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Recent interest in the nature of grounding is due in part to the idea that purely modal notions are too coarse‐grained to capture what we have in mind when we say that one thing is grounded in another. Grounding not being purely modal in character, however, is compatible with it having modal consequences. Is grounding a necessary relation? In this article I argue that the answer is ‘yes’ in the sense that propositions corresponding to full grounds modally entail propositions corresponding to what they ground. The argument proceeds upon two substantive principles: the first is that there is a broadly epistemic constraint on grounding, while the second links this constraint with Fine's Aristotelian notion of essence. Many think grounding is necessary in something like the sense specified above, but just why it's necessary is an issue that hasn't been carefully addressed. If my argument is successful, we now know why grounding is necessary.  相似文献   

The quality of interpersonal relationships may be a key factor in the etiology of depression. An interpersonal depressive vulnerability has been proposed to interact with interpersonal stressors to predict depressive symptoms. Research examining gender differences in this link has been inconclusive. We propose that research should focus on whether one’s self-esteem is based on the quality of interpersonal relationships. We propose a model of gender differences in depression that examines the role of interpersonal contingent self-esteem (ICSE) in the development of depression. Specifically, we propose that ICSE interacts with gender in the face of interpersonal stress to promote decreases in momentary self-esteem. Decreases in momentary self-esteem, in turn, lead to rumination, maladaptive interpersonal behaviors, and depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

Within separate academic disciplines there exist two consistent findings that have emerged. Behavior geneticists, on one hand, continue to uncover moderate to high heritability estimates for virtually every human trait measurable. Evolutionary psychologists, on the other hand, have thoroughly documented species-wide universality in various human traits, suggesting that natural (or sexual) selection may have directly favored such outcomes. The goal of the current study, then, is to explore ways in which these lines of inquiry can be united via the use of behavior genetic methodologies coupled with evolutionary thought. Additionally, we attempt to unite our findings in a framework that can both account for the existence of heritable individual differences, while also understanding the importance of species-wide characteristics.  相似文献   

性的自我表露(sexual self-disclosure)是自我表露中最亲密的形式。它是一个亲密的二人关系中一方把他(她)的性事表露给伴侣的程度。出乎意料的是, 和对于大量关于其他方面的自我表露相比, 学界对这方面的研究很少。在这些为数不多的研究中, 一些研究发现:性的自我表露和人们的性满意度是相关的。因此研究性的自我表露或许有助于了解或增益人们的性生活。过去的研究从未调查过文化是否影响人们对性的自我表露。在不同的文化中, 人们性的自我表露的程度和内容都应该会有所差异。现有的关于人们自我表露中的文化差异的理论研究对未来研究性的自我表露受文化差异的影响提供了方向。  相似文献   

Traditional sex role characteristics suggest that women may be more dissatisfied with casual sex than men. We investigated this notion by examining the reactions of women and men to a hypothetical, first-time sexual encounter. An additional factor that was hypothesized to affect reactions was the presence of alcohol, which may serve as a cue for sexual disinhibition. College students read a scenario depicting a consensual sexual encounter between two people who met at a party, and made judgments about the partners' behavior and characteristics. Four versions of the scenario varied the alcohol consumption of both characters. Results showed that men were more likely than women to find the behavior of each partner socially acceptable, to foresee a positive future for the couple as a result of their sexual encounter, and to predict that they themselves would engage in similar behavior. Although no main effects for alcohol consumption were found, alcohol consumption interacted with gender to influence judgments about the characters' sexuality. Results are discussed in terms of sex role stereotyping and the tendency of both sexes to misunderstand or misperceive each other's sexual feelings.  相似文献   

Buss and Greiling cite individual differences in attachment as a principal illustration of adaptive individual differences. This particular example, however, is a highly controversial one: Many if not most relationship researchers assume (implicitly or explicitly) that insecure attachment patterns reflect some kind of malfunction of the attachment system in modern environments rather than evolved facultative strategies. I therefore review some of the arguments and evidence on both sides of this issue, along with the closely related topics of mating/reproductive strategies and parental investment. In the end I support the Buss-Greiling position, but for reasons not discussed in their article.  相似文献   

We study gender differences and the effects of adult’s gender, an authority gap, and an age gap on university students’ perceptions of adult-teen sexual relationships. We specifically examine: the adult’s criminality, damage to the teen’s reputation, and emotional damage to the teen. We use a sample of 2,871 students from a Southwestern university in the U.S. who judged vignettes describing an adult-teen encounter. OLS regression demonstrated that women judged the scenarios more negatively than men. Further analyses found relationships between the experimental variables and each dependent variable and interactions by respondent’s gender and among the experimental variables. Results demonstrate a sexual double standard and highlight respondent’s gender, the age gap, and the authority context for perceptions of adult-teen relationships.  相似文献   

The literature on sexual minority adolescents and young adults has highlighted a poor mental status among those groups compared to their heterosexual peers. Sexual minorities are also more likely to experience stress factors such as bullying and physical violence. However, sexual minority young adults have not been studied much in Iceland, a Nordic country renowned for a high degree of sexual equality. Given what the literature has shown to date, a noteworthy question is whether patterns of mental well-being of sexual minority adolescents and young adults in Iceland are comparable to other countries. The aim of the present study was to provide an assessment of mental well-being in sexual minority young adults in Iceland. We used population data to examine a selection of mental well-being indicators in 16–20 year-olds, both-sex-attracted and same-sex-attracted participants, and compared them to other-sex-attracted peers. Findings indicated that sexual minority young adults exhibited significantly greater levels of depressed mood, anger, and perceived stress than other-sex-attracted young adults. However, when stratified by gender and sexual attraction pattern, the analyses revealed that both-sex-attracted young women scored significantly higher on all indicators than any other group. We conclude that studies in this area should strive to distinguish between same-sex and both-sex attraction as well as to stratify analyses by gender. The well-being of both-sex-attracted young women is a compelling topic for future research.  相似文献   

This study examines whether dimensions of religious involvement (i.e., perceived divine control, private religious practices, and religious social integration) buffer associations between aspiration strain and mental health outcomes (i.e., psychological distress, loneliness, and optimism). We also test three‐way interactions to determine whether the stress‐buffering effects of religious involvement are amplified among undereducated persons. We test our hypotheses with cross‐sectional survey data from Vanderbilt University's Nashville Stress and Health Study (2011–2014), a probability sample of non‐Hispanic white and black adults from Davidson County, Tennessee (n = 1,252). Results from multivariate regression models confirmed: (1) aspiration strain was positively associated with psychological distress and loneliness, and negatively associated with optimism; and (2) religious involvement attenuated these associations, but only for respondents with less than or equal to a high school education. We discuss the implications and limitations of our findings and outline avenues for future research.  相似文献   

The present studies investigated whether men and women differ in cognitive–motivational processing of sexual stimuli in order to better understand the commonly observed gender differences in sexual outcome variables. Because these processes often operate without conscious control, we focused specifically on automatic stimulus processing. Using a series of implicit tasks, we measured inhibition, attentional orientation, appraisal and approach‐avoidance motivation regarding sexually explicit stimuli in male and female students. Results showed that men were more strongly motivated to approach sexual stimuli than women and were better able to inhibit sexual information as to prevent activation of the sexual response. With regard to attentional orientation, men were more easily drawn by sexual cues than women, yet only when the cues were presented long enough to allow more elaborative processing. No gender differences were found in the implicit evaluation of sexual information, although men and women did differ at the level of self‐reported sexual evaluations. Our results indicate the importance of incorporating information‐processing mechanisms and emotion regulation strategies into the conceptualization of the sexual response and promote further research on the specificity, robustness, predictive validity and malleability of the cognitive–motivational processes underlying sexual arousal. Copyright © 2015 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

The present study examined responses to romantic breakup as a function of relationship contingency of self‐worth (CSW)—the degree to which individuals base self‐worth on being in a romantic relationship. Relationship CSW was hypothesized to be a vulnerability factor, exacerbating affective and behavioral responses to romantic relationship dissolution. Results of structural equation modeling (N = 312) revealed that among participants who reported a breakup over the past year, those who more strongly based self‐worth on being in a relationship reported greater emotional distress and obsessive pursuit of their ex‐partners than did those with lower relationship CSW. Specifically, emotional distress partially mediated the link between relationship CSW and obsessive pursuit. Implications of relationship CSW for interpersonal motivation and well‐being are discussed.  相似文献   

Identical letters can appear to differ in size and shape depending on whether they are interpreted as uppercase or lowercase. The effect is most dramatic with the letter p. Examination of subjects’ estimates of the magnitude of the effect for different stimuli suggests that two factors are involved in the illusion. One factor depends only on whether a letter is interpreted as uppercase or lowercase. Thisfactor can be manipulated by changes in the size or case ofthe surrounding letters. The second factor, which depends on the possibility of interpreting a vertical line alternatively as an ascender or a descender(as in p or y), seems to involve a change in the perceived size of the letters’ loops.  相似文献   

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