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This paper begins an examination of the complex relationship between psychoanalysis and Buddhist psychology and the practice of meditation. It describes in a series of episodes the ordeal of one patient during a Buddhist meditation retreat. She is asked during the course of the teachings to confront her own inevitable death, and in so doing finds herself simultaneously enduring the agony of a psychic death or collapse originating in earlier trauma. The narrative and subsequent discussion, using the language of psychoanalysis, aim to capture the conflictual yet generative aspects of the interplay between these two invaluable disciplines.  相似文献   

One of the psychological problems with highest prevalence is anxiety. The State Trait Anxiety Inventory is one of the instruments to measure it. This questionnaire assesses Trait Anxiety (understood as a personality factor that predisposes one to suffer from anxiety) and State Anxiety (refers to environment factors that protect from or generate anxiety). The questionnaire was adapted in Spain in 1982. Therefore, the goal of the study is to review the current psychometric properties of the STAI. A total of 1036 adults took part in the study. Cronbach's alpha reliability was .90 for Trait and .94 for State Anxiety. Factor analysis showed similar results compared with the original data. Moreover, differential item functioning (DIF) was carried out to explore sex bias. Only one of the 40 items showed DIF problems. Lastly, a t-Test was run, comparing the original and current values; whereas Trait Anxiety varied in 1 point, State Anxiety had differences of up to 6 points. In general, this result shows that the STAI has maintained adequate psychometric properties and has also been sensitive to increased environmental stimuli that produce stress.  相似文献   

The Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory (SPAI) is an empirically derived self-report inventory developed as a specific measure of social phobia. The current investigation included two studies. The first examined the correlation of the SPAI with daily social behavior of a clinic sample of social phobics. The results indicated that the SPAI provides a reasonable indication of the distress experienced during daily social encounters in three dimensions: behavior, cognitions, and overall distress. The second study examined the validity of the SPAI with reference to the somatic response and avoidance behavior of social phobics. The results indicated that the somatic items of the SPAI are related to the somatic response of social phobics and that performance on the SPAI is associated with avoidance behavior in an anxiety-producing task.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the psychometric properties of the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) in a sample of 75 older generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) patients and a comparison group of 32 older adults without significant psychopathology. Internal consistency was above .80, and the BAI showed evidence of convergent validity in both groups. Evidence for discriminant validity with respect to measures of depression was weaker. Two items, fearing the worst and nervousness, correctly distinguished 86.5% of patients with GAD and 93.8% of the normal controls. Medical comorbidity was associated with somatic but not cognitive anxiety symptoms in the normal older sample. Overall, results indicate the limitations of the BAI in assessing anxiety symptoms in older adults and suggest the need for use of an instrument focusing on cognitive aspects of anxiety.  相似文献   

The assessment of anxiety disorders in late life is often hindered by the lack of measures specifically validated with older adults. Because anxiety manifestations may vary across age groups, it is important to design new instruments or validate existing measures with older adults. This study examined the psychometric properties of the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) in a sample of 281 older adults who were community-dwelling (82.6%) or living in residential care facilities (17.4%). The mean total BAI score was 6.5 (SD = 7.2), indicating minimal anxiety symptomatology in this older sample. There was a trend for older subjects to score higher. Females scored higher than males, and subjects living in a residential facility scored higher than did community dwellers. Item-total correlations were in the moderate range and the internal consistency of the BAI was adequate (alpha = 0.89). A factor analysis yielded a six-factor structure accounting for 64.6% of the variance, with a somatic factor accounting for the largest portion of the variance (32.2%). Because somatic symptoms are more prevalent with aging, such symptoms should not be weighed as heavily in the total BAI score as cognitive or behavioral symptoms. The findings indicate that the BAI is a useful self-report scale for assessing anxiety symptomatology among older adults.  相似文献   

The Japanese State-Trait Anxiety Inventory: age and sex differences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Purpose of the present study was to investigate scores on anxiety among adults of different ages. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was administered to a representative community sample of 1,234 men and women whose ages ranged from 25 to 92 yr. Anxiety declined linearly over the series of age groups. A sex difference was also observed on trait anxiety; women showed higher anxiety than men. Occupation was associated with anxiety for men but with education for women. Possible development of anxiety and differential association of demographic variables with anxiety between sexes were discussed in relation to personality.  相似文献   

The Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) was recently developed to assess clinical anxiety. Because one of its main features is a focus upon physiological sequelae of anxiety, the inventory may prove useful in nonclinical samples as well. The current paper provides initial psychometric properties with a nonclinical sample. Two studies are presented. The first presents scores and factor structure. A five factor solution was obtained, with one subjective and four somatic factors accounting for approximately 60% of the variance. The second study utilizes the total and factor scores to assess concordance with physiological responding. The total BAI correlated moderately with several physiological domains and with subjective distress. Factor scores were not consistently correlated with corresponding physiological domains. When subjects were divided into high- and low-anxiety groups, the relationships between self-report and physiological response increased in subjects with higher levels of anxiety. Results are discussed in terms of comparing clinical and nonclinical findings, use of the BAI in nonclinical samples, and future research.This research was supported in part by a grant to the first author from the Commission on Academic Excellence, University of Louisville.  相似文献   

Wagner and Copper (1963) reported high discriminative power for one score (the ACTivity score) of the Wagner Hand Test between (unskilled and semi-skilled) workers at Goodwill Industries, Akron, Ohio who had been rated “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory” by their superiors.

An attempt to crossvalidate this finding, in a three-group design, in a large Western Canadian Plywood mill failed to produce the expected relationship; neither the ACT score, nor any of the other scores derived from this test showed any consistent trend in terms of postdicting activity level, or general acceptability of the 18 Ss involved in this study.  相似文献   

Cognitions have been known to play a central role in the development, maintenance, and treatment of speech anxiety. However, few instruments are currently available to assess cognitive contents associated with speech anxiety. This report describes three studies examining the psychometric characteristics of a revised English version of the Speech Anxiety Thoughts Inventory (SATI)-an instrument measuring maladaptive cognitions associated with speech anxiety. In Study 1, factor analyses of the SATI revealed a two-factor solution-"prediction of poor performance" and "fear of negative evaluation by audience", respectively. In Study 2, the two-factor structure was replicated. In addition, results revealed stability over a four-week period, high internal consistency, and good convergent and discriminant validity. In Study 3, the scale demonstrated sensitivity to change following brief exposure-based treatments. These findings suggest that the SATI is a highly reliable, valid measure to assess cognitive features of speech anxiety.  相似文献   

The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory A-Trait scale was administered to 152 female and 158 male students. Principal-components factor analyses yielded four orthogonal factors for each sex. The findings indicated that factor pattern comparisons should be made prior to pooling data across sex for psychometric investigations. Also, limited support was found for the generalization of dimensions across sex and samples both within and between cultures.  相似文献   

Past studies of the factor structure of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI; Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg, & Jacobs, 1983) have arrived at various solutions. However, a relatively strong consensus supports a four-factor (State Anxiety Present, State Anxiety Absent, Trait Anxiety Present, and Trait Anxiety Absent) structure of the scale resulting from the combination of item polarity dimensions and the original two factors (State and Trait Anxiety). In this article, we assessed the adequacy of an alternative factor model of STAI data, the two-construct, two-method model, in three large samples using confirmatory factor analysis. The results revealed a statistical advantage of the two-construct, two-method model over the one-factor model, the two-construct factor model, and the four-factor model. We discuss possible interpretational advantages of the two-construct, two-method model of the STAI.  相似文献   

The author performed a comparative analysis on the research output of 6 popular clinical measures of anxiety. The results of a citation analysis of the database from PsycINFO for the years 1991-1998 indicated that the Beck Anxiety Inventory presently ranks third, behind the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Fear Survey Schedule, in terms of use in research.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric evidence of scores on the School Anxiety Inventory (SAI). The SAI was administered to a sample of 520 secondary education students, aged from 12 to 18 years. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported the correlated four-factor structure related to school situations (Anxiety about Academic Failure and Punishment, Anxiety about Aggression, Anxiety about Social Evaluation, and Anxiety about Academic Evaluation) and the three-factor structure related to the response systems of anxiety (Cognitive Anxiety, Psychophysiological Anxiety, and Behavioral Anxiety). Internal consistency and test-retest reliability were appropriate. The results also revealed positive and statistically significant correlations between the SAI and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI).  相似文献   

Ideological beliefs have long attracted the attention of social psychologists, who have investigated their genesis as well as their influence on a host of social phenomena. Conservatism, from the Motivated Social Cognition framework, stems from epistemic and existential needs of the individual, and notably the fear of death. However, Terror Management Theory proposes a view of conservatism and its contrary, liberalism, as equivalent cultural worldviews, equally fit to fulfill such needs. In the present contribution, results are presented from five studies, which test the contrasting hypotheses derived from these two perspectives. A new perspective is considered that accounts for these and previous findings.  相似文献   

Existential therapy in groups for older adults can help to provide life meaning; to facilitate social support; and to improve coping with grief, loss, chronic illness, and ultimately death. A scenario is presented that provides a clinical illustration of the use of existentialism in groups with older adults.  相似文献   

死亡焦虑作为与死亡直接关联的负性心理状态;其准确评估对人类健康有着重要意义.从死亡焦虑研究的重要意义着手;介绍了目前较为多用死亡焦虑的评估工具;阐明了量表性质的考核方式;然后通过对死亡焦虑研究的现状进行了分析.在此基础上提出了该领域研究存在的问题并为后续研究指明了方向.  相似文献   


A sample of 389 individuals completed a death anxiety scale and a series of items that measured self-reported religious practices and beliefs. Those lowest in religious practices and beliefs were significantly higher in death anxiety. Contrary to some prior research, depth of belief had a stronger negative association with death anxiety than did religious activities. Strongest relationships had to do with concepts of life after death. The oldest respondents reported the least death anxiety.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to examine the factor structure and psychometric properties of the SPAI in a sample of adolescent Spaniards. The results obtained support the use of the correlated two-factor SPAI subscales and indicate high coefficient alpha values for the SPAI subscales. The results provide support for the use of the SPAI in an adolescent population in a non-English-speaking country. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of the Social Phobia subscale showed a four-factor structure, instead of a five-factor dimension, as suggested by previous studies. Effects for gender and age and gender interaction were found. Limitations and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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