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经济立宪是现代宪法发展的重要推动力,对经济制度的规定也是现代宪法发展的重要特征之一,它对和平时期宪法经济功能的发挥起到了重要作用.从我国的立宪与行宪史来看,宪法中的经济制度规范不仅是我国宪法中的重要内容,而且对中国的当代经济制度变迁也起到了很强的推动作用,并呈现出三方面的基本特征,即与中国发展国情相联系的特色性,与中国现代化改革进程相联系的时代性,以及与中国现实发展相适应的恒定性.  相似文献   

本文是在中华民族多元一体格局下,以统一的多民族国家疆域在历史上形成的一个时期为例,讨论历史上各政权并列时期中国疆域问题。  相似文献   

学诚 《中国宗教》2018,(6):22-25
5月31日,全国性宗教团体联席会议在北京举行第五次会议。各全国性宗教团体及中华基督教青年会、女青年会全国协会相关负责人参加会议。大家一致表示,坚决拥护和支持宪法修正案,将结合各宗教和各团体实际,积极组织引导宗教界广泛深入开展尊崇宪法、学习宪法、遵守宪法、维护宪法、运用宪法的宣传教育,进一步增强宗教界人士和广大信教群众的宪法意识,提高法治观念,坚决抵制各种非法宗教活动,不断推进各宗教坚持中国化方向,构建积极健康的宗教关系,为促进经济社会发展做出积极贡献。本期专题刊发会议发言,以飨读者。  相似文献   

监察机关与执法部门之间关系的宪法定位及其具体化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2018年修改后的《宪法》第127条首次增加了不确定的法律概念"执法部门"。《宪法》和《监察法》所确定的"执法部门"是指具有行政执法权和刑事侦查权的机关或者部门。从宪法意图来看,监察机关与执法部门之间具有互相分工、互相配合和互相制约的关系。这种关系体现在决定权和执行权、移送权和查处权、主办权和协助权这三对权力组合之中。在国家监察体制改革之后,监察机关与执法部门之间关系的完善方向是法律化、程序化和组织化。只有这样,才能准确把握监察机关与执法部门之间关系的宪法定位,并使之具体化。  相似文献   

任剑涛 《学海》2014,(2):78-96
中国的现代建国历程,可以概括为从帝制中国向现代中国转变的过程。在这一过程中,静态地展现了帝制中国、民族国家、政党国家与宪政国家四个国家面相。而动态地呈现出从帝制中国向现代国家转变的、三次结构性变迁的复杂过程。其中,民族国家的国家形态昙花一现,政党国家成为国家建构的主流形式。20世纪中国出现了由中国国民党与中国共产党创制的两个政党国家实体。但两个政党国家实体在不同处境中遭遇到难以克服的运作困难。迈向现代民族国家的规范运作形式———宪政国家,是中国国民党建构的政党国家实体既成的政治结局,而中国共产党的政党国家实体也以建构法治国家的形式,走向民族国家的立宪政体。  相似文献   

又是一年的“宗教政策法规学习月”。今年的学习月,新修订的宪法是主题。2018年3月11日,十三届全国人大一次会议表决通过的宪法修正案,把党的十九大确定的重大理沦观点和重大方针政策载入国家根本法,把党和人民在实践中取得的重大理论创新、实践创新、制度创新新成果上升为宪法规定,特别是将习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想写入宪法,体现了全党全国各族人民的共同意志,体现了党和国家事业发展的新成就新经验新要求,体现了中国特色社会主义的政治优势和制度优势。  相似文献   

经济制度入宪肇始于德国的<魏玛宪法>,自此,许多国家的宪法开始出现对社会经济生活进行国家干预的条款.然而,由于对经济制度的宪法属性的忽视和对宪法政治功能的偏好,我国的基本经济制度以宪法规范的形式明确规定"坚持公有制为主体".然而私人财产权利和市场经济体制的发展要求各种所有制经济地位的平等,某种所有制经济能否占"主体"地位应视其是否适应生产力的发展要求,而不应由国家基本法直接规定其在社会经济中的主次地位.本文基于经济制度宪法属性的分析,提出我国基本经济制度的宪法表达模式,以期避免经济制度因不科学的设定而频繁修改,使其能够稳定地指导经济立法和经济改革.  相似文献   

当代巴基斯坦政治动荡的宪法解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧阳景根 《学海》2005,(4):76-80
本文从宪法的角度,解释巴基斯坦自1947年建国后到1977年佐·布托政权下台的前三十年政治动荡的根本原因。在历次的宪法制定过程中,以下三个问题始终未能解决好,从而为政治动荡的爆发埋下了祸根:伊斯兰的地位问题、总统与总理权力分配问题、中央与地方以及地方与地方的关系问题。  相似文献   

我国现行宪法因其对公民权利的广泛设定和对国家政治制度最合理的规定,而成为一部具有高度道德合理性的宪法.但是由于我国宪法当前只具有立法上的指导作用,存在非适用性和非程序性,因而致使其道德性缺失.为了实现和完善我国宪法的道德性,就必须克服宪法的非适用性和非程序性,建立和完善我国的违宪审查制度,并允许将宪法适用于司法判断,使宪法进入司法程序.  相似文献   

我想给大家谈谈中国是一个什么样的国家,希望有助于大家观察中国、研究中国、认识中国。介绍中国是一个很大的课题,我选择中国几个最显著的特点来讲。  相似文献   

Most students of family process and family therapy practitioners have failed to pay sufficient attention to the importance of the physical home environment. The thesis of this paper is that the physical home environment may facilitate or constrain inter- and intrafamily interaction, role relationships, values, and identities. The paper presents a comprehensive review of the status of current knowledge concerning family interaction and the home environment. We propose a conceptual framework to facilitate discussion of the nature of man-environment relationships and focus attention on those aspects of the physical environment that have been noted as profoundly influencing family life. These are illustrated by three brief vignettes drawn from case studies of families in their home environment.  相似文献   

Lori Beaman argues that religious freedom in Canada and the United States is well established in theory (or myth) but limited in practice, privileging Protestantism in particular and varieties of Christianity in general. Focusing on the treatment of other religions in the courts of the two countries, she defends the hypothesis that these legal systems tend to reinforce the hegemony of Christianity, using this as an implicit model of what constitutes a religion, and thereby maintaining the marginalization and restricting the freedom of other religions. The present article sets Beaman's arguments in a wider global context, exploring the extent to which Christianity does and does not serve as a global standard for religion; and addressing the question of why issues of religious freedom so frequently end up being the subject of legal judgment and political decision. The main conclusions drawn from this global contextualization are that maintenance of some kind of religious hegemony is the rule all across global society, not just in Canada and the United States, and that unfettered freedom of religion or genuine religious pluralization is correspondingly rare, if it exists anywhere. Moreover, it is argued that such limitations, frequently expressed in legal judgments and political decisions, are more or less to be expected because they flow from the peculiar way that religion has been constructed in the modern and global era as both a privileged and privatized, as both an encompassing and marginalized social domain. The article thereby simultaneously reinforces and takes issue with Beaman's position: the modern and global reconstruction of religion invites its infinite pluralization at the same time as it encourages its politicization and practical restriction. Religions act as important resources both for claims to inclusion and for strategies of relative exclusion.  相似文献   

Using a representative sample of Dutch natives, the current study examined the distinction between two dimensions of social dominance orientation [SDO‐Dominance (SDO‐D) and SDO‐Egalitarianism (SDO‐E)] and their relation with prejudice towards immigrant groups. Results showed that an empirical distinction between the two dimensions could be made. Furthermore, the relation between SDO and prejudice was fully mediated by hierarchy‐enhancing (ethnic citizenship, assimilation) and hierarchy‐attenuating myths (civic citizenship, multiculturalism), but in different ways for both SDO dimensions. Moreover, there were distinct paths between the SDO dimensions and ethnic prejudice for higher and lower identifiers. For higher identifiers, the relation between SDO‐D and prejudice was fully mediated by the endorsement of hierarchy‐enhancing myths. For lower identifiers, there was an association between SDO‐E and prejudice that was predominantly mediated by the endorsement of hierarchy‐attenuating myths. Copyright © 2014 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

Tans  Olaf 《Res Publica》2002,8(3):231-248
Constitutionalism is a typically modernist project in that it seeks to dictate social order by means of institutional design. This project, however, fails in two ways. Empirically, constitutionalism is confronted with the fact that constitutions have limited control over their social environment. Epistemologically, constitutionalism has great difficulty in finding a convincing foundational relation between abstract constitutional provisions and constitutional norms for concrete situations. On the basis of this poor record, it is hard to comprehend how constitutionalism remains such an influential factor in our polity. This article tries to explain our adherence to the philosophy of constitutional ordering by analysing its function in constitutional discourse. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

While research has provided a significant picture of the lived experiences of transgender and sex/gender diverse (TSGD) Australians, it remains incomplete because population samples rarely include TSGD people from Australia's Northern Territory. The Northern Territory is twice the size of France but is populated by only 210,000 people. The territory's environmental and demographic features make it very distinct from Australia's other six states and mainland territory. Most notably, it possesses a "frontier" mentality and is considered to be one of Australia's most homophobic states and territories. This paper publishes the results of an online survey conducted as part of an ongoing research project into the health needs of TSGD individuals, such as availability of medical and support services that specialize in, and are "friendly" to, TSGD people, especially in remote areas of the territory, colloquially referred to as out bush.  相似文献   

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