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This study sought to determine changes in 121 White counseling students following their participation in an experiential, race‐based course taught in a group format. Pre‐ and postoutcomes were reported based on instruments that measured White racial identity development, White privilege, color blindness, and the costs of racism. Findings indicated significant changes according to the majority of measures, although with certain distinctions. Findings are discussed in light of the current literature. Este estudio trató de determinar los cambios en 121 estudiantes blancos de consejería después de su participación en un curso experiencial basado en la raza que se enseñó en formato de grupo. Se comunicaron los resultados previos y posteriores basándose en instrumentos que midieron el desarrollo de la identidad racial blanca, el privilegio blanco, la falta de percepción de color y los costos del racismo. Los hallazgos indicaron cambios significativos según la mayoría de mediciones, aunque con ciertas distinciones. Se discuten los hallazgos a la luz de las investigaciones actuales.  相似文献   

This study investigated the nature and extent of perceived multicultural counseling competence (MCC) of 508 professional counselors in Malaysia using a national survey approach. Differences in counselors' perceived MCC pertaining to gender, ethnicity, highest education, and multicultural training were examined. Results revealed 5 factors as constituents of MCC and significant differences in perceived MCCs due to ethnicity, highest education, and participation in multicultural training. Implications for future research, counselor education, and counseling practice are discussed. Este estudio investigó la naturaleza y la extensión de la competencia en consejería multicultural (MCC, por sus siglas en inglés) percibida de 508 consejeros profesionales en Malasia usando un enfoque de encuesta nacional. Se examinaron las diferencias en la MCC percibida de los consejeros respecto a sexo, etnicidad, nivel máximo de educación y capacitación multicultural. Los resultados revelaron 5 factores constituyentes de MCC y diferencias significativas en las MCC debido a etnicidad, nivel máximo de educación y participación en capacitación multicultural. Se discuten las implicaciones para investigaciones futuras, educación de consejeros y práctica de la consejería.  相似文献   

Postpartum depression is an important mental health problem for women, and women with disabilities are at greater risk than are women without disabilities. This article explores the disability‐specific contextual, environmental, social, and systemic causes of postpartum depression from an ecological perspective. I aim to help counselors develop a nonpathologizing, multicultural counseling–rooted approach and to prepare counselors to work effectively with this unique population. Implications of multicultural counseling tenets and advocacy are also examined for best practices. La depresión posparto es un problema de salud mental importante para las mujeres, y el riesgo es mayor para las mujeres con discapacidades que para las mujeres sin discapacidades. Este artículo explora las causas contextuales, sociales, del entorno y sistémicas de la depresión posparto relacionadas con la discapacidad desde una perspectiva ecológica. Mi objetivo es ayudar a los consejeros a desarrollar un enfoque no patológico basado en la consejería multicultural y preparar a los consejeros para trabajar de forma efectiva con esta población singular. También se examinan las implicaciones de los principios de la consejería multicultural y la defensoría para las prácticas recomendadas.  相似文献   

Ongoing scholarship in multicultural counseling practice has established the significance of microaggressions in the lived experience of clients and in the client–counselor dyad. Grounded in new research into the embodied experience of oppression, this article reviews key concepts in nonverbal communication and traumatology to illustrate how the body is implicated in the transmission of microaggressions and how counselors can become more attentive, informed, and responsive to how social power differences manifest in the body. Las investigaciones actuales sobre la práctica de la consejería multicultural han establecido la importancia de las microagresiones en la experiencia vital de los clientes y en la díada cliente–consejero. Fundamentado en nuevas investigaciones sobre la experiencia corporal de la opresión, este artículo revisa conceptos clave de la comunicación no verbal y la traumatología para ilustrar cómo el cuerpo está involucrado en la transmisión de microagresiones y cómo los consejeros pueden tornarse más atentos, informados y sensibles a cómo las diferencias de poder social se manifiestan en el cuerpo.  相似文献   

Multiculturalism and social justice are considered major forces in the counseling profession, revolutionizing the complexity of social identity, cultural identity, and diversity. Although these major forces have influenced the profession, many challenges exist with their implementation within counselor education curriculum and pedagogy. A major challenge is the complex dynamics of privilege and oppression that both counselor educators and counseling students face. This article discusses the use of intersectionality to approach counselor education pedagogy and practice. El multiculturalismo y la justicia social están considerados como fuerzas importantes con las que la profesión de la consejería está revolucionando la complejidad de la identidad social, la identidad cultural y la diversidad. Aunque estas fuerzas importantes han influido en la profesión, existen desafíos relacionados con su implementación en los planes curriculares y pedagogía de la educación de consejeros. Un desafío significativo es la compleja dinámica entre privilegio y opresión que enfrentan tanto los formadores de consejeros como los estudiantes de consejería. Este artículo discute el uso de la interseccionalidad para enfocar la pedagogía de la educación de consejeros y la práctica.  相似文献   

The Social Class and Classism Training Questionnaire was developed to assess multicultural competency and training of social class and classism for school counselor trainees (SCTs). The authors analyzed the differences between accreditation status, social class backgrounds, and factors contributing to SCTs’ competence and training. Results showed that socially desirable responding, number of multicultural courses, and training level contributed most to perceived competence and training. This study provides insight into factors influencing SCTs’ competence and training of social class. El Cuestionario de Capacitación en Clase Social y Clasismo fue desarrollado para evaluar la competencia multicultural y capacitación en clase social y clasismo de consejeros escolares en formación (SCT, por sus siglas en inglés). Los autores analizaron las diferencias entre el estado de acreditación, la clase social de origen y otros factores que contribuyen a la competencia y capacitación de los SCT. Los resultados mostraron que las respuestas socialmente deseables, el número de cursos multiculturales y el nivel de capacitación contribuyeron en mayor medida a la percepción de competencia y capacitación. Este estudio ofrece una perspectiva de los factores que influyen en la competencia y capacitación en clase social de los SCT.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined the experiences of 11 students of color who participated in 2 multicultural counseling courses in a master’s‐level counseling program at a predominantly White institution. Findings illustrate students’ learning experiences based on instructors’ racial and ethnic identities, including a pivotal transition from distrust to trust toward the White instructor. Implications for teaching race‐based topics with students of color are presented. Este estudio cualitativo examinó las experiencias de 11 estudiantes de color que participaron en dos cursos de consejería multicultural en un programa de consejería de nivel máster en una institución predominantemente blanca. Los hallazgos ilustran las experiencias de aprendizaje de los alumnos basadas en las identidades raciales y étnicas de los docentes, incluyendo una transición fundamental desde la desconfianza hasta la confianza hacia el docente blanco. Se presentan las implicaciones para la enseñanza de temas basados en la raza con alumnos de color.  相似文献   

The authors examined the associations between acculturation, supervisors' multicultural competence, and clinicians' self‐efficacy in a sample of 153 immigrant therapists currently practicing in the United States. Participants completed a demographic questionnaire and 3 additional questionnaires that examined their levels of acculturation, perceived supervisors' multicultural competence, and clinical self‐efficacy. Results suggested that perceived prejudice, not level of acculturation, was significantly associated with foreign‐born therapists' clinical self‐efficacy. Perceived supervisors' multicultural competence was significantly associated with therapists' clinical self‐efficacy. Recommendations for supervisors working with foreign‐born therapists are provided. Los autores examinaron las asociaciones entre aculturación, competencia multicultural de los supervisores y autoeficacia de los profesionales clínicos en una muestra de 153 terapeutas inmigrantes actualmente en activo en los Estados Unidos. Los participantes completaron un cuestionario demográfico y tres cuestionarios adicionales que examinaron sus niveles de aculturación, la competencia multicultural percibida de sus supervisores y la autoeficacia clínica. Los resultados sugieren que los prejuicios percibidos, no el nivel de aculturación, están asociados de forma significativa con la autoeficacia clínica de los terapeutas nacidos en el extranjero. La competencia multicultural percibida de sus supervisores está asociada significativamente con la autoeficacia clínica de los terapeutas. Se proporcionan recomendaciones para supervisores que trabajan con terapeutas nacidos en el extranjero.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal, qualitative case study, 21 clinical and counseling psychology trainees met in leaderless peer supervision groups for 1 training year to discuss multicultural aspects of their clinical work. Peer supervision sessions were audio recorded and transcribed, and the content was analyzed using thematic analysis. Results indicated that, despite the absence of experts to facilitate discussions, participants were able to focus on multicultural issues and generally benefited from this type of peer supervision. En este estudio de caso longitudinal y cualitativo, 21 alumnos de psicología clínica y consejería se reunieron en grupos de supervisión entre pares sin líderes durante un año de su formación para discutir aspectos multiculturales de su trabajo clínico. Se grabó y transcribió el audio de las sesiones de supervisión entre pares, y luego se analizó el contenido usando un análisis temático. Los resultados indicaron que, a pesar de la ausencia de expertos para facilitar las discusiones, los participantes fueron capaces de centrarse en los temas multiculturales y generalmente se beneficiaron de este tipo de supervisión entre pares.  相似文献   

In this meta‐analysis, the authors reviewed 105 studies on the relationships between racial discrimination and health outcomes among racial/ethnic minority Americans. The authors tested for moderator effects of measurement strategies, cultural factors, substance use, gender, and racial group differences. Findings indicate a statistically significant effect size between racial discrimination and health, with the largest effect for mental health and strongest for studies with multi‐item measures. En este metaanálisis, los autores revisaron 105 estudios sobre las relaciones entre la discriminación racial y los resultados para la salud entre americanos pertenecientes a minorías raciales o étnicas. Los autores examinaron los efectos moderadores de las estrategias de medición, los factores culturales, el uso de sustancias, el género y las diferencias entre grupos raciales. Los hallazgos indican un efecto de tamaño estadísticamente significativo entre la discriminación racial y la salud, con el máximo efecto observado en la salud mental y el más fuerte en estudios con mediciones múltiples.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether client therapeutic alliance ratings and client symptom severity were predictors of counseling outcomes among Canadian Indigenous clients. Participants included 179 Canadian Indigenous clients who completed an outcome measure at the 1st and last sessions and an alliance measure at both the 2nd and 3rd sessions. Results indicated that higher client alliance ratings at Sessions 2 and 3 and baseline client symptom severity were significant predictors of outcome. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si las valoraciones del cliente de la alianza terapéutica y la severidad de los síntomas del cliente fueron indicadores de los resultados de la consejería entre clientes indígenas canadienses. Los participantes incluyeron 179 clientes indígenas canadienses que completaron una medida de resultados en la primera y última sesión, además de una medida de la alianza en la segunda y tercera sesión. Los resultados indicaron que unas valoraciones del cliente más altas de la alianza en las sesiones 2 y 3 y la severidad preliminar de los síntomas del cliente fueron indicadores significativos del resultado.  相似文献   

This study investigated the generalizability of the tripartite model of perfectionism across Canadian and Chinese university students. Using latent profile analysis and indicators of perfectionistic strivings, perfectionistic concerns, and neuroticism in both groups, the authors derived a 3‐profile solution: adaptive perfectionists, maladaptive perfectionists, and nonperfectionists. Furthermore, multigroup latent profile analysis supported the construct equivalence of the 3‐profile solution across groups. Results further suggested that a greater proportion of Chinese students could be classified as adaptive perfectionists. Este estudio investigó la generalizabilidad del modelo tripartito de perfeccionismo entre estudiantes universitarios canadienses y chinos. Usando un análisis de perfil latente e indicadores de esfuerzos perfeccionistas, preocupaciones perfeccionistas y neuroticismo en ambos grupos, los autores desarrollaron una solución de 3 perfiles: perfeccionistas adaptados, perfeccionistas inadaptados y no perfeccionistas. Además, el análisis de perfil latente multigrupo confirmó la equivalencia de constructo de la solución de 3 perfiles en estos grupos. Los resultados sugieren también que una mayor proporción de estudiantes chinos podría clasificarse como perfeccionistas adaptados.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, systemically guided approaches to understanding early family processes have helped to provide greater clarity concerning the interplay among individual, dyadic, and family level processes. Parental depression, marital functioning, and child adjustment in particular appear to be reliable predictors of coparental and family level functioning. Indeed, cohesion at the level of the family group covaries in theoretically meaningful ways with these indicators of individual and dyadic adjustment. In this study, two collaborating research groups (one in Switzerland, the second in the United States) partnered to examine whether similar patterns of relationships exist among individual and marital adjustment and coparenting processes in families of 4‐year‐old children. Using similar constructs but disparate and occasionally dissimilar measures, both groups measured parent‐reported depression, marital satisfaction, and child behavior problems. Coparenting cooperation and warmth were observed during family interactions. Despite differences between samples and evaluation tools, similar results were found for the Swiss and U.S. samples. A model with depression, marital satisfaction, and child symptoms as predictors of a latent factor of observed coparenting cooperation and warmth showed good fit to data in both samples, suggesting the model was relevant for each. Parameter estimation showed that higher coparenting cooperation and warmth was predicted by lower maternal depression and higher child internalizing symptoms. The common significant effects despite differences in assessment paradigms and instrumentation are of substantive interest. Future directions pertinent to the coparenting questions addressed in this research are discussed.  相似文献   

Very little is currently known about how increases in dispositional mindfulness through mindfulness training affect the quality of participants’ romantic relationships, and no previous studies have examined how increases in specific facets of mindfulness differentially contribute to relationship health. Additionally, even less is known about how an individual's development of mindfulness skills affects the relationship satisfaction of his or her romantic partner. Thus, the purpose of this pilot study was to examine associations between changes in facets of mindfulness and relationship satisfaction among participants enrolled in a Mindfulness‐Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course and their nonenrolled romantic partners. Twenty MBSR participants and their nonenrolled partners (n = 40) completed measures of mindfulness and relationship satisfaction pre‐ and post‐enrolled partners’ completion of an MBSR course. Results indicated that enrolled participants significantly improved on all facets of mindfulness and relationship satisfaction, while nonenrolled partners did not significantly increase on any facet of mindfulness or relationship satisfaction. Moreover, enrolled participants’ increases in Acting with Awareness were positively associated with increases in their own and their nonenrolled partners’ relationship satisfaction, whereas increases in enrolled participants’ Nonreactivity were positively associated with increases in their nonenrolled partners’ (but not their own) relationship satisfaction. These results suggest that increasing levels of mindfulness (particularly specific aspects of mindfulness) may have positive effects on couples’ relationship satisfaction and highlight mindfulness training as a promising tool for education and intervention efforts aimed at promoting relational health.  相似文献   

The increased prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among Latino children, later diagnosis, limited access to bicultural specialist support, and worsened health outcomes when compared to non‐Latinos points to the need for a culturally relevant parent education intervention. This pilot study examined the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary outcomes of a culturally derived intervention, Parents Taking Action, for 19 Spanish‐speaking mothers of children with ASD. This study introduces the Promotora de Salud Model of intervention delivery to the autism field. A mixed‐methods design including one group pre‐ and posttest design and focus groups was used to evaluate the outcomes of PTA. We found that the intervention was both feasible to implement and acceptable to participants. We also found significant increases in empowerment oriented outcomes for parents between pre‐ and posttest suggesting that the intervention is promising. Suggestions for future research and practice are offered.  相似文献   

In a previous randomized controlled trial (RCT), short‐term efficacy of family constellation seminars (FCSs) in a general population sample was demonstrated. In this article, we examined mid‐ and long‐term stability of these effects. Participants were 104 adults (M = 47 years; SD = 9; 84% female) who were part of the intervention group in the original RCT (3‐day FCS; 64 active participants and 40 observing participants). FCSs were carried out according to manuals. It was predicted that FCSs would improve psychological functioning (Outcome Questionnaire OQ‐45.2) at 8‐ and 12‐month follow‐up. Additionally, we assessed the effects of FCSs on psychological distress, motivational incongruence, individuals’ experience in their personal social systems, and overall goal attainment. Participants yielded significant improvement in psychological functioning (d = 0.41 at 8‐month follow‐up, p = .000; d = 0.40 at 12‐month follow‐up, p = .000). Results were confirmed for psychological distress, motivational incongruence, the participants’ experience in their personal social systems, and overall goal attainment. No adverse events were reported. This study provides first evidence for the mid‐ and long‐term efficacy of FCSs in a nonclinical population. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Family therapists have a unique opportunity to contribute toward the reduction of widespread mental health disparities impacting diverse populations by developing applied lines of research focused on cultural adaptation. For example, although evidence‐based prevention parent training (PT) interventions have been found to be efficacious with various Euro‐American populations, there is a pressing need to understand which specific components of PT interventions are perceived by ethnic minority parents as having the highest impact on their parenting practices. Equally important is to examine the perceived cultural relevance of adapted PT interventions. This qualitative investigation had the primary objective of comparing and contrasting the perceived relevance of two culturally adapted versions of the efficacious parenting intervention known as Parent Management Training, the Oregon Model (PMTO). According to feasibility indicators provided by 112 Latino/a immigrant parents, as well as findings from a qualitative thematic analysis, the core parenting components across both adapted interventions were identified by the majority of research participants as relevant to their parenting practices. Participants exposed to the culturally enhanced intervention, which included culture‐specific sessions, also reported high satisfaction with components exclusively focused on cultural issues that directly impact their parenting practices (e.g., immigration challenges, biculturalism). This investigation illustrates the relevant contributions that family therapy scholars can offer toward addressing mental health disparities, particularly as it refers to developing community‐based prevention interventions that achieve a balance between evidence‐based knowledge and cultural relevance.  相似文献   

A growing body of research has highlighted the connection between parent–child positive behavioral synchrony and youth self‐regulation; however, this association has yet to be the focus of a meta‐analytic review. Therefore, the present meta‐analysis aimed to estimate the magnitude of the relation between parent–child positive behavioral synchrony and youth self‐regulation and to identify moderator variables that can explain the variability in the degree of this association across the extant literature. A thorough literature search of two major databases, in addition to scanning the reference sections of relevant articles, yielded a total of 10 peer‐reviewed articles (24 effect sizes, 658 children) that were eligible for inclusion in the current meta‐analysis. Results from the overall mean effect size calculation using a random‐effects model indicated that parent–child positive behavioral synchrony was significantly, positively correlated with youth self‐regulation and the effect size was medium. Children's ages at the time of synchrony and self‐regulation measurements, as well as parent gender, served as significant moderator variables. Findings from the present meta‐analysis can help to refine existing theoretical models on the role of the parent–child relationship in youth adjustment. Prevention and intervention efforts may benefit from an increased emphasis on building parent–child positive behavioral synchrony to promote youth self‐regulation and thus children's overall well‐being.  相似文献   

This article describes the Summer Institute in Global Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, a brief immersion training program for mental health, health, and allied professionals who work with populations that have endured severe adversities and trauma, such as domestic and political violence, extreme poverty, armed conflict, epidemics, and natural disasters. The course taught participants to apply collaborative and contextually sensitive approaches to enhance social connectedness and resilience in families, communities, and organizations. This article presents core training principles and vignettes which illustrate how those engaging in such interventions must: (1) work in the context of a strong and supportive organization; (2) appreciate the complexity of the systems with which they are engaging; and (3) be open to the possibilities for healing and transformation. The program utilized a combination of didactic presentations, hands‐on interactive exercises, case studies, and experiential approaches to organizational team building and staff stress management.  相似文献   

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