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Effects of nitrous oxide in different subanaesthetic concentrations were studied in twelve subjects. Subjective scales of intoxication and of eight other mood variables were obtained by the method of magnitude estimation. Objective performance was examined by tests on memory and arithmetic. For most variables the dose-response curves obtained showed progressively larger effects with increasing dose-levels. At concentrations below 20 per cent the changes were, on the whole, very slight. The results are compared with similar data from an alcohol experiment.  相似文献   

Performance was measured by seven sensorimotor and perceptual tests given to 30 students in six successive trials, spread over five hours, before and after the intake of either 15 mg dexamphetamine, zoo mg Pentobarbitone, or a placebo. Subjective performance, level of aspiration, wakefulness, and mood were measured by a scaling method. A close agreement was found between the amount of objective and subjective improvement following dexamphetamine, whereas the objective impairment induced by Pentobarbitone was not reflected in the subjective measures. These results were examined in relation to the other indices of activation.  相似文献   

Subjective time as affected by positive radial acceleration in a human centrifuge was studied by a modification of the method of ratio production. Auditory signals (1–20 sec.) were used as stimuli. The results showed a marked change in subjective time during gravitational stress. Subjective time, as measured by the methods employed, was a positively accelerated function of objective time and the positive acceleration was enhanced during centrifugation. The demonstrated change in time experience was caused by a difference in retention of preceding time intervals, retention being impaired during centrifugation.  相似文献   

毒扁豆碱对吗啡导致的大鼠行为敏感化的抑制作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
药物滥用导致的行为敏感化被认为与成瘾过程密切相关。本实验探讨吗啡导致的大鼠行为敏感化与神经递质乙酰胆碱的关系。实验动物分为3组,分别进行生理盐水、吗啡(10.0mg/kg)、吗啡(10.0mg/kg)+胆碱酯酶抑制剂毒扁豆碱(0.2mg/kg)前处理,36小时腹腔注射4次。前处理结束1周所有动物注射小剂量吗啡(4.0mg/kg);使用生理盐水前处理的动物,第2周注射毒扁豆碱(0.2mg/kg);使用吗啡前处理的动物,第2周注射小剂量吗啡+毒扁豆碱(0.2mg/kg),第3周再次注射小剂量吗啡。动物每次接受注射后立即记录其在两小时内的活动量(10分钟为一个记录单元)。结果表明,毒扁豆碱既能够抑制吗啡诱导的行为敏感化,也能够阻断小剂量吗啡对行为敏感化的“点燃”作用。由此推论,吗啡导致的行为敏感化与其抑制乙酰胆碱分泌有关。  相似文献   

Hysteresis, i.e. the difference between subjective midpoints of sensory distances when stimuli are presented in ascending and descending order, was studied for subjective velocity by using a modified method of sensory bisection. The hysteresis effect found differed both with regard to its size and the position of the subjective midpoints from an earlier experiment in which the same authors employed an estimation procedure.  相似文献   

For comparative evaluation of the subjective effects of 50 mg chlorpromazine, 0.10 g amobarbital and 10 mg amphetamine (phenopromine. sulf.) two types of formalized rating procedures—a verbal check list and graphic rating scales—were administered to 187 university students. Repeated self-ratings were performed 45, 90 and 180 minutes after oral intake. By the check-list method the expected difference between amphetamine and chlorpromazine was significantly established in all the three ratings. Only in the 45-minute rating was a significant difference obtained between amobarbital and amphetamine. The graphic rating scales were clearly less efficient as judged from the greater proportion reporting 'no change'.  相似文献   

交感神经系统在应激免疫调节中的作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
邵枫  林文娟  肖健 《心理学报》2003,35(4):559-562
目前,越来越多的研究资料表明交感神经系统(SNS)参与了应激的免疫调节作用。有关研究主要集中在SNS与免疫系统间的解剖基础及相互作用、SNS参与应激的免疫调节作用的实验研究以及SNS与下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴(HPA)间的相互作用等几个方面。综合阐述这些研究结果,并着重分析SNS、应激与免疫系统间的相互作用及其机制  相似文献   

以量表测量法初步探索早期情绪唤起与成年后自我决定水平及主观活力之间的关系,试图寻找情绪对人格组织的核心作用的证据。研究发现:①个体在早期父母行为调控中的某些基本情绪的唤起可以有效预测其成年后的自我决定和主观活力水平。②个体早期抵触情绪唤起对其成年后的自我决定和主观活力具有消极作用,而非负性情绪唤起则具有积极作用。研究结果支持基本情绪理论关于情绪处于人格结构的核心地位的观点。  相似文献   

(1) A method to obtain a scale of subjective time unbiased by the time-order error is suggested. (2) The method gives as by-product some preliminary results on the memory process which gives rise to the time-order error. (3) The method is applied in an experimental study. Two methods, the adjustment method and the reproduction method were used to construct a subjective time scale within the range 1–7 seconds. The former method gave an almost linear R-S curve while the latter resulted in a positively accelerated curve. (4) The time-order error seems to be a very rapid process. The memory curve reaches very near its asymptotic value within a few tenths of a second.  相似文献   

CNTF对应激大鼠行为障碍和海马CA1神经元损害的作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
实验采用 open field测定、 Nissl染色、 Bielschowsky-Gros-Lawrentjew染色和常规透射电镜技术,观察急性和慢性足底电击应激大鼠的open field行为和海马CA1神经元形态的变化,及双侧海马注射睫状神经营养因子(CNTF)对它的影响。结果表明,急性应激大鼠open field行为活动增加,海马CA1神经元形态无明显变化;慢性应激大鼠open field行为活动减少,海马CA1神经元出现明显的损伤性形态变化;睫状神经营养因子对对照组大鼠和急性应激大鼠的open field行为和海马CA1神经元形态均无明显作用,但可显著减轻慢性应激大鼠海马CA1神经元损伤程度,改善其行为障碍。实验结果提示睫状神经营养因子可能通过保护海马神经元从而改善慢性应激大鼠的行为障碍。  相似文献   

B ergstrom , S. R. Induced avoidance behaviour in the Protozoa Tetrahymena. Scand.J. Psychol ., 1968, 9, 215–219.—A sample of Tetrahymena, exposed to a series of light and electric shocks paired, was placed in a partially lighted glass chamber. During the first three minutes the number of animals in the lighted parts of the chamber decreased, and an essentially smaller proportion of the sample was then found in the light, in comparison with control samples, which had received either shocks or light or neither of the two stimuli.  相似文献   

许小冬  邵郊 《心理学报》1986,19(4):64-69
用100微安、持续1至3秒的电流刺激正常大鼠的中脑下丘,每24小时刺激一次,经过20次之后,动物的听因性发作率可达75%,它与听觉诱发组的动物经过连续10次的铃声诱发后所达到的发作率(80%)十分接近,与无诱发的对照组动物的发作率相比,有显著差异。此结果进一步肯定了中脑下丘在听因性发作中的重要作用。  相似文献   

中学生人格特质、主观应激与应对风格之间的关系   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
旨在构建中学生的人格特质、主观应激与应对风格之间的关系模型。采用问卷的方法,被试来自成都的四所中学,共607人。探索性因素分析和路径分析结果表明:中学生的应对风格可以分为主动应对和被动应对;不同类型的主观应激之间可能存在潜在关系;主动的应对风格只受到人格特质(外向/内向性、责任心)直接作用;被动的应对风格除了受人格特质的直接和间接作用外,还受到主观应激的影响。  相似文献   

肖蓓苓  邹泓  陈玉珠 《心理学报》1982,15(2):103-108
此实验测定了20个大学生和青年工人的垂直错觉。错觉模式的诱导部分为一组平行斜线,测试部分为差不多互相垂直的竖直线和水平线。在平行斜线诱导下,被试产生了把测试部分看成垂直的错觉。错觉量的大小与诱导线的倾斜角度有关。把此错觉模式的诱导部分与测试部分分开,以实体镜观察时(一个眼各看一部分,两眼同时观察)则没有发生错觉,说明此错觉最初可能发生于视网膜上。此错觉可用侧抑制理论来解释。  相似文献   

高兴和悲伤电影片段诱发情绪的有效性和时间进程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取269名大学生为被试,探讨情绪电影片段诱发被试高兴和悲伤情绪的有效性和时间进程.待被试稳定情绪后观看情绪电影片段,分别采用主观报告和心率、指温、皮电、指脉率、血氧饱和度、心率等心理生理反应的指标,获取被试观看高兴和悲伤电影片段时的前测和后测成绩并进行了分析比较.结果发现: (1)高兴影片能诱发被试高兴情绪,高兴情绪唤醒后,3分钟内处于一般偏上的状态且显著高于基线水平. (2)悲伤影片能诱发被试悲伤情绪,悲伤情绪唤醒后.5分钟内处于一般偏上的状态且显著高于基线水平.  相似文献   

情绪应激体液免疫调节作用的影响因素   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
邵枫  林文娟 《心理学报》2001,34(6):64-68
以给予经定时喂水训练大鼠空瓶刺激为情绪性心理直激源,研究了应激源给予的频率及抗原免疫前或后给予应激刺激等因素对此情绪应激体液免疫调节作用的影响:结果表明,特异性抗原OVA免疫前3次,每次30分钟的情绪应激刺激不影响大鼠的抗OVA抗体水平和脾脏指数;抗原免疫后,同样频率和持续时间的情绪应激能一定程度地降低体液免疫功能;而抗原免疫后14次,每次10分钟的情绪应激刺激则显著降低大鼠的抗OVA抗体水平和脾脏指数。该研究证实,抗原免疫后、反复多次的情绪应激刺激能显著抑制大鼠的原发性体液免疫功能。  相似文献   

樟柳碱所致学习和记忆障碍动物模型的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本实验采用水迷津法、步下法和步入法,用樟柳碱制备学习和记忆障碍的动物模型。结果表明,樟柳碱(10毫克/公斤)可使小鼠引起学习障碍,其表现为通过水迷津全程的时间延长,而且小鼠进入盲路的错误次数明显增多。樟柳碱(10毫克/公斤)可使小鼠引起记忆障碍,在樟柳碱的影响下,小鼠步下平台或步入暗箱的潜伏期明显缩短,并使它们的错误次数增多。本实验结果进一步表明,测定小鼠的记忆障碍,步入法似乎比步下法更为敏感。  相似文献   

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