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丘浚是我国古代自觉提倡并积极探讨自然科学的儒家学者。他将儒学的研究对象分为“性理之学”(相当于“哲学”)与“物理之学”(相当于“科学”)两个部分 ,并对当时儒者重“性理之学”而轻“物理之学”的现象提出了批评。他不仅揭示了研究“物理之学”的必要性 ,而且还提出了研究“物理之学”的方法与要求。丘浚对研究“物理之学”的积极提倡 ,使我们看到了儒学与科学之间可容性的一面。  相似文献   

胡海忠 《周易研究》2022,(5):45-54+91
唐宋易学脉络中言说道体的语词经历了以“虚无”扬弃“无”、以“太虚”“太极”等扬弃“虚无”的演变过程。唐代《周易正义》中“虚无”“太虚”语义相同,是对道体之最究竟的描摹、形容,“太极”则是直接指向元气的语词。但不可将“太极”与元气完全等同,它的实际语用是对“有之所极”的“无称之称”,具有描摹、形容的词性。“虚无”“太虚”则可由形容词转义作名词,引申指具有“虚无”“太虚”性质的道体。张载等道学家对《周易正义》的这种用法有所继承,但由于辟佛老自觉意识的不断增强,道学家逐渐放弃了“虚无”,而采用“太虚”“太极”“道”“理”等更具确定性的语词来指称道体。  相似文献   

奥斯汀通过对“行为”、“责任”、“自由”、“if”和“can”等语词的详细探究 ,从侧面探讨了有关伦理问题。他的探讨对我们正确理解相关的伦理概念有极大的启发意义 ,尤其为“消极的自由”概念提供了语言哲学上的新论证。  相似文献   

墨子以“天下莫若身之贵”阐释了生命存在的伦理之义,并从“生,刑与知之处”的知性统一的视角,表达了对人之为人的自在与自为的“生”之内涵的洞察与感悟。这种感悟既是人之为“生”的一种道德境界,也是对人的“生生之道”在伦理意义上的孜孜以求。墨子对“生”的追求强调在普遍意义上的德性之欲,故而以“兼爱”为机制,在“兼”的社会化过程中来表达对“众之生”的尊重。所以,“兼爱”是墨子实现“贵生”的伦理设计,“兼”体现了墨子对人生关系、社会关系应该如何的一种德性之约,确切地说,“兼爱”是实现“贵生”的社会道德要求,更是人何以“贵生”的一种伦理手段,此与当代社会的和谐建设有借鉴之功。  相似文献   

何晓 《管子学刊》2023,(1):28-36
庄子的“知”论历来被视作境界论,而非认识论。如果我们以认识论的视角去解读庄子的“知”论,会发现庄子所谓的“真知”并非是对“道”的体认,而是对“认识活动之本质”的认识。庄子认为“真”的本义是“倒下的人”,引申为“主体性的消解”。所以“真知”的内容为:“认识”从本质上来说是一种前主体性的活动,而非通常所理解的主客二分下的活动(“俗知”)。这一方面揭示了认识活动的本真面目,另一方面也消解了“认识何以可能”的问题,避免了陷入由“俗知”所带来的“认识论困境”。  相似文献   

周磊 《现代哲学》2020,(2):131-136
明儒王廷相以孔子的“性相近”批判朱熹的“性善论”,并且重构了“性善论”人物谱系,其背后始终贯穿着对“生之谓性”的阐发这一线索。在王廷相的“气质”人性论中,先天“气禀”所带来的“善性”与“恶性”在整个人性中所占的比重较小,重点在于后天通过“变化气质”以改变人性。变化气质存在两种情况,分别通向“善性”与“恶性”,其差别在于是否研习、践行“圣人之教”。王廷相通过区分两种“知识”系统以及设定人人都有“为善之才能”,为个体向善准备了理论前提。而其对人性滑向“恶性”的警惕,凸显了“圣人之教”的重要作用。  相似文献   

自谦: 中国人一种重要的行事风格初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
胡金生  黄希庭 《心理学报》2009,41(9):842-852
研究一通过对古籍的检索, 初步构建了古籍自谦语料库, 在此基础上对自谦的内涵、分类、功能进行内容分析。结果表明, 自谦是一种“以阳居阴”的行事风格; 它有“虚性”和“实性”之分; 其功能可以分为“和谐性”、“进取性”、“防御性”、“礼貌性”、“道德性”五个方面。研究二对现代人的开放式调查表明, 古今人们对自谦内涵的看法是比较一致的, 绝大多数人认为, 自谦仍然具有重要的现实意义, 但对自谦功能的认同内容和比例偏重都与古人不同。研究三用自编问卷考察了大学生对自谦的认同度。结果表明, 大学生非常强调自谦的“防御性”、“自我完善”和“提升形象”的功能。最后, 围绕本研究的方法、结果、启示进行了讨论, 并展望了自谦未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

西方"大五"人格结构模型的建立和适用性分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
崔红  王登峰 《心理科学》2004,27(3):545-548
本文旨在对西方“大五”人格结构模型的形成过程及其适用性进行系统的分析。“大五”模型是依据“词汇学假设”,通过对英文人格特质形容词的分析建立起来的,有着明显的西方文化特点。跨文化比较的结果中支持“大五”模型的研究大多使用“强制的一致性”策略,而“衍生的一致性”策略往往得出与“大五”不同的结论。对中国人人格结构的研究也得到了不同于“大五”的“大七”模型,预示了“大五”模型不适合中国人的人格特点。  相似文献   

人格心理学作为心理学体系中的重要分支之一,自创立以来却一直缺乏一个完整统一的学科架构。这种状况极大地限制了该学科的发展。文章回顾了人格心理学的起源和发展,探讨了学科发展的趋势,呈现了当下几种主要的学科架构。在综合比较的基础上,对其中有代表性的Clonlinger人格“描述—动力—发展”的“3D”模型进行了修正:(1)增加了人格理论;(2)把第一个“D”由“人格描述”改为“人格表现”;(3)对原有“3D”的内容进行补充和完善。得出了对人格心理学学科架构的“3D”修正模型:即理论加“3D”  相似文献   

最近,一些报刊上发表了重评1964年关于“一分为二”与“合二而一”问题的“论战”的文章,大都明确肯定了“合二而一”也是唯物辩证法。我对“合二而一”这个学术理论问题却还有些不同的看法。1964年,那个“理论权威”和关锋之流,玩弄阴谋与权术?把“一分为二”与“合二而一”问题的正常的学术讨论,变成了一场所谓批判“合二而一”的“政治运动”,对主张和赞成“合二而一”观点的同志进行了政治迫害,破坏了党的“百花齐放,百家争鸣”方针的贯  相似文献   

A commonly held point of view defines a discipline as a science if it uses inductive and/or deductive methods in studying phenomena in question, because these methods, it is believed, will enable generalization of findings. Both history and theory of social representations study unique phenomena and therefore, for these disciplines, induction and deduction are unsuitable methods of exploration. History and theory of social representations treat a historical event and a social psychological phenomenon, respectively, as dynamic, systemic and one of its kind. Using relational epistemologies, these disciplines produce context-dependent and context-specific knowledge. Whilst similarities among historical, as well as among social psychological occurrences do exist, they do not yield themselves to inductive generalization. Studies of unique cases require different kinds of generalization; rather than generalising to populations, they pose questions about generalizability, or transferability, with respect to theories of other historical events or social psychological phenomena.  相似文献   

The relation between attention to target and context information and target recall in an incidental learning task for children and adults was examined in seven experiments. In Experiment 1, second- and sixth-graders and college adults were presented with hard (e.g., hawk eagle canary), easy (river lake canary), or unrelated (river pencil canary) word triplets, varying in the difficulty of identifying the “odd” target word (canary), and were required to identify the target themselves (oddity choice), or such identification was optional, since the experimenter identified the target (read). Trial duration was either 3 or 7 s. The attentional patterns varied with triplet type, orienting activity, and trial duration. Most important, target and incidental context word recall seemed to vary directly with the extent of the interactive processing of context and target conceptual information, and the adults seemed more disposed to do such processing than the children. These results support a distinction between context-interactive and context-independent situations and suggest that the attentional patterns that are efficient for memory may differ with the kind of situation. The other experiments extend and establish the generality of these results.  相似文献   


This study examines whether states follow the religion policies they declare in their constitutions. It identifies four types of policies which officially seek to limit religion's role in government: absolute separation of religion and state (SRAS); neutral political concern; exclusion of ideals; and secularism–laicism. I determine whether states follow these policies using the religion and state (RAS) dataset and compare this to constitutional declarations that the state is secular and declarations of separation of religion and state. The results show that a majority of states which make both types of declaration do not follow these policies based on any of the four standards used in this study. However, the presence and wording of these clauses are correlated with state religion policy.  相似文献   

The paper tries to provide an alternative to Hempel’s approach to scientific laws and scientific explanation as given in his D-N model. It starts with a brief exposition of the main characteristics of Hempel’s approach to deductive explanations based on universal scientific laws and analyzes the problems and paradoxes inherent in this approach. By way of solution, it analyzes the scientific laws and explanations in classical mechanics and then reconstructs the corresponding models of explanation, as well as the types of scientific laws appearing in it. Finally, it compares this reconstruction with the approaches of J. Woodward and C. Hitchcock, C. Liu and with the views of M. Thalos on analytic mechanics.
Igor HanzelEmail:

Words known to have strong associates of a particular relational type were embedded in lists of other words with relations of the same type or in lists of words with relations of a different type (e.g.close-far in a list of other opposite pairs or in a list of synonym pairs). In free association, the probability of a response consistent with the relational context was higher than the probability of a response inconsistent with the context. In lexical decision and naming, significant priming was obtained for related pairs of words only when their relation was consistent with the relational context of the list in which they were embedded. The priming effects were obtained when the stimulus onset asynchrony between prime and target words was short (250 msec for lexical decision and 300 msec for naming), indicating that the effects were due to automatic retrieval processes. These findings point to the importance of the particular relations between words in the retrieval of information from memory, an aspect of processing overlooked by current memory models.  相似文献   

Anxiety and depression in adolescents in urban and rural China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The goal was to assess rates of anxiety and depression in adolescents in two areas of Zhejiang Province, China. A cross-sectional survey was carried-out using a self-report questionnaire developed for this study. Participants were middle school students (age range 13-16 years) in an urban and a rural setting. There were 1576 completed questionnaires. Symptoms of anxiety sufficient to interfere with enjoyment of life, relaxation, and sleep were common (48%, 40%, and 27%, respectively). School-related problems were the predominant sources of worry. One third reported a history of depression, 16% had at times felt life was not worth living, and 9% reported that they had attempted suicide. Girls were more likely to report symptoms of depression. Patterns of help-seeking showed reliance on friends and parents; only 1% had sought professional help. There were no significant differences in anxiety and depression between one-child and multisibling families.  相似文献   

Adolescence is a period of heightened affective and social sensitivity. In this review we address how this increased sensitivity influences associative learning. Based on recent evidence from human and rodent studies, as well as advances in computational biology, we suggest that, compared to other age groups, adolescents show features of heightened Pavlovian learning but tend to perform worse than adults at instrumental learning. Because Pavlovian learning does not involve decision-making, whereas instrumental learning does, we propose that these developmental differences might be due to heightened sensitivity to rewards and threats in adolescence, coupled with a lower specificity of responding. We discuss the implications of these findings for adolescent mental health and education.  相似文献   

The author investigated the change and stability of different aspects of religiousness and spirituality, as well as whether personality traits may help explain why individuals increase or decrease in religiousness and spirituality during emerging adulthood. Self-report measures of childhood and current religiousness were completed by 224 college-aged participants. A subset of participants also completed a measure of personality and measures of religious and spiritual belief trajectories by rating the importance of each belief at successive age brackets across their lifespan. Analyses of mean-level, rank-order, and individual-level stability and change in religiousness indicated that while average religiousness scores decreased, there was still moderate to high rank-order stability in scores. Additionally, service attendance was less stable and decreased more than importance of religion in daily life. Examination of the trajectories of religiousness and spirituality over time showed similar differences: religiousness decreased, on average, whereas spirituality increased slightly, but significantly, across successive age brackets. Personality traits did not significantly predict change in religiousness over time, although openness predicted change in spirituality. Conclusions include the idea that religiousness in emerging adulthood is comprised on different components that change at different rates.  相似文献   

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