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Despite the salience of spirituality in the lives of many clients, counselors are often hesitant to explore spiritual issues in counseling, largely out of a valid concern of imposing values on the client. Motivational interviewing provides a framework within which a counselor can both assess spirituality and facilitate client exploration of spiritual issues without fear of imposing values.  相似文献   

Trainers reported that motivational interviewing (MI)–inconsistent behaviors were frequently perceived during training and believed to create barriers to learning. More barriers were perceived in corrections than in mental health training audiences. Strategies to facilitate unlearning MI‐inconsistent behaviors may accelerate acquisition of MI.  相似文献   

动机性访谈:一种以咨客为中心的行为改变咨询技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
动机性访谈是目前在西方国家比较流行的一种以咨客为中心的行为改变咨询技术,但在我国关于这一技术的研究和应用都还比较少。本文概述了动机性访谈技术的理论基础、应用原则(表达神入;发展差异;接受阻抗;维持自我效能)和基本技能,并介绍了这一咨询技术的应用现状与研究方向。  相似文献   

The object of this article is to gain a better understanding of motivational interviewing (MI) effectiveness using the framework of Rogers' approach. Examining MI's common points and differences with Rogers' client-centered therapy can make it possible to identify some of MI's active ingredients and its underlying process of effectiveness, especially related to MI relational component. In return, MI, a strongly evidence-based approach, could provide empirical basis and support of effectiveness for Rogers' client-centred therapy. The review of literature on Rogers' therapy and MI shows strong links between the two approaches. MI applies most of Rogers' therapy attitudes and techniques such as empathy, acceptance, autonomy support, collaborative style, and confidence in the client's ability to change. The article further presents a review of research data related to the therapeutic effects of each of these attitudes. Finally, implications for clinical practice and further research are discussed. MI and Rogers' client-centered approach have much to offer each other. The strong process and outcome research tradition in MI could bring about evidence on Rogers' therapy effectiveness. Rogers' work provides a testable theoretical basis for the mechanisms of MI effectiveness. Further MI research should operationalize more than just empathy in the relational component.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of spiritual bypass has received limited attention in the transpersonal psychology and counseling literature and has not been subjected to empirical inquiry. This study examines the phenomenon of spiritual bypass by considering how spirituality, mindfulness, alexithymia (emotional restrictiveness), and narcissism work together to influence depression and anxiety among college students. Results suggested that mindfulness and alexithymia accounted for variance in depression beyond what is accounted for by spirituality and that all 3 factors (mindfulness, alexithymia, and narcissism) accounted for variance in anxiety beyond what is accounted for by spirituality. Implications for counselors are provided.  相似文献   

Recovery from alcoholism has typically involved the program of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). However, the values espoused by AA, especially those related to spirituality, can be in conflict with the values of traditional Native Americans. This article discusses healing methods founded in the traditions of Native American culture in general and the Oglala Lakota (also called Oglala Sioux) nation specifically. An understanding of these methods gives non-Native American counselors additional tools for guiding Native American clients to an effective program of recovery.  相似文献   

The present study focused on motivational underpinnings of identity commitments and mediating mechanisms underlying their effects on well‐being and distress in a sample of college freshmen (N = 399). Using a path model in a structural equation modeling approach, the authors found that causality orientations appeared to serve as motivational antecedents of identity commitments. Identity integration mediated the pathway from identity commitments to adjustment (i.e., well‐being and absence of distress). Suggestions for future research and implications for counseling are provided.  相似文献   

Research examining intimate partner violence (IPV) has lacked a comprehensive theoretical framework for understanding and treating behavior. The authors propose two complementary models, a treatment approach (Motivational Interviewing, MI) informed by a theory (Self-Determination Theory; SDT), as a way of integrating existing knowledge and suggesting new directions in intervening early with IPV perpetrators. MI is a client-centered clinical intervention intended to assist in strengthening motivation to change and has been widely implemented in the substance abuse literature. SDT is a theory that focuses on internal versus external motivation and considers elements that impact optimal functioning and psychological well-being. These elements include psychological needs, integration of behavioral regulations, and contextual influences on motivation. Each of these aspects of SDT is described in detail and in the context of IPV etiology and intervention using motivational interviewing.  相似文献   

Research examining intimate partner violence (IPV) has lacked a comprehensive theoretical framework for understanding and treating behavior. The authors propose two complementary models, a treatment approach (Motivational Interviewing, MI) informed by a theory (Self-Determination Theory; SDT), as a way of integrating existing knowledge and suggesting new directions in intervening early with IPV perpetrators. MI is a client-centered clinical intervention intended to assist in strengthening motivation to change and has been widely implemented in the substance abuse literature. SDT is a theory that focuses on internal versus external motivation and considers elements that impact optimal functioning and psychological well-being. These elements include psychological needs, integration of behavioral regulations, and contextual influences on motivation. Each of these aspects of SDT is described in detail and in the context of IPV etiology and intervention using motivational interviewing.  相似文献   

Given the increased attention to spirituality in the counseling literature, with a primary emphasis on helping clients find their spiritual path, it is important for counselors to be aware of one potential pitfall of the spiritual path, namely spiritual bypass. Spiritual bypass occurs when clients seek to use their spiritual beliefs, practices, and experiences to avoid genuine contact with their psychological “unfinished business.” The purpose of this article is to define spiritual bypass, discuss the necessity of healing at the cognitive, emotional, and physical levels, as well as at the spiritual level for holistic wellness, and provide examples of clients in spiritual bypass.  相似文献   

从自我决定论看动机访谈法疗效机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动机访谈法是以病人为中心、促使病人自己改变问题行为的咨询技术和方法。该文从自我决定论角度,解释了动机访谈法取得疗效的机理:动机访谈法起到满足病人基本心理需要(胜任感、归属感、自主性),推动病人产生自主动机的作用,促使病人提高适应性行为的质量和稳定性,提高心理健康水平,从而取得心理治疗效果。  相似文献   

Very little work regarding C. Rogers's (1961) client‐centered counseling has been published in the counseling discipline's journals over the last 20 years. However, during this time there has been an impressive output of empirical research using motivational interviewing (MI) in which C. Rogers's theory and approach are foundational. A review of MI's basic theoretical premises and applications for a multitude of behavioral problems are presented. Justification for integrating MI into counseling practice, training, and research is offered.  相似文献   

Solution‐focused counseling (SFC) and motivational interviewing (MI) have gained recognition over the past 2 decades. A review of the features of these counseling approaches is provided, as well as an examination of the similarities and differences on several dimensions of counseling. Attention is given to empirical research, and it is proposed that SFC and MI be considered concurrently, which appears consistent with calls in the literature for theoretical integration. A case study is included.  相似文献   

At a time when attention to spirituality within the counseling profession is unparalleled, 1 potential problem is that clients who engage in spiritual bypass will be supported in this dysfunctional pattern by their counselor. The purpose of this article is to define and describe spiritual bypass and to discuss the use of the developmental counseling and therapy model to assess and intervene with a client who is in spiritual bypass.  相似文献   

韩玉兰  张志学  王敏 《心理学报》2010,42(2):288-303
研究的主要目的是考察谈判组的动机倾向、信息分享数量和质量、对优先考虑事项和利益一致事项的判断准确性和联合收益之间的关系,以及信息分享质量在谈判过程中的重要性。采用一对一的买卖式谈判任务,由226名被试组成113个谈判组进行面对面的谈判。结果表明,动机倾向、信息分享数量和质量以及谈判双方对优先考虑事项的判断准确性都对联合收益有显著影响,而且信息分享质量比信息分享数量更有预测力。中介作用分析结果显示,信息分享质量在动机倾向和联合收益之间起完全中介作用,对优先考虑事项的判断准确性在信息分享质量和联合收益之间起部分中介作用。研究揭示了整合性谈判的整个过程,验证了信息分享质量在谈判过程中的重要作用。  相似文献   

The day-to-day management of asthma relies on patient self-care practices; in particular, adherent use of asthma medications is fundamental for asthma management. However, most persons with asthma do not use their medications to clinically acceptable standards. The purpose of this study was to test the efficacy of a brief educational intervention to enhance knowledge and skills relevant to asthma self-care, and the efficacy of motivational interviewing to improve attitudes toward taking medications as prescribed. Twenty-five adults with asthma were randomly assigned to receive a brief educational intervention alone, or education plus motivational interviewing. Over time, all participants improved their knowledge of asthma and skills using a metered dose inhaler. Participants who received education alone showed a decreased level of readiness to adhere with their medications over time, whereas participants who received motivational interviewing were more likely to show a stable or increased level of readiness to adhere over time. Among participants who described themselves as not consistently adhering with their medications at the first evaluation, those who received motivational interviewing endorsed more positive attitudes toward taking medications over time. The results are supportive of the utility of motivational interviewing in enhancing participants' attitudes toward adherent medication use. Future research should test if attitude change is reflected in change in medication use.  相似文献   

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is efficaciously and effectively used in the treatment of anxiety disorders; however, as CBT for anxiety routinely utilizes exposure components, clients often experience ambivalence about treatment and their clinicians often must deal with resistance. Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a therapeutic strategy that addresses ambivalence about change in clinical interventions. MI has been applied as an adjunct for treatments such as CBT in order to increase motivation for and commitment to the intervention, especially when components of the treatment may be challenging (e.g., exposure, cognitive restructuring). Though researchers have commented specifically on the use of MI as a supplement to CBT for anxiety disorders, no comprehensive review has systematically assessed the strengths and limitations of extant literature on the topic, nor across anxiety disorders. Findings are summarized from 6 case studies and uncontrolled trials and 11 randomized controlled trials published through March 2016. An integrated critique of this literature also is offered. Limitations and the preliminary nature of the work in this area notwithstanding, it appears that it is feasible to supplement or integrate CBT with MI and that doing so has the potential to improve treatment initiation and engagement, as well as clinical outcomes. A number of directions for future research are addressed, such as determining which MI approaches to implement, with whom, when, and in what contexts.  相似文献   

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