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The complementary learning systems framework provides a simple set of principles, derived from converging biological, psychological and computational constraints, for understanding the differential contributions of the neocortex and hippocampus to learning and memory. The central principles are that the neocortex has a low learning rate and uses overlapping distributed representations to extract the general statistical structure of the environment, whereas the hippocampus learns rapidly using separated representations to encode the details of specific events while minimizing interference. In recent years, we have instantiated these principles in working computational models, and have used these models to address human and animal learning and memory findings, across a wide range of domains and paradigms. Here, we review a few representative applications of our models, focusing on two domains: recognition memory and animal learning in the fear-conditioning paradigm. In both domains, the models have generated novel predictions that have been tested and confirmed.  相似文献   

Cohen's kappa is presently a standard tool for the analysis of agreement in a 2 × 2 reliability study, and weighted kappa is a standard statistic for summarizing a 2 × 2 validity study. The special cases of weighted kappa, for example Cohen's kappa, are chance‐corrected measures of association. For various measures of 2 × 2 association it has been observed in the literature that, after correction for chance, they coincide with a special case of weighted kappa. This paper presents the general function, linear in both numerator and denominator, that becomes weighted kappa after correction for chance.  相似文献   

Previous studies of cats with pontile lesions indicate that a serotonergic deficit exists in the superior colliculi and that this deficit is involved in the genesis of an abnormal grooming behavior. Cats with frontal neocortical lesions exhibit the same serotonergic deficit and the same abnormal grooming behavior. The present study established that the serotonergic deficit is involved in the mediation of the abnormal grooming behavior in cats with frontal neocortical lesions. Microinjections of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) into the superior colliculi abolished or signigicantly reduced the abnormal behavior in cats with frontal neocortical lesions, whereas no effects of 5-HTP were observed after injections into the cerebrospinal fluid above the superior colliculi, into the tegmentum beneath the superior colliculi, or into the medial dorsal nucleus rostral to the superior colliculi. Other substances (tryptophan, noradrenaline, and gamma-amino-butyric acid) had no effect on the abnormal behavior when injected into the superior colliculi. Further evidence implicating a serotonergic deficit in the mediation of the abnormal behavior was obtained by systemic injections: The abnormal behavior was abolished with 5-HTP in cats with frontal neocortical lesions and in adrenalectomized cats that were previously treated with p-chlorophenylalanine.. The present study also demonstrated that the abnormal grooming behavior is induced by frontal neocortical lesions and not by more caudal lesions of the neocortex. The anatomical relations between the frontal neocortex and the superior colliculus and the role of these structures in grooming behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

We applied functional analysis methodology to the assessment and treatment of 2 individuals' self‐injurious behavior (SIB), which was reported to be occasioned by transitions from one activity or location to another. A structural (task) analysis of activity transitions identified at least three separate components that might influence behavior either alone or in combination: (a) termination of a prechange activity, (b) initiation of a postchange activity, and (c) movement from one location to another. Results of preference and avoidance assessments were used to identify activities to which participants were exposed in varying arrangements during transitions in a functional analysis. Results of 1 participant's functional analysis indicated that his SIB was maintained by avoidance of having to change locations, regardless of the activity terminated prior to the change or the activity initiated following it. The 2nd participant's analysis revealed the same function but also an additional one: avoidance of certain task initiations. This information was used to identify transition contexts during intervention and to design treatment procedures appropriate for a given context and behavioral function. A procedure involving advance notice of an upcoming transition had no effect on SIB, and differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) had limited effects in the absence of extinction. Sustained decreases in SIB were observed when DRA was combined with extinction and response blocking. Further extensions of functional analysis methodology to the assessment of problem behavior in situations characterized by multiple or protracted stimulus changes are discussed.  相似文献   

Multiunit activity was recorded in the CA3 field of the dorsal hippocampus in freely moving rats during classical conditioning and subsequent presentation of the CS on operant baselines for food reward as well as shock avoidance. Rats were first trained in a nonsignaled bar-pressing-dependent shock omission task and in a food-motivated lever-pressing task (60-s VI). Five sessions with presentations of a previously habituated tone as a CS paired with footshock as a US were then given. Testing was carried out by presenting the CS alone while behavioral responses were maintained by reinforcement in both instrumental tasks on alternate sessions. As expected, the CS induced a marked suppression of lever pressing for food reward and a marked enhancement of bar-pressing for shock avoidance. The analysis of the frequency of multiunit discharges to the CS revealed that the hippocampal cellular responses established during classical conditioning were maintained while two different behavioral responses were exhibited to the CS. The results showed that the associative response of hippocampal neurons may be dissociated from the Pavlovian conditioned responses the CS elicits. They support the hypothesis that hippocampal cellular responses represent a neural index of the acquired CS-US associative representation.  相似文献   

Learning a bimanual coordination task (synchronization to a visually specified phasing relation) was studied as a dynamical process over 5 days of practicing a required phasing pattern. Systematic probes of the attractor layout of the 5 Ss' coordination dynamics (expressed through a collective variable, relative phase) were conducted before, during, and after practice. Depending on the relationship between the initial coordination dynamics (so-called intrinsic dynamics) and the pattern to be learned (termed behavioral information, which acts as an attractor of the coordination dynamics toward the required phasing), qualitative changes in the phase diagram occurred with learning, accompanied by quantitative evidence for loss of stability (phase transitions). Such effects persisted beyond 1 week. The nature of change due to learning (e.g., abrupt vs. gradual) is shown to arise from the cooperative or competitive interplay between behavioral information and the intrinsic dynamics.  相似文献   

In patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD), previous studies have reported the decrease of N-acetylaspartate (NAA) concentration and the increase of myo-inositol (MI) concentration using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS). However, it remains to be investigated what aspects of cognition these metabolite changes reflect. In this study we evaluated the correlations between the subtests of Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) and the concentrations of NAA and MI. The study group was composed of 42 patients with aMCI and 67 patients with AD. 1H-MR spectra with a single voxel-point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) at a short echo time were acquired from the bilateral hippocampi and posterior cingulate gyrus. Positive correlations were shown between the NAA concentration in the left hippocampus and verbal memory, visual memory, general memory, attention and delayed recall; and furthermore, between the NAA concentration in the right hippocampus and verbal memory and general memory. Negative correlations were shown between the MI concentration in the left hippocampus and verbal memory, general memory, and delayed recall, and between the MI concentration in the right hippocampus and verbal memory. There was no significant correlation between any subtest of WMS-R and these two metabolite concentrations in the posterior cingulate gyrus. These findings suggest that bilateral, especially left hippocampal NAA and MI concentrations are associated with memory dysfunction observed in patients with aMCI and AD. In contrast, NAA and MI concentrations in the posterior cingulate gyrus may be less related to memory function than those in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

从"心灵感应"说起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小A与小B是我的左右邻居,时年都已十八岁。暑假期间,两个小伙子结伴进深山采药赚学费钱。小A的一位远房亲戚居住在深山,他们寄居在那里。去后十多天,村里其他进山采药人回来告知,深山绝壁岩下发现了一具采药少年的尸体。小A和小B两家同时着急起来,一个电话打到寄宿那家,反馈来的信息是小A寄宿于此,小B两天前不知去向,看  相似文献   

我的老家在毛主席诗词“五岭逶迤腾细浪,乌蒙磅礴走泥丸”的那个五岭之一的萌堵岭之南麓,在旧社会,那里山高路远,交通闭塞,直到解放初期还是只有一条砂石土路通到县城,科学进不去,延绵了数千年的封建迷信却在那里繁衍生殖,颇为兴旺。小小的一个山区县城,什么巫婆、道士、神汉和风水先生应有尽有。人们求神拜佛讲风水的风气也很浓。记得,当时有一个陈姓街民,外号叫“活神仙”,三十挂零,尚未娶妻成家立业,又不会做耕田种地的活,因此空闲时间也特别多。每天吃饱饭没事做,便在县城周围的大山小岭、沟沟岔岔间闲逛。真是功夫不负有心人,数年下来,…  相似文献   

采用细胞因子刺激剂脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide, LPS)为免疫激活手段, 研究LPS诱导的免疫激活产生的抑郁样行为及对海马神经细胞电压依赖钾电流变化的影响。应用膜片钳技术对海马神经细胞钾电流进行全细胞记录, 比较抑郁样行为大鼠与正常大鼠钾离子通道电流密度和激活特性的变化。结果发现, 与生理盐水对照组相比, 一次LPS注射后2 hr, 实验组动物产生抑郁样行为, 同时急性观察的海马神经细胞的钾离子通道的电流密度呈现显著升高(p<0.01); 而一次LPS注射后24 hr, 动物的抑郁样行为消失, 且急性观察的海马神经细胞的钾离子通道与对照组相比较, 其电流密度和激活曲线没有显著性变化。结论:LPS诱导的抑郁样行为, 与LPS诱导的海马神经细胞电压依赖钾电流的上调在时程上同步, 提示钾离子通道可能参与免疫激活所致的抑郁样行为。  相似文献   

Presentation of dichotic chords to thirty subjects showed that 23% were right ear dominant, 40% were left ear dominant and 37% had no marked ear dominance. Presentation of dichotic consonant-vowel (CV) signals to the same subjects showed that 70% were right ear dominant and 30% were left ear dominant. Despite the fact that an ear dominance effect was present for both speech and non-speech sounds there was no significant correlation (either positive or negative) between an individual's performance on the two tasks. The performance of native speakers of tonal languages and of musicians was not significantly different from the experimental group of English speaking subjects. These results suggest that the two ear dominance effects are unrelated.  相似文献   


Quantum saturation of displacive order parameters may be observed at temperatures higher than expected in a simple soft-mode model. The experimental results have been explained sometimes by coupling of the softphonon branch with hard mode branches. We analyse the effect of this coupling in the limit of coupled Einstein oscillators. It is shown that a significant change through this mechanism of the low-temperature quantum saturation of the order parameter requires abnormally large coupling terms. In any case, under favourable circumstances, the coupled hard-phonon spectrum can be derived from the second temperature derivative of the square of the measured order parameter.  相似文献   

Temporal-order perception of phoneme segments in running speech is much superior to temporal-order perception in repeating vowel sequences. The more rapid rates possible in running speech may be due largely to the presence of formant transitions. In a series of five experiments we observed that many temporal-order misjudgements of repeating vowels can be explained in terms of auditory stream segregation, triggered for the most part by discontinuities in first-formant frequencies of adjacent vowels. Streaming, however, can be suppressed by formant transitions appropriate for the perception of stop consonants and by continuous transitions resembling those in coarticulated vowels. At rapid sequence rates, when the constraints of auditory streaming are removed, correct temporal-order identification is limited by linguistic transformations of vowels into other phoneme segments.  相似文献   

骆霞  康军 《天风》2006,(17):44-45
完美主义的阴影其实常与“昨天的我”的心态做事,而在生活中,这种心态已根深蒂固地影响我们。此时,如果我们换个角度,只和“昨天的我”作比较,为自己设立一个具体小目标,我们就会有一种全新的生活方式。据《2005年中国女性生活质量报告》显示:在51-70岁妇女人群中,正处于退出工作岗位,婚姻生活遇到危机,健康拉响警报等临界阶段,因此这是一群  相似文献   

Children with sickle cell disease (SCD) suffer from systemic processes (e.g., chronic anemia, recurrent hypoxic-ischemic events, chronic inflammation) that have been associated with neurocognitive impairment in a range of clinical populations, but which have been largely understudied in relation to specific domains of cognitive functioning in children with SCD. This review focuses on episodic memory, as the hippocampus may be especially vulnerable to the systemic processes associated with SCD. The first part of the paper outlines the pathophysiology of SCD and briefly reviews the extant literature on academic and cognitive functioning in children with SCD, emphasizing the dearth of research on episodic memory. Next, the complex systemic processes of hypoxia and inflammation associated with SCD are reviewed, along with research that has associated these processes with hippocampal damage and memory impairment. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research that are informed, in part, by the literature on developmental amnesia.  相似文献   

Potential problems with "well fitting" models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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