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Reports an error in "Age-related deficits in low-level inhibitory motor control" by Friederike Schlaghecken, Kulbir S. Birak and Elizabeth A. Maylor (Psychology and Aging, 2011[Dec], Vol 26[4], 905-918). The authors discovered that the method proposed for individually extracting priming effects from time course analysis may lead to some spurious effects. In view of possible spurious effects from their application of time course analysis, the authors adopted an alternative strategy that retains their attempt to take an individual approach to identifying NCEs in older participants who may vary more than young participants in terms of the prime-target SOA at which NCEs initially appear. This reanalysis is presented in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2011-10375-001.) Inhibitory control functions in old age were investigated with the "masked prime" paradigm in which participants executed speeded manual choice responses to simple visual targets. These were preceded-either immediately or at some earlier time-by a backward-masked prime. Young adults produced positive compatibility effects (PCEs)-faster and more accurate responses for matching than for nonmatching prime-target pairs-when prime and target immediately followed each other, and the reverse effect (negative compatibility effect, NCE) for targets that followed the prime after a short interval. Older adults produced similar PCEs to young adults, indicating intact low-level motor activation, but failed to produce normal NCEs even with longer delays (Experiment 1), increased opportunity for prime processing (Experiment 2), and prolonged learning (Experiment 3). However, a fine-grained analysis of each individual's time course of masked priming effects revealed NCEs in the majority of older adults, of the same magnitude as those of young adults. These were significantly delayed (even more than expected on the basis of general slowing), indicating a disproportionate impairment of low-level inhibitory motor control in old age. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Reports an error in "A comparison of diversity, frequency, and severity self-reported offending scores among female offending youth" by Barbara A. Oudekerk, Monica K. Erbacher and N. Dickon Reppucci (Psychological Assessment, Advanced Online Publication, Jan 16, 2012, np). The article contained a number of errors which are corrected in the erratum. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2012-00740-001.) Despite general consensus over the value of measuring self-reported offending, discrepancies exist in methods of scoring self-reported offending and the length of the reference period over which offending is assessed. This analysis compared the concurrent interassociations and longitudinal predictive strength of diversity, frequency, and severity offending scores measured over the past 6 months and diversity and severity scores measured "ever" between assessments. For violent offending, different scorings were highly correlated and equally predictive of adulthood offending. For nonviolent offending, there was significant continuity in diversity and severity-weighted diversity scores over the transition to adulthood but not in nonviolent frequency or severity-weighted frequency scores. Results support the use of offending diversity scores rather than offending frequency scores and highlight the importance of examining nonviolent and violent offending as separate constructs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Association of solitary binge drinking and suicidal behavior among emerging adult college students" by Vivian M. Gonzalez (Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, Advanced Online Publication, Jan 30, 2012, np). In the article, there is an error in the introductory paragraph. The number of students who had seriously considered attempting suicide in the Barrios, Everett, Simon, & Brener (2000) study should have been reported as 11.4%, not 1.4%. Additionally, in the Participants section, data for the study were collected from March 2009 to September 2010, not March 2009 to January 2010 as reported. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2012-02608-001.) Emerging adult college students who binge drink in solitary contexts (i.e., while alone) experience greater depression and suicidal ideation than do students who only binge drink in social contexts, suggesting that they may be at greater risk for suicidal behavior. This study examined the association of a previous suicide attempt, one of the best predictors of future suicide attempts and suicide, and severity of recent suicidal ideation with drinking in solitary and social contexts. Participants were binge drinking, emerging adult (18- to 25-year-old) college students (N = 182) drawn from two studies of college drinkers. A logistic regression analysis revealed that both suicide attempt history and severity of suicidal ideation were significantly associated with a greater likelihood of being a solitary binge drinker as opposed to only a social binge drinker. Students with a previous suicide attempt were nearly four times more likely to be solitary binge drinkers. Multiple regression analyses revealed that suicide attempt history was significantly associated with greater frequency and quantity of drinking in solitary, but not social contexts. Suicidal ideation was significantly associated with drinks per solitary drinking day, but not frequency of solitary drinking once suicide attempt history was accounted for. Given the associations found between solitary binge drinking and a history of suicide attempts, as well as greater severity of recent suicidal ideation, it appears that these students are in need of suicide prevention efforts, including treatment efforts aimed at reducing binge drinking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Regarding Gorelik, G., & Shackelford, T.K. (2011). Human sexual conflict from molecules to culture. Evolutionary Psychology, 9, 564-587: The authors wish to correct an omission in citation to the existing literature. In the final paragraph on p. 570, we neglected to cite Burch and Gallup (2006) [Burch, R. L., & Gallup, G. G., Jr. (2006). The psychobiology of human semen. In S. M. Platek & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Female infidelity and paternal uncertainty (pp. 141-172). New York: Cambridge University Press.]. Burch and Gallup (2006) reviewed the relevant literature on FSH and LH discussed in this paragraph, and should have been cited accordingly. In addition, Burch and Gallup (2006) should have been cited as the originators of the hypothesis regarding the role of FSH and LH in the semen of rapists. The authors apologize for this oversight.  相似文献   

Aggression between colonies of the leaf-cutting ants, Acromyrmex crassispinus and Atta sexdens, was followed in the field. A. sexdens dominated the A. crassispinus nest, but did not overcome it. The A. crassispinus nest was subsequently raided by Labidus praedator, which took larvae and pupae without killing the colony. Aggression between the leaf-cutting ant colonies lasted 17 days. Microgyne production and nest displacement in the attacked A. crassispinus colony may be atrributed to stress.  相似文献   

Changizi MA 《Cognitive Science》2010,34(8):1543-1547
In an earlier paper my colleagues and I put forth a theory called "perceiving-the-present" that predicts a systematic pattern across a large variety of illusions, and we presented evidence that the systematic pattern exists. Briscoe puts forth arguments against the theory and the existence of the systematic pattern. Here I provide counterarguments to his criticisms of the theory, and I explain why his arguments do not bear on the existence of the systematic pattern.  相似文献   

Research on organizational behavior is fundamentally an application of social psychology theory and phenomena. While much of organizational psychology is inherently grounded in social psychological research, these two disciplines are largely disconnected from one another. More visibility of the commonalities may encourage discussion, collaboration, and integration between these two fields—an integration that will only benefit each discipline. The present article briefly reviews the historic overlap between these disciplines, the resulting divide between them, and then discusses recent developments demonstrating the potential power of reconnecting social psychology with organizational‐relevant research. We then examine how the six empirical articles in this Special Issue benefit from applying social psychological theory to organizational research. We will conclude by identifying potential areas ripe for future research.  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Understanding and Estimating the Power to Detect Cross-Level Interaction Effects in Multilevel Modeling" by John E. Mathieu, Herman Aguinis, Steven A. Culpepper and Gilad Chen (Journal of Applied Psychology, Advanced Online Publication, May 14, 2012, np). The article contained production-related errors in a number of the statistical symbols presented in Table 1, the Power in Multilevel Designs section, the Simulation Study section, and the Appendix. All versions of this article have been corrected. (The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 2012-12670-001.) Cross-level interaction effects lie at the heart of multilevel contingency and interactionism theories. Researchers have often lamented the difficulty of finding hypothesized cross-level interactions, and to date there has been no means by which the statistical power of such tests can be evaluated. We develop such a method and report results of a large-scale simulation study, verify its accuracy, and provide evidence regarding the relative importance of factors that affect the power to detect cross-level interactions. Our results indicate that the statistical power to detect cross-level interactions is determined primarily by the magnitude of the cross-level interaction, the standard deviation of lower level slopes, and the lower and upper level sample sizes. We provide a Monte Carlo tool that enables researchers to a priori design more efficient multilevel studies and provides a means by which they can better interpret potential explanations for nonsignificant results. We conclude with recommendations for how scholars might design future multilevel studies that will lead to more accurate inferences regarding the presence of cross-level interactions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

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