘的论证。1 状态是什么状态作为一个哲学范畴具有相当老的资格 ,在亚里士多德的“十范畴表”中它就占了一席 ,他指出 :“状态则是一种很…  相似文献   

证候实质研究中弱特异性的正面观   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
证候实质研究中弱特异性的正面观中国中医研究院(北京100700)陈小野一、证侯实质研究的弱特异性特点及其反面观证候实质研究是中医理论现代化研究的主要领域,近年来,这一工作有停滞趋势,其原因就在于证候实质研究中存在着特异性弱这一难以逾越的“障碍”。特异...  相似文献   

中医证实质研究存在的问题对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

中医药研究的"复杂性"辨析--兼谈证候研究的思路   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
要讨论中医药研究与复杂性科学的关系必须首先对中医药研究的复杂状况予以澄清. 1应当正确理解复杂性问题与复杂科学 所谓复杂科学是国外20世纪80年代提出的研究复杂性和复杂系统的科学.复杂科学包括控制论、信息论、系统论(简称"老三论")和耗散结构论、突变论、协同论(简称"新三论")这些中医界听来并不陌生的理论,以及相变论、混沌论、超循环论等其他新的科学理论.  相似文献   

应用伦理学不是已有伦理学理论在现实生活中的简单应用 ,而是在经济市场化、政治民主化和科技信息化的社会中产生和发展起来的一组新兴交叉学科群。应用伦理学运用描述、分析和规范的方法 ,试图面向问题、决策和行动 ,从微观个人、中观组织、宏观体制与超宏观全球四个角度系统研究社会生活各领域的伦理道德问题。应用伦理学既涵盖了传统的描述伦理学、元伦理学和规范伦理学 ,又和其他学科发生了直接的关联。对于很多应用伦理问题而言 ,不存在惟一正确的解决方案 ,对它们的把握和解决需要新思维、新综合和新创造。  相似文献   

中医证的实质研究值得认真反思   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
中医证的实质研究值得认真反思解放军302医院(北京100039)刘士敬北京市隆福医院朱倩关于中医证的实质的科学研究工作已经进行了多年,其实用性成果的确少见,其实质并没有得到现代科学的证实和揭示。但是,辨证施治仍然象一把锋利的利剑,不断突破着一道道医学...  相似文献   

对“证”概念的重新认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

倪梁康 《世界哲学》2005,(5):97-98,106
赵汀阳的文章,读后往往会产生一种想要反驳的冲动.至少在我这里已经发生了两次.前次曾因他的一篇文章②,使我没能忍得住把那封给他的回信放过夜.这次也相差无几.我想可能是因为他所赋予其语言的力度所致.--这里只说"语言的力度"."思想的力度"允后再议.  相似文献   

论误诊的性质及责任解放军第266医院(承德067000)刘振华随着诊断研究的不断深入,误诊的法律及责任问题已成了人们关注的热点。作者认为,在探讨误诊的法律及责任问题时,首先应对误诊的性质、误诊与错误有无区别等问题,进行认真的讨论,否则,误诊的法律及责...  相似文献   

中医证本质研究的方法学探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从方法学的角度,认为证本质研究首先应从证名与证候的规范化入手,把模糊数学作为数学化的工具,结合现代科学技术展开跨学科研究,将此三者有机结合起来,使该研究得到顺利地开展,证的本质可望予以客观的揭示。  相似文献   

Bartter综合征(BS)是一种内分泌与肾脏功能紊乱的遗传代谢性疾病,分子遗传学表明为离子通道基因突变所致,各年龄段均可发病,主要见于儿童时期,临床罕见。因为许多临床医师对本痛缺乏认识而易延误诊治。若能及时治疗,可较好地控制病情,改善患儿生活质量,减少后遗症的发生率和病死率。近年来,BS的发病率有逐渐上升趋势。因此,本文对BS的发病机制、临床表现、诊断与治疗的研究现状做一总结,旨在提高临床医师对本病的认识,争取做到早诊断早治疗,改善患儿预后。  相似文献   


Using 4 samples of adolescents from 3 nations (Australia, Sweden, and the United States), the authors explored whether the gendered nature of the family socialization environment affected young people's level of group-based social egalitarianism. It was hypothesized that the greater the father's influence in the family, the greater the children's level of group-based social anti-egalitarianism. The results were consistent with the authors' expectations. Children from father-headed households had the highest level of group-based social anti-egalitarianism; children from mother-headed households had the lowest level of group-based anti-egalitarianism; and children from dual-parent households were in between. Similarly, children from homes in which the father had the greatest decision-making power tended to exhibit the highest levels of anti-egalitarianism, whereas children from homes in which the mother had the greatest decision-making power displayed the lowest levels of social anti-egalitarianism. Family structure did not interact with either the nationality or gender of the child.  相似文献   

The broader autism phenotype (BAP) is a subclinical behavioral phenotype that is qualitatively similar to autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Research on the BAP has used different conceptualizations of this construct. To more closely approximate the nature of the BAP, the current study utilized traditional construct validation methods to identify the BAP structure and characterize its nomological net in undergraduates. A conjoint exploratory factor analysis of the scales from three self-report measures of the construct was used to derive three robust BAP dimensions reflecting pragmatic language difficulties, aloofness, and rigidity. These dimensions were then correlated with theoretically-relevant personality, psychopathology, and interest variables in order to evaluate the criterion validity of the BAP. Correlations were generally consistent with our predictions and showed strongest relations between BAP dimensions and poor communication skills, impaired social functioning, and behavioral and cognitive rigidity. This research represents a first step in the identification and utilization of a common conceptualization of the BAP.  相似文献   

戴震的人性学说是其义理之学的重要组成部分,是建构在其坚实的“血气心知”基础之上的。戴震论“性“,已不单纯局限于“性”之自身,而是具有超越“性”自身的人类学或伦理学的含义。本文将从人性的生成阶段、人性的自然结构和社会结构等方面对戴震的人性结构模式学说做一番梳理。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Two world trends are powerfully reshaping human existence: the degradation, if not destruction, of large parts of the natural world, and unprecedented technological development. At the nexus of these two trends lies technological nature—technologies that in various ways mediate, augment, or simulate the natural world. Current examples of technological nature include videos and live webcams of nature, robot animals, and immersive virtual environments. Does it matter for the physical and psychological well-being of the human species that actual nature is being replaced with technological nature? As the basis for our provisional answer (it is "yes"), we draw on evolutionary and cross-cultural developmental accounts of the human relation with nature and some recent psychological research on the effects of technological nature. Finally, we discuss the issue—and area for future research—of "environmental generational amnesia." The concern is that, by adapting gradually to the loss of actual nature and to the increase of technological nature, humans will lower the baseline across generations for what counts as a full measure of the human experience and of human flourishing.  相似文献   

近年来 ,随着免疫学和放射性核素诊断学的进展 ,研究人员已对多发性内分泌自身免疫综合征(autoimmunepolyglandullarsyndrome ,APS)进行了发病机理和分型的深入研究。APS是指病理性自身免疫反应引起 2个以上内分泌腺疾病组合的症候群 ,临床上主要分为 3型 ,其中IDDM (胰岛素依赖型糖尿病 )最易与其他自身免疫性疾病相伴 ,也最受免疫学家们的关注。对IDDM与其他相伴的自身免疫性疾病的临床及基因相关联的研究 ,充满了科学思维的过程 ,极大的促进了IDDM及其他自身免疫性疾病的发病机制的认…  相似文献   

The seven articles in this Special Section of the Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment underscore the point that, at least in the psychopathy domain, parsimony is frequently an inaccurate scientific heuristic. These articles highlight the multidimensionality of youth psychopathy, suggesting that (a) the full constellation of psychopathy tends to outperform callous-unemotional traits alone in statistically predicting external criteria, (b) psychopathy subdimensions often interact statistically in predicting such criteria, and (c) psychopathy subdimensions often bear markedly different external correlates, including criminal offending, trait anxiety, and emotion processing. I offer five recommendations for future research on psychopathy and argue that that a full comprehension of this condition will require a better understanding of its subdimensions, and their interrelations, placement within the general personality domain, physiological correlates, and genetic and environmental underpinnings.  相似文献   

人格发展中遗传与教养关系研究的进展与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈靖 《心理科学》2004,27(1):250-252
遗传与教养争论,一直是发展心理学领域的热点问题之一。本文首先从理论视角上对它进行了探讨,既而陈述了近二十年来发展心理学和行为基因学在人格发展的遗传教养互动方面的研究方法和结果,并讨论了未来可能的研究应用,以及应考虑的问题。  相似文献   

尽管成年期个体的执行功能结构被认为是可分离的,然而,学龄前儿童的抑制和工作记忆的可否分离还存在争议。本文使用验证性因子分析研究181名三岁儿童执行功能的主要成分抑制和工作记忆的可分离性。抑制测查采用包礼物任务、糖果延迟任务和昼夜Stroop任务,工作记忆测查采用找贴画任务、Beads任务和数点数任务。通过探索性和验证性因素分析显示:3岁幼儿的测验任务数据更为拟合抑制和工作记忆两因素结构模型, 这说明三岁幼儿的抑制和工作记忆是独立发挥作用的,抑制和工作记忆功能早在学龄前期就已分离, 并且通过测量恒等性检验发现无性别差异。  相似文献   

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