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In‐person conjoint treatments for relationship distress are effective at increasing relationship satisfaction, and newly developed online programs are showing promising results. However, couples reporting even low levels intimate partner violence (IPV) are traditionally excluded from these interventions. To improve the availability of couple‐based treatment for couples with IPV, the present study sought to determine whether associations with IPV found in community samples generalized to couples seeking help for their relationship and whether web‐based interventions for relationship distressed worked equally well for couples with IPV. In the first aim, in a sample of 2,797 individuals who were seeking online help for their relationship, the levels and correlates of both low‐intensity and clinically significant IPV largely matched what is found in community samples. In the second aim, in a sample of 300 couples who were randomly assigned to a web‐based intervention or a waitlist control group, low‐impact IPV did not moderate the effects of the intervention for relationship distress. Therefore, web‐based interventions may be an effective (and easily accessible) intervention for relationship distress for couples with low‐intensity IPV.  相似文献   


Bringing together the energy, resources, creativity, and good will of citizens enhances community resilience. The shared responsibility and collective competence that emerge from community members banding together can be a powerful and ongoing positive influence on the quality of community life, including the relationships between intimate partners. We explore the importance that the community has for preventing intimate partner violence (IPV). We argue for active, network-oriented prevention efforts. We discuss key community principles and concepts (including a definition of the nature of community), explore a social organization perspective on communities, and present a theoretical approach to building community capacity. We posit implications for program development that include community as a place for prevention, a target for prevention, and as a force for prevention. Our implications for research include examining multiple community layers, the nexus of informal and formal social care systems, and contrasting extreme groups on pivotal social organization processes.  相似文献   


This study explored the impact of differentiation of self on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). We sought to determine if an individual's level of differentiation of self in a relationship adds to the variance accounted for in IPV perpetration by known risk factors, i.e., relational satisfaction, marital conflict, romantic jealousy, depression, and anxiety. Results indicated that differentiation of self in a relationship is a predictor for perpetration of physical intimate partner violence even after controlling for other known risk factors.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored the recovery experience of six women who have survived intimate partner violence. Interviews were used as an instrument to elicit the individual stories of each of these women. Qualitative analysis revealed two types of themes: process and supports. The process themes include (a) spirituality, (b) facing death, (c) future relationships and (d) hope and encouragement. The support themes include (a) professional help (effective and ineffective) and (b) informal supports (family/friends/other survivors). Implications for helping professionals include the call for increased understanding of the recovery process and the need to abandon preset agendas when working with survivors.  相似文献   

Even though scientific and legal recognition of same-sex relationships has increased, same-sex intimate partner violence (IPV) has not been included in the core conceptualization of the research and theorizing about IPV. Because of its inherent disjuncture from the patriarchal and hetero-normative marriage model, battering in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered community needs a much closer examination. Examining the violence that occurs in same-sex relationships allows us to reframe how we look at IPV and scrutinize the ideological frameworks, cultural narratives, and stereotypes that have been set forth as well investigate further the predictors of violence and the use of scales created. This article reviews the research on same-sex IPV primarily within the United States. In placing the lessons of same-sex IPV in the foreground, we are able to uncover some common truths about IPV in general. Viewing IPV through a same-sex lens removes gender-based assumptions about the manifestations of IPV, enabling us to see how other cultural and systemic factors may contribute to IPV. At the same time, incorporating the experience of same-sex couples facilitates viewing gender as a marker for variables requiring further study rather than as an explanation. When we change our focus of IPV in such a way, we discover it is a function of a complex interaction of culture, social structures, social status, and interpersonal dynamics.  相似文献   


Despite lingering concerns in the field about the wisdom of seeing couples conjointly when there has been Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), the research literature and clinical practice experience both indicate that this approach can be safe and effective for at least some couples. In this paper, we briefly review the existing outcome research on Couple's treatment for IPV and then suggest best clinical practices for this work. Best practices, in our view, include seeing Couple's treatment of IPV as a clinical specialty necessitating specific training, working as part of a coordinated community response to IPV, modification of the structure of therapy to increase safety, as well as careful screening of couples and on-going assessment of the propriety of conjoint treatment.  相似文献   

Although the number of African immigrants arriving to the United States has increased significantly, there has been little investigation regarding their experiences of intimate partner violence or coping strategies. This study used focus groups and individual interviews to explore intimate partner violence among 32 heterosexual West African immigrants. Results suggest that although cultural expectations influence their coping strategies, West African–born men and women face different realities, with women reporting multiple instances of abuse and a sense of frustration with the existing options for assistance. Although participants discussed multilevel support structures within the immediate West African community to address intimate partner violence, all of these options maintained a gender hierarchy, leaving women dissatisfied. Challenges and barriers to partner violence resolution and coping strategies are identified. Results are examined in terms of their implications for addressing the needs of this underserved population. Implications for future research and services are discussed and highlighted.  相似文献   

Kristin L. Anderson 《Sex roles》2005,52(11-12):853-865
Research findings of sex-symmetry in the perpetration of intimate partner assaults have sparked vigorous debate about the appropriate definition and measurement of intimate violence. A neglected but central issue in this debate is the conceptualization and measurement of gender. This article first examines the often unstated theoretical perspective on gender that underlies the research on sex-symmetry in intimate partner violence. This perspective treats gender as an individual characteristic of persons. Next, I describe challenges to the individualist model of gender from two emerging theoretical perspectives—interactionist and structuralist gender theories. The article concludes with suggestions for research on intimate partner violence that are informed by these new gender theories.  相似文献   

In this response, I raise additional concerns related to controversies about gender and intimate partner violence (IPV). First, I argue that focusing on the dynamics of bi-directionally violent couples will enhance our ability to prevent a large quantity of IPV. Second, while directing resources toward those most impacted by IPV (i.e., women, children) is essential; pre-determining that women are always the appropriate victims is sexist and detrimental to prevention efforts. Third, although I offered a typology of bi-directionally violent couples, most of the factors associated with IPV (i.e., attachment, perceived control, fear, anger) and, most aspects of IPV, are dimensional constructs occurring in a society in which women’s roles are fluid. Making sense of this complexity poses a continued challenge.  相似文献   

This article reviews research on cultural beliefs and expectations about gender and romantic relationships that are related to male intimate partner violence. We link beliefs about men (manhood is tenuous and must be proven, men must protect women, and honor must be defended), about women (good women put sacrifice and family loyalty first and good women are morally and sexually pure), and about relationships (jealousy is a sign of passionate love) to show how they create a cultural context in which intimate partner violence is tolerated, accepted, or rejected. We end by discussing avenues for future research that take an expansive approach to examining culture's influence on intimate violence.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore intimate partner violence (IPV) from an intersectional, feminist perspective. We describe how an updated feminist view guides us to a perspective on IPV that is more strongly grounded in an antioppressive, nonviolent, socially just feminist stance than a second‐wave gender‐essential feminist stance that suggests that patriarchy is the cause of IPV. At the time we began to work together it seemed that a researcher had to be identified as a “family violence” researcher or a “feminist” researcher of violence against women, and that it wasn't possible to be a feminist researcher who looked beyond patriarchy as the cause of IPV. We advocate critically thinking about essentialist practices in clinical work so that we can maintain an antioppressive, socially just, nonviolent approach to working with clients who experience IPV.  相似文献   


During the past 20 years, research on dynamics of intimate partner violence, risk factors, and treatment of intimate partner violence has flourished. However, research on the prevention of intimate partner violence is in its infancy. The current volume was developed in order to examine the state of the art in preventing intimate partner violence. To that end, this article offers a synthesis of recommendations for future research made by the authors in this volume and participants in the symposium on the prevention of intimate partner violence sponsored by the Department of Defense. A goal in compiling these recommendations is to foster more and better research into preventing intimate partner violence.  相似文献   

The military has sought to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) and relationship dissolution. This study examined the longitudinal associations of psychosocial, demographic, and military service characteristics with IPV and relationship dissolution among 546 married or cohabiting reservist military personnel that both mobilized and demobilized during an approximate 8-month period in 2003. Over 13% reported engaging in IPV in the year prior to mobilization. Younger age and more stress were associated with IPV. Upon demobilization, 5% of the sample had experienced relationship dissolution, which was associated with less education, CONUS (continental United States) deployments, and enlisted rank. Identifying the factors associated with IPV and relationship dissolution may help detect couples at potential risk to improve family support and military readiness.  相似文献   

Using a quantitative–qualitative mixed design, the current study investigated relationship violence within 35 gay male couples living in Santiago, Cuba. Informants narrated how violence was enacted within their relationship. Qualitative analyses revealed men’s construction of masculinity and the sequelae of economic hardships—which led to economic emasculinization—were primary contributors to relationship abuse. Gendered interpretations to the display of heightened masculinity contributed to intimate partner violence. Enacted interpersonal violence was not meaningfully associated with alcohol consumption or to personality measures. We suggest the economic constraints that are perceived by couples to precipitate relational stress may be similar across heterosexual and gay/lesbian couples, and that the relational power accorded to economic privilege cannot be aligned fully by gender.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to describe the multiple factors associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) using the social-ecological framework developed by Heise (1998). This framework is used to categorize research findings from multiple disciplines according to the level of social organization at which they operate. Evidence-based strategies are then reviewed according to the sphere of influence in the social ecological model, as well as their place on the prevention continuum. Along the way, possible effects on women's use of IPV, and battered women's use of violence in particular, will be noted.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a social problem associated with significant morbidity; however, victims do not always utilize treatment and resources. One's readiness to change might be one variable impacting his or her pursuit of treatment and other resources. This study investigated correlates of readiness to change, and readiness to change's impact on treatment utilization. Data were collected from 223 women residing in battered women's shelters. Correlational analyses find that generally victims with more psychopathology and distress, as well as more social support, were more ready to change. Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, overall distress, and social support were the strongest predictors of readiness to change. Finally, victims higher in readiness to change were more likely to seek mental health treatment and other IPV-related services.  相似文献   

This study examines the prevalence and consequences of intimate partner violence (IPV) in the workplace. Surveys were completed by 1,390 employees in 32 different companies representing different organization types. Over half of the women and almost a quarter of the males reported that they had been an IPV victim at some point in their lives with 16% reporting victimization in the previous 12 months. Younger workers and workers who witnessed IPV frequently as a child were more likely to be current IPV victims. Further, 41% of lifetime victims reported significant workplace consequences, such as missed days of work, tardiness, and perpetrator intrusion. Younger workers, a history of IPV physical injury, more frequent IPV events over longer periods of time, and a history of stalking were associated with a greater number of IPV work consequences. The cumulative effects of IPV as well as active victimization contribute to negative workplace consequences. With significant numbers of employees experiencing IPV and reporting workplace consequences, the present research underscores the need for employers to develop a more precise means of understanding cost and response.  相似文献   

The study aimed at exploring pathways of intimate partner violence and poverty. The sample consisted of 30 women (aged 18 to 54 years) who had experienced intimate partner violence. Data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews and analysed thematically. The results revealed that intimate partner violence was related to a lack of financial resources and stable income, financial dependency on the perpetrator, lack of child support, and intergenerational exposure to violence and poverty. The findings suggest that experiences of poverty and intimate partner violence are largely intertwined.  相似文献   

This phenomenological study investigates the types of personal and community resources that female intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors used when leaving an abusive male partner. Three African American and 2 European American IPV survivors, ages 24 to 38 years, described positive and negative experiences with social support, personal validation, self‐care, connection, IPV assessment, community validation, protection, and community support. On the basis of their experiences, a checklist of IPV competencies for counselors is presented.  相似文献   

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