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When tested in a Y-maze olfactometer, male brown and collared lemmings (Lemmus sibiricus = trimucronatus and Dicrostonyx groenlandicus) preferred the odor of unmated receptive females to the odor of females with which they had just copulated. Similarly, sexually satiated males preferred the odor of an unmated receptive female to that of a strange female that had recently copulated with another male. Sexually experienced males without recent copulatory experience also demonstrated this preference, but sexually naive males did not. Sexually satiated collared lemmings preferred the odor of bedding from a novel estrous female to bedding from the female with which they had just copulated even when the bedding was collected before mating occurred. These results suggest that discrimination between prior mates and unmated females may be based on individual recognition as well as recognition of subclasses of females (i.e., mated vs. unmated, familiar vs. unfamiliar).  相似文献   

When tested in a Y-maze olfactometer, sexually experienced and sexually naive brown and collared lemmings (Lemmus sibiricus = trimucronatus and Dicrostonyx groenlandicus) preferred the odor of conspecific females to the odor of females of another species. Both experienced and naive males also preferred the odor of conspecific females to that of conspecific males. Only sexually experienced males showed a significant preference for estrous over nonestrous conspecific females. Sexually experienced males also discriminated between estrous and nonestrous heterospecific females of a familiar (lemming) and unfamiliar (meadow vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus) species. In conjunction with the results of earlier studies of the development of species-specific olfactory preferences, these findings suggest that two olfactory cues mediate a male's attraction to receptive females: a species-specific odor that is learned during early development and a sexual attractant whose saliency is established as a result of adult experience with a receptive female.  相似文献   

A Journey Toward Womanhood is an Afrocentric pregnancy prevention program for adolescent females developed by Sisterhood Agenda in Durham, North Carolina. In the present study, 33 past participants in the program were compared with 32 nonparticipants. Results suggested that the program had a positive impact, delaying the initiation of sexual intercourse, increasing contraceptive use among those who were having intercourse, and reducing the incidence of teen pregnancy.  相似文献   

The human stress response has been characterized, both physiologically and behaviorally, as "fight-or-flight." Although fight-or-flight may characterize the primary physiological responses to stress for both males and females, we propose that, behaviorally, females' responses are more marked by a pattern of "tend-and-befriend." Tending involves nurturant activities designed to protect the self and offspring that promote safety and reduce distress; befriending is the creation and maintenance of social networks that may aid in this process. The biobehavioral mechanism that underlies the tend-and-befriend pattern appears to draw on the attachment-caregiving system, and neuroendocrine evidence from animal and human studies suggests that oxytocin, in conjunction with female reproductive hormones and endogenous opioid peptide mechanisms, may be at its core. This previously unexplored stress regulatory system has manifold implications for the study of stress.  相似文献   

The intention of this study was to determine, by the use of the Semantic Differential, male and female attitudes toward obscene language and the frequency of usage in both groups. In order to accurately assess if the feminist movement has any bearing on these attitudes, a third group of subjects was involved, females who are active members of feminist organizations. The male and female profiles of attitudes toward all three obscene words used in this study (shit, fuck, and bastard) support previous research in that, overall, women were found to react more strongly to obscene language than men.  相似文献   

Susan Sprecher 《Sex roles》1989,21(9-10):591-607
In an experimental study, male and female university students were asked to indicate how attracted they were to an opposite gender stimulus person after being presented information about the person's physical attractiveness, earning potential, and expressiveness. As hypothesized, subjects were more attracted to a physically attractive person than to a physically unattractive person, more attracted to a person with high earning potential than to a person with low earning potential, and more attracted to a high-expressive person than to a low-expressive person. Of these three characteristics, physical attractiveness had the greatest effect on attraction. Contrary to sex role stereotypes, males and females were similarly affected by these partner characteristics. Gender differences, however, did emerge in the subjects' estimates of the effects of these characteristics on their attraction. Consistent with sex role stereotypes, males placed greater emphasis than females on physical attractiveness, and females placed greater emphasis than males on earning potential and expressiveness. The discrepancy between the experimental results and the subjects' perceptions of how the factors affected their attraction were interpreted to indicate that people may not be aware of what attracts them to another and may use “implicit causal theories” provided by the culture to explain their attraction responses.  相似文献   

The Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale was used to measure the self-esteem of 109 14- and 16-yr.-old (+/- 6 mo.) girls. The self-esteem scores were categorized by economic status, race, and area of residence. For urban girls mean self-esteem of upper economic status subjects was significantly higher than that of those at the lower economic status. The self-esteem of upper economic status urban girls was significantly higher than the self-esteem of their rural peers. Finally, the self-esteem of the urban black girls was significantly higher than the self-esteem of the urban white girls.  相似文献   

Pups were presented to adult mice of the Porton strain. Significantly more mothers and virgin females retrieved pups to the nest than did virgin males. More virgin females than males licked pups, built nests and assumed lactation posture. Differences were significant even if males that attacked pups were excluded from consideration. Latencies to first appearance of maternal activities were higher than reported by most other workers. Possible genetic strain differences in the response of virgin mice to pups are discussed. In Experiment 2 pups delivered by caesarian section with placentas attached were used. More mothers than either virgin males or females cleaned and accepted pups, indicating that pup cleaning may be controlled by factors different from those influencing other maternal activities.  相似文献   

The current paper describes the results of an experiment in which 200 students who varied in levels of trait perfectionism performed a laboratory task of varying levels of difficulty. Participants received either negative or positive performance feedback, independent of their actual level of performance. Analyses of pre-task and post-task measures of negative and positive affect showed that individuals with high self-oriented perfectionism experienced a general increase in negative affect after performing the task, and self-oriented perfectionists who received negative performance feedback were especially likely to report decreases in positive affect. Additional analyses showed that self-oriented perfectionists who received negative feedback responded with a cognitive orientation characterized by performance dissatisfaction, cognitive rumination, and irrational task importance. In contrast, there were relatively few significant differences involving other-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism. Collectively, our findings support the view that self-oriented perfectionism is a vulnerability factor involving negative cognitive and affective reactions following failure experiences that reflect poorly on the self.  相似文献   

In a study of the relationship between gender-relevant personality attributes and sexuality, 259 unmarried males and females completed the short form of the Bem Sex Role Inventory and a detailed survey of their sexual experiences. Multiple regression analyses showed that, for both men and women, instrumental personality attributes were associated with greater sexual experience, including the frequency of sexual intercourse and oral sex, the number of sexual partners, the age at which respondents first had sex, and more relaxed feelings about having sex. Further, interactions of instrumentality and expressiveness revealed that women who scored high in instrumentality but low in expressiveness were consistently more sexually active and experienced than other groups.  相似文献   

Questionnaire measures of dream recall frequency, number of sensory qualities in dreams and emotion in dreams were correlated with several imaginal ability and personality variables in male and female college students. Absorption (i.e., subjects' degree of involvement in such activities as daydreaming, watching a movie, etc.) was the most important predictor of dream variables in females. In males sex-role orientation contrary to stereotype (i.e., femininity) was the only variable significantly related to a dream variable (i.e., frequency of dream recall). The implications of these sex differences for research on dream recall are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have implicated depression, self-defeating behaviors, and self-destructive behaviors in suicide ideation. The present research directly compared these three concepts as predictors of both males' (n = 51) and females' (n = 78) suicide ideation. Analysis confirmed sex differences, with depression and self-defeating behaviors predicting females' suicide ideation, and self-destructive behaviors predicting males' suicide ideation. These results suggest that suicide may be related to these subtle yet relevant factors which may not be easily detected by mental health workers.  相似文献   

The Cesarec–Marke Personality Schedule, a Swedish inventory for the measurement of needs, was administered to a sample of females, aged 15, and readministered 10 years later. Longitudinal analyses showed that most dispositions changed significantly, although the changes were rather small. All traits were moderately stable over the 10-year period.  相似文献   

Subjects performed a two-choice speeded classification task that required selective attention to either the consonant or the vowel in synthetic consonant-vowel (CV) syllables. When required to attend selectively to the consonant, subjects could not ignore irrelevant variation in the vowel. Similarly, when required to attend selectively to the vowel, they could not ignore irrelevant variation in the consonant. These results suggest that information about an initial stop consonant and the following vowel is processed as an integral unit.  相似文献   

The body composition of 139 Japanese females and 84 Japanese males (aged 18–30 years) was measured using anthropometry to assess gender differences in body perceptions in relation to their measured values. Participants were asked to rate perceptions of their own “heaviness” and “fatness” and these were compared to their BMI and percent body fat (%BF). Japanese females showed a significantly greater desire to lose body weight (−4.20 ± 0.6 kg) compared to males (0.27 ± 1.4 kg). Females also showed poor understanding of their “heaviness” and “fatness” in relation to actual body composition compared to males. The results confirmed distinct gender differences in body perception in relation to actual body composition and attitudes to weight management. Further promotion of “healthy” body image is recommended for the Japanese population.  相似文献   

外显问题行为是指一组表现在外的、反映了儿童对外部环境消极反应的行为。研究表明婴儿最早于8个月时便已出现外显问题行为,且婴儿期这类行为主要表现为愤怒/发脾气、不顺从/反抗、攻击、破坏性、过度活跃、注意力不集中等,其成因可从早期经验因素、遗传与环境的交互作用等方面解释。此外,外显问题行为的干预研究可从差别易感性理论入手,从而为特定气质类型以及携带可塑性基因的婴儿提高了外显问题行为的干预效果。本文在梳理上述研究的基础上,对该领域研究的局限性进行了小结并对未来研究的方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of parental education and maternal work and occupational status to the Occupational Aspirations (classified as Innovative, Moderate, and Traditional) of adolescent females. Innovative occupations are those in which fewer than 30% of the workers are women; Moderate occupations are those in which 30–50% of the workers are women; and Traditional occupations are those in which more than 50% of the workers are women. Innovative choices were made significantly more often as an Ideal aspiration than as a Real aspiration, and, reciprocally, Traditional occupations were chosen less often as an Ideal aspiration than as a Real aspiration. Significant association was found between Occupational Aspiration and father's education and between Occupational Aspiration and mother's occupational status (traditional or nontraditional).  相似文献   

Relations between parents' representations of the unborn child and postpartum infant-parent interaction were investigated in 25 couples and 3 solo mothers. In the last trimester of pregnancy, participants reported on involvement with the fetus and predicted what the unborn child would be like at age 6 months. Mothers (n=21) and fathers (n=17) were observed during separate interactions with their 6-month olds, which yielded measures of their tendency appropriately to interpret their infants' internal states (mind-mindedness). Parents' involvement with the fetus was unrelated to antenatal predictions and to postnatal mind-mindedness. Parents who had predicted more about the unborn child's characteristics were more likely to comment appropriately on their infants' internal states during infant-parent interaction. For fathers, overall antenatal predictions were also positively associated with misinterpretations of their infants' thoughts and feelings. Findings are discussed with reference to mind-mindedness being governed by caregiver-centered factors and differences between mothers and fathers in caregiving practices.  相似文献   

Rats (and humans) appear to be able to distinguish between left and right by referring to an intrinsic asymmetry as a navigational aid; this suggests that experimentally induced asymmetries might also facilitate such a distinction. We assessed the effects of asymmetries produced by unilateral shaving, unilateral vibrissotomy, and asymmetrical cortical lesions on acquisition of a left-right response differentiation. None of the treatments improved performance relative to appropriate control treatments; the rats were evidently unable to use these induced asymmetries to form the lateral differentiation. The results are related to evidence provided in an earlier report (Noonan & Axelrod, 1989) that even some reliable intrinsic asymmetries cannot function as navigational aids.  相似文献   

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