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Some features of linear perspective images may look distorted. Such distortions appear in two drawings by Jan Vredeman de Vries involving perceived elliptical, instead of circular, pillars and tilted, instead of upright, columns. Distortions may be due to factors intrinsic to the images, such as violations of the so-called Perkins's laws, or factors extrinsic to them, such as observing the images from positions different from their center of projection. When the correct projection centers for the two drawings were reconstructed, it was found that they were very close to the images and, therefore, practically unattainable in normal observation. In two experiments, enlarged versions of images were used as stimuli, making the positions of the projection centers attainable for observers. When observed from the correct positions, the perceived distortions disappeared or were greatly diminished. Distortions perceived from other positions were smaller than would be predicted by geometrical analyses, possibly due to flatness cues in the images. The results are relevant for the practical purposes of creating faithful impressions of 3-D spaces using 2-D images.  相似文献   

Autobiographical memories may be recalled from two different perspectives: Field memories in which the person seems to remember the scene from his/her original point of view and observer memories in which the rememberer sees him/herself in the memory image. Here, 122 undergraduates participated in an experiment examining the relation between field vs. observer perspective in memory for 10 different emotional states, including both positive and negative emotions and emotions associated with high vs. low intensity. Observer perspective was associated with reduced sensory and emotional reliving across all emotions. This effect was observed for naturally occurring memory perspective and when participants were instructed to change their perspective from field to observer, but not when participants were instructed to change perspective from observer to field.  相似文献   

Time-space synaesthetes report that time units (e.g., months, days, hours) occupy idiosyncratic spatial locations. For the synaesthete (L), the months of the year are projected out in external space in the shape of a 'scoreboard 7', where January to July extend across the top from left to right and August to December make up the vertical segment from top to bottom. Interestingly, L can change the mental vantage point (MVP) from where she views her month-space depending on whether she sees or hears the month name. We used a spatial cueing task to demonstrate that L's attention could be directed to locations within her time-space and change vantage points automatically - from trial to trial. We also sought to eliminate any influence of strategy on L's performance by shortening the interval between the cue and target onset to only 150 ms, and have the targets fall in synaesthetically cued locations on only 15% of trials. If L's performance was attributable to intentionally using the cue to predict target location, these manipulations should eliminate any cueing effects. In two separate experiments, we found that L still showed an attentional bias consistent with her synaesthesia. Thus, we attribute L's rapid and resilient cueing effects to the automaticity of her spatial forms.  相似文献   

We describe a methodology for investigating whether two manipulations exert independent effects on perception. This method avoids the strong scaling assumptions inherent to traditional analysis of variance techniques, and we used it to investigate the combined effects of cued visual attention and stimulus repetition. Subjects identified previously studied (primed) and new (unprimed) masked words that were presented to validly and invalidly cued locations for varying durations. Performance improved more rapidly with increasing exposure duration for primed than for unprimed, and for attended than for unattended, stimuli. We interpret this finding as indicating that both variables speed the rate of information acquisition. The speedup provided by priming and attention combined equaled the product of benefits for each alone, providing evidence they are serial, independent effects.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between memory vantage point and avoidance following trauma. Sixty trauma survivors with differing levels of avoidance were interviewed about the vantage point of their memory for trauma, a positive memory, and a neutral memory. Avoidant individuals were more likely to remember their trauma from an observer perspective than individuals with a lower level of avoidance. Avoidance did not influence vantage point for positive or neutral memories. These data support the proposal that adoption of the observer vantage point for trauma memories may serve an avoidant function for people affected by trauma.  相似文献   

The possibility that facilitative and inhibitory effects of auditory cues result because of a modulation in perceptual sensitivity was examined. Listeners were presented with a cue followed by a target, with the time period between the two varied at stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) of 150,450, or 750 msec. In two conditions, the cue and target were either the same or different in location or frequency. In both conditions, listeners were required to identify the rise time of the target. Whereas the cue was presented in isolation, the target was presented in a wide-band noise background such that the required discrimination was made relatively difficult. In both conditions, a facilitative effect was apparent at the 150-msec SOA and an inhibitory effect was apparent at the 750-msec SOA for both accuracy and response time measures of performance. That these results were apparent for a judgment unrelated to the manipulated cue-target relation suggests strongly that both location-based and frequency-based auditory inhibition of return result primarily because of changes in perceptual sensitivity.  相似文献   

The location and interpretation of the bisection point   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In atemporal bisectiontask with humans, the observer is required to decide whether a probe duration ( t ) is more similar to the short referent (S), an R S response, or to the long referent (L), an R L response. Temporal bisection yields a psychometric function relating the proportion of long responses, P(R L ), to probe duration t . The value of t at which R S and R L occur with equal frequency, P(RL) = .5, is referred to as the bisection point, T 1/2 . Bisection models usually interpret T 1/2 as identifying the value of t that is equally confusable with S and L, but they differ in their predictions for the location of T 1/2 . The present paper presents new data relevant to the location and interpretation of T 1/2 . The data indicate that the empirical values usually are biased, the biases being influenced by duration range, L:S ratio, and probe spacing. Moreover, the biases often are not consistent across observers. It is concluded that empirical values of T 1/2 should not be interpreted as indicating the value of t that is equally confusable with S and L.  相似文献   

The possibility that facilitative and inhibitory effects of auditory cues result because of a modulation in perceptual sensitivity was examined. Listeners were presented with a cue followed by a target, with the time period between the two varied at stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) of 150, 450, or 750 msec. In two conditions, the cue and target were either the same or different in location or frequency. In both conditions, listeners were required to identify the rise time of the target. Whereas the cue was presented in isolation, the target was presented in a wide-band noise background such that the required discrimination was made relatively difficult. In both conditions, a facilitative effect was apparent at the 150-msec SOA and an inhibitory effect was apparent at the 750-msec SOA for both accuracy and response time measures of performance. That these results were apparent for a judgment unrelated to the manipulated cue-target relation suggests strongly that both location-based and frequency-based auditory inhibition of return result primarily because of changes in perceptual sensitivity.  相似文献   

Morton, Marcus, and Frankish (1976) defined “perceptual center,” or “P-center,” as a neutral term to describe that which is regular in a perceptually regular sequence of speech sounds. This paper describes a paradigm for the determination of P-center location and the effect of various acoustic parameters on empirically determined P-center locations. It is shown that P-center location is affected by both initial consonant duration and, secondarily, subsequent vowel and consonant duration. A simple two-parameter model involving the duration of the whole stimulus is developed and gives good performance in predicting P-center location. The application of this model to continuous speech is demonstrated. It is suggested that there is little value in attempting to determine any single acoustic or articulatory correlate of P-center location, or in attempting to define P-center location absolutely in time. Rather, these results indicate that P-centers are a property of the whole stimulus and reflect properties of both the production and perception of speech.  相似文献   

Long-term repetition effects for motoric and perceptual procedures.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Two experiments examined the relationship between implicit and explicit measures of memory for information encoded in a motoric task, called data entry. In both experiments, subjects entered lists of digit sequences with a computer keypad. They were retested on the same task after a delay of up to 1 month. At retention, implicit memory for the digit lists was evidenced by faster entry of old relative to new lists in both experiments. In Experiment 1, subjects were able to discriminate old from new lists. Recognition memory of old lists was better after than before entering the lists. In Experiment 2, perceptual and motoric contributions to the old/new difference in typing speed were isolated by means of a transfer paradigm. The results showed that the entry-speed advantage for the old lists was due to the separate reinstatement at the retention test of both perceptual and motoric procedures encoded earlier. Implicit and explicit measures of memory were found to be dependent rather than independent. The findings from this study are interpreted within a framework of memory based on procedural reinstatement.  相似文献   

In two experiments, subjects proofread text in which misspelled words were created by replacing a single letter with another one. The following perceptual conditions were included: clear-cut photocopies of typewritten text, clear-cut text presented on a CRT screen, ditto copies that varied in legibility, and text that included extraneous noise characters superimposed on some letters. In all conditions, subjects adopted a hierarchical feature test that gave first priority to resolving letter envelope and second priority to discriminating other letter features. When clear-cut text with no extraneous noise was proofread, subjects used a sophisticated-guessing decision rule that tolerated misspellings involving missing letter features (as when c replaced e) but not added ones (as when e replaced c). This asymmetrical rule was modified, however, when subjects were exposed to text that included extraneous noise that was confusable with the letter features. In those circumstances, subjects adopted a decision rule that tolerated misspellings involving missing features or any added features that resembled the noise.  相似文献   

The participants were 40 students who were briefly presented 32 dot locations, one at a time, and attempted to reproduce each location after a short delay. Half of the participants completed the task with the surrounding shapes being a circle, a horizontal ellipse, and a vertical ellipse; for the other half, the surrounding shapes were a square, a triangle, and a pentagon. Elongation of the task field along an axis led to exaggerated bias along that axis, but the pattern of bias was fairly constant across the shapes. The data were modeled by assuming that bias in estimation was due to the weighting of spatial category prototypes. Modeling indicated that shape affected spacing of prototypes, but there was no evidence that it affected the number of prototypes. These results were consistent with use of a viewer-based frame of reference, with prototypes reflecting four spatial quadrants generated by left—right and up—down distinctions from the viewer’s perspective.  相似文献   

Visual perception involves both the high acuity of foveal vision and the wide scope of overlapping peripheral information. The role of peripheral vision in competent performance of the adult visuomotor activities of walking, reaching, and forming a cognitive map of a room was examined using goggles which limited the scope of the normal field of view to 9 degrees, 14 degrees, 22 degrees, or 60 degrees. Each restriction of peripheral field information resulted in some perceptual and performance decrements, with the 9 degrees and 14 degrees restriction producing the most disturbance. In addition, bodily discomfort, dizziness, unsteadiness and disorientation, were reported as the subjects moved around with restricted fields of view.  相似文献   

Craik and Lockhart (1972) have proposed a framework for human memory research which is based on levels of processing. Most of the studies which support this approach have been concerned with comparing structural vs. semantic tasks. The present paper extends the levels of processing approach to earlier stages of processing and emphasizes levels ofperceptual processing. It is suggested that depth of perceptual processing depends on the nature of the stimulus material. Neisser’s (1967) theory of preattentive mechanisms and focal attention is shown to be a theory of levels of perceptual processing. Differences in the nature in which these two processes operates are discussed.  相似文献   

A Bayesian model for implicit effects in perceptual identification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Retrieving effectively from memory (REM; R. M. Shiffrin & M. Steyvers, 1997), an episodic model of memory, is extended to implicit memory phenomena, namely the perceptual identification studies reported in R. Ratcliff and G. McKoon (1997). In those studies, the influence of prior study was greatest when words were presented most briefly and when forced-choice targets and foils were most similar. R. Ratcliff and G. McKoon use these data to argue against models in which prior study changes a word's representation. A model in which prior study changes a word's representation by adding context information is fit to their data; at test, the model uses a Bayesian decision process to compare the perceptual and context features associated with the test flash to stored traces. The effects of prior study are due to matching extra context information and are larger when alternatives share many features, thereby reducing noise that attenuates these effects.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in which subjects were convinced that crowding was imminent. It was hypothesized that the arousal of expectations of crowding would cause subjects to behave in ways suggesting that they were preparing for the experience of crowding by taking steps to reduce the impact of crowding before its onset. Similarly, it was predicted that anticipation of crowding would influence subject perceptions of the experimental room, interpersonal affect, and general levels of discomfort. Data collected indicated that these predictions were accurate; subjects anticipating crowding chose more socially isolated seat positions, avoided contact with others, experienced crowding and discomfort, and rated others in the setting as well as the room in ways generally consistent with definitions of crowding.  相似文献   

How does the brain extract invariant properties of variable-rate speech? A neural model, called PHONET, is developed to explain aspects of this process and, along the way, data about perceptual context effects. For example, in consonant-vowel (CV) syllables, such as /ba/ and /wa/, an increase in the duration of the vowel can cause a switch in the percept of the preceding consonant from /w/ to /b/ (J.L. Miller & Liberman, 1979). The frequency extent of the initial formant transitions of fixed duration also influences the percept (Schwab, Sawusch, & Nusbaum, 1981). PHONET quantitatively simulates over 98% of the variance in these data, using a single set of parameters. The model also qualitatively explains many data about other perceptual context effects. In the model, C and V inputs are filtered by parallel auditory streams that respond preferentially to the transient and sustained properties of the acoustic signal before being stored in parallel working memories. A lateral inhibitory network of onset- and rate-sensitive cells in the transient channel extracts measures of frequency transition rate and extent. Greater activation of the transient stream can increase the processing rate in the sustained stream via a cross-stream automatic gain control interaction. The stored activities across these gain-controlled working memories provide a basis for rate-invariant perception, since the transient-to-sustained gain control tends to preserve the relative activities across the transient and sustained working memories as speech rate changes. Comparisons with alternative models tested suggest that the fit cannot be attributed to the simplicity of the data. Brain analogues of model cell types are described.  相似文献   

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