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The aim of the present research was to develop a difficulty model for logical reasoning problems involving complex ordered arrays used in the Graduate Record Examination. The approach used involved breaking down the problems into their basic cognitive elements such as the complexity of the rules used, the number of mental models required to represent the problem, and question type. Weightings for these different elements were derived from two experimental studies and from the reasoning literature. Based on these weights, difficulty models were developed which were then tested against new data. The models had excellent predictive validity and showed the relative influence of rule based factors and factors relating to the number of underlying models. Different difficulty models were needed for different question types, suggesting that people used a variety of approaches and, at a wider level, that both mental models and mental rules may be used in reasoning.  相似文献   

This study examined a number of hypotheses as to why children have difficulty in solving three-term series problems. No support was found for the hypothesis that their difficulties arise because of their inability to understand transitive relations. In addition, the problems were present throughout the task, so that poor memory for the premises was ruled out as a contributory factor in reasoning difficulty. The children's performance was found to improve, however, when they were provided with an aid to reduce the demands of the task on working memory, although this advantage was not maintained in a later test without a memory aid. There was also evidence that, overall, the children had greater difficulty in solving problems that imposed a higher load on working memory.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that the transition from unfamiliar problems to familiar, well-learned problems coincides with the transition from a model-based style of reasoning to a rule-based style of reasoning; model-based style of reasoning helps understanding the problem structure, but can overload working memory when the number of models required increases; rule-based style of reasoning avoids cognitive overloading, at the cost of making individuals liable to mechanization errors. In Experiment 1, the number of models required to respond to a verification task affected response latencies with unfamiliar problems, but not with familiar problems, supporting the initial hypothesis. In Experiment 2, participants were prone to mechanization errors when confronted with slightly modified problems in the late stages of the experiment, supporting the hypothesis that they had developed a reasoning rule in the early stages and were blindly applying it. The findings suggest that model-based reasoning and rule-based reasoning serve different purposes and have different costs and benefits, are both available to human reasoners, and familiarization with a problem may induce the transition from the former to the latter. The findings also suggest that mechanization of reasoning may be the first step along a gradient of decreasing cognitive load, whose end-point is automatization, as discussed in theories of automatization of information processing.  相似文献   

Humans appear to reason using two processing styles: System 1 processes that are quick, intuitive, and effortless and System 2 processes that are slow, analytical, and deliberate that occasionally correct the output of System 1. Four experiments suggest that System 2 processes are activated by metacognitive experiences of difficulty or disfluency during the process of reasoning. Incidental experiences of difficulty or disfluency--receiving information in a degraded font (Experiments 1 and 4), in difficult-to-read lettering (Experiment 2), or while furrowing one's brow (Experiment 3)--reduced the impact of heuristics and defaults in judgment (Experiments 1 and 3), reduced reliance on peripheral cues in persuasion (Experiment 2), and improved syllogistic reasoning (Experiment 4). Metacognitive experiences of difficulty or disfluency appear to serve as an alarm that activates analytic forms of reasoning that assess and sometimes correct the output of more intuitive forms of reasoning.  相似文献   

Eight unique bidimensional conceptual rule forms were compared in a rule learning paradigm. It was predicted that rule difficulty order and error distributions across stimulus class defined by a truth table would be a function of Ss' preexperimental experience predominantly with conjunctive concepts. The hypothesis stated specifically that loci of difficulty with rules derive from: (a) assignment of TT stimuli (those with both relevant attributes) to the negative category; (b) assignment of FF stimuli (those with neither relevant attributes) to the positive category; (c) assignment of TT and FF stimuli to the same category. The main effects of rule and truth table class and the interaction of rule and truth table class were statistically significant. The results confirm all predictions about rule order and error distributions.  相似文献   

Working memory involvement in propositional reasoning was explored after different kinds of training. The training conditions aimed to reduce the impact of non-analytic heuristics and to enhance analytic inference processes according to mental logic theories, the mental model theory, and the theory of pragmatic reasoning schemata. Following an initial training phase, secondary task interference was investigated using concurrent spatial tapping (Experiment 1), random number generation (Experiment 2), and articulatory suppression (Experiment 3). A training condition practicing the construction and use of mental models via a truth table task increased the disruption of reasoning performance by random number generation and articulatory suppression, whereas the other training conditions did not affect susceptibility to secondary task interference. The results corroborate implications of the mental model theory of reasoning.  相似文献   

Sources of difficulty in deductive reasoning: The THOG task   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The THOG task presents four designs constructed from two shapes and two colours. Subjects are told that the experimenter has written down one of the shapes and one of the colours and are provided the rule that if, and only if, any design has either the shape or the colour, but not both, written down, then it is a THOG. Finally, they are given an exemplar and are asked to classify the remaining designs. Successful solution requires construction of hypotheses, reasoning under each hypothesis, and comparison of the results under each to reach a final conclusion. Few subjects are able to provide adequate responses on the standard version of the task. We present the results of four experiments, with 160 undergraduates each presented with one of eight versions of the task. Experiments 1 and 2 indicate that (1) some subjects think that the properties that are written down are identical to those of the exemplar, although these are not the same subjects who exhibit the modal error pattern, (2) many subjects correctly understand the disjunction of the rule but fail to consider the hypotheses, and (3) poor initial encoding of the problem is not easily corrected. Experiment 3 investigates the sufficiency of the claim of Griggs and Newstead (1982) that appropriate problem solution follows from explicit presentation of all problem information (including use of positive labels for properties that are not written down), and Experiment 4 investigates the necessity of the claim. The results of Experiments 3 and 4 show that presenting positive category labels does increase the frequency of correct solution; however, positive category labels are not necessary for such improvement. Separation of the labels of the THOG rule from those of the exemplar, or informing subjects that only one other design is a THOG, also increases the frequency of successful solution. The results suggest that many people have some fairly sophisticated reasoning skills. but application of these skills is easily discouraged when the features of the task lead to poor initial encoding.  相似文献   

In the standard Iowa Gambling Task (IGT), participants have to choose repeatedly from four options. Each option is characterized by a constant gain, and by the frequency and amount of a probabilistic loss. Crone and van der Molen (2004) reported that school-aged children and even adolescents show marked deficits in IGT performance. In this study, we have re-analyzed the data with a multivariate normal mixture analysis to show that these developmental changes can be explained by a shift from unidimensional to multidimensional proportional reasoning (Siegler, 1981; Jansen & van der Maas, 2002). More specifically, the results show a gradual shift with increasing age from (a) guessing with a slight tendency to consider frequency of loss to (b) focusing on frequency of loss, to (c) considering both frequency and amount of probabilistic loss. In the latter case, participants only considered options with low-frequency loss and then chose the option with the lowest amount of loss. Performance improved in a reversed task, in which punishment was placed up front and gain was delivered unexpectedly. In this reversed task, young children are guessing with already a slight tendency to consider both the frequency and amount of gain; this strategy becomes more pronounced with age. We argue that these findings have important implications for the interpretation of IGT performance, as well as for methods to analyze this performance.  相似文献   

It has often been claimed that children's mathematical understanding is based on their ability to reason logically, but there is no good evidence for this causal link. We tested the causal hypothesis about logic and mathematical development in two related studies. In a longitudinal study, we showed that (a) 6‐year‐old children's logical abilities and their working memory predict mathematical achievement 16 months later; and (b) logical scores continued to predict mathematical levels after controls for working memory, whereas working memory scores failed to predict the same measure after controls for differences in logical ability. In our second study, we trained a group of children in logical reasoning and found that they made more progress in mathematics than a control group who were not given this training. These studies establish a causal link between logical reasoning and mathematical learning. Much of children's mathematical knowledge is based on their understanding of its underlying logic.  相似文献   

According to current models of reading, the phonological representation-of a-letter string could be generated by means of two different procedures. The first consists in the looking up or addressing of the phonological representation of the appropriate word in the mental lexicon. The second consists in the assignment of a phonological code to the various orthographic units that occur in the letter string and the assembly of them into a unitary phonological representation. However, the various models of phonological assembly differ in the nature of the knowledge that such assembly requires. On the one hand, dual-route theories assert that the assembly process operates by means of extralexical graphophonological rules and, therefore, without reference to lexical knowledge. On the other hand, in analogy theories and interactive models of phonological assembly, the lexical phonological representations of words orthographically close to the letter string (the orthographic neighborhood) are supposed to contribute to the-translation process. The aim of the experiments reported here was to empirically distinguish between these two categories of models. In Experiment 1, subjects were asked to pronounce pseudowords containing the letterg. Results indicate that the phonological representation assigned to the letterg depends on the pronunciation favored by the lexical neighbors. Experiment 2 shows that lexical contribution to phonological assembly also takes place in lexical decision.  相似文献   

Prevention science as an interdisciplinary specialty is addressed in this introduction to the special section of the journal. The six papers that comprise the special section are briefly summarised, especially noting the global regions that are represented, that is, Europe, Middle East, New Zealand and South America. Attention to the importance of differential adaptations of prevention interventions developed in one region, country or locale but implemented in another is emphasised. The Guest Editors reflect on the importance of developing cross-national collaborations to further the advance of prevention science globally.  相似文献   

"命题推理"的心理学研究综述   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文在对“如果…,那么…”规则、“四卡问题”和“THOG”等三种有关“命题推理”领域的研究作了简要综述。  相似文献   

Involuntary muscle twitches, which are accompanied by a more or less pronounced effect of motion and which may last for several hours, are a common guiding symptom of a number of neurological syndromes. This paper reports the case of a 24-year-old male who had been suffering since his sixth year from episodic muscular spasms accompanied by attacks of petit mal. These are regarded as representing a myoclonic-epileptic syndrome. In this connection, a distinction has to be made, by differential diagnosis, between the "true" myoclonic syndrome which is characterized by the absence of complications due to attacks of grand mal or petit mal, Kojewnikoff's epilepsy, and the myoclonic-epileptic dementia form of syndrome.  相似文献   

Noise typically induces both peripheral and central masking of an auditory target. Whereas the idea that a deficit of speech in noise perception is inherent to dyslexia is still debated, most studies have actually focused on the peripheral contribution to the dyslexics’ difficulties of perceiving speech in noise. Here, we investigated the respective contribution of both peripheral and central noise in three groups of children: dyslexic, chronological age matched controls (CA), and reading‐level matched controls (RL). In all noise conditions, dyslexics displayed significantly lower performance than CA controls. However, they performed similarly or even better than RL controls. Scrutinizing individual profiles failed to reveal a strong consistency in the speech perception difficulties experienced across all noise conditions, or across noise conditions and reading‐related performances. Taken together, our results thus suggest that both peripheral and central interference contribute to the poorer speech in noise perception of dyslexic children, but that this difficulty is not a core deficit inherent to dyslexia.  相似文献   

Globally, the need to check regulation compliance for sustainability has become central in the delivery of construction projects. This is partly due to policies by various governments requiring existing and new buildings to comply with certain standards or regulations. However, the verification of whether a building complies with any particular standard or regulation has proven challenging in practice. The purpose of formal verification is to prove that under a certain set of assumptions, a building will adhere to a certain set of requirements, for example the minimum performance standards of key environmental issues. Compliance checking requires different criteria often difficult to straightforwardly define and combine in an integrated fashion for providing holistic interpretation to facilitate easy decision-making. Such criteria, their various flows and combinations can easily be dealt with using conceptual graph theories and Semantic Web concepts which allow rules to be imbued to facilitate reasoning. The aim of this study is to tap on conceptual graphs and Semantic Web concepts to develop a system for checking Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology (BREEAM) sustainability standard compliance in the French construction industry. A conceptual graph-based framework that formally describes BREEAM requirements and visually analyse compliance checking processes has been proposed. When implemented in a software that integrates conceptual graphs and Semantic Web knowledge, automatic reasoning allows both the logical specification and the visual interpretation to be displayed and further provides a semantic support for compliance checking information.  相似文献   

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