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青年军人正处在人生发展的重要阶段。生活在军营这个特殊的群体中,部分青年军人会产生不同程度的挫折感。本在阐述了青年军人产生挫折感四个原因后,提出要减轻挫折感需要不断强化五种意识。  相似文献   

企业文化的基石雷莉企业文化的基石是价值观。企业文化的价值观,是指人们对客观事物的意义的评价,它不象政策和程序、战略和预算那样,是“硬性”的,可以用数据量化的。它是企业人格化的产物,是深藏在人心中的信念、精神和行为取向的尺度。它通过潜移默化调节和控制人的情绪、兴趣、意志和态度,规范人的行为,指导人的活动。在构成企业文化的众多要素中,价值观居于主导地位。它是企业行为的指南和标准。价值观在企业发展中的作用主要表现在:1.价值观是经营活动的灵魂,是驱动企业前进的力量。在一个充满竞争的市场和激励创新的环境中,企业如果没有自己的经营哲学,它就难以迎接挑战,并把挑战转变为自身发展的机会。2.有什么样的价值观,就有什么样的企业宗旨。企业宗旨是以目标、目的和发展方向的形式反映企业的价值观。宗旨是对价值观的外现,价值观是企业宗旨的内核。3.价值观直接影响企业的信念。企业信念是企业职工对共同的生活和工作的理想、目标、观念和原则的确信、追求和信奉。每一个企业都应当从实际出发,用职工容易理解和接受的形式和方法来表明本企业的信念,并鼓励职工对其信奉、笃行,使企业形成巨大的凝聚力。在企业文化的建设中,应站在现实与发展的位置上确立企业的价  相似文献   

王岩 《社会心理科学》2009,(5):96-100,124
做好青年官兵的心理健康工作,是保证部队强大战斗力,提高训练水平的基本保证。笔者从明确军人心理健康的基本标准,明确加强青年军人心理健康的必要性,分析青年官兵心理健康问题的原因,加强青年官兵心理健康的培育与引导几个方面进行研究。  相似文献   

当前的价值观研究存在一个突出问题,就是过多注重人们"应该"拥有什么样价值观的研究,而相对忽视对人们"可能"拥有什么样价值观的研究,即对在高度复杂的社会历史背景下人们认同、践行价值观的主体条件的研究。通过分析康德的人类学思想,尤其通过梳理马克思从哲学人类学走向社会文化人类学的学理过程,我们可以得出一条重要启示,那就是价值观研究必须有自觉的人类学视野。在自觉的人类学特别是社会文化人类学视野中,价值观研究将获得诸多重要的方法论借鉴,真正聚焦于现实的人和人的现实,激活众多以往被遮蔽的"接地气"的现实问题,从而使价值观研究获得日益全面的合理性、合法性和有效性。  相似文献   

习近平主席在十二届全国人大一次会议解放军代表团全体会议上的重要讲话中鲜明提出:建设一支"听党指挥、能打胜仗、作风优良"的人民军队这一党在新形势下的强军目标。这一目标的实现是建立在官兵具有健康的身心,全面发展的基础之上的。但是,目前我军基层部队官兵心理健康仍存在问题,本文重点对基层部队影响心理教育疏导工作的官兵个体因素这一主题进行了细致研究,通过分析和思考,查找基层部队心理教育疏导工作过程中问题产生的源头,旨在为基层部队心理服务工作提供指导和依据。  相似文献   

当前大学生价值观的调查研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
当前大学生价值观的调查研究朱文彬,赵淑文,郭春彦(首都师范大学)价值观是推动并指引一个人采取决定和行动的原则、信念和标准.判断一个社会怎样,不仅要根据它的经济的发展,更主要的是要看它造就出什么样的人.因此,研究当前大学生目标和行为方式价值观的特点及形...  相似文献   

正基层畜牧兽医站是畜牧兽医部门的重要构成部分,其与人民群众的生活有着密切的联系,因此对基层畜牧兽医干部职工进行思想教育十分重要。一个基层畜牧兽医站的凝聚力与各畜牧兽医站的干部职工的思想状况息息相关,做好基层畜牧兽医干部思想政治工作尤为必要。然而当前基层畜牧兽医干部思想政治工作还存在着一些问题,现就对基层畜牧兽医干部思想政治工作出现的新问题、新情况展开分析。一、基层畜牧兽医干部思想政  相似文献   

北京中学生的消费价值观与消费行为   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对北京青少年的消费价值观和消费行为进行了探索性研究 ,被试为 13~ 19岁中学、职高及技校在校各年级学生 4193人 (男 10 86人 ,女 2 387人 ) ,用自编的中学生消费问卷、青少年亲子关系问卷、个人主义 -集体主义量表进行集体施测。因素分析结果表明 ,消费价值观包含保持勤俭传统、追求现代生活和消费压力 3个因素 ,北京大多数中学生的消费价值观是倾向于保持勤俭传统 ,贫富差距和消费能力的差距对大多数中学生来说没有构成压力。因素分析结果将青少年的消费行为分为谨慎型、流行型、实际型和攀比型 4种消费行为类型 ,谨慎型消费是北京中学生消费行为的主流。消费价值观与消费行为之间有着特定的关系。根据消费社会化理论对影响青少年消费价值观和行为的因素进行了分析 ,结果表明家庭社会经济地位和亲子关系都对青少年的消费模式产生影响。  相似文献   

青年军人价值观的变化与奉献精神的培养张文涛社会主义市场经济的发展和改革开放政策的日渐深入,我国的社会价值关系进入了一个广泛变革的历史阶段。由于各方面利益关系的调整,不同的社会群体从需要的内容到需求满足的方式正在发生改变,这使青年军人这一特殊的社会群体...  相似文献   

抑郁者操作任务中目标设立与自我评价的特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
钱铭怡  陈仲庚  张莘 《心理学报》1999,32(2):209-214
参加研究的被试包括:抑郁性神经症组(20人),抑郁症组(13人),正常对照组(29人)。所有被试在完成独粒钻石棋作业的前后对其作业目标进行了估计,并在作业后对操作的满意程度进行了评价,对影响操作者的因素进行了归因,研究所得到的主要结果为(1)抑郁者在操作任务前的目标设立与正常人或抑郁者相似。(2)实际作业成绩与效能感得分相关,(3)抑郁症,抑郁性神经症相被试消极的自我归因倾向明显高于正常组。  相似文献   

Schools in liberal democratic societies face a dilemma. On the one hand their role is to prepare students to make rationally autonomous choices, within prescribed limits, as to what kind of good life they will pursue. On the other hand, liberal democratic societies depend on common adherence to liberal democratic values, such as respect for truth, fairness and social justice, and schools need to teach these values. If schools are to include the teaching of such values among their aims, how should they assess them? The assessment of values is problematical for liberal democrats. School educators are willing and able to assess students' knowledge and skills (i.e. what students know and can do) but to assess their values implies that students are being assessed for what they are and this offends against a deeply ingrained belief that all persons in a liberal democracy have an intrinsic worth. This article will explore the problem of the assessment of values with particular reference to schooling in Australia.  相似文献   

Amartya Sen’s capability approach creates an evaluative space within which individual well-being is considered in ways that diverge from dominant utilitarian views. Instead of measuring well-being based on the accumulation of wealth and resources by individuals and nations, the capability approach focuses on the opportunities (capabilities) an individual has to choose and pursue a life they have reason to value. The capability space is introduced with an explanation of Sen’s evaluative framework. It is claimed that conceptions of well-being are inextricably linked to our values and views of what constitutes justice, the ‘good life’ and notions of human flourishing. The paper invites philosophical reflection on how the capability approach can inform the development of a research paradigm that furthers our understandings of individual well-being and human flourishing. A specific focus is given to what more can be done to assist children and young people in making the best of their situation in negotiating a valued life for themselves in which they can flourish.  相似文献   

Proponents of environmentalist views often urge the teaching of such views and the inculcation of ‘green’ values within the educational curriculum of schools as a key component of achieving their ends. It might seem that modern versions of political morality that refuse to take a stance on controversial questions—religious, ethical, philosophical—or eschew appeal to perfectionist doctrines, such as Rawlsian political liberalism, are beset by a particularly acute difficulty in this regard. To the extent that environmentalist views embody claims about ethical matters such as how individuals should live their lives, they fall foul of this version of political morality. This article evaluates the resources available to political liberalism to respond to the challenge of bringing the teaching of green values and virtues within the national curriculum. It argues that environmental concerns differ in morally important ways from other ethical, philosophical, and religious views that are typically off-limits to political liberalism. Much that passes as green ideals are not simply a conception of the good life in the manner that religious views, for example, are. Rather, many environmental goods are crucial to the realisation of socioeconomic justice and therefore escape the requirement of state neutrality on endorsing the truth or importance of their role. A minimal political liberal education includes teaching about justice-based concerns as part of a compulsory national curriculum.  相似文献   

Sex education in schools has had a slow start in Hong Kong. Research has shown that many young people are dissatisfied with the inadequacy of existing sex education. This research used a survey to explore Hong Kong parents’ views on topics related to sex, marriage, and homosexuality, and when these topics should be taught. Altogether, 12 schools participated in the study. The results show that parents were reluctant to have schools discuss love and courtship with secondary students. Parents were more willing to have their children educated about the use of contraceptives and homosexuality as early as primary school. Parents expressed serious reservations about their children developing homosexual lifestyles and entering same-sex marriages. We also found differences in parents’ views with respect to age, education attained, and religion. Findings of this study were discussed with reference to future research directions and to strengthen Hong Kong parents’ contribution to the design of sex education.  相似文献   

基于职业的内隐年龄偏见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究针对119名大学生,采用内隐联想测验(Implicit Associa-tion Test,IAT)和相应的外显报告法,考察大学生针对不同职业的内隐与外显年龄偏见。结果表明,在大学生中普遍存在基于职业的内隐年龄偏见;职业年龄偏见是双向的,即有的职业偏好年轻人,有些职业偏好年长者;而且有些被试的内隐和外显态度存在不一致性。  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(4):187-199
The political and scientific climate is ready for a change in perspective in the field of military personnel psychology. Although more than 200,000 of America's most fit young men and women pass through the military establishment each year, we know very little about the effects of their early military experiences on their life choices or on their subsequent military or civilian careers. Recent interest in these issues shown by Congress, the press, and the Department of Defense (DoD) strongly suggests that psychologists need to address research questions that can evaluate the real lifetime costs and benefits of military service. Current military personnel research approaches are inadequate for this task. Life-course theory is presented as a viable and vigorous conceptual and analytic framework for accomplishing this mission.  相似文献   

Jonathan Quong 《Ratio》2007,20(3):320-340
Political liberalism famously requires that fundamental political matters should not be decided by reference to any controversial moral, religious or philosophical doctrines over which reasonable people disagree. This means we, as citizens, must abstain from relying on what we believe to be the whole truth when debating or voting on fundamental political matters. Many critics of political liberalism contend that this requirement to abstain from relying on our views about the good life commits political liberalism to a kind of scepticism: we should abstain from relying on our views about the good life because we should be uncertain about the truth of those views. But this kind of scepticism is itself a controversial epistemic position which many reasonable people reject, thus apparently making political liberalism internally incoherent. This is the sceptical critique of political liberalism. This paper shows the sceptical critique to be false. The paper argues that the epistemic restraint required of citizens in political liberalism does not assume or imply any version of scepticism about our ability to know the good life. Liberal neutrality is motivated not by scepticism about our own views, but rather by a desire to justify fundamental political principles to others. 1 1 I would like to thank Rebecca Stone, Steve De Wijze, and an anonymous referee for many helpful comments on earlier versions of this paper. The paper was completed while I was a visiting Faculty Fellow at The Murphy Institute's Center for Ethics & Public Affairs at Tulane University, and I gratefully acknowledge the Murphy Institute's support, as well as the generous support of Washington & Lee University, which housed the Center after hurricane Katrina.

The present essay discusses the value of citizenship as shared fate in sites of ethnic conflict and analyzes its implications for citizenship education in light of three issues: first, the requirements of affective relationality in the notion of citizenship-as-shared fate; second, the tensions between the values of human rights and shared fate in sites of ethnic conflict; and third, the ways in which citizenship education might overcome these tensions without falling into the trap of psychologization and instrumentalization, but rather focusing on providing opportunities for social and school practices that manifest shared fate and compassion in critical ways. It is argued that what teachers and schools should try to do is to make practices of shared fate and compassion possible through creating conditions for children and young people to experience what it means to enact such practices in sites of ethnic conflict. It is also suggested that teachers and schools in sites of ethnic conflict cannot produce ??new?? citizens on the basis of any values, no matter how ??noble?? these values may be. The most that can be done is to help children and young people to critically reflect upon the conditions under which people in sites of ethnic conflict can act on the basis of shared fate and compassion and provide support so that these possibilities can become realistic.  相似文献   

A goal of counseling is to help decision makers make good decisions. But what is meant by “good”? Two views are discussed: outcome and process. The former is concerned with real-life results after the decision is made, the latter with the quality of the deliberations during the decision-making process. The counselor's interaction occurs during the process and is in terms of the decision maker's statements about reality (rather than reality itself). These statements are often unrealistic in that they inaccurately reflect conditions in real life. Counselors should help decision makers change their inaccurate perceptions so that (1) process deliberations are more likely to lead to expected outcomes, and (2) the decision maker is more likely to be prepared for whatever outcomes occur.  相似文献   

This study investigated factors influencing the career maturity of young members of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF). A sample of 310 young SANDF members (females=35%, blacks=90%) completed the following measures: career maturity inventory-revised, the career decision self-efficacy scale, the military hardiness scale, and the seven habits profile. They also completed a biographical information form. Data were analysed using multiple regression to predict career maturity from career decision self-efficacy, self-appraisal, occupational information, goal selection, planning, problem solving, hardiness, control, challenge, commitment, conscientiousness, life balance, pro-active behaviour, life goals, self-management, mutual-benefit thinking, listening, teamwork, continuous improvement and life skills. Findings suggest self-efficacy, occupational information, self-appraisal, commitment, challenge, emotional intelligence and continuous improvement have the strongest influence on career maturity. The results indicated that self-efficacy, life skills and personal drive empower young members to seek employment.  相似文献   

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