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杨泽波 《现代哲学》2011,(2):91-101
牟宗三对《圆善论》非常看重,认为该书借助儒家思想已经解决了康德未能解决的圆善问题。但这部著作不仅未能真正解决这一难题,在某些重要理论环节,特别是幸福的两种不同性质上,还存在着一定的混乱,其学术地位是有待讨论的。牟宗三有此失误的根本原因,是他以存有论说明圆善问题的特殊思路。这一思路决定牟宗三未能看到幸福主要不是存有论赋予的,而是道德要求得到满足的结果,而且不明白儒家纵然对德福关系有自己独特的看法,这一看法也极有价值,但并不能真正解决康德意义的圆善问题。出于对牟宗三的尊重,人们往往不能发现这些不足,即使或有发现,也未能正视并引起足够的重视,这是非常可惜的。  相似文献   

abstract   Duties of beneficence are not well understood. Peter Singer has argued that the scope of beneficence should not be restricted to those who are, in some sense, near us. According to Singer, refusing to contribute to humanitarian relief efforts is just as wrong as refusing to rescue a child drowning before you. Most people do not seem convinced by Singer's arguments, yet no one has offered a plausible justification for restricting the scope of beneficence that doesn't produce counterintuitive results elsewhere. I offer a defence of this restricted scope by introducing the notion of unique dependence, a notion that is both intuitively attractive and theoretically grounded. It explains why your reason to rescue the drowning child is more stringent than your reason to contribute to humanitarian relief, while blocking the conclusion that we have no reason at all to aid distant sufferers.  相似文献   

GIRM(Generalizability in Item Response Modeling)是一种将概化理论GT和项目反应理论IRT相结合后计算概化理论中方差分量的一种方法.当GIRM方法下θp和βi的抽样分布与GIRM方法中的MCMC先验分布一致时,GIRM方法对方差分量估计具有较高的准确性.为了进一步检验GIRM方法对IRT参数分布形态的敏感性,研究在将MCMC先验分布固定的情况下,探讨不同IRT参数分布形态下GIRM方法的适用性,并将所得结果与传统GT方法相比较.结果表明:(1)在各种参数分布形态下,采用GIRM方法估计IRT模型的参数是可行的;(2)GIRM方法在被试能力参数为标准正态分布时对σ2(p)估计的准确性高于传统GT方法,但在均匀分布和偏态分布下略差于传统GT方法;(3) GIRM方法在题目难度参数为偏态分布情况下对σ2(i)的估计准确性显著差于传统GT方法;(4)两种方法对于σ2(pie)估计的准确性在任何参数分布形态下都大致相当,优劣并无统一规律.  相似文献   

The notion of human rights is highly controversial and contested in modern scholarship. However, human rights have been defined as ‘the rational basis… for a justified demand.’ What constitutes demand should be understood as that which is different from favor or privilege but one's due, free from racial, religious, gender, political inclinations. But since rights are basic due to the fact that they are necessary for the enjoyment of something else, we are poised to examine it from the pre-figurative, configurative and post-figurative stages of development in Africa. This enterprise anchors on the belief in cosmotheandrisation of human rights in Africa: cosmos ‘earth’, theos ‘God’ and anthropos ‘human’. These three levels of horizontal and vertical relationship guarantee the respect for human rights in traditional Africa. Through this approach, this enterprise shows that the positive approach to human rights is majorly declarative without corresponding pragmatic manifestation.  相似文献   

用原创精神讲好中医药故事   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以往的科学或哲学阐释并没有使中医药摆脱为其合理性辩解的“被动”局面,而建立以故事阐释原创的新视野,有助于培育中医原创思维,促进中医药的“文化转型”及其发展,并由此能够真正转变政府决策的心态,引导整个行业通过发挥原创精神开创中医药事业发展的新局面.  相似文献   

The use of child soldiers in armed conflict is an increasing global concern. Although philosophers have examined whether child soldiers can be considered combatants in war, much less attention has been paid to their moral responsibility. While it is tempting to think of them as having diminished or limited responsibility, child soldiers often report feeling guilt for the wrongs they commit. Here I argue that their feelings of guilt are both intelligible and morally appropriate. The feelings of guilt that child soldiers experience are not self-censure; rather their guilt arises from their attempts to come to terms with what they see as their own morally ambiguous motives. Their guilt is appropriate because it reaffirms their commitment to morality and facilitates their self-forgiveness.  相似文献   

Aristotle was wont to say that most of those who heard Plato's Discourse on the Good had the following experience. Each came thinking he would be told something about one of the recognised human goods, such as Wealth, Health or Strength, or, in sum, some marvellous Happiness. But when it appeared that Plato was to talk on Mathematics and Numbers and Geometry and Astronomy, leading up to the statement that the Good was Unity, they were overwhelmed by the paradox of the whole matter. Some then pooh-poohed the whole thing and others were outraged by it.

Being a military family can be challenging, and the demands placed on soldiers and their families can become very complex. Military deployments are part of a soldier's military career that cannot be avoided and have the potential to influence military families directly. Separation within a military family is an inherent consequence of military deployments. Military deployments consist of various phases. Each phase has unique emotional and psychological challenges attached to it. These challenges can significantly influence every member in the military family. It is therefore imperative that the military, soldier and military families be sensitized around these phases and their unique challenges. A model is proposed to empower military families in the face of deployment.  相似文献   

Neck and Manz (1999) Neck, C. P., & Manz, C. C. (1999). In search of the self-led soldier: Army leadership in the twenty-first century. In J. G. Hunt, G. E. Dodge, & L. Wong (Eds.), Out of the box leadership: Transforming the twenty-first army and other top organizations (pp. 153176). Stamford, CT: JAI Press. [Google Scholar] elaborated in their article “In Search of the Self-Lead Soldier” on the need for continuous improvement of personnel qualities such as increase in self-efficacy, increase of performance, and decrease of perceived strain. Self-leadership is a tool that fosters exactly these personal resources. This study examines self-leadership training effects on soldiers participating in a military training course over 14 weeks. It is the first self-leadership training study to evaluate performance improvement using objective criteria (examination marks, physical tests) in intervention and control group consisting of soldiers of the Austrian army. Its design features a large sample (N = 130), duration of self-leadership training over 10 weeks, and evaluation over 4 time points. The intervention group accomplished significantly higher educational achievements in examinations and physical tests. Also levels of self-efficacy were significantly higher and levels of strain were marginally to significantly lower.  相似文献   

This article presents a repertory grid study of young people who had experienced civil war in Sierra Leone, some as child soldiers and others as noncombatants. Unexpected findings included that the former combatants viewed themselves more favorably than did noncombatants. The findings are discussed in terms of individual and social construing processes, drawing on narratives and interview and focus group responses obtained from the participants in the larger investigation of which this study was part. Particular consideration is given to the role of forgiveness.  相似文献   

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