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陈安国 《学海》2001,4(1):83-86
全球化是资本主义企图一统天下的以同一性消解差异性的过程。因此 ,全球化实质是西方发达资本主义国家推动的以经济全球化为表征的、以资产阶级价值观念为核心的、政治全球化、文化全球化等各个方面的全球化全面推进的过程。这一过程也是资本主义的深层矛盾在全球的全面展开和激化 ,最终会导致全球资本主义体系的崩溃 ,社会主义必将取而代之。这一规律是无法抗拒的、必然的 ,无论资产阶级如何规避 ,也无法逃脱在达到资本主义全球化的“颠峰”的同时 ,坠入自己选择的“深渊”中。在西方发达资本主义国家的全球扩张过程中 ,必然会侵犯发展中国…  相似文献   

从资本主义基本矛盾看 ,经济全球化实质上就是资本主义基本矛盾在全球范围内的展开和集中表现 ,即发达资本主义国家借助科技进步 ,以国际金融资本为主导资本形态 ,以跨国公司为主要媒介 ,逐步发展和形成世界市场的过程。它包括商业资本全球化、金融资本全球化和产业资本全球化三个阶段。如今资本要素的全球流动仍然受到许多民族国家的抵制 ,世界市场仅仅处于初步形成阶段。不过 ,不论经济全球化每个阶段有什么特点 ,资本关系向全球扩张的实质并没有改变。因此 ,只有从资本主义基本矛盾出发 ,用生产力发展和资本关系扩张两条思维坐标来分析科…  相似文献   

经济全球化与资本主义文明的历史命运   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于经济全球化的历史进程、现实状态和发展趋势的研究表明 ,经济全球化与资本主义文明的历史命运如影随形 ,有着非常紧密的联系。今天 ,经济全球化的发展已经达到了一个全新的阶段 ,即“新全球化时代”。它既使资本主义文明和整个人类文明的生存空间得到极大拓展 ,又使资本主义文明矛盾逐步深化 ;既引起文明发展规律的重大变化 ,又为新的文明转型开辟广阔道路。1 .文明生存空间的极大拓展  经济全球化的一个重要功绩 ,就是使资本主义文明和整个人类文明的生存空间得到极大拓展。资本主义文明与以往文明迥然不同 ,它第一次彻底突破了民族…  相似文献   

经济全球化已日益成为人们关注的热点。在众多褒贬不一的理解中,往往存在着把经济全球化进程抽象化、单一化的现象,即把“全球化”进程理解为同质的、和谐的、稳定的过程,而忽略了经济全球化的内在矛盾,进而对全球化的历史作用作简单化的解释。事实上,经济全球化本身是一个充满矛盾的过程。对经济全球化的规律、本质和历史意义的把握,离不开对经济全球化内在矛盾的解析。资本主义经济在全球化过程中起主导作用,这是不争的事实。从一定意义上说,经济全球化过程就是资本主义经济的全球化过程。就是资本主义经济矛盾的全球化过程。对现…  相似文献   

面对发生深刻变化的全球资本主义环境,围绕全球化的实质及进程、全球化的特征、全球化与资本主义和社会主义的关系等问题,欧美学者从不同的理论视角进行阐释,形成了具有不同理论旨趣的  相似文献   

全球化研究的历史、现状和热点问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、全球化研究的历史与现状全球化思想的最早提出者当属马克思。他在150年前的《德意志意识形态》和《共产党宣言》中就提出了资本主义的发展必然形成世界市场等思想。但真正在现代意义上提出并全面论述全球化思想,还是近几十年的事。最早提出全球化理论的是“依附理论”学派。埃及人萨米尔·阿明是这一学派的代表,他最早建构了世界资本积累和发展模式。他认为,资本积累是通过全球分工发生的;在分工中,世界资本主义体系各个阶层的关系的本质特征是不等价交换和剥削;但边缘国家有可能摆脱资本主义世界体系,建立自己的社会组织并形…  相似文献   

一马克思恩格斯在《共产党宣言》中明确指出,全球化是资本主义市场经济发展的必然。它不仅是经济活动全球化的过程,而且是文化活动全球化的过程。他们说:“不断扩大产品销路的需要,驱使资产阶级奔走于全球各地。它必须到处落户,到处开发,到处建立联系。资产阶级,由于开拓了世界市场,使一切国家的生产和消费都成为世界性的了”。(《马克思恩格斯选集》第1卷,第276页)经济活动的全球扩张必然带来“过去那种地方的和民族的自给自足和闭关自守状态,被各民族的各方面的相互往来和各方面的相互依赖所代替。物质的生产是如此,精神的生产也是如此。…  相似文献   

刘挺 《学海》2004,(6):65-69
目前的经济全球化趋势是在旧的国际政治经济秩序没有根本改变的情况下发展起来的,起点的不平等造成了结果的不平等,其直接的表现就是南北之间、发达国家社会内部、发展中国家社会内部的贫富差距在不断加剧。全球范围内愈发明显的强资本、弱劳工格局造成了一种“全球化的富人和区域化的穷人”现象,各种社会矛盾与冲突由此引发。对此,在全球范围内促成一种新的劳资妥协的形成迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

全球化与马克思主义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先考察了马克思对全球化的前瞻性预测 ,包括马克思对全球化的特点、本质、资本主义推行全球化的手段以及全球化的发展趋势等的看法。接着从马克思主义的基本观点出发对当今全球化的一些最显著的特点———主要包括无劳动社会的出现、贫困化的加深、利润率的提高等作了阐释。最后 ,着重从全球化最基本的特点———知识成为越来越主要的资源———出发 ,探讨全球化带来的世界范围内新的分工所造成的深远影响 ,特别分析了由此可能出现的全球范围内的基于新分工的阶级格局 ;同时分析了马克思毕生关心的异化问题 ,比较了不同于传统劳动分工的知识分工引发的异化强化等问题。  相似文献   

全球化与国家安全   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球化与安全是当今学术研究中一个重要课题。安全始终是有序的人类存在的前提条件,而全球化则被经常用来说明当今世界上正在加速推进的一些趋势。全球化这一概念涉及许多社会、经济、政治、军事和文化变化,已经有很多专家从不同学科、不同角度作了这样那样的概括。作为当今世界的时代潮流,全球化发端于资本主义生产方式的萌芽,至今已有500多年的历史,主要表现为人类社会中各个独立的实体在政治、经济、文化等方面相互联系日益紧密、相互依赖日益深化和相互作用日益加强的过程。全球化的发展促进了不同国家之间的相互联系和相互依赖,但迄今…  相似文献   

全球化过程有两个基本方面:一是科学技术的发展,一是资本主义的发展。迄今为止的全球化过程是资本主义利用不断更新的科学技术来实现自己发展的过程,此过程的社会实质在于资本主义全球化——包括资本主义经济全球化和与之相适应的资本主义伦理全球化。然而,诸如反全球化浪潮之美的国际现象和国际事件表明,原来作为全球化之推动力量的资本主义,如今正在走向其反面,愈来愈成为全球化的阻碍力量了;而日益严重的全球性生态危机,更其表明资本主义再也不能按其固有的方式存在和发展了。因此,客观上要求变革现存的资本主义经济制度及其伦理——包括资本主义经济理性、人理性和科学理性。适应解决当今全球性生态危机的需要,一种新伦理——生态伦理正在形成之中,它有望最终演变为取代传统资本主义伦理的全球伦理。  相似文献   

韦伯伦理—经济“理想类型”的历史哲学取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韦伯关于“新教资本主义”的伦理—经济“理想类型” ,表现为道德哲学与历史哲学的二重向度和二元分离。在道德哲学方面 ,它建立了一个具有一定普遍意义的逻辑模型 ,然而在历史哲学方面 ,“理想类型”却潜隐着深刻的文化霸权与文明霸权的价值取向 ,它与后来的“文明冲突”理论和“全球化”思潮 ,以及黑格尔的“绝对精神”的历史观 ,同属一种历史哲学谱系。“儒教资本主义”的命题 ,因与之在道德哲学方面不同构 ,历史哲学方面不同质 ,只是对“新教资本主义”“理想类型”的一种错位的回应。  相似文献   


This article provides excerpts and highlights from the insights of twenty global leaders, business executives, and sustainability experts who gathered at the Esalen Institute in California for four days in March 2002 to discuss how to best leverage change toward an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable global economy. The conference topic was sparked by the path-breaking book Natural Capitalism, which outlines an expanded vision of capitalism suitable for the environmental era. The natural capitalism model is qualitatively different from industrial era capitalism in that it counts both humanity and ecosystem services as valid sources of capital in addition to the traditionally recognized sources, financial and manufactured. One early adopter of natural capitalism, CEO of the Atlanta-based carpet tiling company, Interface, shared how increased efficiency and greater employee and customer satisfaction have resulted. Although some of the conference participants forecasted that globalization is likely to bring humanity face-to-face with a planetary-wide environmental, financial, and social crisis, the overall message of this gathering was positive. Through the imaginative implementation of evolutionary and biomimicry design models in the cultural, financial, and economic spheres, novel solutions to global problems already are being discovered, and, if such innovative and solutions-oriented design thinking can spread rapidly enough, humanity may be able to ameliorate-or even obviate-the deleterious effects of globalization.  相似文献   

Ana Maria Bidegain 《Dialog》2020,59(4):302-308
The article is a personal recount of living under the called neoliberal regime installed in the post-Cold War in the region. Written from the perspective of a Latin American woman in the betweenness of the North and the South. Focusing on capitalism history shows how counterdevelopment has been the other face of globalization. The social protests in the whole continent request the respect of human dignity recovering an inclusive collective narrative and social justice caring of our common home, to build a more profound democracy and a more just world.  相似文献   

What are the differences between cosmopolitanism and globalization? Are they “natural” historical processes or are they designed for specific purposes? Was Kant cosmopolitanism good for the entire population of the globe or did it respond to a particular Eurocentered view of what a cosmo-polis should be? The article argues that, while the term “globalization” in the most common usage refers and correspond to neo-liberal globalization projects and ambitions (roughly from 1980 to 2008), and the Kantian concept of “cosmopolitanism” responded to the second wave (XVIII and XIX of European global expansion), “de-colonial cosmopolitanism” refers to global processes and conceptualizations delinking from both neo-liberal globalization and liberal cosmopolitan ideals. But it delinks also from theological and Marxist visions of a homogenous world center around religious ideals or state socialist regulations. De-colonial cosmopolitanism is a cosmopolitanism of multiple trajectories aiming at a trans-modern world based on pluriversality rather than on a new and good universal for all.  相似文献   

Are Muslims the “new Jews” of Europe? The spectacle of Middle Eastern and African refugees shuttled by train from camp to squalid camp has understandably drawn parallels to the darkest pages in twentieth-century continental history. Such a historical comparison between Islamophobia and antisemitism, however, risks missing their ongoing interrelation. This article examines that interrelation, arguing that Islamophobia and antisemitism now most resemble each other as complementary mechanisms for diverting the anxieties bred by the global economic order. Antisemitism has long scapegoated the Jews for capitalism’s tendency to produce outsized winners. But there has been no comparably global shorthand for the anxiety prompted by capitalism’s losers—until now. Muslim refugees help give a name, Islam, to the masses seemingly encroaching from the margins of the world system. The result, I argue, is the hardening of Islamophobia and antisemitism into the inextricable poles of a reactionary worldview. Taking France as a case study, the article reads the burkini bans prompted by the July 2016 terror attack in Nice as an expression of middle-class fear about downward mobility. Targeted at both internal Muslim leisure and external Muslim encroachment, the bans evoke how European unease about globalization increasingly takes Islamophobic form. Such intolerance threatens not only to lodge Islamophobia at the heart of a reconstituted Europe but also to erode the vigilance against antisemitism once characteristic of the postwar European project.  相似文献   

This essay reviews recent feminist scholarship, autobiographical narrative and fiction which explores nurses' engagement with empire in Africa and elsewhere in this century. Such literature suggests that while nursing work may have improved native health in colonized regions, it also contributed significantly to the establishment and stabilization of the racialized order of colonial rule. Of particular significance was colonial nursing's intervention into the reproductive practices of native women, resulting in the loss of local knowledges and autonomy, the disruption of complex social links and indigenous health strategies, and the expansion of markets for western capitalism.  相似文献   


The growing ill-health in Sweden is related to the crisis of the welfare state and to globalization and the expansion of a new virtual reality affecting the conceptualization of time and space, as well as to wider areas of human interaction, thinking, and ethical judgment. Fear and anxiety are emotional states of mind that have widespread effects on an individual level as well as on the whole of society.  相似文献   

Tom Rockmore 《Metaphilosophy》2017,48(1-2):146-152
This article examines two views about the capitalism that lies at the heart of modern industrial society. We owe to Marx and Piketty two large‐scale, hugely important, but very different studies of the nature of modern industrial capitalism. In Capital, Marx provides a complex analysis of the anatomy of modern industrial capitalism, which he regards not as stable but rather as over time unstable and tending toward internal collapse on several grounds, of which the most important is apparently the so‐called tendency of the falling rate of profit. The falling rate of profit supposedly threatens its continued existence. Piketty criticizes the latter view in the context of his theory of contemporary capitalism. The article suggests, first, that Marx's view of the falling rate of interest is empirically implausible but Piketty's rival claim is empirically plausible. Second, a successful transition from capitalism to communism on Marxian grounds is unlikely in practice. And finally, despite Marx's intentions, it is unlikely to realize itself in practice, and is in this respect a traditional theory.  相似文献   

The “new politics of Afrikaans” is primarily concerned with defending Afrikaans language and culture in the new South Africa. In contrast to Afrikaner nationalism, it seeks to ensure a vital and viable future for Afrikaans, which does not depend on white racial domination or Afrikaner political power. At the same time, it seeks to prevent Afrikaners from disowning their language or cultural identity, or abandoning the sphere of the political in the new South Africa. It seeks instead to defend cultural diversity and local forms of community against the homogenizing pressures of capitalist globalization. This article examines the evolution of moral, political and philosophical ideas and arguments in this process, and in particular their ambiguous relationship to capitalism in the new South Africa. It examines the logic of reconciliation under Mandela and Mbeki; the ways in which Afrikaner critics of apartheid conceived of the role of Afrikaners; how postmodernism has reconfigured the philosophy of history on which they relied; and the arguments of Breyten Breytenbach—perhaps the most celebrated figure in the new politics of Afrikaans. In conclusion, it puts forward a brief account of the class dynamics which are deciding the future of language and culture in the new South Africa.  相似文献   

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