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Past research has found that employees who view themselves as overqualified for their jobs tend to hold negative job attitudes and be unwilling to go beyond the call of duty. In challenging situations such as during the COVID-19 crisis, when having “all hands-on deck” may be important to an organization's survival, mitigating the negative tendencies of these employees becomes important. Adopting a sensemaking perspective on crisis management, we examine whether supervisors' self-sacrificial leadership can mitigate these negative tendencies. First, we propose that employee perceived overqualification is associated with lower levels of felt obligation to the organization and thereby lower levels of extra-role behaviors (i.e., helping and proactivity). We next propose that supervisors' self-sacrificial leadership during the COVID-19 crisis can evoke, especially when COVID-19 more strongly impacts the organization, a sense of collectivism toward the organization, which mitigates the negative association of perceived overqualification with felt obligation and thus extra-role behaviors. We tested our theorizing in samples from the UK (n = 121, pilot study) and US (n = 382, main study) in studies with a multi-wave, time-lagged design. Findings from both studies provide support for our theorizing. We discuss implications for research and practice concerning perceived overqualification during a crisis.  相似文献   

Online public responses during crises provide a window into how people emotionally react to them. Capitalizing on the international nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, we performed cross-cultural examination of group and individual differences in public emotional responses. We collected 1,106,395 Weibo posts in Wuhan from July 2019 to June 2020 and 6,564,014 tweets in London from October 2019 to July 2020, and found that the public mood in both cities followed a similar pattern during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic: a stage of plunging mood followed by a period of recovery. We further examined the relationship between individuals' personality and mood changes. Our results showed that in Wuhan, emotionally stable people experienced more dramatic mood changes, while in London, people high in agreeableness and conscientiousness were more negatively affected during the lockdown period. Based on our findings, we suggest effective crisis management strategies for both policymakers and individuals.  相似文献   

Using cross-sectional data from N = 4274 young adults across 16 countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, we examined the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the perceived vulnerability to disease (PVD) scale and tested the hypothesis that the association between PVD and fear of COVID-19 is stronger under high disease threat [that is, absence of COVID-19 vaccination, living in a country with lower Human Development Index (HDI) or higher COVID-19 mortality]. Results supported a bi-factor Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling model where items loaded on a global PVD factor, and on the sub-factors of Perceived Infectability and Germ Aversion. However, cross-national invariance could only be obtained on the configural level with a reduced version of the PVD scale (PVD-r), suggesting that the concept of PVD may vary across nations. Moreover, higher PVD-r was consistently associated with greater fear of COVID-19 across all levels of disease threat, but this association was especially pronounced among individuals with a COVID-19 vaccine, and in contexts where COVID-19 mortality was high. The present research brought clarity into the dimensionality of the PVD measure, discussed its suitability and limitations for cross-cultural research, and highlighted the pandemic-related conditions under which higher PVD is most likely to go along with psychologically maladaptive outcomes, such as fear of COVID-19.  相似文献   

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the mental health issues of university students received increasing attention. However, little is known about the effect of COVID-19-related stress on social inhibition among Chinese university students and its psychological mechanism in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to explore the relationship between COVID-19-related stress and social inhibition as well as the mediating role of psychological richness. In late 2022, 1250 Chinese university students were recruited for participation in an online survey. Modified SARS-Stress Scale, Social Inhibition Questionnaire, and Psychologically Rich Life Questionnaire were used to assess participants' COVID-19-related stress, social inhibition, and psychological richness. The Results indicate that COVID-19-related stress positively predicts social inhibition and negatively predicts psychological richness. Meanwhile, Psychological richness negatively predicts social inhibition. Mediation analysis shows that the relationship between COVID-19-related stress and social inhibition was partially mediated by psychological richness. The results indicate the significant predictive value of psychological richness when studying mental health issues.  相似文献   

The corona virus (COVID-19) continues to have a devastating health, economic, and social impact on our local and international communities. Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies (CBTs), as a family of therapies that posit cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and interpersonal change processes in the understanding and successful treatment of mental health disorders, have risen to the challenge. This special issue represents contributions from CBT experts on the impact on psychopathology, new assessment methods, adaptations of integrated behavioral health, telehealth, psychology training, and discusses a public health framework. The issue includes a series of articles offering guidance for the clinician on interventions for those impacted by trauma, CBT for youth and families, and telehealth for psychotic spectrum disorders and group therapy for social anxiety.  相似文献   

A proportion of persons affected by coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) die and do so in extraordinary circumstances. This can make grief management extremely challenging for families. The Clinical Psychology unit of an Italian hospital offered a bereavement follow-up call to such families. This study aimed to explore the families' experiences and needs collected during these calls, and the role that the psychologists played through the call. A total of 246 families were called over 3 months. Multiple qualitative methods included: (i) written reports of the calls with relatives of patients who died at the hospital for COVID-19; (ii) qualitative semi-structured interviews with psychologists involved in the calls; (iii) observation of psychologists' peer group discussions. A thematic analysis was conducted. Six themes emerged: without death rituals, solitary, unexpected, unfair, unsafe, coexisting with other stressors. Families' reactions were perceived by psychologists as close to a traumatic grief. Families' needs ranged from finding alternative rituals to giving meaning and expressing different emotions. The psychologists played both a social-institutional and a psychological-human role through the calls (e.g., they cured disrupted communication or validated feelings and choices). This study highlighted the potential of traumatic grief of families of COVID-19 victims, and provided indications for supporting them within the space of a short phone call.  相似文献   

Collective authoritarian responses to threat might differ depending on whether people trust collective authorities in reducing threat. Thus, we tested the differential effects of epidemic threat on three facets of right-wing authoritarianism, in Germany (a country with high authorities' efficacy in responses to COVID-19) and Poland (low authorities' efficacy context). Two representative sample longitudinal studies performed in Poland (N = 892) and Germany (N = 883) showed that in Germany feelings of COVID-19 threat explained increases in authoritarian submission and (to a lesser extent) authoritarian aggression, whereas in Poland such feelings of threat explained changes in authoritarian aggression and conventionalism after the pandemic, but did not alter authoritarian submission. These findings suggest that specific authoritarian reactions to threat (submissive vs. conventionalist) might depend on the general trust in authorities' ability to respond to crises.  相似文献   

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