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The hypothesis that strengthening or fatiguing procedures applied on active muscles can affect the symmetry of rapid, discrete movements was tested. Subjects (N = 12) performed rapid, consecutive elbow flexions and extensions between 2 targets before and after (a) applying a strength training program, (b) fatiguing elbow flexors, and (c) fatiguing elbow extensors. The results demonstrated that an increase in strength of elbow extensors caused by applied strength training is associated with an increase in the symmetry ratio (i.e., acceleration time divided by deceleration time) of elbow flexion movements. The symmetry ratio also increased and decreased in movements when agonists and antagonists were fatigued, respectively. Because the strength training and fatiguing procedures are both known to affect muscle force, the data are interpreted as changes in muscles' ability to exert the force while acting as agonists or antagonists. Namely, muscles need equal impulses of force (torque multiplied by time) to accelerate and, thereafter, to decelerate the limb while performing a rapid, discrete movement. The symmetry ratio may therefore be changed so that more time will be provided for muscles that become relatively weaker (compared with their antagonists) because a strengthening or fatiguing procedure has been applied, whereas a shorter time period should be sufficient for action of their stronger antagonists. Although, in the literature, the studied phenomenon has been discussed as a predominantly motor control phenomenon, the present data suggest that the movement symmetry could also be related to agonists' and antagonists' ability to exert force, particularly while performing rapid, discrete movements.  相似文献   

We studied variability in movement phase plane trajectories (velocity-position relation) during movement. Human subjects performed 10 degrees and 30 degrees elbow flexion and extension movements in a visual step tracking paradigm. The area of ellipses with radii equal to one standard deviation in position and velocity was taken as a measure of trajectory variability. Trajectory variability was determined at 10-ms intervals throughout movements. Trajectory variability in both the acceleration and deceleration phases of movement decreased with practice. The average trajectory variability during deceleration was greater than that during acceleration even after extended practice (1000 trials). During practice, subjects usually increased movement speed while maintaining end-position accuracy. Trajectory variability was also related to movement speed when equal amounts of practice were given. Short duration (fast) movements had greater trajectory variability than long duration movements. Thus there is a tradeoff between movement speed and trajectory variability similar to the classical speed-accuracy tradeoff. Trajectory variability increased rapidly during the acceleratory phase of movement. The rate of increase was positively related to both movement amplitude and speed. Thus, the forces producing limb acceleration were variable and this variability was more marked in faster and larger movements. In contrast, trajectory variability increased more slowly or actually decreased during the deceleratory phase of movements. Forces involved in limb deceleration thus appeared to compensate to a greater or lesser degree for the variability in accelerative forces. The experiments indicate that the entire trajectory of simple limb movements is controlled by the central nervous system. Variations in accelerative forces may be compensated for by associated variations in decelerative forces. The linkage between accelerative and decelerative forces is progressively refined with practice resulting in decreased variability of the movement trajectory.  相似文献   

Freeman TC  Sumnall JH 《Perception》2002,31(5):603-615
Abstract. Observers can recover motion with respect to the head during an eye movement by comparing signals encoding retinal motion and the velocity of pursuit. Evidently there is a mismatch between these signals because perceived head-centred motion is not always veridical. One example is the Filehne illusion, in which a stationary object appears to move in the opposite direction to pursuit. Like the motion aftereffect, the phenomenal experience of the Filehne illusion is one in which the stimulus moves but does not seem to go anywhere. This raises problems when measuring the illusion by motion nulling because the more traditional technique confounds perceived motion with changes in perceived position. We devised a new nulling technique using global-motion stimuli that degraded familiar position cues but preserved cues to motion. Stimuli consisted of random-dot patterns comprising signal and noise dots that moved at the same retinal 'base' speed. Noise moved in random directions. In an eye-stationary speed-matching experiment we found noise slowed perceived retinal speed as 'coherence strength' (ie percentage of signal) was reduced. The effect occurred over the two-octave range of base speeds studied and well above direction threshold. When the same stimuli were combined with pursuit, observers were able to null the Filehne illusion by adjusting coherence. A power law relating coherence to retinal base speed fit the data well with a negative exponent. Eye-movement recordings showed that pursuit was quite accurate. We then tested the hypothesis that the stimuli found at the null-points appeared to move at the same retinal speed. Two observers supported the hypothesis, a third partially, and a fourth showed a small linear trend. In addition, the retinal speed found by the traditional Filehne technique was similar to the matches obtained with the global-motion stimuli. The results provide support for the idea that speed is the critical cue in head-centred motion perception.  相似文献   

Identification and discrimination of synthesized syllable-initial and syllable-final nasal consonants (/mæ-næ-ηæ/ and æm-æn-æη) by adult American subjects were assessed to determine (1) whether place-of-articulation contrasts in nasals, cued only by second and third formant transition variations, were perceived categorically, and (2) if linguistic experience affected_ the perception of this acoustic dimension. In two experiments, subjects produced consistent identification functions with sharp boundaries between familiar phoneme categories. Corresponding discrimination functions showed “peaks” of relatively accurate perception for cross-category comparison pairs, indicating categorical perception. Identification consistency and discrimination accuracy were inferior for the/n/-/η/ contrast in the unfamiliar (and phonologically inappropriate) syllable-initial condition compared to the familiar syllable-final condition. No such difference was found in identification and discrimination of the acoustically comparable oral stop consonant contrast/d/-/g/in syllable-initial and syllable-final position. These results provide evidence that perception of linguistically relevant acoustic dimensions by adults is constrained, at least in part, by their familiarity with those acoustic (and phonetic) contrasts in specific phonological contexts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to provide information about the state of psychotherapy in Argentina, as well as to study some variables involved in psychologists' evaluation of psychotherapy. A survey of 14 items was elaborated ad-hoc for this purpose, and administered to 226 psychologists from all over the country by mail and, in some cases, personally. Results suggest that the predisposition to apply techniques from different frameworks is associated with the amount of experience and with the perception of a bias concerning other theoretical focuses, although it is not related to the evaluation of the state of psychotherapy. On the other hand, in the view of psychologists, personal aspects of the therapeutic relationship are believed to be the most important factor in patients' change and effective progress.  相似文献   

The judged final position of a moving stimulus has been suggested to be shifted in the direction of motion because of mental extrapolation (representational momentum). However, a perceptual explanation is possible: The eyes overshoot the final position of the target, and because of a foveal bias, the judged position is shifted in the direction of motion. To test this hypothesis, the authors replicated previous studies, but instead of having participants indicate where the target vanished, the authors probed participants' perceptual focus by presenting probe stimuli close to the vanishing point. Identification of probes in the direction of target motion was more accurate immediately after target offset than it was with a delay. Another experiment demonstrated that judgments of the final position of a moving target are affected by whether the eyes maintain fixation or follow the target. The results are more consistent with a perceptual explanation than with a memory account.  相似文献   

Observers tend to localize the final position of a suddenly vanished moving target farther along in the direction of the target motion (representational momentum). We report here that such localization errors are mediated by perceived motion rather than by retinal motion. By manipulating the cast shadow of a moving target, we induced illusory motion to a target stimulus while keeping the retinal motion constant. Participants indicated the vanishing point of the target by directing a mouse cursor. The resulting magnitude of localization errors was modulated on the basis of the induced direction of the target. Such systematic localization biases were not obtained in a control condition in which the motion paths of the ball and shadow were switched. Our results suggest that cues to object motion trajectory, such as cast shadows, are used for the localization task, supporting a view that a predictive mechanism is responsible for the production of localization errors.  相似文献   

94 adult dental patients' anxiety was assessed. Scores on Spielberger, et al.'s inventory showed attractiveness of the waiting room, age, and Edwards' Harmavoidance were significantly related to anxiety.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship between movement velocity and distance and the associated muscle activation patterns in 18 individuals with focal hand dystonia (FHD) compared with a control group of 18 individuals with no known neuromuscular condition. Participants performed targeted voluntary wrist and elbow flexion movements as fast as possible across 5 movement distances. Individuals with FHD were slower than controls across all distances, and this difference was accentuated for longer movements. Muscle activation patterns were triphasic in the majority of individuals with FHD, and muscle activation scaled with distance in a similar manner to controls. Cocontraction did not explain movement slowing in individuals with dystonia, but there was a trend toward underactivation of the 1st agonist burst in the dystonic group. The authors concluded that slowness is a consistent feature of voluntary movement in FHD and is present even in the absence of dystonic posturing. Underactivation of the 1st agonist burst appears to be the most likely reason to explain slowing.  相似文献   

Both the autokinetic illusion (AKI) and involuntary eye movements when a fixation point goes off have been attributed to unmonitored drift eye movements which result from constant features of the oculomotor system. Pilot studies confirmed that the visual directions where these effects had no directional bias, the position of random autokinetic movement (PRAKM) and the physiological position of rest (PPR), were highly correlated and reliable. The more precise main experiment showed that they were usually, but not always, stable and identical. Drifts are therefore not totally due to stable features of the oculomotor system but are a compound of several slow responses which can differ with both stimulus conditions and time. They are not all equally unmonitored.  相似文献   

Eye movements were recorded while competent readers of English and Chinese read in their respective languages. There were no important differences in oculometric patterns of fixation pause durations for Chinese and American readers, suggesting that cognitive aspects of reading are more important than perceptual ones in determining eye movement patterns and fixation pauses of competent readers. An analysis of undershoot saccades associated with return of the eyes from the end of one line to the beginning of the next line suggests that these occur more frequently during reading than during the performance of similar eye movements that are more perceptually determined, however, the amount of undershoot does not discriminate between readers of alphabetic and logographic texts.  相似文献   

Visual masking effects on test flash thresholds were measured under real and simulated eye movement conditions to determine whether visual masking is primarily responsible for elevations in threshold that are sometimes associated with saccadic eye movements. Brief luminous flashes presented to the central retina before, during, and after saccades were masked by stimuli presented either pre- or postsaccadically. The amount and time course of masking were quantitatively dependent on stimulus parameters of intensity and temporal separation and were unaffected by eye movement parameters (amplitude, velocity, direction) as long as retinal stimulus conditions were constant. The duration of forward masking was longer than that of backward masking. When retinal conditions during saccades were mimicked while the eyes were held steady, masking interactions were identical to those obtained during real saccades. These results indicate that masking effects during saccades in ordinary environments are determined solely by the stimulus situation at the retina. Putative nonvisual, centrally originating saccadic suppression suggested by other authors is evidently not additive with visually determined masking during saccades.  相似文献   

Goldwater OD  Nutt RL 《Adolescence》1999,34(136):653-664
Little is known about the relationship between teachers' family-of-origin variables, impacting their work attitudes and interpersonal skills, and students' academic outcome. This study investigated whether goodness of fit between teachers' and students' backgrounds is associated with subjective grading and objective achievement at school. One hundred one seventh graders and twenty of their teachers completed the Self-Report Family Inventory. Similarity between teachers' and students' work-culture variables was associated with the subjective grading practices of teachers. The self-report data also revealed effective teacher and successful student profiles.  相似文献   

Previous research on the properties of haptic space has shown systematic deviations from Euclidean parallelity in haptic parallelity tasks. The mainstream explanation for these deviations is that, in order to perform the task, participants generate a spatial representation with a frame of reference that integrates egocentric and allocentric components. Several studies have shown that the amount and type of deviations are affected by the configurations with regard to the arms and the rods to be matched. The present study reports 4 experiments that further address the effects of task configurations and body movements. Experiments 1 and 2 replicate and extend previous results concerning haptic matching task and acoustic pointing tasks. The third experiment includes acoustic cues aligned differentially to the reference and test bars. The fourth experiment concerns a geometrical matching task performed in the rear peripersonal space. Results show that haptic deviations from the Euclidean space are modulated by the available cues and by the body configurations. This indicates the need for further analysis on the role of body, arm and shoulder positions, and movement effects in haptic space perception.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to isolate the effects of retinal locus and string position in tachistoscopic letter recognition. Retinal locus proved to be an important variable even when its range was restricted to less than a degree from the center of the fovea. Performance was maximal at the center of the fovea, dropping off rapidly to about 1.5 deg from the center. From that distance on, the decline in performance was quite gradual. String position was also an important factor. Retinal locus and string position interacted in such a way that the end positions were less affected by retinal locus than the middle positions. It was also found that processing order, as distinct from report order, was a significant component of the string position effect.  相似文献   

The study tested a hypothesis that practice of arm pointing movement can lead to a reorganization of the joint coordination reflected in the emergence of several synergies based on the same set of joints. In particular, involvement of the wrist may represent a choice by the central nervous system and not be driven by the typical “freezing-to-freeing” sequence. The effects of practice on the kinematic patterns and variability of a “fast and accurate” pointing movement using a pointer were studied. An obstacle was placed between the initial position and the target to encourage a curvilinear trajectory and larger wrist involvement. Practice led to a decrease in variability indices accompanied by an increase in movement speed of the endpoint and of the elbow and the shoulder, but not of the wrist joint. Five out of six subjects decreased the peak-to-peak amplitude of wrist motion. Before practice, the variability along the line connecting the endpoint to the shoulder (extent) was similar to that in the direction orthogonal to this line. After practice, variability was reduced along the extent, but not along the orthogonal direction perpendicular to this line. Prior to practice, indices of variability of the endpoint were lower than those of the marker placed over the wrist; after practice, the endpoint showed higher variability indices than the wrist. We interpret the data as consequences of the emergence of two synergies: (a) Pointing with a non-redundant set of the elbow and shoulder joints; and (b) keeping wrist position constant. The former synergy is based on a structural unit involving the elbow and the shoulder, while the latter is based on a structural unit that includes all the major arm joints.  相似文献   

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