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The aim of this study was to analyse the psychometric properties of the Sydney Attribution Scale in a sample of 1,508 college students. Factor analysis identified six factors: Success/Ability, Success/Effort, Success/External Causes, Failure/Ability, Failure/Effort, and Failure/External Causes. Success and failure factors accounted for an adequate percentage of the variance. Internal consistency was acceptable, similar in the success scales and in the failure scales, and higher in the internal scales than in the external scales. The results also showed a clear predictable pattern of relationships between dimensions of self-attribution, and between these dimensions and several measures of general self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, satisfaction with the studies, satisfaction with performance, and satisfaction with knowledge, which supports the construct validity of the SAS.  相似文献   

The interaction between an individual's abilities and the perceived demands of the workplace appears to make a unique contribution to job-related stress above and beyond that of dispositional or situational factors alone (R. S. Lazarus, 1990). In the present study, the author evaluated this contention among 245 male intercollegiate athletic directors by assessing the combined influence of leadership style and program goals on occupational stress. Regression analyses revealed the presence of both significant main effects and interaction effects of leadership style and program goals in the prediction of emotional exhaustion, daily job stress, and personal accomplishment. Findings are discussed in terms of person-environment fit theory (J. R. P. French, R. D. Caplan, & R. V. Harrison, 1982) and the notion of perceived control within the occupational setting.  相似文献   

Attribution of beliefs by 13-month-old infants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In two experiments, we investigated whether 13-month-old infants expect agents to behave in a way that is consistent with information to which they have been exposed. Infants watched animations in which an animal was either provided information or prevented from gathering information about the actual location of an object. The animal then searched successfully or failed to retrieve the object. Infants' looking times suggest that they expected searches to be effective when--and only when--the agent had had access to the relevant information. This result supports the view that infants possess an incipient metarepresentational ability that permits them to attribute beliefs to agents. We discuss the viability of more conservative explanations and the relation between this early ability and later forms of theory of mind that appear only after children have become experienced verbal communicators.  相似文献   

Attribution of dispositional states by 12-month-olds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The ability to interpret the behavior of other individuals is essential for effective social functioning. Many investigators now believe that even young infants can recognize that agents act toward goals. Here we report three experiments suggesting that 12-month-old infants not only can recognize goal-related action, but also can interpret future actions of an actor on the basis of previously witnessed behavior in another context. The possibility that this inference is made through the attribution of mental states is discussed.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe complexity and dynamics of team sports places high information-processing demands on coaches. They can meet these demands by applying either domain-specific or domain-unspecific problem-solving strategies.MethodThe first phase of this study used a domain-unspecific computer-simulated scenario (“heating oil company” [Hasselmann, D., & Strauss, B. (1993). Herausforderung Komplexität: Baustein 1 (HEIZÖLHANDEL) [The challenge of complexity: Building block 1 (heating oil company)]. Hamburg, Germany: Windmühle]) to measure domain-unspecific complex problem-solving strategies in 38 top-league coaches (first or second German national league in team handball or basketball) and 43 local-league coaches.ResultsResults showed that top-league coaches exhibited better problem-solving performance than lower-league coaches in an unspecific domain. The second phase recorded the real-life coaching behavior of some of these coaches 6 months later during competitions and analyzed the content of their utterances. The main findings were that top-league coaches (n=14) made fewer utterances in competitions, but gave relatively more concrete instructions compared with lower-league coaches (n=13). Top-league coaches also criticized and motivated their players more frequently during play. Comparing intervention behavior across the two settings (computer-simulated scenario vs. competition) disclosed some general problem-solving strategies (e.g., number of motivating utterances, strength of interventions).ConclusionIt is concluded that the achievement of sports coaches depends at least in part on their domain-general, complex problem-solving competence.  相似文献   

The face inversion effect may be defined as the general impairment in recognition that occurs when faces are rotated 180°. This phenomenon seems particularly strong for faces as opposed to other objects and is often used as a marker of a specialized face-processing mechanism. Four brown capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) were tested on their ability to discriminate several classes of facial and non-facial stimuli presented in both their upright and inverted orientations in an oddity task. Results revealed significantly better performance on upright than inverted presentations of capuchin and human face stimuli, but not on chimpanzee faces or automobiles. These data support previous studies in humans and other primates suggesting that the inversion effect occurs for stimuli for which subjects have developed an expertise.  相似文献   

Psychologists and philosophers tend to treat expertise as a property of special individuals. These are individuals who have devoted much more time than the general population to the acquisition of their specific expertises. They are often said to pass through stages as they move toward becoming experts, for example, passing from an early stage, in which they follow self-conscious rules, to an expert stage in which skills are executed unconsciously. This approach is ‘one-dimensional’. Here, two extra dimensions are added. They are drawn from the programme known as Studies of Expertise and Experience (SEE) and its ‘Periodic Table of Expertises’. SEE, which is sociological, and/or Wittgensteinian, in inspiration, takes expertise to be the property of groups; there are ‘domains’ of expertise. Under SEE, level of expertise grows with embedding in the society of domain experts; the key is the transmission of domain-specific tacit knowledge. Thus, one extra dimension is degree of exposure to tacit knowledge. Under SEE, domains can be big or small so there can be ‘ubiquitous tacit knowledge’, such as natural-language-speaking or other elements of general social behaviour, which belong to every member of a society. The second extra dimension is, therefore, ‘esotericity’. The resulting three-dimensional ‘expertise-space’ can be explored in a number of ways which reveal the narrowness of the analysis and the mistakes that have been made under the one-dimensional model.  相似文献   

I reply to my critics in respect of my work on expertise. I define the 'core' of the multidisciplinary 'expertise studies'. I argue that those who have taken the work seriously could resolve their problems by paying more attention to the core. Each could have made good use of an aspect of the core.  相似文献   

University students (N=433) were surveyed about their satisfaction with a number of campus services and opportunities. Comparisons between traditional (up to 24 years old) and nontraditional (25 years old and older) students indicated the latter valued learning and school opportunities more and appreciated the efforts of their professors in interacting with them and communicating information. A number of similarities were noted. University administrations need to be aware of the important differences between such groups to be able to enhance students' satisfaction.  相似文献   

The aim of this study consists of the application of an experimental protocol that allows information to be obtained about the visual search strategies elaborated by swimming coaches. 16 swimming coaches participated. The Experienced group (n=8) had 16.1 yr. (SD=8.2) of coaching experience and at least five years of experience in underwater vision. The Nonexperienced group in underwater vision (n= 8) had 4.2 yr. (SD= 4.0) of coaching experience. Participants were tested in a laboratory environment using a video-projected sample of the crawl stroke of an elite swimmer. This work discusses the main areas of the swimmer's body used by coaches to identify and analyse errors in technique from overhead and underwater perspectives. In front-underwater videos, body roll and mid-water were the locations of the display with higher percentages of fixation time. In the side-underwater slow videos, the upper body was the location with higher percentages of visual fixation time and was used to detect the low elbow fault. Side-overhead takes were not the best perspectives to pick up information directly about performance of the arms; coaches attended to the head as a reference for their visual search. The observation and technical analysis of the hands and arms were facilitated by an underwater perspective. Visual fixation on the elbow served as a reference to identify errors in the upper body. The side-underwater perspective may be an adequate way to identify correct knee angles in leg kicking and the alignment of a swimmer's body and leg actions.  相似文献   

Serial expertise of rhesus macaques   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Here we describe the development of serial expertise in 4 experimentally naive rhesus monkeys that learned, by trial and error, the correct order in which to respond to 3-, 4-, and 7-item lists of arbitrarily selected photographs. The probabilities of guessing the correct sequence on 3-, 4-, and 7-item lists were, respectively, 1/6, 1/24, and 1/5040. Each monkey became progressively more efficient at determining the correct order in which to respond on new lists. During subsequent testing, the subjects were presented with all possible pairs of the 28 items used to construct the four 7-item lists (excluding pairs of items that occupied the same ordinal position in different lists). Subjects responded to pairs from different lists in the correct order 91% of the time on the first trials on which these pairs were presented. These features of subjects' performance, which cannot be attributed to procedural memory, satisfy two criteria of declarative memory: rapid acquisition of new knowledge and flexible application of existing knowledge to a new problem.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the relationship between the personality construct of alexithymia and the attribution of depression to biological, psychological, sociocultural, and external stress. When alexithymia was considered as a continuous variable, there was a significant correlation between a higher score on the Toronto Alexithymia Scale and a greater belief in psychological causes for their psychiatric disorder. The other factors also had positive but nonsignificant correlations with alexithymia. When alexithymia was categorically partitioned and controlled for depressed mood, alexithymic subjects more frequently endorsed all four factors to be causal for their psychiatric illness. This appears to contradict earlier assumptions that alexithymic patients tend to be less psychologically minded than those without this psychological trait.  相似文献   

《New Ideas in Psychology》2001,19(3):237-244
Based on a review of the literature, this paper proposes a non-linear U-shaped model of intuition development influenced by an individual's level of expertise within a given subject area. Two qualitatively different types of intuition are described: immature intuition and mature intuition, each differentiated by the level of expertise of the individual in a specific subject area. Immature intuition is most available when an individual is a novice in a given knowledge domain, where his/her analytical knowledge of the subject does not interfere with the ability to make novel insights. Mature intuition is more rare and is most available when an individual is more of an expert in the subject area with well-developed relevant knowledge structures. Issues regarding the viability of this preliminary model are discussed.  相似文献   

While numerous studies have reported learning of perceptual-motor skills by amnesic patients, few if any have documented the eventual acquisition of expertise on a given task. This paper recounts the learning of the computer game Tetris by a hippocampal amnesic, whose acquisition of the task in a formal evaluation was somewhat slower than that of a comparison group, but who after many hours of self-paced practice achieved expert-level play.  相似文献   

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