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We study the capacities of human observers to time order light sources that emit dynamic noise, identical for the different light sources, except for an adjustable delay. There is a range of temporal delays for which human observers are perfectly able to perform this task, using the direction of the motion percept that is evoked by the stimulus as a cue. An optimal delay between light sources at which the observers are most robust against any deterioration of the stimulus is defined. We claim that optimal delays (15–25 msec) correspond to the time delay of a putative Reichardt correlation mechanism in human motion vision. Contrary to the ability of human observers to sense temporal correlations in noise sequences, observers are totally unable to detect anticorrelation between noise sequences. This inability rules out motion opponency as a viable model for human front-end (“early”) motion vision.  相似文献   

We present a differential geometric method for measuring and characterizing the perceptions of an observer of a continuum of stimuli. Because the method is not based on a model of perceptual mechanisms, it can potentially be applied to a wide variety of observers and to many types of visual and auditory stimuli. The observer is asked to identify which small transformation of one stimulus is perceived to be equivalent to a small transformation of a second stimulus, differing from the first stimulus by a third small transformation. The observer's identification of a number of such transformations can be used to calculate an affine connection on the stimulus manifold. This quantity describes how the observer encodes an evolving stimulus as a perceived sequence of "reference" transformations. This type of encoding is a multidimensional generalization of Fechner's method and reduces to his psychophysical scale when the stimulus manifold is one dimensional and the reference transformation is chosen to be a just noticeable difference. The intrinsic aspects of the nature of the observer's perceptions can be characterized by the curvature and torsion tensors derived from the connection. The multidimensional analogues of psychophysical scale functions exist if and only if these quantities vanish. Differences between the affine connections of two observers characterize differences between their perceptions of the same evolving stimuli. The affine connections of two observers can also be used to map a stimulus perceived by one observer onto another stimulus, perceived in the same way by the other observer. Unlike multidimensional scaling techniques, this method does not assume that the observer has a sense of distance (a metric) or that he/she can otherwise compare stimulus pairs that are oriented along perceptually different directions in the manifold. The method was used to measure the affine connections of observers of a dot moving on different background graphics; e.g., a blank screen, a grid, or two converging lines similar to those used to create the Ponzo illusion. The results comprise quantitative measurements of the background graphic's influence on each observer's perceptions of straightness, parallelism, and distance. The measurements demonstrate differences between the perceptions of the two observers. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

A total of 37 uninitiated observers made repeated numerical magnitude judgments of the loudness of a sequence of octave band noises spaced at 1-dB intervals, from 0 to 5 dB above a standard of about 80 dB(A), which was called 10. The observers were not instructed to use numbers as ratios. When the median responses are plotted linearly against decibels, they are fitted by straight lines. Each extra decibel adds an average of 1 unit of loudness, range for individual observers 10 through .25 units. This is consistent with the view that the subjectively equal stimulus spacing for the loudness of noise is linear in decibels, and that the observers use numbers linearly in judging the loudness.  相似文献   

During visual search, observers hold in mind a search template, which they match against the stimulus. To characterize the content of this template, we trained observers to discriminate a set of artificial objects at an individual level and at a category level. The observers then searched for the objects on backgrounds that camouflaged the features that defined either the object’s identity or the object’s category. Each search stimulus was preceded by the target’s individual name, its category name, or an uninformative cue. The observers’ task was to locate the target, which was always present and always the only figure in the stimulus. The results showed that name cues slowed search when the features associated with the name were camouflaged. Apparently, the observers required a match between their mental representation of the target and the stimulus, even though this was unnecessary for the task. Moreover, this match involved all distinctive features of the target, not just the features necessary for a definitive identification. We conclude that visual search for a specific target involves a verification process that is performed automatically on all of the target’s distinctive features.  相似文献   

Perceptual bias is inherent to all our senses, particularly in the form of visual illusions and aftereffects. However, many experiments measuring perceptual biases may be susceptible to nonperceptual factors, such as response bias and decision criteria. Here, we quantify how robust multiple alternative perceptual search (MAPS) is for disentangling estimates of perceptual biases from these confounding factors. First, our results show that while there are considerable response biases in our four-alternative forced-choice design, these are unrelated to perceptual biases estimates, and these response biases are not produced by the response modality (keyboard vs. mouse). We also show that perceptual bias estimates are reduced when feedback is given on each trial, likely due to feedback enabling observers to partially (and actively) correct for perceptual biases. However, this does not impact the reliability with which MAPS detects the presence of perceptual biases. Finally, our results show that MAPS can detect actual perceptual biases and is not a decisional bias towards choosing the target in the middle of the candidate stimulus distribution. In summary, researchers conducting a MAPS experiment should use a constant reference stimulus, but consider varying the mean of the candidate distribution. Ideally, they should not employ trial-wise feedback if the magnitude of perceptual biases is of interest.  相似文献   

This study examined whether positional priming of pop-out is modulated by spatial working memory (WM). In Experiments 1A and 1B, observers were presented with a to-be-memorized item (Experiment 1A: triangle; Experiment 1B: circle) prior to performing a block of search trials, with triangular stimulus configurations (one target, two distractors) on an underlying elliptical frame. Each search block was followed by a memory test (i.e., memory conditions). In Experiment 1C, the presentation of the memory item (triangle) was immediately followed by the memory test, and the search block was performed after this test (i.e., no-memory condition). It was found that targets presented at a previous target were detected faster and targets presented at a previous distractor location slower, relative to a previous empty (‘neutral’) stimulus location, respectively. While facilitatory position priming was uninfluenced by the memory manipulation, inhibitory positional priming was larger in the memory than no-memory condition, but only when the memory stimulus (triangle) matched the (triangle) configuration formed by the three search items. This finding of larger inhibitory priming under memory conditions provides further evidence that positional priming, rather than being purely bottom-up determined, is open to top-down influences.  相似文献   

In visual search tasks, observers look for a target stimulus among distractor stimuli. A visual search asymmetry is said to occur when a search for stimulus A among stimulus B produces different results from a search for B among A. Anne Treisman made search asymmetries into an important tool in the study of visual attention. She argued that it was easier to find a target that was defined by the presence of a preattentive basic feature than to find a target defined by the absence of that feature. Four of the eight papers in this symposium in Perception & Psychophysics deal with the use of search asymmetries to identify stimulus attributes that behave as basic features in this context. Another two papers deal with the long-standing question of whether a novelty can be considered to be a basic feature. Asymmetries can also arise when one type of stimulus is easier to identify or classify than another. Levin and Angelone's paper on visual search for faces of different races is an examination of an asymmetry of this variety. Finally, Previc and Naegele investigate an asymmetry based on the spatial location of the target. Taken as a whole, these papers illustrate the continuing value of the search asymmetry paradigm.  相似文献   

Luminance- or color-defined +/- 45 degrees-oriented bars were arranged to yield single-feature or double-conjunction texture pairs. In the former, the global edge between two regions is formed by differences in one attribute (orientation, or color, or luminance). In the color/orientation double-conjunction pair, one region has +45 degrees red and -45 degrees green textels, the other -45 degrees red and +45 degrees green textels (the luminance/orientation double-conjunction pair is similar); such a pair contains a single-feature orientation edge in the subset of red (or green) textels, and a color edge in the subset of +45 degrees (or -45 degrees) textels. We studied whether edge detection improved when observers were instructed to attend to such subsets. Two groups of observers participated: in the test group, the stimulus construction was explained to observers, and they were cued to attend to one subset. The control group ran through the same total number of sessions without explanations/cues. The effect of cuing was week but statistically significant. Feature cuing was more effective for color/orientation than for luminance/orientation conjunctions. Within each stimulus category, performance was nearly the same no matter which subset was attended to. On average, a global performance improvement occurred over time even without cuing, but some observers did not improve with either cuing or practice. We discuss these results in the context of one-versus two-stage segregation theories, as well as by reference to signal enhancement versus noise suppression. We conclude that texture segregation can be improved by attentional strategies aimed to isolate specific stimulus features.  相似文献   

Human observers often experience strongly negative impressions of human‐like objects falling within a particular range of visual similarity to real humans (the “uncanny valley” phenomenon). We hypothesized that negative impressions in the uncanny valley phenomenon are related to a difficulty in object categorization. We produced stimulus images by morphing two of each of real, stuffed, and cartoon human face images (Experiment 1). Observers were asked to categorize each of these images as either category and evaluated the likability of the image. The results revealed that the longest latency, the highest ambiguity in categorization, and the lowest likability score co‐occurred at consistent morphing percentages. Similar results were obtained even when we employed stimulus images that were created by morphing two of each of real, stuffed, and cartoon dog images (Experiment 2). However, the effect of categorization difficulty on evaluation was weak when two real human faces were morphed (Experiment 3). These results suggest that the difficulty in categorizing an object as either of two dissimilar categories is linked to negative evaluation regardless of whether the object is human‐related or not.  相似文献   

Performance in perceptual tasks often improves with practice. This effect is known as ‘perceptual learning,’ and it has been the source of a great deal of interest and debate over the course of the last century. Here, we consider the effects of perceptual learning within the context of signal detection theory. According to signal detection theory, the improvements that take place with perceptual learning can be due to increases in internal signal strength or decreases in internal noise. We used a combination of psychophysical techniques (external noise masking and double-pass response consistency) that involve corrupting stimuli with externally added noise to discriminate between the effects of changes in signal and noise as observers learned to identify sets of unfamiliar visual patterns. Although practice reduced thresholds by as much as a factor of 14, internal noise remained virtually fixed throughout training, indicating learning served to predominantly increase the strength of the internal signal. We further examined the specific nature of the changes that took place in signal strength by correlating the externally added noise with observer’s decisions across trials (response classification). This technique allowed us to visualize some of the changes that took place in the linear templates used by the observers as learning occurred, as well as test the predictions of a linear template-matching model. Taken together, the results of our experiments offer important new theoretical constraints on models of perceptual learning.  相似文献   

In visual search tasks, observers look for a target stimulus among distractor stimuli. A visual search asymmetry is said to occur when a search for stimulus A among stimulus B produces different results from a search for B among A. Anne Treisman made search asymmetries into an important tool in the study of visual attention. She argued that it was easier to find a target that was defined by the presence of a preattentive basic feature than to find a target defined by the absence of that feature. Four of the eight papers in this symposium inPerception & Psychophysics deal with the use of search asymmetries to identify stimulus attributes that behave as basic features in this context. Another two papers deal with the long-standing question of whether a novelty can be considered to be a basic feature. Asymmetries can also arise when one type of stimulus is easier to identify or classify than another. Levin and Angelone’s paper on visual search for faces of different races is an examination of an asymmetry of this variety. Finally, Previc and Naegele investigate an asymmetry based on the spatial location of the target. Taken as a whole, these papers illustrate the continuing value of the search asymmetry paradigm.  相似文献   

The ability of human observers to discriminate duration was assessed in two types of tasks: (1) pulse tasks, in which the observer compared the duration of two brief increments in an ongoing sinusoid, and (2) gap tasks, in which the observer compared the duration of two brief interruptions in an ongoing sinusoid. Performance in these tasks was assessed in three different contexts: noise alone, noise plus continuous sinusoids, and noise plus continuous sinusoids chosen to induce a pitch segregation effect. Performance in the pulse task was independent of the changes in context; however, performance in the gap task changed as a function of context condition. There was a large decrement in the observers’ ability to discriminate duration when the stimulus ensemble induced the pitch segregation effect. The results are discussed in terms of the relationship between duration discrimination and stimulus variations which do not carry duration information.  相似文献   

Learning to recognize objects appears to depend critically on extended observation of appearance over time. Specifically, temporal association between dissimilar views of an object has been proposed as a tool for learning invariant representations for recognition. We examined heretofore untested aspects of the temporal association hypothesis using a familiar dynamic object, the human body. Specifically, we examined the role of appearance prediction (temporal asymmetry) in temporal association. In our task, observers performed a change detection task using upright and inverted images of a walking body either with or without previous exposure to a motion stimulus depicting an upright walker. Observers who were exposed to the dynamic stimulus were further divided into two groups dependent on whether the observed motion depicted forward or backward walking. We find that the effect of the motion stimulus on sensitivity is highly dependent on whether the observed motion is consistent with past experience.  相似文献   

We asked observers to match in depth a disparity-only stimulus with a velocity-only stimulus. The observers’ responses revealed systematic biases: the two stimuli appeared to be matched in depth when they were produced by the projection of different distal depth extents. We discuss two alternative models of depth recovery that could account for these results. (1) Depth matches could be obtained by scaling the image signals by constants not specified by optical information, and (2) depth matches could be obtained by equating the stimuli in terms of their signal-to-noise ratios (see Domini & Caudek, 2009). We show that the systematic failures of shape constancy revealed by observers’ judgments are well accounted for by the hypothesis that the apparent depth of a stimulus is determined by the magnitude of the retinal signals relative to the uncertainty (i.e., internal noise) arising from the measurement of those signals.  相似文献   

M P Eckstein  B R Beutter  L S Stone 《Perception》2001,30(11):1389-1401
In previous studies of saccadic targeting, the issue how visually guided saccades to unambiguous targets are programmed and executed has been examined. These studies have found different degrees of guidance for saccades depending on the task and task difficulty. In this study, we use ideal-observer analysis to estimate the visual information used for the first saccade during a search for a target disk in noise. We quantitatively compare the performance of the first saccadic decision to that of the ideal observer (ie absolute efficiency of the first saccade) and to that of the associated final perceptual decision at the end of the search (ie relative efficiency of the first saccade). Our results show, first, that at all levels of salience tested, the first saccade is based on visual information from the stimulus display, and its highest absolute efficiency is approximately 20%. Second, the efficiency of the first saccade is lower than that of the final perceptual decision after active search (with eye movements) and has a minimum relative efficiency of 19% at the lowest level of saliency investigated. Third, we found that requiring observers to maintain central fixation (no saccades allowed) decreased the absolute efficiency of their perceptual decision by up to a factor of two, but that the magnitude of this effect depended on target salience. Our results demonstrate that ideal-observer analysis can be extended to measure the visual information mediating saccadic target-selection decisions during visual search, which enables direct comparison of saccadic and perceptual efficiencies.  相似文献   

A briefly presented visual stimulus engenders an available-information function that lags behind the physical stimulus. We report two experiments that focus on the iconic-decay portion of this function, which falls to 0 over a 200-300 ms period following stimulus offset. In each experiment, to-be-reported digit strings were shown for varying durations followed by a noise mask at varying poststimulus intervals. We found the shape of the performance curve relating digit-report probability to stimulus exposure duration to be independent of stimulus-mask interstimulus interval. This finding is consistent with the proposition that the iconic-decay function's shape is independent of stimulus duration and allows us to identify this shape. We rejected exponential iconic decay for 6 of 8 observers; however, all observers' decay functions could be adequately fit by gamma decay, a generalization of exponential decay.  相似文献   

In a two-interval lateralization procedure, observers judged whether a stimulus presented with an interaural intensive difference was right or left in lateral space of the same stimulus presented with only an interaural temporal difference. The stimuli were pure tones of 500 and 1,000 Hz and 1,000-Hz low-pass noise. All stimuli were presented at both 65 and 55 dB SPL. For each of several values of interaural time (ranging from 0 to 1,000 microsec across all stimuli), a function was determined which related proportion of “right” relative position judgments to the value of the interaural intensive difference. The intercepts of these functions indicated that a progressively smaller amount of interaural intensive difference was required for the two stimuli to occupy a similar lateral location as the interaural temporal difference was increased. The slopes of the function suggested that the images associated with larger values of the interaural temporal differences are less distinct and blend together more than the images associated with small values of the temporal difference. Thus, the procedure provided a means for comparing the lateral location of images produced by interaural differences of time and intensity.  相似文献   

How do observers search through familiar scenes? A novel panoramic search method is used to study the interaction of memory and vision in natural search behavior. In panoramic search, observers see part of an unchanging scene larger than their current field of view. A target object can be visible, present in the display but hidden from view, or absent. Visual search efficiency does not change after hundreds of trials through an unchanging scene (Experiment 1). Memory search, in contrast, begins inefficiently but becomes efficient with practice. Given a choice between vision and memory, observers choose vision (Experiments 2 and 3). However, if forced to use their memory on some trials, they learn to use memory on all trials, even when reliable visual information remains available (Experiment 4). The results suggest that observers make a pragmatic choice between vision and memory, with a strong bias toward visual search even for memorized stimuli.  相似文献   

Perceptual decision-making is thought to involve a gradual accrual of noisy evidence. Temporal integration of the evidence reduces the relative contribution of dynamic internal noise to the decision variable, thereby boosting its signal-to-noise ratio. We aimed to estimate the internal evidence guiding perceptual decisions over time, using a novel combination of external noise and the response signal methods. Observers performed orientation discrimination of patterns presented in external noise. We varied the contrast of the patterns and the delay at which observers were forced to signal their decision. Each test stimulus (patterns and noise sample) was presented twice. Across two experiments we varied the availability of the visual stimulus for processing. Observer model analyses of discrimination accuracy and response consistency to two passes of the same stimulus, suggested that there was very little growth in the internal evidence. The improvement in accuracy over time characterised by the speed-accuracy trade-off function predominantly reflected a decreasing proportion of non-visual decisions, or pure guesses. There was no advantage to having the visual patterns visible for longer than 80 ms, indicating that only the visual information in a short window after display onset was used to drive the decisions. The remarkable constancy of the internal evidence over time suggests that temporal integration of the sensory information was very limited. Alternatively, more extended integration of the evidence from memory could have taken place, provided that the dominant source of internal noise limiting performance occurs between-trials, which cannot be reduced by prolonged evidence integration.  相似文献   

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