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The article focuses on God-talk in the context of therapeutic conversations within a framework of psychodynamic and cognitive/narrative perspectives and develops a guide of five diagnostic questions for the critical analysis of God-stories as a tool in spiritual assessment. As a case-illustration, Anton Boisen's God-story is assessed with applications for Clinical Pastoral Education to learn from God-stories as "living human documents."  相似文献   

The British sociolinguists Sinclair and Coulthard have generated a systematic approach to the analysis of natural conversation using classroom discourse. Burton has articulated an innovative development of this model that she claims is applicable to a broad range of spoken discourse. She focuses on the language of dramatic plays. Her model is explained, and in an attempt to assess its viability, an application to a brief exchange in a Tennessee Williams play and its Italian translation is proposed. Interesting differences between the interactive structures of the two texts are revealed, indicating that Burton's model may be fruitful for the analysis of fictional dialogue. However, theatre talk may differ in as yet unknown ways from natural conversation.  相似文献   

My first focus of this study was to explore therapists' personal characteristics as predictors of the proportion of interpretation in brief dynamic psychotherapy (N=39; maximum 40 sessions). In this study, I used data from the Norwegian Multicenter Study on Process and Outcome of Psychotherapy (1995). The main finding was that therapists who had experienced good parental care gave less interpretation (28% variance was accounted for). Therapists who had more negative introjects used a higher proportion of interpretation (16% variance was accounted for). Patients' pretreatment characteristics were not predictive of therapists' use of interpretation. The second focus was to investigate the impact of therapists' personality and the proportion of interpretation on the development of patients' maladaptive defensive functioning over the course of therapy. Better parental care and less negative introjects in therapists were associated with a positive influence and accounted for 5% variance in the reduction of patients' maladaptive defense.  相似文献   

From our Bakhtinian perspective, understanding requires an active process of talking and listening. Dialogue is a precondition for positive change in any form of therapy. Using the perspectives of dialogism and neurobiological development, we analyze the basic elements of dialogue, seeking to understand why dialogue becomes a healing experience in a network meeting. From the perspective of therapist as dialogical partner, we examine actions that support dialogue in conversation, shared emotional experience, creation of community, and creation of new shared language. We describe how feelings of love, manifesting powerful mutual emotional attunement in the conversation, signal moments of therapeutic change.  相似文献   


Despite frequent claims to the contrary, Passion piety maintained a significant presence within English devotion throughout the sixteenth century. This article centres on several female contributors to evangelical Passion devotion, including Katherine Parr and Elizabeth Tyrwhit. Moving beyond essentialized notions of gendered authorship, the study offers a comparative, historicizing perspective on women's Passion writings, situating female-authored works within their wider contemporary devotional contexts. An argument is advanced for the fluidity and open-endedness of the early landscape of reform, uncovering the surprising continuities which shaped reformed spirituality and revealing a level of confessional interplay at variance with polarized models of Catholic and Protestant devotion.  相似文献   

Interruptions are known to be pervasive and harmful for concentration. It is also known that many factors can influence their effect, such as the complexity of the interrupting task. Less, however, is known about the processes underlying the resumption of the primary task, especially if the interrupting task is complex. Many hypotheses have been proposed but, as yet, it has not been possible to distinguish between their various qualities. In the current study, we carried out two experiments in which we manipulated the complexity of the interrupting task (either simple or complex) and the time between the end of the interrupting task and the resumption of the primary task (i.e., a break). Results showed that complex interrupting tasks led to longer resumption lags (RL) when there was no break, as has already been shown many times. However, while RL after simple interrupting tasks did not change as the break before resumption lengthened up to 1,500 ms, those after complex interrupting tasks decreased. Moreover, after a break of 3,000 ms, RL were longer overall. These results can only support the hypothesis based on task-switching theories, but not hypotheses derived from interruption-based models. Our findings therefore provide empirical evidence in support of explanations of complexity effects and the implications for research and application are discussed.  相似文献   

The study of gender differences in prospective memory (i.e., remembering to remember) has received modest attention in the literature. The few reported studies investigating either subjective or objective evaluations of prospective memory have shown inconsistent data. In this study, we aimed to verify the presence of gender differences during the performance of an objective prospective memory test by considering the weight of specific variables such as length of delay, type of response, and type of cue. We submitted a sample of 100 healthy Italian participants (50 men and 50 women) to a test expressly developed to assess prospective memory: The Memory for Intentions Screening Test. Women performed better than men in remembering to do an event-based task (i.e., prompted by an external event) and when the task required a physical response modality. We discuss the behavioural differences that emerged by considering the possible role of sociological, biological, neuroanatomical, and methodological variables.  相似文献   

Major theme: Evaluation of therapeutic outcome. Logical development of the theme: We suggest a way for practitioners and researchers to assess if they are on track in conversing towards client preferred goals. We offer a critique of more conventional approaches to studying therapeutic progress, suggesting how a discursive (i.e. focused on interaction and language use) lens can address these limitations. Through this lens we examine therapeutic progress evident in ‘preference work’, where clients demonstrably indicate, imply, agree and disagree with where the therapeutic conversation is heading. Such ‘preference work’ offers a form of evidence of within‐session outcomes in a process of reaching larger client preferred outcomes. Authors’ point of view: We present the results of conversation analysis – a qualitative approach to the study of therapy – to illustrate our discursive perspective on therapy progress and change. Implications: we suggest a way for practitioners to assess if they are on track in conversing towards client preferred goals. We propose that our interactional perspective may significantly contribute to bridging practice and research in therapy.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was developed to measure beliefs about and experiences with violence in the family. Two groups of persons in two different states who had attended conferences on battered women participated in this research. Of the 177 subjects (84% women, 16% men), none of the men had been battered, yet over one-third of the women had been; more older women reported having been adult battering victims than did younger women; the women had less formal education than the men; the women in the lower educational groups were more likely to have been battered and to report fear of becoming victims; and the social service workers reported little fear of battering.  相似文献   

In the face of widespread cynicism as regards the possibilities for reasoned and reasonable adjudication of ethical differences in the postmodern age, this essay proposes a dialogic, reconstructive rhetoric as a vehicle for jointly arguing about the ethics of past actions, and looks to the friendship circle as a model arena for the playing out of such a rhetoric. Analyzed by way of illustration is a conversation among four good friends about the ethics of another, surreptitiously taped, conversation between two of those friends.The author wishes to thank Barbie Zeltzer and Micheal Krippondorf, both of Temple University, fot thier comments. Abridged versions of this paper were presented at the Iowa Conference on Narrative in the Human Sciences,1990 and at the England Symposium in Narratives in the Social Sciences. Commentaries at these conferences were also very useful.  相似文献   

Hunter SV 《Family process》2012,51(2):179-192
The therapeutic bond is at the heart of effective therapy, yet few studies have examined therapists' experience of this bond. Using a qualitative study design, this exploratory study examines the experiences of couple and family therapists in relation to their perceptions of the satisfactions and risks involved in the therapeutic bond. The research was conducted using grounded theory methodology and eight in-depth interviews were conducted with therapists working in five counseling agencies in Sydney, Australia. Therapists described the importance of the 3 component parts of the therapeutic bond: the empathic connection between therapist and client; the role investment of the client; and the mutual affirmation experienced by both therapist and client in the therapeutic process. Walking in sacred spaces with the client was seen as both enriching and challenging for the therapist. The therapeutic bond gave therapists intense satisfaction and posed risks for them, especially when working with traumatic client experiences. However, the findings suggest that the experience of compassion satisfaction and the development of vicarious resilience counter-balanced the intense difficulty of bearing witness to clients' traumatic experiences and the potential for vicarious traumatization. The implications for sustaining couple and family therapists in their work are discussed.  相似文献   

Women tend to be more accurate in decoding facial expressions than men. We hypothesized that women’s better performance in decoding facial expressions extends to distinguishing between authentic and nonauthentic smiles. We showed participants portrait photos of persons who smiled because either they saw a pleasant picture (authentic smile) or were instructed to smile by the experimenter (nonauthentic smile) and asked them to identify the smiles. Participants judged single photos of persons depicting either an authentic or a nonauthentic smile, and they judged adjacent photos of the same person depicting an authentic smile and a nonauthentic smile. Women outperformed men in identifying the smiles when judging the adjacent photos. We discuss implications for judging smile authenticity in real life and limitations for the observed sex difference.  相似文献   

This paper raises fundamental questions about the claims of art historian David Freedberg and neuroscientist Vittorio Gallese in their article "Motion, Emotion and Empathy in Esthetic Experience." It does so from several perspectives, all of them rooted in the dynamic realities of movement. It shows on the basis of neuroscientific research how connectivity and pruning are of unmistakable import in the interneuronal dynamic patternings in the human brain from birth onward. In effect, it shows that mirror neurons are contingent on morphology and corporeal-kinetic tactile-kinesthetic experience. Accordingly, it poses and answers the overlooked but seminally important question of how mirror neurons come to be. The original neuromuscular research of Parma neuroscientists and the findings of Marc Jeannerod concerning kinesthesia support the answer that the "underpinnings" of visual art appreciation are themselves underpinned. An abbreviated phenomenological analysis of movement and its implications regarding the fact that the making of all art is quintessentially contingent on movement, hence a dynamic enterprise, further bolster the given answer as does a brief review of an empirical phenomenological analysis of the natural dynamic congruency of emotions and movement. In the end, the paper shows that movement and life are of a piece in the creation and appreciation of art as in everyday life.  相似文献   

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