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The present report describes clinical data useful in interpreting the meaning of elevations of Scale 5 of the MMPI-A with adolescent girls. Previous commentaries on the clinical significance of such scores have been ambiguous. The present findings suggest that scores which are elevated but still below a T value of 65 on this scale will be associated with acting out in treatment settings.  相似文献   

This article describes the development and initial validation of the Infrequency-Psychopathology scale, Fp-A, for the MMPI-A (Butcher et al., 1992). The scale parallels the Infrequency-Psychopathology scale, F(p), that has been developed for the MMPI-2 (Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989). Results demonstrated that the 40-item Fp-A scale is superior to the F scale at discriminating between faking-bad and accurate reports of psychopathology, although the improvement over F was modest, particularly when compared to the improvement found for the F(p) scale. The difference seemed to reflect the superiority of the MMPI-A F scale to the MMPI-2 F scale. Even so, the findings suggest that the identification of overreporting on the MMPI-A could potentially be enhanced by using Fp-A as an adjunct to the F scale.  相似文献   

The factor structure of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (Millon, 1994; MCMI-III) was assessed among 444 African American inpatient substance abusers and constitutes the first factor analysis of the MCMI-III. We found 3 main factors: General Maladjustment, Paranoid Behavior/Thinking With Detached Emotionality, and Antisocial Acting Out. These factors were essentially similar to previous findings of factor studies with the MCMI and MCMI-II across diverse populations. This factor invariance should lend credibility to the revised test and spur additional research into its psychometric properties.  相似文献   

Meunier and Bodkins discussed the unclear interpretation of Scale 5 of the MMPI-A, investigated use of the scale with adolescent girls in a court-ordered residential treatment program and suggested that subclinical elevations on the scale may predict disruptive behavior in special samples. This note comments on statistics reported by Meunier and Bodkins and recommends additional analyses, including estimation of effect sizes for scales on which comparisons are statistically nonsignificant.  相似文献   

McNulty, Harkness, Ben-Porath and Williams recently developed Personality Psychopathology Five (PSY-5) scales for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-A (MMPI-A). This study examined these new scales in a sample of 545 adolescents receiving inpatient psychiatric treatment. Item-level principal components analyses were employed to determine the internal structure of each PSY-5 scale and to aid in the creation of facet subscales for each PSY-5 scale. Results suggest that the MMPI-A PSY-5 scales display adequate internal consistency and our findings generally replicate the original work of McNulty et al. but also extend this work by showing that several of the PSY-5 scales may also be subdivided into meaningful lower level dimensions. These facet subscales for each of the MMPI-A PSY-5 scales are offered for further study.  相似文献   

A recent meta-analysis found that the Rorschach Prognostic Rating Scale (RPRS) had a strong ability to predict subsequent outcome (r = .44, N = 783; Meyer & Handler, 1997, this issue). However, that review did not directly address questions of incremental validity. This article focuses on the ability of the RPRS to predict outcome after taking into account other sources of data. Across studies that examined both the RPRS and the MMPI Ego Strength scale, the RPRS had a strong ability to predict outcome (r = .40, N = 187), whereas the MMPI scale did not (r = .02, N = 280). Nine studies examined the RPRS along with an intelligence test and allowed direct numerical estimates of incremental validity to be calculated. Across studies, the RPRS demonstrated strong incremental validity after controlling for intelligence (incremental r = .36, N = 358). It is clear that the Rorschach can make unique contributions to understanding clinically relevant processes in ways that self-reports or measured intelligence cannot. Contemporary Rorschach scales should continue to be evaluated for their distinctive and incremental contribution to clinical practice.  相似文献   

As a widely used test of personality and psychopathology, the MMPI play an important part in making decisions that affect people's lives. The addition of "cookbooks" and, more recently, computer-generated output based on MMPI scale scores provide even the most unsophisticated user with what appear to be credible and valid interpretations of scale and profile variations. A comprehensive review of the literature on MMPI Scale Five (MJ) calls into question generalizations arising from scores on the scale. Empirical research provides no consistent meaning for any score level on the scale. Attempts to map the structure of the scale result in numerous factors and account for, at best, 30% of the variance. Discussion focuses on the shortcomings of the scale as well as the assumptions on which it was developed. Conclusions suggest that the concept of sex difference itself is inappropriately defined and establishes artificial boundaries.  相似文献   

Two studies involving a total of 200 participants examined the effect of individual versus group test administration on Rorschach Oral Dependency (ROD) scores. In Study 1, 60 college students completed the ROD scale via a group administration, and 60 students completed individual Rorschach protocols from which ROD scores were derived. Analyses revealed no differences in ROD means and standard deviations and no differences in the form of the ROD score distributions (i.e., skewness and kurtosis) as a function of mode of test administration. Virtually identical results were obtained in Study 2 (N = 80), where a within-participants design was used in lieu of the between-participants design of Study 1. Implications of these findings for the construct validity of the ROD scale are discussed.  相似文献   

The MMPI and a structured diagnostic interview were administered to 225 military offenders in an attempt to determine the relationship between Scale 4 (Pd) of the MMPI and a behavioral diagnosis of Antisocial Personality (AS). Individuals satisfying criteria for a diagnosis of AS were found to score significantly higher than inmates not satisfying these criteria on Scale 4, regardless of whether K- or non-K-corrected T scores were used. Several potential moderating variables were crossed with the AS measure but only confining offense (person crime vs nonperson crime) evidenced a statistically significant interaction with AS.  相似文献   

Relatively few studies have addressed the issue of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) alexithymia scale's construct validity. In this study, the validity of the scale is supported by the finding of a significantly lower percentage of alexithymic individuals in a large sample of psychiatric inpatients than in samples of patients with a variety of physical disorders (i.e., migraine headaches, asthma bronchitis/emphysema, and hypertension). Validity of the scale is further supported through a comparison of the alexithymic and nonalexithymic psychiatric inpatients on a series of Rorschach and MMPI variables. As predicted, alexithymics were less verbally productive, displayed less ability to fantasize, and demonstrated greater defensive pseudonormality. Results suggest the measure may be of value in studies of psychiatric patients as well as those with physical disorders.  相似文献   

Mexican American and Anglo American's performance on the Wiggins Content Scales, Harris-Lingoes subscales, and Serkownek subscales was assessed in a college student population, Level of acculturation (Mexican vs. Anglo orientation), age, and social class were statistically controlled, The results showed statistically significant differences between means of Anglo and Mexican Americans on most of the supplemental scales assessed. These differences were more numerous before scale validity criteria were applied. The number of statistically significant differences were further reduced when level of acculturation and age were statistically controlled, The results showed that level of acculturation is a highly important variable which moderates interpretation of the MMPI scale elevations we measured. Acculturation far outweighted the influence of the well established MMPI moderator variables of age and social class.  相似文献   

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent (MMPI-A) is a 478-item test that represents a substantial revision of the original form of the MMPI. This investigation sought to identify the item-level factor structure of the MMPI-A and also examined the scale-level factor structure of the 69 scales and subscales of this instrument. The study utilized the 1,620 normal adolescents (805 boys and 815 girls) of the normative sample for the MMPI-A. These adolescents ranged in age from 14 to 18 inclusive, with a mean age of 15.54 for boys and 15.60 for girls. A principal factor analysis of item-level responses resulted in extraction of 14 factors that were subjected to promax (oblique) rotation procedures. These 14 factors incorporated 81% of the total MMPI-A item pool and accounted for 44% of the total item-level response variance. For the scale-level analysis, 8 factors were selected for extraction and submitted to promax rotation procedures. These eight factors accounted for a total of 93.5% of the total variance in MMPI-A scale and subscale raw scores, Item-level results were discussed in terms of areas of congruence and dissimilarities from previously reported MMPI factor analyses in adolescent and adult samples, and scale-level factor results were presented in terms of clinical implications for the interpretation of MMPI-A scales and subscales.  相似文献   

Using two samples, we developed and validated a hostility scale that can be scored from the California Psychological Inventory (CPI) and serves as an alternate for the Cook-Medley Hostility Scale (Ha; Cook & Medley, 1954). The CPI Hostility (H) scale consists of 33 items that are either duplicates or close equivalents of specific He items, and the two scales correlate at least .90 in samples differing in sex. The H and Ho scales show a similar pattern of correlations with conceptually relevant MMPI scales and with observer-rated personality attributes tapping Barefoot, Peterson, et al.'s (1991) five hostility categories of Hostile Affect, Cynicism, Aggressive Responding, Social Avoidance, and Hostile Attributions. These findings provide evidence for the equivalence of the two hostility scales, as well as external validation for those personality characteristics that are purported to underlie the construct of hostility as tapped by both the original Ho and the new CPI H scale.  相似文献   

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