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The aim of this study was to describe the psychometric properties of the Severe Intimate Partner Violence Risk Prediction Scale and to revise it in order to ponderate the 20 items according to their discriminant capacity and to solve the missing item problem. The sample for this study consisted of 450 male batterers who were reported to the police station. The victims were classified as high-risk (18.2%), moderate-risk (45.8%) and low-risk (36%), depending on the cutoff scores in the original scale. Internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha=.72) and interrater reliability (r=.73) were acceptable. The point biserial correlation coefficient between each item and the corrected total score of the 20-item scale was calculated to determine the most discriminative items, which were associated with the context of intimate partner violence in the last month, with the male batterer's profile and with the victim's vulnerability. A revised scale (EPV-R) with new cutoff scores and indications on how to deal with the missing items were proposed in accordance with these results. This easy-to-use tool appears to be suitable to the requirements of criminal justice professionals and is intended for use in safety planning. Implications of these results for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the Special Section on personality disorder and violence. The first paper evaluates the impact of removing the Psychopathy Checklist (PCL-R) as a mandatory element of a major approach to the assessment of violence risk-the HCR-20. The second paper considers violence to self as well as violence to others; it examines the influence of dysfunctional personality traits in a sample of female offenders. The third paper provides a systematic framework for risk formulation, discussing how to bridge the gap between nomothetic research and the individual case. This paper concludes by arguing that there is a need to shift perspective from asking "what?" dysfunctional traits are relevant to future violence to "why?" are particular traits relevant. The "why?" question is particularly germane in the forensic arena where expert testimony must endeavor to provide a causal explanation of risk processes at the level of the individual.  相似文献   

Antisocial and psychopathic traits are essential to evaluate when assessing risk for violence using the HCR-20. The role of the PCL-R on the HCR-20 was investigated using a series of meta-analytic tests. Across 34 samples in which both tools were rated, AUCs for violence were similar (~.69), and exclusion of the psychopathy item (H7) did not reduce the HCR-20's accuracy. Quantitative synthesis of results from multivariate analyses conducted in 7 raw datasets that used both tools demonstrated that the average probability of observing violence for every point increase on the HCR-20 (without H7), while controlling for the PCL-R, was 23%, whereas for the PCL-R it was -1%. The HCR-20 (without H7) added incremental validity to the PCL-R, whereas the converse was not true, and only the HCR-20 (without H7) possessed unique predictive validity. Results suggest the HCR-20's predictive validity was not negatively impacted by excluding the PCL-R. Areas for future study are discussed, including research on various ways to assess and incorporate into risk assessment personality traits related to violence.  相似文献   

Multiple conceptualizations of male perpetrated domestic violence have been proposed over the last half-century. The present paper highlights the generally implicit emphasis on the central role of abandonment that unites much of this literature, and the limitations of such a singular perspective are considered. Drawing on theoretical and empirical work both within and outside of the domestic violence literature, a complementary mode of anxiety concerned with the experience of loss of oneself opposed to loss of another is identified. It is suggested that a bimodal classification of anxiety in domestic violence perpetrators that considers abandonment and engulfment as complementary modes of anxiety might provide incremental clinical utility in framing IPV as functionally proximity seeking or intimacy titrating. Implications for future research and clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors used structural modeling to predict institutional aggression among male mentally ill offenders using the predictors of anger, antisocial personality style, current violent offense, ethnicity, and impulsivity. Measures included the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, the Personality Assessment Inventory, age, ethnicity, current violent offense, victim injury from current offense, and institutional incidents of physical and verbal aggression. The model fit the data, and accounted for 94% and 87% of the variance of physical and verbal aggression, respectively. Results indicated anger, antisocial personality style, and impulsivity are stronger predictors of institutional aggression than are ethnicity and current violent offense; anger was the best predictor. Results suggest dynamic variables such as anger can be targeted for clinical intervention to reduce institutional violence.  相似文献   

In a community sample (N = 543) followed over 20 years, the authors studied associations among childhood family violence exposure, personality disorder (PD) symptoms, and adult partner violence. PD symptoms (DSM-III-R Clusters A, B, and C) in early adulthood partially mediated the effect of earlier childhood risks on the odds of perpetrating partner violence. The authors tested whether stability of PD symptoms from adolescence to the early 20s differs for individuals who later perpetrated partner violence. Cluster A ("Odd/Eccentric") symptoms declined less with age among partner violent versus nonviolent men and women. Cluster B ("Dramatic/Erratic") symptoms were more stable through late adolescence in partner violent men, compared with nonviolent men and violent women. Cluster C ("Anxious") symptoms were most stable among partner violent men.  相似文献   

Violence is a complex matter, and understandingly perhaps, it is the objective, behavioral aspects that are commonly focused on. Here, however, it is the subjective psychological and especially affective substrates of violence that are brought to the fore. Psychoanalytic perspectives provide a way of thinking about these that also sets them in a human-developmental context. In this essay, psychoanalytic ideas about aggression and violence are considered, and what they have to say about the relationship between states of mind and behavior is critically reviewed. There also is an exploration of the ways that some recent findings in developmental science and neuroscience can refine and augment an understanding of these relationships, facilitating the construction of a psychobiological model, which may be placed in a social context. From this biopsychosocial perspective, aggression is seen as a heuristic concept that encapsulates numerous interacting elements that in ordinary development integrate and serve to promote optimal organism survival: By contrast, from this perspective, in humans violence may be understood as a pathological variant of aggression.  相似文献   

The complexities of domestic violence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Past research shows that violent video game exposure increases aggressive thoughts, angry feelings, physiological arousal, aggressive behaviors, and decreases helpful behaviors. However, no research has experimentally examined violent video game effects on physiological desensitization, defined as showing less physiological arousal to violence in the real world after exposure to video game violence in the virtual world. This experiment attempts to fill this gap. Participants reported their media habits and then played one of eight violent or nonviolent video games for 20 min. Next, participants watched a 10-min videotape containing scenes of real-life violence while heart rate (HR) and galvanic skin response (GSR) were monitored. Participants who previously played a violent video game had lower HR and GSR while viewing filmed real violence, demonstrating a physiological desensitization to violence. Results are interpreted using an expanded version of the General Aggression Model. Links between desensitization, antisocial, and prosocial behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article we describe a project which aims to ensure prevention and continued protection from violence for family members. We outline our theoretical approach to assessment and working with violence in family relationships and the associated ethical problems. We identify three recurrent themes: risk, collaboration, and responsibility. We focus on our work with couples, where the man is violent towards the woman. Within this discussion we identify other important clinical issues.  相似文献   

Although previous studies of forensic and law enforcement stalking populations (Harmon, Rosner, & Owens, 1995; Meloy & Gothard, 1995; Zona, Sharma, & Lane, 1993) agree that the degree of intimacy of the victim-suspect relationship is an important factor in stalking cases, they have not conducted in-depth analyses of this variable. This study compared 223 intimate (n=135) and non-intimate (n=88) stalking cases managed by the Los Angeles Police Department's Threat Management Unit. A path analysis revealed a significant relationship between the stalkers' intimate versus non-intimate status and violence committed toward persons and property. This relationship was positively influenced by the suspect's level of proximity to the victim and threats toward the victim and property, but not influenced by suspect's criminal, psychiatric, and domestic violence histories. Overall, intimate relationship stalkers used more dangerous stalking behaviors than non-intimate relationship stalkers. Risk factors for assessing dangerousness of stalkers are discussed.  相似文献   

Prediction of violence in capital sentencing has been controversial. In the absence of a scientific basis for risk assessment, mental health professionals offering opinions in the capital sentencing context are prone to errors. Actuarial or group statistical data, known as base rates, have proven far superior to other methods for reducing predictive errors in many contexts, including risk assessment. Actuarial follow-up data on violent recidivism of capital murderers in prison and post release have been compiled and analyzed to demonstrate available base rates for use by mental health experts conducting risk assessments pertaining to capital sentencing. This paper also reviews various methods for individualizing the application of base rates to specific cases. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The extant research demonstrates that the combination of personality disorder and violence implies severe dysfunction, poor responsivity to treatment, more serious and persistent violence, and higher recidivism rates. Thus, it comes as no surprise that personality disorder is included in many of the available guidelines for assessing and managing violence. Unsurprisingly, the combination of personality pathology and violence frequently presents the greatest challenge to services, even those in whom violence risk assessment and management practice is established and routine. Conceptual and methodological limitations pervade the literature and a full explanation of the nature of the association between personality pathology and violence is still awaited. Furthermore, current approaches to risk assessment fail to provide a systematic framework for assessors to use to make sense of the heterogeneous presentations typically found in individuals with personality disorder and violence. In this paper, formulation is proposed as the critical process linking risk assessment and risk management. It is argued that assessors must move beyond a simple listing of risk factors and should instead produce detailed, comprehensive, individualized explanations of risk potential and risk management needs. Personality disorder is used in this paper to illustrate the important contribution of formulation to the risk assessment process, and in doing so, the link between personality pathology and violence is explored.  相似文献   

Despite an established link between certain mental disorders and violence, the origins of this are not always clear. Recent work has suggested a role for social cognition deficits in this relationship. We conducted a systematic literature search using EMBASE, SCOPUS, PsychINFO, Science Direct and Ovid Medline databases and search terms relating to empathy, violence and mental disorders. 15 studies were classified as assessing either theory of mind (ToM) (n = 6) or facial affect recognition (FAR) (n = 10). Better mentalizing ability may be linked with violence. Violent patients with schizophrenia perform worse than those with personality disorder, but outperform their non-violent counterparts on complex theory of mind tasks. Six studies examined facial affect recognition in violent psychopathy patients, three of which found impairments in high psychopathy patients. Four studies investigated FAR in violent schizophrenia patients, who again tended to outperform non-violent patients, though the evidence for specificity of emotion remains mixed. Empathy may play a mediating role in the relationship between violence and mental disorder. Current findings are limited by methodological inconsistencies. Future studies would benefit from more comprehensive assessments of violence and co-morbidities, and more standardized measures across studies.  相似文献   

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