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The study aim is to establish Israeli norms for the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). A nationwide representative sample of 510 community respondents (age range 35–65, 51.4% women) completed the Hebrew version of the BSI. The data showed high internal reliabilities for the 9 BSI scales, as well as for their total score, indicated by the General Severity Index (GSI). Higher levels of GSI were found for widowed, divorced, and single respondents than for married respondents. Higher GSI was also found for unemployed and retired men than the self-employed and employees, validating the GSI as a measure of distress. Most importantly, the scores of the Israeli GSI, as well as each of the 9 scales, were higher than those reported in either the U.S. or the British norms. These findings may indicate that Israeli society is experiencing relatively high distress, highlighting the need for establishing BSI norms for each culture.  相似文献   

Symptom Expression and Somatization Among Elderly Korean Immigrants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a study of expression of symptoms of somatization, depression, and other biopsychological conditions, 70 elderly Korean immigrants in the greater Washington, D.C., metropolitan area (35 who met the criteria for major depression and 35 who did not meet those criteria) were administered a Korean version of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI). Subjects who met the criteria for depression had the highest mean score on the BSI somatization dimension compared with other normative samples including a sample of psychiatric inpatients. A factor analysis of data from the BSI showed that for elderly Korean immigrants, a factor of somatization was identified that included the items from the original BSI obsessive-compulsive, somatization, and anxiety dimensions. Items loading on the somatization factor suggest that elderly Korean subjects experience body and mind as a unitary system and tend to communicate the distress associated with old age, cultural adjustment, and family and social changes through somatic symptoms.  相似文献   

This study examined two forms of social anxiety or phobia, social phobia as defined by DSM-IV and Taijin Kyofusho (TKS, a Japanese form of social anxiety), in relation to their respective culturally prescribed self-construals as independent and interdependent. Japanese university students (N = 124) and U.S. university students (N = 123) were administered the Social Interaction Anxiety Scale, the Social Phobia Scale, the TKS Scale, and the Self-Construal Scale. From the results of a hierarchical regression analysis, TKS symptoms are more likely to be expressed by individuals who are Japanese and individuals who construe themselves low on independence but high on interdependence. In addition, social phobia symptoms are more likely to be expressed by individuals who construe themselves low on independence but high on interdependence irrespective of culture. Implications for therapists from each culture who have clients who present social anxiety or phobia symptoms are discussed.  相似文献   

中学生生活满意度的跨文化比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:比较不同国家(地区)中学生生活满意度的差异。方法:运用《多维学生生活满意度量表》对爱尔兰、美国、高加索、以色列、中国五个国家(地区)共计1345名中学生的生活满意度进行了测量。结果:(1)五国(地区)中学生高一般生活满意度组人数分布百分比由多到少依次为爱尔兰、美国、高加索、以色列、中国;(2)五国(地区)女生的家庭满意度高于男生,男生的学校满意度高于女生;(3)爱尔兰学生的家庭满意度最高,中国学生的朋友和学校满意度最高,以色列学生的生活环境满意度最低、自我满意度最高;(4)性别和国家(地区)对中学生的学校、生活环境、自我的满意度存在交互作用。结论:不同国家(地区)中学生的生活满意度存在差异,社会文化背景是影响中学生生活满意度的重要因素。  相似文献   

Pereda N  Forns M  Peró M 《Psicothema》2007,19(4):634-639
The Brief Symptom Inventory is designed to assess symptoms of psychological disorders in adolescents and adults. The dimensional structure of the inventory, using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, was examined with a cross-sectional design in a Spanish sample of college students ( N = 1,033, aged between 18 and 30 years old). Two hypotheses were tested: the original distribution of the items in nine factors, and the unidimensionality of the inventory. According to the results, a nine-factor structure seemed to be confirmed, although the strong intercorrelations found among the subscales indicated that these were measuring closely related constructs. The importance of cultural influences when assessing psychological symptoms and the need to develop national and sex norms for instruments that assess psychopathology, are also discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and discusses the results of five cross-cultural studies in Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Spain, and USA, using 2 (college students vs. their parents) × 2 (males vs. females) MANOVA match group designs with the Attitudes and Beliefs Inventory subscales as dependent variables, two multicultural studies investigating the relationship between some demographic variables (Pan American Health Organization's Index of Violence, and Acculturation) and people's Irrationality, and two multidisciplinary studies on the relationship between some medical conditions (skin diseases, and severity of symptoms during menopause) and Irrational Beliefs.  相似文献   

Longitudinal validity of Brief Symptom Inventory subscales was examined in a sample (N = 318) with schizophrenia-related illness measured at baseline and every 6 months for 3 years. Nonlinear factor analysis of items was used to test graded response models (GRMs) for subscales in isolation. The models varied in their within-time and between-times parameter constraints, with the homogeneous model being the least constrained, followed by the 2-parameter GRM and 1-parameter GRM. Results show that 4 subscales (Interpersonal Sensitivity, Hostility, Paranoid Ideation, Psychoticism) were consistent with the 1-parameter GRM, and 5 subscales (Somatization, Obsessive-Compulsive, Depression, Anxiety, Phobic Anxiety) were consistent with the 2-parameter GRM. There is evidence that the 9 subscales may be validly used to study change in single constructs over time.  相似文献   

The present study examined occupational stress in a cross-cultural context with a sample of female clerical employees from an Eastern and a Western culture, namely, India and the United States. An open-ended methodology was used to study occupation-specific stress. Two other variables that researchers have studied in the job stress process, locus of control and social support, were also examined. Large differences were obtained in the perception of the source of stress, the coping mechanisms, and reactions to the stressor. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper examines test anxiety from a cross-cultural perspective with specific reference to the Indian and American cultures. The construct of test anxiety has been examined in many cultures all over the world. In this review, the importance of understanding and incorporating contextual factors in cross-cultural research is emphasized. Moreover, some of the methodological issues related to investigating culture-behavior relationship are discussed. Specifically, the derived-etic approach for conducting cross-cultural research is espoused. Then, research findings from western, cross-cultural, and Indian studies on test anxiety are reviewed. Consistent with the individualistic orientation of the western society, much of the research in the western world has adopted a de-contextualized approach. Inasmuch as many of the cross-cultural and Indian studies on test anxiety have their roots in western research, they have ignored the cultural context as well. To address this void, contextual variables relevant to test anxiety in the Indian setting are examined and hypotheses regarding the nature of test anxiety in Indian children are proposed. Finally, a research agenda is presented to examine these hypotheses using a derived-etic approach.  相似文献   

This Vietnam prevalence study on child maltreatment (VPM-2014) was designed to examine the prevalence of child maltreatment in Vietnam and to compare it with the child maltreatment prevalence in the Netherlands using the same measures and procedure. Questionnaires were filled out by 1,851 students aged 12 to 17 years (47.3% were boys). Results indicated that half of the students (49.9%) reported at least 1 event of child maltreatment in the past year. Emotional abuse was most frequently reported (31.8%), followed by physical abuse, neglect, and witnessing parental conflict. Sexual abuse was the least prevalent (2.6%). Compared with the Netherlands, the prevalence rates of most types of child maltreatment were higher in Vietnam: The largest difference was with emotional abuse, followed by neglect, physical abuse, and witnessing parental conflict. Only the past-year sexual abuse prevalence in Vietnam was lower. These findings highlight the alarming problem of child maltreatment in Vietnam.  相似文献   


This article reports on the major findings of a cross-cultural study comparing long-term marital satisfaction between Caucasian couples and Chinese couples in Canada. The Dyadic Adjustment Scale was used to screen couples' marital satisfaction. In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted individually and jointly with the screened couples to explore their meanings and experiences of marital satisfaction. With the use of narrative analysis, the study illuminates how couples constructed their gender relationships to achieve marital satisfaction over a long course of thirty to thirty-six years according to their sociocultural contexts. The similarities and differences in how the two cultural groups' respondents constructed their long-term marital satisfaction are discussed in terms of: (1) household division of labour, (2) decision-making, (3) conflict and compromise, and (4) mutuality.  相似文献   

认知方式、视错觉及其关系的跨文化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用测验法研究了藏、回、汉族小学三年级、五年级、初二、高二共1032名儿童认知方式的特点,考察了不同认知方式与视错觉之间的关系。结果表明:1)认知方式的民族、居住环境和年龄差异显著,藏族儿童、居住在草原上的儿童、低年级儿童倾向于场依存性,汉族和回族儿童、生活在城市和山村的儿童、高年级儿童倾向于场独立性;2)视错觉的文化差异显著,居住环境和年龄是影响视错觉的重要变量;3)认知方式对视错觉有影响,场独立性者错觉量小,场依存性者错觉量大。  相似文献   

多元文化论与跨文化心理学的发展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
多元文化论强调文化因素对心理学研究的重要性。它主张文化的多元性和平等性,反对跨文化心理学研究中的“文化帝国主义”倾向。在多元文化论的影响下,跨文化心理学开始摆脱“欧美中心主义”偏见,出现了普遍性研究策略和特殊性研究策略相结合、跨文化心理学与文化心理学、本土心理学相结合的趋向。  相似文献   

This study investigated the factor structure of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI; Derogatis, 1992) for adult and adolescent psychiatric inpatients. The BSI was administered to 217 adults and 188 adolescents at admission, and discharge from a private psychiatric hospital. Principal components factor analyses revealed that most variance among dimension scores was accounted for by one unrotated factor. Factorial invariance was evident across adult and adolescent samples for admission and discharge scores. Our findings are consistent with previous research on the BSI and Symptom Checklist-90-R (Derogatis, 1977), suggesting that both instruments measure primarily a unidimensional construct of general psychological distress.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to (a) compare the response bias tendencies of U.S. and Philippine college students and men and women in each culture when responding to personality measures, (b) examine the comparability of different measures of the same response biases, (c) examine the stability or consistency of response biases across instruments, (d) examine the extent to which controlling for response biases affects cultural mean comparisons in personality variables, and (e) test hypothesized personality correlates of response biases. The results did not support the presence of large cross-cultural or gender differences in response biases. Moderate to high agreement was found between different indexes of the same biases. Participants' response bias tendencies were moderately stable across instruments. Controlling for response biases led to trivial changes in effect sizes; in most cases, conclusions about cultural differences in personality constructs did not change. Most hypotheses relating personality variables to response biases were not supported.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to re-evaluate the psychometric properties of the Basic Character Inventory (BCI). In a rather large sample of 503 subjects (323 women and 180 men, 88 non-psychotic psychiatric inpatients and 415 non-patients) factor analysis resulted in three factors with personality traits almost identical with the BCI Oral, Obsessive and Hysterical scales. BCI seems to be a fruitful and reliable assessment instrument for personality traits and character types as outlined in psychoanalytic theory. However, some of the trait subscales ought to be scrutinized in future psychometric re-evaluative studies of BCI on new, large samples. Another factor analysis showed that the BCI Oral scale, together with all the ten subscales of the psychiatric Symptom Check-list 90 (SCL-90), loaded on the first factor, and the BCI Obsessive and Hysterical scales loaded on the second factor, but with different signs. Orality seems to be related to psychopathology.  相似文献   

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