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C. Murchison. [Ed.] A Handbook of General Experimental Psychology. Worcester, Mass: Clark University Press, 1934. Pp. xii+1125.  相似文献   

语言产生过程中非目标语言的激活与抑制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶嘉文  王瑞明  李利  范梦 《心理学报》2011,43(11):1263-1272
运用长时重复启动范式, 探讨熟练和非熟练中-英双语者语言产生过程中非目标语言的激活与抑制。实验1探讨双语被试在学习阶段使用中文进行图片命名任务时, 非目标语言英文概念层面的激活与抑制情况, 结果发现, 两种熟练水平的被试均没有出现重复启动效应; 实验2探讨双语被试在学习阶段使用英文进行图片命名任务时, 非目标语言中文概念层面的激活与抑制情况, 结果发现, 熟练双语被试没有出现重复启动效应, 而非熟练双语被试出现了重复启动效应; 实验3探讨非熟练双语被试在学习阶段使用英文进行图片命名任务时, 非目标语言中文词汇层面的激活与抑制情况, 结果没有出现重复启动效应。综合三个实验的结果可以表明, 熟练中-英双语者语言产生过程中在概念层面上就对非目标语言(不管是一语还是二语)进行了抑制, 而非熟练中-英双语者使用一语时可以在概念层面上抑制非目标语言(二语), 但使用二语时不能在概念层面上抑制非目标语言(一语), 要在词汇层面上才能抑制非目标语言(一语)。  相似文献   

Information Reduction, a performance-enhancing cognitive strategy which develops with practice, is thought to be consciously and abruptly adopted and then applied consistently. Previous investigations used an Alphabet Verification Task where one observation was that not everyone adopts the strategy, but reasons for this are unclear. We demonstrated Information Reduction in three other tasks, confirming that it is not task-specific. Post-testing questionnaires probed verbally expressible knowledge, to gauge conscious awareness of any strategy. Overall, results indicate considerable variation in Information Reduction usage: Some individuals discovered and used the strategy and could verbally express this, others chose not to use it and some appeared to use it without awareness of doing so. Results also indicate that Information Reduction is not consistently applied, suggesting it is less robust than has been proposed. Our results may be better explained by a theory of practice learning which incorporates both data-driven automaticity and top-down controlled processes.  相似文献   

The performance of 81 gifted elementary students on the Visual Aural Digit Span test is discussed. The students generally showed advanced performance from Grade 1 through Grade 5 and from age 7-0 yr. through 11-11 yr. Performance at Grade 6 and the 12-0 to 12-11-yr.-old levels were generally at age-expected levels and were probably restricted due to the test's limited ceiling. Tables of means across grade and age and needs for further research are also presented.  相似文献   

Reliable Digit Span (RDS) is a heavily researched symptom validity test with a recent literature review yielding more than 20 studies ranging in dates from 1994 to 2011. Unfortunately, limitations within some of the research minimize clinical generalizability. This systematic review and cross-validation study was conducted to address these limitations, thus increasing the measure's clinical utility. Sensitivity and specificity rates were calculated for the ≤6 and ≤7 cutoffs when data were globally combined and divided by clinical groups. The cross-validation of specific diagnostic groups was consistent with the data reported in the literature. Overall, caution should be used when utilizing the ≤7 cutoff in all clinical groups and when utilizing the ≤6 cutoff in the following groups: cerebrovascular accident, severe memory disorders, mental retardation, borderline intellectual functioning, and English as a second language. Additional limitations and cautions are provided.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown a negative linear relationship between speech rate and memory span. This relationship has implications for bilingual studies, as span could be larger in a bilingual's secondary language provided that pronunciation rate is faster than in the mother language. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of digit word length on digit span in bilinguals. Experiment 1 tested the effects of digit syllable length on speech rate in five different bilingual groups. Results revealed that digit-reading rates were significantly faster in all mother languages. Experiment 2 examined more closely the correspondence between speech rate and digit span with Portuguese-English bilinguals. Results showed that digit-reading rates were faster and digit span larger in the mother language even if the mean number of syllables per digit was higher. The superiority of mother tongue was discussed according to the view that digits are subject to massive practice in one's native language with a strong tendency to be abbreviated, thus reducing its spoken duration.  相似文献   

Six experiments examined the determinants of the numeral advantage effect: the finding that memory span for Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) is greater than for digit words (one, two, three, etc.). The speed of item identification for numeral and digit words was unrelated to memory span for the same items and a larger memory span for numerals persisted under concurrent random generation (Experiment 1). The numeral advantage, however, was abolished when the items were presented in random locations within an invisible 3x3 grid (Experiment 2) and in locations on a horizontal plane that ran contrary to the natural direction of reading (Experiment 3). When the items were presented in the same location, a disruption of the spatial component of visuo-spatial working memory eliminated the numeral advantage (Experiment 4), whereas interference with the visual component of the system did not (Experiment 5). When the items were spatially distributed in a 3x3 matrix, however, neither visual nor spatial interference abolished the effect (Experiment 6). Taken together, these findings suggest that the numeral advantage effect is mediated by discrete components in visuo-spatial working memory dedicated to the temporary storage and renewal of visual codes and questions the assumption that the underlying mechanisms in immediate, visual serial recall are equivalent between stimulus categories.  相似文献   

双语言语产生中的词汇提取机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章主要介绍了双语言语产生中词汇提取机制的两种理论:非特定语言提取的理论和特定语言提取的理论。重点围绕着双语言语产生中词汇提取的一个关键问题,即非目标语言的词汇是否对目标语言的词汇提取形成竞争或者干扰详细地论述了二者的理论分歧,非特定语言提取的理论认为非目标语言的词汇会对目标语言的词汇提取形成竞争,而特定语言提取的理论认为不会形成竞争。文章最后介绍了双语言语产生中词汇提取机制的最新研究趋势,表明了非特定语言提取的理论和特定语言提取的理论逐步走向融和  相似文献   

This study investigated the merits of substituting the Digit Span subtest for an invalid Verbal Scale subtest versus a proration method in calculating WISC--R Verbal and Full Scale IQ. Subjects were 93 child and adolescent psychiatric patients (67 boys and 26 girls) who ranged in age from 8 to 16 yr. Analysis indicated that the use of Digit Span as a substitute for the regularly administered Verbal subtests was inferior to the use of the comparable proration method. Although relatively few cases of misclassification occurred for either method in relation to Full Scale IQ, the rate of Verbal IQ misclassification by the Digit Span substitution method was significantly greater than with use of its proration. When faced with a choice, clinicians should attach greater validity to prorated estimates of a child's WISC--R Verbal IQ.  相似文献   

The Corsi Block-Tapping Task measures visuospatial short-term and working memory, but a standardized backward condition is lacking. The authors present a standardized backward procedure that was examined in 246 healthy older adults (ages 50 to 92), comparing the results with the Digit Span subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Third Edition. Principal component analysis resulted in a two-factor model, dissociating a verbal and a spatial working-memory factor. Also the Corsi backward is not more difficult than the Corsi forward, in contrast to the Digit Span backward that is more difficult than the Digit Span forward. This may suggest that the Corsi Block-Tapping Task backward task relies on processing within working-memory's slave systems, whereas the Digit Span backward also relies on the central executive component of working memory. Finally, regression-based normative data and cutoff scores for older adults are presented for use in clinical practice.  相似文献   

If and how Catholic and Protestant schools influence the religious lives of their students once they have graduated is unclear. Methodological limitations and inconsistencies in previous studies have resulted in confusing and often contradictory findings. Using data from two waves of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health ( N  = 11,212), I compare the religious lives of young adults who attended Catholic, Protestant, and secular schools as adolescents. The results suggest that Protestant schoolers are far more religious as young adults than those who attended a secular school, a difference that is at least partially explained by the schools' religious environment. But young adults who attended Catholic schools report levels of religiosity that are similar to those educated in a secular school, and are actually lower for some outcomes. Studies of religious schoolers that ignore the religious tradition of the school overlook these differing effects and forfeit statistical explanatory power.  相似文献   


Although a bilingual advantage has been reported for various measures of cognitive control, most previous studies have looked at a limited range of cognitive control measures. Furthermore, they typically leave unaddressed whether positive effects of bilingualism hold for all bilinguals or whether these are modulated by differences in bilingual language use and proficiency of children and their parents. This study reports on tasks of selective attention and inhibitory control from 24-month-old bilinguals (n = 37) and monolinguals (n = 58). Their parents completed a Dutch vocabulary checklist assessing receptive and productive vocabulary as well as questionnaires on children’s attentional focusing, attention shifting and inhibitory control, and language background. Linear mixed-effect regressions showed no differences on cognitive control between the monolinguals and bilingual groups. However, analyses taking into account differences in children’s bilingual language use and proficiency and of their parents revealed a more nuanced picture. Specifically, children’s degree of balanced language usage predicted parent-rated cognitive control. Furthermore, bilingual toddlers who had parents were low proficient in one of the home languages showed significantly better performance on a selective attention task than toddlers whose parents were both proficient in both home languages. These findings suggest that both children’s active usage of two languages and their experience with switching depending on their interlocutor are related to cognitive control performance in young bilingual children. As such, they add to a growing body of evidence that the bilingual advantage in cognitive control is tied to specific conditions of bilingualism, already at a young age.  相似文献   

This paper explores the psychodynamics of analytic work conducted between a French patient and an American analyst who are both bilingual in French and English. The depth of the patient's early traumatic relational history is initially bound and cloistered in French, her mother tongue. The author argues that through the symbolization of a series of initially dissociated enactments a transitional space is created in the treatment, facilitating the integration of the patient's (and analyst's) early French-speaking selves. Language is considered as a container for both dissociative and associative forms of multiplicity, as it serves to mediate an external and internal intersubjective expansion both between and within patient and analyst.  相似文献   

This study examined the sensitivity and false-positive error rate of reliable digit span (RDS) and the WAIS-III Digit Span (DS) scaled score in persons alleging toxic exposure and determined whether error rates differed from published rates in traumatic brain injury (TBI) and chronic pain (CP). Data were obtained from the files of 123 persons referred for neuropsychological evaluation related to alleged exposure to environmental and industrial substances. Malingering status was determined using the criteria of Slick, Sherman, and Iverson (1999). The sensitivity and specificity of RDS and DS in toxic exposure are consistent with those observed in TBI and CP. These findings support the use of these malingering indicators in cases of alleged toxic exposure and suggest that the classification accuracy data of indicators derived from studies of TBI patients may also be validly applied to cases of alleged toxic exposure.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the Digit Span (DS) subtest and component tasks (Wechsler, 1991) would show strong relationships with a dichotic listening test (Musiek, 1983). In two sets of archival clinical data (N = 74 and N = 51) we demonstrated that: (a) individuals with central auditory deficits had lower DS scores, F(1, 72) = 7.34, p = .008; η2 = .09; and (b) left-ear dichotic deficits impacted forward span, F(2, 48) = 8.45, p = .001. Right-ear dichotic listening performance also accounted for significant variance in digit forward span (R 2 = 0.17, p = .003). While limited in scope, the studies conclude that forward but not reverse span performance is strongly related to dichotic listening, and can serve as a marker for possible central auditory deficits.  相似文献   

研究考察双语水平对认知控制心智转换的影响。通过语言转换和任务转换实验,比较两组一语水平相同而二语水平不同的“不平衡”中英双语者(40人,平均年龄20.30岁)。结果发现高水平组在语言转换中优于低水平组,但在任务转换中两组无显著差异。说明双语水平对认知控制心智转换的影响不显著。回归分析结果表明心智转换与双语水平无关,但二语使用显著预测任务转换代价,双语转换频率显著预测任务混合代价。研究表明双语水平对认知控制心智转换的促进作用不显著,但二语使用和双语转换频率可能是双语者心智转换能力增强的重要因素。研究进一步推进了双语促进认知控制的理论,明确了双语优势的具体来源及认知控制受影响的具体层面。  相似文献   

The suggestion that the cerebral representation of language is bilateral in at least some left handers relies on using the proportion of aphasics found in available clinical samples of sufferers of unilateral brain damage as a valid estimate of the probability that aphasia will occur following unilateral brain damage. This results in an overestimate of this probability since the clinical sample includes only cases with both unilateral brain damage and clinical symptoms and excludes cases with unilateral brain damage without clinical symptoms. With adjustment for this overestimate the clinical data are consistent with unilateral cerebral representation of language in left handers.  相似文献   

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