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  • During the 1950s and into the 1960s no marketing consultant was better known than Dr. Ernest Dichter (1907–1993). Business leaders, advertising professionals, journalists, and even academics attributed to Dichter near‐magical powers to penetrate to the very heart of consumer motivations with his unique psychoanalytic version of ‘Motivation Research’. Social critics saw him as a menace to free societies.
  • Much of what he claimed, however, was inaccurate and needs to be critically checked against other sources, as will be done here, where archival and other primary sources are evaluated to explore Dichter's career and his legacy.
  • Dichter exploited the esteem of psychoanalysis yet was not particularly well versed in it himself. He was hardly the ‘father’ of Motivation Research (MR) but rather took from its originators without acknowledgement. His work represented only part of MR.
  • On the positive side, Dichter's creative and intuitive approach enabled him to portray consumer behavior in ways that celebrated mass affluence, enriched popular mythology, and still influences advertising creatives.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the era of “culture wars,” instances where client and practitioner discuss political issues in therapy may become more frequent. This paper introduces the way in which “culture wars” manifest in today's societies and highlights the importance of therapeutic practitioners to engage with and explore their own views in relation to these polarising political debates. In doing so, this paper reflects upon the existing research focussing on the way in which “culture wars” enter the therapeutic encounter and highlights the feelings of anxiety and conflict that arise when practitioners are tasked with “talking politics” with clients. It considers the implications for practice and policy and concludes with recommendations for future scholarship, arguing for more culturally specific studies that examine how “culture wars” issues impact therapeutic work in a variety of international settings.  相似文献   

When individuals embark on their careers they not only become acculturated into their occupational sectors' day‐to‐day norms and practices, but also their taxpaying ones. Although the research on taxpaying cultures is still in its infancy, understanding more about taxpaying cultures could improve our understanding of the processes underlying tax compliance. To this end, this study aimed to build a detailed picture of the taxpaying culture (i.e. the norms and values) of one business sector—the hairdressing/beauty industry. Nineteen small business and self‐employed hairdressers/beauticians were interviewed and a variant of Grounded theory was used to uncover the main themes that ran through the interviews as a whole. The main themes that emerged—which appear to characterize this sector's culture—include a reliance on accountants/tax advisors, the notion of an acceptable level of cash‐in‐hand payments, and the use of different mental accounts for different types of income. Although some of these themes have already arisen in the small business literature they have often been couched in individualistic terms. We build a case that these issues are more cultural than individual—they are tied to occupational group membership as they are socially constructed within occupational groups and are a key component of the group's taxpaying culture. Implications and directions for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Internalising the consumer culture ideals of materialism and appearance has been shown to be negatively related to adults' well‐being. Similarly, adults who strive towards these ideals for extrinsic reasons, such as to improve their image or status, have been shown to have lower levels of well‐being than those who strive towards them for intrinsic reasons, such as to help others or support healthy relationships. However, to date, there is little evidence that these links exist in children. In the present research, we use new, age‐appropriate scales to test our predictions derived from self‐determination theory that being extrinsically motivated to achieve materialistic and appearance ideals will predict their internalisation, which, in turn, will negatively predict children's well‐being. An initial pilot study found that extrinsic motives were negatively related to well‐being in a sample of 150 children aged 8–11 years but that intrinsic motives were not. In our main study, we modelled materialism and appearance as indicators of a single underlying consumer culture construct, and, in a sample of 160 youths aged 8–15 years, found support for our hypothesis that being extrinsically motivated to achieve these consumer culture ideals predicts their internalisation, which negatively predicts well‐being. We discuss the possible mechanisms involved in these processes and the implications of these findings for future research. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study explored the process Hispanic immigrant families undergo when immigrating to the United States through the implementation of a constructivist grounded theory methodology. The theory illustrates the process in three phases: Arriving to a new country, Integrating new values, and Maintaining values. Through these phases the constant interaction between cultures and its influence in family dynamics is illustrated. More specifically, this theory suggests immigrant families are open to include elements of the new culture encountered while keeping elements of their native culture present once their basic necessities are met. The sample of the study consisted of 16 parents. These parents incorporated the English language, granted greater freedom to their children, became more involved with the school system, included American traditions in their celebrations, and altered their discipline methods based on their interaction with the new culture. Additionally, parents maintained the value of respect, the Spanish language, fostered family cohesion, and instilled their spiritual beliefs to their children.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to critique the social and environmental psychology literature on spaces and places with a focus on consumer culture and neoliberalism. By drawing on social theory and the Continental philosophical literature, the review argues that an alternative approach to knowledge production is required. To this end, recommendations are provided for what a psychogeographical approach in social and environmental psychology could look like. It argues that such work could be of benefit to academic and local communities by exposing the social costs and consequences associated with consumer culture and neoliberalism.  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of 75 in‐depth interviews with managers and businessmen of Chile's main economic conglomerates, this article is concerned with the justification, on religious and moral grounds, of the establishment of a neo‐liberal economic model during Augusto Pinochet's regime (1973–1989) and, most importantly, with the representation of business as a religious vocation. The value granted to wealth creation as a path to salvation, as formulated by the conservative religious movements Opus Dei and the Legionaries of Christ, is one possible response to the Church's call in Vatican II for the greater involvement of the laity in their cultures and societies. In the context of an increase in pluralism during the 1960s and 1970s, the perceived shift of the Catholic Church to the Left, and the threat that the political project of Salvador Allende's socialist government (1970–1973) posed to the elite's centenary lifestyle, the practice of more conservative forms of Catholicism has allowed for a restoration of the historical bond between the elite and its religious tradition. The case of Chile's elite can be seen as an example of an increase in pluralism which does not lead to a weakening of religious belief and practice, but to their strengthening.  相似文献   

Past research shows that European Americans tend to take a first‐person perspective to understand the self and are unlikely to align the inside look with the outside gaze, whereas Asians tend to take a third‐person perspective and are likely to shift their inside look in the direction of the outsize gaze. In three experiments, we compared Asians and European Americans' self‐perceptions when the presence of their parents in the background of self‐perception was primed or otherwise. Without the priming, both European Americans and Asians viewed themselves more positively from their own perspective than from their parents' perspective. With the priming, only Asians lowered the positivity of their self‐perceptions to match the perceived positivity of the self in the parents' perspective. These results suggest that Asians do not have a static, passive tendency to assimilate their self‐views into the perceived external assessments of the self. Rather, their self‐views are fluid and flexible.  相似文献   

Visitors, travellers and migrants have a range of reactions to ‘crossing culture’, ie moving from one cultural environment to another. This paper reports a two‐stage multi‐method study that examines how visitors' consumer behaviour and use of material possessions influence resolution of cultural fracture during periods of cultural transition. The research consisted of a quantitative survey (n = 598) and a qualitative ethnoconsumerist study of visitors to the UK. Analysis of the survey data shows that nationality is a poor indicator of crossing‐culture experiences. A Six Typology Model of Cultural Fracture identified six cluster groups using combinations of three types of cultural fracture experience: symbolic fracture, emotional fracture and functional fracture. The six clusters vary by consumer behaviour and possession use. The ethnoconsumerist study illustrates that consumer‐related activities and possession used together provide an important resource that visitors can use to make sense of crossing‐culture experiences. Product categories, retail formats and shopping conventions are also implicated in experiences of cultural fracture to varying degrees. The paper concludes by considering the limitations of importing a priori assumptions regarding nationality and ethnic differences in cross‐cultural consumer research, and discusses some of the potential benefits of multi‐method research in this context. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

The authors consider the influence that a sense of geographical and cultural ties of candidates from different regions has on their theoretical interests. They question the way that this is taken into consideration in psychoanalytic training. The function of theory, both in terms of its transmission and the creation of new knowledge, is explored from this perspective. The results of an Internet survey are presented. The candidate sample for this survey (N = 250) was drawn from Europe, Latin America and North America, and candidates were asked to indicate their degree of interest for each of the 55 authors in a given list. The results showed that there were significant differences in the areas of theoretical interest of the candidates depending on the geographical region. Furthermore, what is also significant is how these differences in areas of theoretical interest were linked to those authors who had developed their work in the same geographical region as the candidates. These differences are shown to be connected to the candidates' sense of regional belonging. Data are also presented about which authors have the greatest impact in a given region, along with the influence values of the authors in relation to each one of the regions. Finally, the candidates' interest in each of the authors is specified in terms of a general mean rank and a regional mean rank, thus showing which authors candidates find most interesting in each of the regions. The study concludes by arguing that the results of the investigation enable us to question how psychoanalytic theory is transmitted, and, more specifically, how it is transmitted within institutions at a regional level. It is also suggested that the means be found to uncover the inconsistencies linked to cultural ties. It is proposed that further research be conducted to look more deeply into how cultural differences play a part in the different theoretical languages in the training of psychoanalysts.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent work on the social construction of the self in counselling and psychotherapy, and argues that we need to attend to the ways in which the therapeutic self is fashioned (a) in relation to the ‘psy-complex' as the network of theories and practices concerned with psychological governance and self-reflection in modern Western culture and (b) in the context of ‘therapeutic domains' outside the clinic and academe, domains of discursive regulation and self-expression which then bear upon the activities of professional and lay counsellors. Therapeutic domains contain repertoires, templates and complexes within which counsellors and clients fabricate varieties of truth and story a core of experience into being. I then turn to describe and assess some of the various ways in which this kind of critical reflection on therapeutic discourse and counselling practice now already underpins the work of social constructionist ‘narrative' therapists. Some attention is given to the different pragmatic and deconstructionist approaches which make the discursive constitution of the problem into the problem, either by dissolving or by externalizing the account the client presents. Here I argue that the activities of social constructionist counsellors can be viewed as forms of deconstruction-in-process (a deconstruction of the discursive frames which have been constructed by the client), but that they should not be viewed as stepping outside the discursive conditions of possibility which ground their work. the psy-complex and therapeutic domains still function as relatively enduring structures which limit the degree to which we may construct and deconstruct psychotherapeutic discourse.  相似文献   

Manipulation is a vague term used in a wide range of contexts to explain a multitude of interpersonal and cultural phenomena. An in-depth examination of this term’s characteristics reveals its complexity. In the context of consumer culture, the use of manipulative actions is wide-ranging, and takes place above all through messages with clearly defined content and a clearly defined form—i.e. aesthetic messages. The use of aesthetics as a manipulative tool is both complex and compelling, and serves as a veil camouflaging certain aspects of consumerist activities. The manipulative use of aesthetics is so deeply ingrained, that the appearance of consumer products is naturalised and taken for granted, obscuring the difficult questions one could raise concerning the human, social, and environmental consequences of their production. This article will attempt to untie the complex Gordian knot tying together aesthetics, manipulation, and information, and to point to the nature and character of the aesthetic manipulation in consumer culture. Overall, the article supports the neo-Marxist argument that points to a wide-ranging manipulative use of aesthetics in the context of consumer culture. Yet rather than seeking to determine whether this type of manipulation is a necessary aspect of consumer culture or rather a cynical and uninhibited capitalist phenomenon intended to maximise profits at the expense of the consumer’s well-being, the discussion will provide a comprehensive overview of the structure of aesthetic manipulations in consumer culture, and raise a number of ethical questions concerning their nature.  相似文献   

Consumption behaviour has long been linked to identity and notions of the self, where materialistic behaviours and attitudes are seen as determinants of self‐image. Previous literature has focused on mothers' consumption in general, but not specifically in regard to identity construction through purchasing for an infant. There is a dearth of academic research understanding mothers' consumption behaviour that links identity construction with infant clothing, where the child is part of the mothers' extended self and display of self‐identity. This qualitative, exploratory study provides insight into how mothers construct and express their identity through the extended self, contributing to consumer culture theory. The study examines the purchasing motivations of 14 mothers, utilizing depth interviews and projective association techniques. The findings indicate three predominant drivers underlying mothers' consumption, namely prioritizing the child, self‐representation and conspicuous branding. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Overspending has been a largely stigmatised consumer behaviour in traditional Chinese culture. However, social and economic development in recent decades has induced the rise of Chinese consumerism and changes in public attitudes towards overspending. Focusing on overspending stigmas Gouwukuang (GWK) and Duoshoudang (DSD) and stigma‐relevant attitudes, the present study investigates the effect of perceived stigma on consumers' attitude towards overspending through the mediating effect of anticipated consumer guilt. The moderating role of message framing in this relationship is also examined. Results of two analyses indicate that (a) between the two stigmas, DSD is less stigmatising and preferred in comparison to GWK in social interaction and self‐identification; (b) participants' perception of the stigma associated with overspending predicts their anticipation of guilt associated with this behaviour, which in turn predicts negative attitude towards overspending; (c) message framing moderates the relationship between perceived stigma and anticipated guilt, and hence facilitates destigmatisation of the traditionally stigmatised behaviour of overspending. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究探析了消费者的思维聚焦(过程聚焦/结果聚焦)对发展型文化消费产品购买意愿的影响,发现结果聚焦的消费者比过程聚焦的消费者对发展型文化消费产品的购买意愿更强烈。同时,时间距离对这一效应存在调节作用,即时间距离远时,这一效应显著;时间距离近时,思维聚焦对发展型文化消费产品的购买意愿没有显著影响。此外,本研究进一步考察了时间距离较远时,消费者的未来时间洞察力部分中介了思维聚焦对发展型文化消费产品的购买意愿。  相似文献   

探讨儒家德育课程思想,不仅可以使我们充分认识儒家思想的精华和糟粕,而且可以使我们从中探求其之所以长期占据我国传统思想文化统治地位的原因,寻求其中所蕴含的深刻的民族文化心理,对我国当前思想道德教育提供有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

Political stakeholders play a critical role in the cultural construction of the marketplace, and consumers often look to them for guidance in framing ambiguous cultural and scientific issues. Unfortunately, however, the existing consumer culture literature usually focuses on consumers' use of ideology while neglecting stakeholders' ideological orientations. In order to address this gap, I ask two questions: First, how do stakeholders draw upon ideology in order to make sense of ambiguous goods and of the extant and potential reactions of consumers to these goods? Second, what are the potential political consequences of stakeholders' ideological commitments vis‐a‐vis supporters and outside audiences? I explore these questions by interviewing agrifood system stakeholders on the subject of in vitro meat, a nascent technology whereby meat is produced through stem cell cultures. Although ideology serves as a useful tool with which stakeholders can navigate labyrinth‐like cultural conundrums, stakeholders' ideological positions can also result in ambiguities, ironies, and incongruities. By investigating the beginnings of a potential consumer controversy, this study illuminates how ideology operates as an epistemic resource for political claims‐makers and how stakeholders' ideological commitments can result in either rewards or repercussions from allies and consumers. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is a hallmark of the Frankfurt School tradition of critical theory that it has consistently made philosophical reflection a central component of its overall project. Indeed, the core identity that this tradition has been able to maintain arguably stems from the fact that a number of key philosophical assumptions have been shared by the generations of thinkers involved in it. These assumptions form a basic ‘philosophical matrix’, whose main aim is to allow for a ‘critique of reason’, the heart of the critique of modern society, which emphasises the collective, historically situated and naturalistically grounded nature of rationality. In this matrix, Feuerbach's place has been only a minor one. This paper aims to show that there is more to be retrieved from Feuerbach for critical theory than at first meets the eye. The first section identifies key conceptual features that are shared by the central authors of the Frankfurt School. They signal a collectivist and materialist shift from Kant to Marx via Hegel. This shift is well adumbrated in Feuerbach's emphasis on the ‘intersubjective’ and social dependency of the subject. However, Feuerbach's decisive philosophical contribution lies in his insistence on the ‘sensuous’ modalities of intersubjectivity, that is, on the fact that the dependency of subjects on others for the formation of their capacities is mediated and expressed not only through language and other symbolic forms, but also and primarily through embodiment. This Feuerbachian ‘sensualism’ is a rich, original philosophical position, which is not soluble in Marx's own version of materialism. In sections II and III, I highlight the legacy of Feuerbach's sensualism in two areas of critical theory: first, in relation to the critical epistemology that grows out of the ‘philosophical matrix’ consistently used by critical theorists; and secondly, in relation to the arguments in philosophical anthropology that are mobilized to promote the critical project. In these two areas, Feuerbach's sensualism – his insistence on the embodied dimensions of cognition and action – represents a useful resource to resist the tendency of critical theory to translate its foundation in the critique of reason into a narrowly rationalistic enterprise.  相似文献   

The authors' objective in this study was to determine whether the precepts of R. J. Sternberg's (1988, 1997) theory of mental self-government apply to a non-Western culture. They administered R. J. Sternberg and R. K. Wagner's (1992) Thinking Styles Inventory, which is based on the theory of mental self-government, to 429 Filipino university students. The results of item analysis, scale intercorrelations, and factor analysis were consistent with the general provisions of the theory. Correlational analysis between thinking styles and grade point average showed that thinking styles are related to academic achievement. The results are explained with respect to the concepts and practices of Philippine culture and schools and discussed in relation to the developmental assumptions of the theory of mental self-government.  相似文献   

Although considerable research has been conducted on consumer attitude towards foreign products, most of these studies focus on the attitude of products from Western developed countries. Our study intends to investigate the effects of consumers' national identification and culture sensitivity on their perceived risk of buying products from Eastern developing countries. Especially, this study advances the literature by identifying the mediation effect of consumer ethnocentrism and the moderating effect of consumer value consciousness. Taking China and India as focal emerging economies, the consumer survey (n = 308) in the United Kingdom produced the following results. First, U.K. consumers' national identification is positively related to their perceived risk of buying Eastern products through consumer ethnocentrism, whereas their cultural sensitivity has a negative relationship. Second, the effect of consumer ethnocentrism on the perceived risk of buying Eastern products is moderated by consumer value consciousness. Third, value consciousness also attenuates the indirect relationships between national identification or cultural sensitivity and perceived risk via consumer ethnocentrism.  相似文献   

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