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方杰  李小健 《心理科学进展》2009,17(6):1116-1123
言语产生研究对于复合词的通达形成什么表征存在分歧。是形成整词表征还是分解为词素表征?用整词和词素频率效应考察,荷兰语的结果支持复合词的分离阶段通达模型和相应的分解表征假设,汉语和英语的结果支持复合词的独立网络通达模型和相应的整词表征假设。本文经过文献回顾指出,词汇表征不同于心理词典,语言、加工方式和加工通道都很可能造成复合词表征的差异。  相似文献   

言语产生是指个体通过口头言语表达想法、感受,而通达过程是言语产生的关键过程。本文以言语产生的不同语言水平为线索,综合分析双语经验对言语产生过程中通达能力的影响,结果发现双语经验降低了言语产生中的通达效率。在此基础上,从跨语言干扰、语言使用频率和词汇量三个角度归纳双语通达劣势的原因。未来的研究应该考察双语经验对言语加工中不同方面的影响,并且对相关解释进行整合。  相似文献   

日常生活中, 语言的使用往往出现在某个视觉情境里。大量认知科学研究表明, 视觉信息与语言信息加工模块并不是独立工作, 而是存在复杂的交互作用。本文以视觉信息对语言加工的影响为主线, 首先对视觉信息影响言语理解, 言语产生以及言语交流的相关研究进展进行了综述。其次, 重点对视觉信息影响语言加工的机制进行了探讨。最后介绍了关于视觉信息影响语言加工的计算模型, 并对未来的研究方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

言语产生中的词汇通达理论   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
首先简单介绍了言语产生中词汇产生研究方法,然后重点介绍了言语产生中的2类重要的词汇通达理论:交互激活理论和独立阶段理论,围绕词汇通达中的3个重要问题:词汇通达的阶段、词汇通达的时间进程、词汇通达阶段是分离独立的还是交互作用的展开论述,阐述了2类理论的相同点和相异点。  相似文献   

言语产生的认知神经机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张清芳  杨玉芳 《心理学报》2003,35(2):266-273
从认知神经科学的角度阐述了言语产生中时间进程及其激活脑区的研究进展。首先简单介绍了言语产生中词汇通达的2种理论观点。在此基础上介绍了运用电生理技术指标LRP和N200,采用双重判断任务范式对言语产生的时间进程的研究。最后论述了有关语言产生的神经心理学研究和脑成像研究,重点阐述了言语产生中时间进程相对应的激活脑区,言语产生的脑区表现出左侧化趋势。  相似文献   

对于同音词家族较大的词汇(例如汉语单音节词), 听觉通道的词汇通达和词汇表征的激活会受同音词汇歧义怎样的影响, 仍不很清楚。本研究采用了两个听觉通道的实验。实验一的听写任务发现在孤立音节的同音字选择上存在歧义的同时还存在同音字族内的高频偏向, 并非随机选择; 实验二的音-字同音判断任务对比同音与不同音条件得到同音促进量, 揭示了孤立音节在激活语音表征时还会引起同音高频字表征的自动激活, 而同音低频字则受到抑制。结果说明存在同音字族内的听觉通道词频效应, 同音的高、中、低频字的表征激活具有不同等性, 导致不穷尽通达, 且同音的最高频字得到更多通达机会。这些发现难以被现有的词汇通达和同音词表征激活模型解释, 文章提出一个能够解释这些听觉通道发现的模型。  相似文献   

本文介绍了双语经验对言语产生过程中通达能力的影响,言语产生是指个体通过口头言语表达想法、感受,而通达过程是言语产生的关键过程。基于语言系统的层次性,本文从亚词汇、词汇、短语和句子四个语言水平归纳了双语经验对通达能力造成消极影响的证据。基于此,从跨语言干扰、语言使用频率和词汇量三个角度梳理了相关解释。未来研究需要关注双语经验对言语加工中不同方面的影响,不同双语经验对通达能力的影响,并整合相关解释。  相似文献   

张积家  刘红艳 《心理学报》2009,41(7):580-593
个体量词是汉语的特色词类,是名词的限定词。关于个体量词的通达,目前主要有两种假说:直接选择假说和间接选择假说。实验1和实验2采用图词干扰范式考察了名词短语和简单名词产生中个体量词的通达。实验3采用启动范式考察了言语理解中个体量词的通达。结果表明,无论是在言语产生中,还是在言语理解中,都存在量词一致性效应:当启动词和目标词量词一致时反应时短,错误率亦低。整个研究表明,个体量词的通达涉及个体名词系统和个体量词系统,涉及双向选择的组合网络。个体量词的通达是直接选择和间接选择的有机结合。个体量词在名词短语产生的早期就得到了通达。  相似文献   

在口语词汇产生过程中,音节频率效应(syllablefrequencyeffect)指的是高频音节相对于低频音节的加工优势。综述了言语产生过程中音节频率效应的表现形式和理论基础,从影响因素、发生阶段和神经机制等角度阐述了印欧语系和汉语中音节频率效应的跨语言差异。基于口语产生的理论模型和合适单元假说,结合不同语言的固有特性,分析了音节频率效应存在跨语言差异的原因,提出了一个有关汉语口语词汇产生中音节作用机制的模型,为音节在汉语和字母语言口语产生过程中的作用提供了新的视角。未来应进一步探究音节频率的两种测量方式对音节频率效应产生影响的具体机制,加强对汉语口语词汇产生中音节频率效应的考察,利用多种实验技术和范式深入探讨言语产生过程中音节加工的跨语言差异。  相似文献   

宋春艳 《世界哲学》2023,(3):91-100
陌生人社会治理呼唤公正合理的制度设计,社会本体论的语用转向为制度伦理带来了新的研究视角。语言是通达心智最为便捷的通道,也是连接道义和规范的必然桥梁。制度性事实是依赖制度运行的人类基本社会活动,由于语言对制度与制度性事实建构的同构性,通过对制度性事实建构的“语言—心理—伦理”三维一体化审视,可以实现对制度建构过程的深度透析。制度创建者的言语行为背后蕴含的集体心理和伦理规约成为制度理性的重要来源,言语行为在成功执行中实现事实(外在世界的各种恰当条件)与价值(由集体意向性表征的独立于个体欲望的理由)的统一,保证了建构的合理性。由此,制度建构的语言、心理和伦理分析是三维一体的。  相似文献   

Current models of word production offer different accounts of the representation of homophones in the lexicon. The investigation of how the homophone status of a word affects lexical access can be used to test theories of lexical processing. In this study, homophones appeared as word distractors superimposed on pictures that participants named orally. The authors varied distractor frequency, a variable that has been shown to modulate the interference that distractors produce on picture naming. The results of 3 experiments converged in showing that words interfered in proportion to their individual frequency in the language, even if they have high-frequency homophone mates. This effect of specific-word frequency is compatible with models that assume (a) distinct lexical representations for the individual homophones and (b) that access to such representations is modulated by frequency. The authors discuss the extent to which current models of word production satisfy these constraints.  相似文献   

方杰  李小健  罗畏畏 《心理学报》2014,46(4):467-480
汉语同音字音节的累积词频是同音单字词的具体词频之和, 即音节作为词被听到的频数, 也称为音节词频。它对词汇通达的作用还没获得一致看法。本文探讨听觉词汇通达中同音字表征的激活如何受累积词频的影响, 构成累积词频的具体词频和同音字数又会在其中起何作用。研究采用跨通道的音-字同音判断范式和配套的协方差分析分离出听觉的词汇表征激活作用。实验1固定同音字数, 同时变化累积词频和具体词频(其中具体高、低频同时也是同音字族内的高、低频), 结果发现具体词频的提高对表征激活有积极作用; 累积词频的提高仅在错误率上产生微弱的抑制作用, 而这个微弱作用可以归结为同音字族内高频字表征的激活对低频字表征的抑制。实验2固定具体词频, 同时变化累积词频和同音字数, 结果发现同音字数增加对表征激活产生抑制, 没有发现累积词频的作用。两个实验的结果说明, 音节累积词频对同音字的听觉词汇表征激活不起确定作用, 能够起作用的是同音字族内的具体词频和同音字数; 但同音字数变化的抑制作用仅在具体词频不变时才发生, 因此起决定作用的是同音字族内高频字表征激活和低频字表征抑制的机制。  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated age differences in how semantic, syntactic, and orthographic factors influence the production of homophone spelling errors in sentence contexts. Younger and older adults typed auditorily presented sentences containing homophone targets (e.g., blew) that were categorized as having a regular spelling (EW) or an irregular spelling (UE). In Experiment 1, homophones were preceded by an unrelated word, a semantic prime that was congruent with the target's meaning in the sentence (e.g., wind), or a semantic prime incongruent with the target's meaning (e.g., sky) and instead related to the competitor homophone. Experiment 2 manipulated the target's part of speech, where target and competitor homophones shared or differed in part of speech. For both age groups, significant semantic priming occurred, where homophone errors decreased following congruent semantic primes and increased following incongruent primes. However, priming only occurred when homophones shared part of speech. Further, both age groups made more errors on homophones with an irregular than a regular spelling, and this regularity effect was smaller for older adults when homophones shared part of speech. Contrary to many spoken production tasks, older adults made fewer errors overall than younger adults. These findings demonstrate age preservation in lexical selection but age differences in orthographic encoding, resulting in older adults producing fewer errors because of reduced activation to competitor homophones. These findings also illustrate that syntactic factors, such as part of speech, can influence the spellings of individual words.  相似文献   

Despite considerable research on language production errors involving speech, little research exists in the complementary domain of writing. Two experiments investigated the production of homophone substitution errors, which occur when a contextually appropriate word (e.g., beech) is replaced with its homophone (e.g., beach tree). Participants wrote down auditorily presented sentences containing dominant or subordinate homophones. Homophones were preceded by a lexical prime that overlapped in phonology and orthography (e.g., teacher) or only orthography (e.g., headmaster) with the target homophone. Results showed more substitution errors when the context elicited a subordinate homophone than when it elicited a dominant homophone. Furthermore, both types of primes equivalently increased production of homophone errors relative to control words (e.g., lawyer), suggesting that only orthographic overlap between the prime and target was necessary to influence errors. These results are explained within dual-route models of spelling, which postulate an interaction between lexical and sublexical routes when spelling.  相似文献   

The role of word frequency in lexical access during the production of homophones remains unresolved. In the current study, we address whether specific-word (the frequency of occurrence of the word “nun”) or homophone frequency (the summed frequency of words with the pronunciation /nΛn/) determines the production latencies of homophones. In Experiments 1a, 2a, and 3a, participants named pictures of high-frequency (e.g., “banco”–a bank: financial institution) and low-frequency (e.g., “banco”–park bench) Spanish (Experiments 1a and 2a) or French (Experiment 3a) homophones and control pictures of nonhomophone words matched in frequency with each of the two uses of the homophones. The naming latencies for low-frequency homophones were longer than those for high-frequency homophones. Furthermore, the naming latencies for homophones were indistinguishable from those for nonhomophone controls matched in specific-word frequency. In Experiments 1b, 2b, and 3b, the participants performed either object decision or picture–word matching tasks with the stimuli used in the corresponding Experiments 1a, 2a, and 3a. There were no reliable differences between high- and low-frequency homophones. The findings support the hypothesis that specific-word and not homophone frequency determines lexical access in speech production.  相似文献   

Despite considerable research on language production errors involving speech, little research exists in the complementary domain of writing. Two experiments investigated the production of homophone substitution errors, which occur when a contextually appropriate word (e.g., beech) is replaced with its homophone (e.g., beach tree). Participants wrote down auditorily presented sentences containing dominant or subordinate homophones. Homophones were preceded by a lexical prime that overlapped in phonology and orthography (e.g., teacher) or only orthography (e.g., headmaster) with the target homophone. Results showed more substitution errors when the context elicited a subordinate homophone than when it elicited a dominant homophone. Furthermore, both types of primes equivalently increased production of homophone errors relative to control words (e.g., lawyer), suggesting that only orthographic overlap between the prime and target was necessary to influence errors. These results are explained within dual-route models of spelling, which postulate an interaction between lexical and sublexical routes when spelling.  相似文献   

汉语同音异形词意义识别中的抑制过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张亚旭  王黎  舒华 《心理学报》2003,35(3):291-299
使用被试自定步速逐词阅读的移动窗口技术,考察了视觉呈现的均衡型和偏向型两类汉语同音异形词意义识别中的抑制过程。实验要求被试阅读由三个分句组成的句子。重复条件下,句子第一个分句中的一个词与第三个分句中的一个词同音异形。同不重复条件(用控制词替换重复条件下第一个分句中的同音异形词)相比,重复条件下,被试对第三个分句中均衡型同音异形词之后的第一个区段阅读时间要长,即出现重复性效应。这种效应在偏向型同音异形词中并未出现。这一结果支持VHMR模型的抑制控制模块假设。简单的抑制假设或衰退假设均无法解释上述结果。此外,上述重复性效应仅出现在阅读速度较快的被试身上。这说明正是对无关信息的高效能的抑制,使得被试表现出较快的阅读速度。  相似文献   

A monitoring bias account is often used to explain speech error patterns that seem to be the result of an interactive language production system, like phonological influences on lexical selection errors. A biased monitor is suggested to detect and covertly correct certain errors more often than others. For instance, this account predicts that errors that are phonologically similar to intended words are harder to detect than those that are phonologically dissimilar. To test this, we tried to elicit phonological errors under the same conditions as those that show other kinds of lexical selection errors. In five experiments, we presented participants with high cloze probability sentence fragments followed by a picture that was semantically related, a homophone of a semantically related word, or phonologically related to the (implicit) last word of the sentence. All experiments elicited semantic completions or homophones of semantic completions, but none elicited phonological completions. This finding is hard to reconcile with a monitoring bias account and is better explained with an interactive production system. Additionally, this finding constrains the amount of bottom-up information flow in interactive models.  相似文献   

A monitoring bias account is often used to explain speech error patterns that seem to be the result of an interactive language production system, like phonological influences on lexical selection errors. A biased monitor is suggested to detect and covertly correct certain errors more often than others. For instance, this account predicts that errors that are phonologically similar to intended words are harder to detect than those that are phonologically dissimilar. To test this, we tried to elicit phonological errors under the same conditions as those that show other kinds of lexical selection errors. In five experiments, we presented participants with high cloze probability sentence fragments followed by a picture that was semantically related, a homophone of a semantically related word, or phonologically related to the (implicit) last word of the sentence. All experiments elicited semantic completions or homophones of semantic completions, but none elicited phonological completions. This finding is hard to reconcile with a monitoring bias account and is better explained with an interactive production system. Additionally, this finding constrains the amount of bottom-up information flow in interactive models.  相似文献   

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