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Motivation of stigmatized group members to perform on status‐relevant ‘outgroup’ dimensions can be impaired after ingroup failure. Three experiments examined whether social creativity by valuing ingroup dimensions (dimensions on which an ingroup outperforms an outgroup) can increase motivation and performance on outgroup dimensions. It was hypothesized that under high social identity threat, motivation on the outgroup dimension would benefit from valuing an ingroup dimension. Experiments 1 and 2 show that when social identity threat is increased, low status group members who personally value ingroup dimensions show higher motivation to perform on the outgroup dimension. Experiment 3 shows that the induction of high contextual value of both ingroup and outgroup dimensions improves low status group members' well‐being and motivated performance on the outgroup dimension. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the present study, the authors examined how previous experience and modes of presenting information affect the recognition of terms in new, specialized terminologies. The specialized terminology used was related to orienteering. Orienteering concepts representing features found in the woods may be communicated verbally (as definitions or words) or symbolically. There were 225 participants (101 reported no orienteering experience and 122 reported varying amounts of orienteering experience; 2 did not respond to that question) who tried to identify which of 5 entities was an orienteering definition, word, or symbol. Those with orienteering experience found that recognizing the specialized terminology was significantly easier than for those without experience. Recognizing symbols was significantly more difficult than recognizing definitions or words, particularly for non-orienteers. Performance of the orienteers was similar for the three modes. Within the orienteering group, the number of years of experience and usual course difficulty attempted were significant predictors of overall test success. Applications to training of both low-level specialized terminology (e.g., used in algebra), and higher level terminology (e.g., used in computer science) are discussed.  相似文献   

Sex differences in mental rotation skills are a robust finding in small-scale laboratory-based studies of spatial cognition. There is almost no evidence in the literature, however, relating these skills to performance on spatial tasks in large-scale, real-world activities such as navigating in a new city or in the woods. This study investigates the connections between mental rotation skills as measured by the Vandenburg-Kuse Mental Rotations test and the performance of college students (n=211) navigating a 6-km orienteering course. The results indicate that mental rotation skills are significantly correlated with wayfinding performance on an orienteering task. The findings also replicate sex differences in spatial ability as found in laboratory-scale studies. However, the findings complicate the discussion of mental rotation skills and sex because women often performed as well as men despite having lower mean test scores. This suggests that mental rotation ability may not be as necessary for some women's wayfinding as it is for men's navigation.  相似文献   

In the present study, the authors examined how previous experience and modes of presenting information affect the recognition of terms in new, specialized terminologies. The specialized terminology used was related to orienteering. Orienteering concepts representing features found in the woods may be communicated verbally (as definitions or words) or symbolically. There were 225 participants (101 reported no orienteering experience and 122 reported varying amounts of orienteering experience; 2 did not respond to that question) who tried to identify which of 5 entities was an orienteering definition, word, or symbol. Those with orienteering experience found that recognizing the specialized terminology was significantly easier than for those without experience. Recognizing symbols was significantly more difficult than recognizing definitions or words, particularly for non-orienteers. Performance of the orienteers was similar for the three modes. Within the orienteering group, the number of years of experience and usual course difficulty attempted were significant predictors of overall test success. Applications to training of both low-level specialized terminology (e.g., used in algebra), and higher level terminology (e.g., used in computer science) are discussed.  相似文献   

Standardized teacher observations of 2,527 schoolchildren, selected at random for the revised Bristol Social Adjustment Guides were partitioned into four subsamples consisting of 797 5- to 10-year-old boys, 758 5- to 10-year-old-girls; 508 11- to 15-year-old boys, and 464 11- to 15-year-old girls, respectively. The children were observed by over 900 teachers and rated on 104 indicators of maladaptive behavior. Item scores for each age/ sex sample were subjected to first- and second-order factor analysis, with varimax rotation yielding identical second-order models of behavior disorder across age and sex samples and somewhat different first-order models for each sample. Comparison of derived dimensions with dimensions emergent in other behavior problem research indicated considerable consistency. Moreover, the similarity of the factorially derived dimensions confirmed the cross-age and -sex generality of the syndromes known as unforthcomingness, hostility, and depression, and provided reasonable support for the utility of the syndrome of inconsequence, although it was apparent that inconsequence stands as more a composite of underlying factor dimensions reflecting hyperactive and attention-seeking behaviors. While the withdrawal syndrome found factorial support, its integrity was clearly specific to child age and sex.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to assess sex stereotypes using the trait-inference method originated by Asch (1946). In both, subjects were asked to make inferences about the personality of a male or a female stimulus target who was introduced by a brief list of traits. In Experiment 1 this trait list described the target as either good or bad in intellectual activities and as either warm or cold while in Experiment 2 the introductory list comprised traits which are relatively neutral in terms of evaluation. Subjects rated the stimulus persons on adjective scales selected to reflect dimensions of personality perception reported in previous research. In both studies, male targets were rated significantly higher than females in terms of the Intellectual Desirability dimension. In addition, female targets tended to be rated higher on Communion in Experiment 1 (p<.06), and lower than males on Potency in Experiment 2 (p<.07). No differences as a function of stimulus sex were obtained for Social Desirability, Activity, and Agency. The results suggest that the dimension of implicit personality theory most closely associated with perceived sex differences is a combination of Intellectual Desirability and Potency. The male end of this dimension is relatively well defined by traits which convey a hard-headed, rational approach to problem solving. The female end is much less elaborated and consists of traits reflecting soft-heartedness.  相似文献   

A novel assessment center (AC) structure that models broad dimension factors, exercise factors, and a general performance factor is proposed and supported in 4 independent samples of AC ratings. Consistent with prior research, the variance attributable to dimension and exercise factors varied widely across ACs. To investigate the construct validity of these empirically supported components of AC ratings, the nomological network of broad dimensions, exercises, and general performance was examined. Results supported the criterion‐related validity of broad dimensions and exercises as predictors of effectiveness and success criteria as well as the incremental validity of broad dimensions beyond exercises and general performance. Finally, the relationships between individual differences and AC factors supported the construct validity of broad dimension factors and provide initial insight as to the meaning of exercise specific variance and general AC performance.  相似文献   

The study examined how well subjects were able to ignore the presence of irrelevant stimulus information as a function of age. Children aged 6, 9, and 12, as well as adult subjects sorted cards with one binary dimension relevant, and zero, one, or two dimensions irrelevant. Speed of classification was measured. Significant effects of age, sex, number of irrelevant dimensions, and relevant dimension on speed of classification were obtained, as well as a number of interactions of these variables. The most important finding was that the presence of irrelevant information interfered with the performance of the task by child subjects and that the magnitude of the interference declined with age. The results were interpreted as implying that developmental trends in attention may be most clearly demonstrated in tasks which require speeded processing of stimuli. The ease of administration of the speeded classification task, coupled with the clear developmental trends obtained, recommend this paradigm as a useful one with which to study the development of selective attention.  相似文献   

Spence and Helmreich developed the Work and Family Orientation (WOFO) Questionnaire as a multidimensional measure of achievement motivation and attitudes toward family and career because they believed that a unitary construct of achievement motivation was not sufficient to account for broad patterns of behavior in varied situations. This article reviews the evidence for the construct validity of the WOFO questionnaire based on data from a large group (N = 3, 727) of men and women with high educational and career aspirations. Evidence presented includes factor analysis of the WOFO subscale dimensions, subscale reliabilities, and an analysis of the effect of gender and masculinity-femininity on achievement motives. The research confirms new insights regarding the relationship between achievement motives and sex roles for women and men.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported which investigate the effects of attentional factors on learning set performance of children. Number of varying irrelevant dimensions, trials per problem, and age were examined. The first experiment tests with 6- and 8-year-old-children the effects of one as opposed to two varying irrelevant dimensions. An interaction between age and dimensions showed younger children to be differentially affected by the treatment conditions, two varying irrelevant dimensions being more difficult than one. There was no difference between treatments for the older children, nor between older and younger subjects receiving one varying irrelevant dimension. In the second experiment, 6- and 8-year-olds were examined on two varying irrelevant dimension problems, receiving either 4 or 12 trials per problem. Amount of exposure within-problems, affected performance with 12 trials per problem resulting in superior performance at both age levels. A third experiment tested 6-, 8-, and 10-year-old-children using one and two varying irrelevant dimension problems with 4 and 12 trials per problem. Results confirmed the finding that learning set acquisition is influenced by irrelevant dimensions and within-problems exposure, with these effects interacting with age and amount of training. These findings support the utility of applications of an attentional analysis to the learning set performance of normal children.  相似文献   

Friendship constitutes an important facet of human behavior, and the current research investigated the reasons that motivate people to make friends. First, a combination of qualitative research methods were used to identify 41 perceived reasons why people make friends. Using a sample of 1,316 Greek‐speaking participants, these reasons were classified into five broad factors. Participants indicated that the most important reasons for making friends were to receive social input, support, and because of someone else's good qualities. Sex differences and age effects were found in most factors. Finally, the five factors were classified into two broader domains, the first reflecting motivation to make a true friendship and the second to gain opportunistic benefits.  相似文献   

Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) symptoms of common mental disorders derived from structured interviews of a representative sample of 4,049 twin children and adolescents and their adult caretakers. A dimensional model based on the assignment of symptoms to syndromes in DSM-IV fit better than alternative models, but some dimensions were highly correlated. Modest sex and age differences in factor loadings and correlations were found that suggest that the dimensions of psychopathology are stable across sex and age, but slightly more differentiated at older ages and in males. The dimensions of symptoms were found to be hierarchically organized within higher-order “externalizing” and “internalizing” dimensions, which accounted for much of their variance. Major depression and generalized anxiety disorder were substantially correlated with both the “externalizing” dimension and the “internalizing” dimension, however, suggesting the need to reconceptualize the nature of these higher-order dimensions.  相似文献   

Second- and fourth-grade children viewed a cylindrical object in nine positions on a square display board marked with a 3 × 3 grid. As the object was placed in each position, children identified the view from 90, 180, or 270° positions around the display from a set of photographs. Perspectives in which the object differed from the child's view in both left-right and near-far dimensions were more difficult than perspectives that only transformed one dimension. Error rates decreased with age. There were no main effects of left-right vs near-far or of observer position. Rates of egocentric responding were high at both ages. We note that the complementary spatial dimension to left-right is near-far not front-back. Moreover, the relative ease of front-back transformations in previous research resulted from distinctive front-back cues on the display objects which enabled subjects to use nonspatial strategies to identify observer perspectives.  相似文献   

This study examines the relative importance of three behavioral dimensions to reading and mathematics achievement of elementary school children. Previous research on the dimensions which characterize the school behavior of children has shown that these dimensions can be understood as reflecting (a) an adaptation or learning problems dimension, (b) an interpersonal or a social problem dimension, and (c) an intrapersonal or personal adjustment dimension. Scores for each dimension were derived from a cluster analysis of the Pupil Behavior Rating Scale. Based on results of the cluster analysis, subjects were assigned to 12 behavioral typology groups. Analysis of variance showed that behavior typologies were related to both reading and mathematics achievement test scores. Post hoc contrasts revealed that levels of reading achievement are associated primarily with behaviors defined by attributes of the adaptation dimension, and that differences in measures of interpersonal and interpersonal dimensions do not contribute appreciably to group differences in reading and mathematics achievement.  相似文献   

Distribution by age and sex of the dimensions of the Temperament and Character Inventory were assessed cross-culturally for samples in Sweden, Germany, and the USA. The Temperament and Character Inventory is a 240-item (Sweden, 238-item), self-administered, true-false format, paper-and-pencil test developed by Cloninger and his coworkers based on his unified biosocial theory of personality. The inventory measures the Temperament dimensions Novelty Seeking, Harm Avoidance, Reward Dependence, and Persistence as well as the Character dimensions, Self-directedness, Cooperativeness, and Self-transcendence. The samples consisted of 300 German subjects, 300 Swedish subjects, and 300 U.S. subjects matched by age cohort and sex. Stability of the personality dimensions was evaluated across samples as were their age and sex distributions. We found significant effects of age, sex, and culture in univariate and multivariate comparisons on the personality dimensions. However, several significant differences in the personality dimensions for both European samples appear to be similar compared with those of the U.S. sample. We have to conclude that sex- and age-specific norms for the dimensions of the Temperament and Character Inventory are necessary given the established significant differences.  相似文献   

汉族儿童亲属词概念结构发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自然分类和多维标度法,考察汉语儿童亲属词概念结构的发展。结果表明:(1)随着年龄增长,儿童亲属词概念结构的维度在变化。小学低年级学生出现性别和辈分维度,小学高年级学生出现辈分和成人/儿童维度,初中生出现亲属亲密程度维度,高二学生出现姻亲/非姻亲维度。(2)亲属词概念结构受儿童性别和生活经验影响。(3)个体概念结构发展和人类概念结构进化有类似之处。  相似文献   

Two research questions were addressed in this study. First, what are the dimensions of the concept of control orientation with respect to substance-abusing behaviors as measured by Keyson and Janda's 1972 Drinking-related Locus of Control Scale and by an adaptation of that scale developed for users of other drugs. Second, utilizing a large sample of both male and female clients who abused both alcohol and other drugs, how does that dimensional structure differ from the one presented by Donovan and O'Leary in 1978 for male alcoholics at a VA hospital. Since the present sample was a large (N = 542) representative sample of publicly subsidized clients in Missouri, it provided an opportunity to extend earlier work across type of drug abused and sex. Like Donovan and O'Leary we used a principal components analysis with a varimax rotation to examine the dimensions of the 25-item locus of control scales. Like those authors, the analysis for male alcohol users produced a three-factor solution with interpretations resembling their "intrapersonal" and "interpersonal" factors but with a more fully developed third factor interpretable as a fate or luck dimension. These dimensions were apparent for the other groups as well, although the first two factors were reversed for male users of other drugs and the analysis for female alcohol abusers showed a more consistent sociability dimension than for males. While the derived structures are therefore similar to Donovan and O'Leary's results and consistent with the theoretical uses of control orientation in discussion of alcohol and other drug abuse, they also show some differences for type of drug abused and by sex. These are necessary but not sufficient conditions for including such measures in more specific models relating clients' motivation and propensity for change to outcomes.  相似文献   

This study addresses 3 questions regarding assessment center construct validity: (a) Are assessment center ratings best thought of as reflecting dimension constructs (dimension model), exercises (exercise model), or a combination? (b) To what extent do dimensions or exercises account for variance? (c) Which design characteristics increase dimension variance? To this end, a large set of multitrait-multimethod studies (N = 34) were analyzed, showing that assessment center ratings were best represented (i.e., in terms of fit and admissible solutions) by a model with correlated dimensions and exercises specified as correlated uniquenesses. In this model, dimension variance equals exercise variance. Significantly more dimension variance was found when fewer dimensions were used and when assessors were psychologists. Use of behavioral checklists, a lower dimension-exercise ratio, and similar exercises also increased dimension variance.  相似文献   

The fire departments in France currently experience a growing need in volunteer stuff. At the same time the turnover rate among volunteers remains high. Intention to leave was mainly examined on the population of permanent workers, while the antecedents of intention to leave among volunteers are still undervalued. We suggest the existence of specific effects different from those previously coined out in standard organisational settings. Thus, the present study seeks to identify first- and second-order factors of intention to leave among volunteer fire-fighters. The literature review leads us to the proposition of three conceptual models that vary in terms of main mediators. Either job satisfaction, or organisational commitment, or both of them are envisaged as having the main mediating effect in the model. One hundred and thirty-nine volunteer fire-fighters returned completed questionnaires. The data was further analysed via path analysis in LISREL 8.80. The results partly confirm the model, according to which job satisfaction mediates the effects of organisational commitment, job involvement, perceived organisational support and motivation. Two variables – satisfaction with supervisors and length of service – are identified as main predictors of intention to leave. Job involvement and perceived organisational support are confirmed as second-order mediators of the effects exercised onto turnover intention by affective and normative commitment, satisfaction with colleagues and work, as well as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The results also indicate the necessity to examine the role of different dimensions of organisational attitudinal variables independently. Thus, the most salient dimension of satisfaction refers to the relationship with supervisors. As regards organisational commitment, its calculate dimension appears to have no significant effects at all; while affective one is characterised by a weak effect on intention to leave contrary to the results previously reported. The only individual variable having a significant effect on intention to leave is the volunteer fire-fighter's length of service. We conclude that instead of seeking to identify the appropriate selection criteria helping to reduce the existing turnover rate among volunteer fire-fighters, it is time to focus further research on the practices of organisational socialisation in order to reduce the current level of turnover. The main conclusion of the study emphasises the role the attitudes towards organisation plays in the decision of a volunteer fire-fighter to resign.  相似文献   


Levenson's multidimensional I-E Scale was administered to 625 male and female university students and adults in America and Greece. The scores were categorized by sex, country, and employment status (job-holding adults or students) on each of the three control dimensions and then subjected to 2 × 2 × 2 analyses of variance. There were no significant sex main effects for any of the three I-E dimensions, thus calling into question previous cross-cultural findings that women were more external than men. Americans and Greeks did not differ on the Personal Control dimension, but Greeks did believe that they live in a more unpredictable environment than the Americans and also one in which powerful others control their outcomes. The results also indicated that students report having less of a sense of responsibility for their own actions than adults, but the two groups did not differ significantly on the Powerful-others or Chance dimensions. Finally, differences in the patterns of scoring across I-E content areas among subjects suggested the usefulness of utilizing a multidimensional I-E scheme in future cross-cultural personality research.  相似文献   

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