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Boundary extension is the tendency to remember more of a scene than was actually shown. The dominant interpretation of this memory illusion is that it originates from schemata that people construct when viewing a scene. Evidence of boundary extension has been obtained primarily with adult participants who remember neutral pictures. The current study addressed the developmental stability of this phenomenon. Therefore, we investigated whether children aged 10-12 years display boundary extension for neutral pictures. Moreover, we examined emotional scene memory. Eighty-seven children drew pictures from memory after they had seen either neutral or emotional pictures. Both their neutral and emotional drawings revealed boundary extension. Apparently, the schema construction that underlies boundary extension is a robust and ubiquitous process.  相似文献   

Behavioral and neuroscience research on boundary extension (false memory beyond the edges of a view of a scene) has provided new insights into the constructive nature of scene representation, and motivates questions about development. Early research with children (as young as 6–7 years) was consistent with boundary extension, but relied on an analysis of spatial errors in drawings which are open to alternative explanations (e.g. drawing ability). Experiment 1 replicated and extended prior drawing results with 4–5‐year‐olds and adults. In Experiment 2, a new, forced‐choice immediate recognition memory test was implemented with the same children. On each trial, a card (photograph of a simple scene) was immediately replaced by a test card (identical view and either a closer or more wide‐angle view) and participants indicated which one matched the original view. Error patterns supported boundary extension; identical photographs were more frequently rejected when the closer view was the original view, than vice versa. This asymmetry was not attributable to a selection bias (guessing tasks; Experiments 3–5). In Experiment 4, working memory load was increased by presenting more expansive views of more complex scenes. Again, children exhibited boundary extension, but now adults did not, unless stimulus duration was reduced to 5 s (limiting time to implement strategies; Experiment 5). We propose that like adults, children interpret photographs as views of places in the world; they extrapolate the anticipated continuation of the scene beyond the view and misattribute it to having been seen. Developmental differences in source attribution decision processes provide an explanation for the age‐related differences observed.  相似文献   

Older adults are often more susceptible to various illusions and distortions of memory than young adults. In the experiments reported here, we explored the question of whether normal aging was associated with a larger revelation effect, an illusion of memory in which items that are revealed gradually during a recognition test are more likely to be called old than unrevealed items that are shown in their entirety. Contrary to expectations, older adults were not susceptible to this memory illusion. A revelation effect occurred for young but not older adults, even when older adults were similar to young adults on measures of recognition and repetition priming. When data across experiments were combined, there was evidence for a negative revelation effect in older adults in which revealed items were less likely called old than unrevealed items. These results place boundary conditions on the claim that older adults are more susceptible than young adults to memory illusions, and imply that one or more mechanisms underlying the revelation effect are age sensitive.  相似文献   

In the present study, memory for picture boundaries was measured with scenes that simulated self-motion along the depth axis. The results indicated that boundary extension (a distortion in memory for picture boundaries) occurred with moving scenes in the same manner as that reported previously for static scenes. Furthermore, motion affected memory for the boundaries but this effect of motion was not consistent with representational momentum of the self (memory being further forward in a motion trajectory than actually shown). We also found that memory for the final position of the depicted self in a moving scene was influenced by properties of the optical expansion pattern. The results are consistent with a conceptual framework in which the mechanisms that underlie boundary extension and representational momentum (a) process different information and (b) both contribute to the integration of successive views of a scene while the scene is changing.  相似文献   

In the present study, memory for picture boundaries was measured with scenes that simulated self-motion along the depth axis. The results indicated that boundary extension (a distortion in memory for picture boundaries) occurred with moving scenes in the same manner as that reported previously for static scenes. Furthermore, motion affected memory for the boundaries but this effect of motion was not consistent with representational momentum of the self (memory being further forward in a motion trajectory than actually shown). We also found that memory for the final position of the depicted self in a moving scene was influenced by properties of the optical expansion pattern. The results are consistent with a conceptual framework in which the mechanisms that underlie boundary extension and representational momentum (a) process different information and (b) both contribute to the integration of successive views of a scene while the scene is changing.  相似文献   

Young children’s age-of-acquisition estimates for spoken words   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was concerned with the impact of stimulus familiarity on young children's ability to recognize spoken words and make explicit judgments about them. In Experiment 1, 5-year-olds made age-of-acquisition (AOA) estimates for a set of words that were very similar to estimates made by older children and adults. In Experiment 2, young children's picture recognition, mispronunciation detection, and vocabulary monitoring performance all varied systematically with these AOA estimates and with a stimulus-type (intact-mispronounced) manipulation. Subjective AOA estimates (whether from children or from adults) proved to be a better predictor of performance than did two objective familiarity measures and subjective imageability. These results point to considerable metalexical knowledge on the part of young children or explicit sensitivity regarding their own vocabulary knowledge. In addition, the results lend some support to the notion that actual AOA contributes to subjective AOA estimates.  相似文献   

Associative and categorical explanations for the organization children and adults display in free recall were tested. It was expected that young children would show output clustering as a function of associations between individual items within categories rather than relationship to the taxonomy itself. Kindergarten, fourth-grade, and tenth-grade subjects were presented with pictures representing the four factorial combinations of high and low interitem association and high and low category relatedness. Each set of pictures could be divided into four taxonomic categories of six items each. Kindergarteners displayed greater category clustering of highly associated items than weak associates. Older subjects showed sensitivity to both organizational dimensions. These data support a hypothesis that young children cluster in recall as a function of associations while older individuals show organizational flexibility which serves to facilitate greater recall.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined Safer, Christianson, Autry, and Osterlund's (1998) claim that when emotional material is remembered, tunnel memory (i.e., the tendency to remember less of a scene than was actually shown) occurs. In Experiment 1, 81 undergraduate students drew photographs from memory after having briefly seen either four neutral or four emotional photographs. Both neutral and emotional drawings revealed boundary extension (i.e., the tendency to remember more of a scene than was actually shown). Experiment 2 relied on the camera distance paradigm (Intraub, Bender, & Mangels, 1992). In a recognition test, 60 undergraduate students judged the camera distance of previously seen neutral or emotional photographs. The majority of them demonstrated accurate judgments and neither extended nor restricted picture boundaries. Those participants who made an error more often displayed a boundary extension than a tunnel memory error. Taken together, our results suggest that boundary extension for neutral and emotional photographs is a more robust phenomenon than its counterpart, tunnel memory.  相似文献   

The cross-modal matching techniques that have produced scales of sensory magnitude for a variety of perceptual continua in adults were used to construct similar scales in children. Subjects were adults and children 4, 6, 8, and 12 years old. Their task was, first, to match the loudness of a 1000-Hz tone to various visual lengths, and, second, to match the length of a white tape to various loudnesses of the tone. Almost all subjects were able to perform the matching tasks; the average precision of older subjects (12 and Adult) was somewhat greater, but in each of the younger age groups a majority of subjects performed with a precision that equaled that of older subjects. The exponent of the power function that relates length and loudness does not change with age. The scale factor does change, in a way that suggests either that a given sound intensity seems softer, or, more probable, that a given length seems longer, to younger children. The success of cross-modal matching with subjects as young as 4 years means that it is possible to investigate not only single perceptual scales but also intermodal organization in young children.  相似文献   

采用延迟样本匹配任务并控制被试对部分项目的有意识学习经验, 当前研究考察了老年被试与青年被试在追逐靶、排除分心物的过程中, 重复启动效应如何受到项目外显学习经验的影响。老年被试和青年被试首先学习一些物体图片, 这些熟悉的图片与一些新图片作为之后工作记忆任务的靶或分心物。结果发现, 老年被试与青年被试在追逐靶和排除分心物的过程中均受到项目之前学习经验的影响。无论是老年被试还是青年被试, 对靶的反应时均快于对分心物的反应时, 对外显学习过的靶(即熟悉靶)的反应时快于对未学习过的靶(即新靶)的反应时, 而拒绝熟悉的分心物需要的时间长于拒绝新分心物的时间。其次, 老年被试与青年被试均表现出对靶的重复效应, 即当靶(无论是熟悉的还是新的)在任务中重复出现时, 对其的反应时加快; 然而, 对分心物的重复效应显著减小。随着项目多次重复, 重复效应整体上减小, 但该效应的变化受到项目属性(靶或分心物)以及项目之前学习经验的影响。重要的是, 当熟悉的分心物反复出现时, 老年被试不但没有出现重复效应, 反而在拒绝该熟悉分心物上表现出困难, 反应时显著延长, 而在青年被试上没有该表现。这些结果说明, 老年被试的工作记忆任务成绩容易受到内隐熟悉性的干扰, 重复出现的干扰项产生的熟悉性使得老年被试难以拒绝。  相似文献   

Reinstatement of encoding context facilitates memory for targets in young and older individuals (e.g., a word studied on a particular background scene is more likely to be remembered later if it is presented on the same rather than a different scene or no scene), yet older adults are typically inferior at recalling and recognizing target–context pairings. This study examined the mechanisms of the context effect in normal aging. Age differences in word recognition by context condition (original, switched, none, new), and the ability to explicitly remember target–context pairings were investigated using word–scene pairs (Experiment 1) and word–word pairs (Experiment 2). Both age groups benefited from context reinstatement in item recognition, although older adults were significantly worse than young adults at identifying original pairings and at discriminating between original and switched pairings. In Experiment 3, participants were given a three-alternative forced-choice recognition task that allowed older individuals to draw upon intact familiarity processes in selecting original pairings. Performance was age equivalent. Findings suggest that heightened familiarity associated with context reinstatement is useful for boosting recognition memory in aging.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that adults and older children tend to classify multi-dimensional objects by identity on one dimension, whereas children under 8 years of age tend to classify these same objects by a relation of overall similarity. The present study investigated the hypothesis that this developmental trend is restricted to the classification of simple objects that differ only by limited amounts on a few dimensions. The specific hypothesis was that overall-similarity relations structure both adults' and children's classifications of heterogenous objects (objects that differ in a variety of ways). This hypothesis was suggested by the correspondence between the structure of young children's classifications and the structure of natural categories. The result of two experiments supported the hypothesis. When the to-be-classified objects varied simultaneously on relatively many dimensions, adults as well as children constructed classifications that maximized within-category similarity on all varying dimensions. The implications of these results for accounts of the perception of multidimensional relations and classificatory behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

In recognition memory, older adults report fewer occasions on which recognition is accompanied by recollection of the original encoding context. This study asks why this occurs. Two main hypotheses were tested: (1) Older adults fail to encode the items sufficiently when first they experience them. (2) Older adults have a retrieval deficit that prevents efficient reintegration of target and context. In addition, the hypothesis that frontal lobe integrity is essential for recollective experience was examined. Twenty older (mean age 70.7 years) and 20 younger (mean age 22.9 years) adults were asked to study a list of items and to verbalize the strategies they were using to remember. A further 20 older adults (mean age 70.0 years) were tested without the think-aloud protocol. Subsequently, subjects completed a battery of psychometric tests before completing a recognition test. As expected, older adults showed less recollective experience. They differed from the young in how they encoded the material, and once this difference was accounted for, no age differences in recollective experience remained. There was little evidence to support the hypothesis that frontal lobe integrity plays a role in the reduction of recollective experience with age.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that during visual search young and old adults' eye movements are equivalently influenced by the appearance of task-irrelevant abrupt onsets. The finding of age-equivalent oculomotor capture is quite surprising in light of the abundant research suggesting that older adults exhibit poorer inhibitory control than young adults on a variety of different tasks. In the present study, we examined the hypothesis that oculomotor capture is age invariant when subjects' awareness of the appearance of task-irrelevant onsets is low, but that older adults will have more difficulty than young adults in inhibiting reflexive eye movements to task-irrelevant onsets when awareness of these objects is high. Our results were consistent with the level-of-awareness hypothesis. Young and old adults showed equivalent patterns of oculomotor capture with equiluminant onsets, but older adults misdirected their eyes to bright onsets more often than young adults did.  相似文献   

Children (7 to 10 years), young adults (17 to 24 years), and older adults (55 to 77 years) were asked to learn three lists of words that were of mixed modality (half the words were visual, and half the words were auditory). With one list the subjects were asked a semantic orienting question; with another, a nonsemantic orienting question; and with a third, no orienting question. Half the subjects in each age group were also asked to remember the presentation modality of each word. Older adults remembered less information about modality than children and young adults did, and the variation in the type of orienting question--or the lack of one--affected modality identification. However, there was no Orienting Task x Age interaction for modality identification. The results of this study suggest that encoding modality information does not take place automatically--in any age group--but that explanations focusing on encoding strategies and effort are not likely to account for older adults' difficulties in remembering presentation modality.  相似文献   

Research showed that source memory functioning declines with ageing. Evidence suggests that encoding visual stimuli with manual pointing in addition to visual observation can have a positive effect on spatial memory compared with visual observation only. The present study investigated whether pointing at picture locations during encoding would lead to better spatial source memory than naming (Experiment 1) and visual observation only (Experiment 2) in young and older adults. Experiment 3 investigated whether response modality during the test phase would influence spatial source memory performance. Experiments 1 and 2 supported the hypothesis that pointing during encoding led to better source memory for picture locations than naming or observation only. Young adults outperformed older adults on the source memory but not the item memory task in both Experiments 1 and 2. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants manually responded in the test phase. Experiment 3 showed that if participants had to verbally respond in the test phase, the positive effect of pointing compared with naming during encoding disappeared. The results suggest that pointing at picture locations during encoding can enhance spatial source memory in both young and older adults, but only if the response modality is congruent in the test phase.  相似文献   

The influence of age on word retrieval was investigated with a speeded picture naming study. Five hundred forty-one pictures were presented to young and older adults, and the influence of name agreement and name frequency was analyzed by multiple regression. The results showed that both name agreement and name frequency are significant predictors of picture naming performance in young and older adults. The results also suggest that older adults are more strongly influenced by name agreement than are young adults. These results indicate that competition during lexical selection may be a particularly age-sensitive stage in language production.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of distinctive encoding on the Jacoby and Whitehouse (1989) illusion. Subjects studied visually presented words that were associated with either an auditory presentation of the same word (nondistinctive encoding) or a picture of the object (distinctive encoding). In both conditions, words were visually presented on the recognition test, and half were preceded by brief repetition primes. Priming test items increased hits and false alarms in the auditory condition, demonstrating the Jacoby-Whitehouse illusion. This illusion was reduced in the picture condition. In order to test whether this distinctiveness effect was caused by a recollection-based response strategy (i.e., the distinctiveness heuristic), we minimized recollection-based responding by having subjects make speeded recognition decisions. Contrary to the distinctiveness heuristic hypothesis, speeded responding did not eliminate the distinctiveness effect on the Jacoby-Whitehouse illusion. Picture encoding may reduce this illusion via a shift in preretrieval orientation, as opposed to a postretrieval editing process.  相似文献   

We examined actual and perceived trajectories of change in life satisfaction in a national sample of 3,793 adults, ages 24 to 74 at baseline, who provided retrospective, present, and prospective ratings on two occasions 8 to 10 years apart. There was little actual change in satisfaction ratings, but there were age differences in anticipated change, with young adults expecting things to improve and older adults expecting decline. When we compared the actual (present) ratings with corresponding past or future ratings, older adults showed more temporal realism (retrospective and anticipatory ratings matched actual levels) than did young and middle-aged adults; in other words, young and middle-aged adults showed greater illusion (retrospective and prospective ratings overestimated or underestimated actual levels). At all ages, however, temporal realism was associated with more adaptive current functioning than was illusion. We discuss these findings from a life-span developmental perspective on motivational shifts from growth to maintenance and consider the implications of accuracy in evaluating the past and future.  相似文献   

Young and elderly adults were tested for the ability to identify degraded pictures that were presented using either an ascending or a fixed method of presentation. In the ascending condition pictures were presented in a successive fashion over a series of trials with each trial increasing the completeness of the visual information. Subjects were asked to attempt to identify the pictures at each level of increasing completeness until correct identification was achieved. In the fixed condition, subjects were asked to identify degraded pictures that were presented in only one presentation at an intermediate level of visual completeness. When young and elderly subjects were equated on a pretest for performance on the ascending condition, older adults performed better than the young adults in the fixed condition both in the number of pictures correctly identified and in the response latencies to giving their identification responses. Results are interpreted as support for the inhibition-deficit hypothesis.  相似文献   

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