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One of the problems in dealing with terrorism is that we have virtually no access to individual terrorists; only their actions are visible. The founders of the Italian terrorist group, the Red Brigades, on the other hand, have written about their experiences and have exhaustively explained their motivations. The author’s premise is that these autobiographies and her interviews with several of the group’s members give us access to the unconscious processes involved in the formation and operation of the group. After terrorist attacks, it is natural to ask whether the terrorists’ capacity for collective violence is an indication of personal pathology. This paper argues that the relevant pathology in the terrorist enterprise is not that of the individual but that of the group. Relying on the theories of groups of Freud (1921), Bion (1961), Anzieu (1984) and Kaes (2007), the author argues that psychoanalytic theory is essential to understanding the motivations and actions of violent groups which otherwise remain obscure. Although the discussion has been confined to one terrorist group, the author hopes that it can also be useful for understanding the unconscious dynamics of other groups structured around an ideology which mandates the destruction of human life.  相似文献   

Career development is a lifelong process of learning, working, and transitions that move a person closer to their preferred future. This study investigated the use of a career development intervention to help counselor trainees in a master's program and allied health students with integrating new perspectives in their future careers. This qualitative study with a diverse group of 12 participants provides important insight into career thoughts, career self-efficacy, and potential career development opportunities through interprofessional engagement career interventions. The findings are novel and have never been addressed in an empirical study for counselor trainees.  相似文献   

Alexithymia is a psychic dysfunction in which symbolic thinking and fantasy are reduced, somatization is common, feelings are poorly communicated, empathy is impaired, and intimate interpersonal relations are difficult to maintain. Individuals with significant alexithymia may have a variety of psychiatric disorders but their psychotherapy should always be informed by an awareness of their alexithymia. This paper reviews the concept and details the most efficient means of psychotherapy for alexithymic patients. Ideal treatment for such patients maximizes their opportunities to learn while protecting their self-esteem and minimizing nonproductive stress. Such treatment involves concurrent individual and group psychotherapy. Clinical material is presented and specific therapeutic maneuvers are explored.  相似文献   

This article applies the theory of self psychology, which was developed by Heinz Kohut, to brief group psychotherapy. The article discusses the significance of the group as an expanded selfobject for individuals who do not have appropriate, available selfobjects in their environment. The article addresses the rationale for developing a 12-week women's group from a self-psychological perspective and illustrates key theoretical concepts in the beginning, middle, and end phases with group process. The role of the therapist in each phase of group development is emphasized.  相似文献   

This study focused on “here-and-now” narrative and examined the process of group psychotherapy for cancer survivors using systems-centered therapy (SCT). In contemporary society, cancer survivors have a vital need for psychological support, and group psychotherapy and peer support are used as part of this need. In most of these interventions, participants are encouraged to speak freely and share their experience of cancer. This generally means speaking about “there-and-then” experience. It has been argued that one reason that narrative therapy produces a psychological effect is that the meaning of an experience changes when the experience is spoken about. SCT differs significantly from other group interventions in that it requires participants to talk about their here-and-now experience through the format of SCT's “functional subgrouping.” Functional subgrouping requires participants to listen, reflect, and build on similarities in their experience. In this study, we qualitatively examined how participants' experiences unfolded in the SCT group by directly addressing the group process. The study findings revealed that even though the participants did not directly share their cancer experiences in the group, they experienced an inexplicable sense of connectedness that had a positive psychological effect on them. They also experienced deep emotions through talking while using the SCT narrative style. In the process, the effects of the SCT narrative were discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared a group of fourth-grade underachieves with a control group in the areas of peer relationships and measured personality variables. The underachievers were identified by predicting their grade-point average (GPA) from their WISC Verbal Scale IQ score by use of a prediction equation. If the predicted GPA was .8 standard error of estimate above their obtained GPA, the student was identified as an underachiever. This resulted in the identification of 84 male and 34 female underachievers. The results of the investigation indicated that regardless of sex, underachievers are selected less frequently by their peers and have a lower level of personality adjustment.  相似文献   

Laboratory procedures used to study the cognitive functions of primates traditionally have involved removal of the subjects from their living quarters to be tested singly in a remote experimental room. This article presents an alternative research strategy favoring testing primates while they are maintained in their social group. The automatic learning device for monkeys (ALDM) is a computerized test system controlled by an automatic radio frequency identification of subjects. It is provided ad lib inside the social group of monkeys, for voluntary self-testing on a 24-h schedule. Nine baboons were tested with ALDM during a 7-month period. Experiments were performed to assess learning in motor control and abstract reasoning tasks. The results revealed high trial frequencies and excellent learning performance, even in tasks involving the highest cognitive complexities. A different study using ALDM with a group of 3 rhesus monkeys revealed social influences on learning. Beyond its interest for cognitive psychologists, ALDM is of interest for pharmacologists and cognitive neuroscientists working with nonhuman primates. ALDM also can serve as an enrichment tool for captive animals and may be used to study a variety of species other than primates.  相似文献   

All parents have an image of the way they would like their children to be. Often this expectation is contradicted by reality for the parents of a handicapped child. Whether at the time of birth when obvious differences are apparent or later when performance differences are recognized, the discrepancy between expectation and reality causes parents to experience a loss and accompanying feelings of grief. This article suggests that the method of group counseling using a relevant framework on which to base discussion is without equal as a means of assisting parents to deal with their situations. Presented to those who lead parent groups for these persons is an applicable model and guidelines for its implementation.  相似文献   

Several studies have indicated that scientists are likely to have an outlook on both facts and values that are different to that of lay people in important ways. This is one significant reason it is currently believed that in order for scientists to exercise a reliable ethical reflection about their research it is necessary for them to engage in dialogue with other stakeholders. This paper reports on an exercise to encourage a group of scientists to reflect on ethical issues without the presence of external stakeholders. It reports on the use of a reflection process with scientists working in the area of animal disease genomics (mainly drawn from the EADGENE EC Network of Excellence). This reflection process was facilitated by using an ethical engagement framework, a modified version of the Ethical Matrix. As judged by two criteria, a qualitative assessment of the outcomes and the participants’ own assessment of the process, this independent reflective exercise was deemed to be successful. The discussions demonstrated a high level of complexity and depth, with participants demonstrating a clear perception of uncertainties and the context in which their research operates. Reflection on stakeholder views and values appeared to be embedded within the discussions. The finding from this exercise seems to indicate that even without the involvement of the wider stakeholder community, valuable reflection and worthwhile discourse can be generated from ethical reflection processes involving only scienitific project partners. Hence, the previous assumption that direct stakeholder engagement is necessary for ethical reflection does not appear to hold true in all cases; however, other reasons for involving a broad group of stakeholders relating to governance and social accountability of science remain.  相似文献   

Changes in health care have dramatically curtailed services to people with severe physical disability and their families. This has placed a greater burden of responsibility on those who live with these conditions and have ongoing care needs. Yet little is known about the subjective problems, challenges, and solutions reported by these people. We demonstrate how the nominal group technique can be used to obtain consumer-oriented information germane to these individuals and their concerns. We conducted nominal group technique meetings with 2 groups for persons with physical disability and a third with a group for family members in caregiving roles. We demonstrate how focus groups can be conducted with the nominal group technique to identify problems experienced by individuals who live with severe physical disability. Recommendations for using the nominal group technique with client populations are presented, and implications for clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports a follow-up of 39 women who had donated eggs to an assisted conception unit. Their experience of donation and their motivation and attitudes were assessed. Comparisons were made with a group of semen donors who were attending a second unit. Female and male donors donated for altruistic reasons and neither group wished to have contact with recipients or donor offspring or have their identity revealed. Female donors were more involved in the donation process and more interested in the outcome of donation. They also appeared to be more motivated by 'helping' than male donors. The sample of female donors contained a small group of women who were donating to sisters and friends. In comparison with anonymous donors, these women reported more effects upon the family and issues of secrecy and openness were more apparent. The results are discussed in the light of previous studies and the legal framework for donation in the UK. Attention is drawn to the lack of social psychological analyses in this controversial medical area.  相似文献   

In this article, we report on the findings of a qualitative inquiry into how an online message board for people who have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) was used by its members. All messages (and responses) posted on the CRPS message board over a 4-month period were collected retrospectively. The data were analysed using the method of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Members used the message board to seek (and provide) support to those with CRPS, and also to express their emotions, feelings and experiences linked to their condition. The message board provided an important source of support for a patient group that can otherwise become isolated as a result of their mobility problems. Furthermore, the analysis revealed the unrealistic hopes that patients can hold concerning the anticipated outcomes of their treatment. This is an important issue for healthcare professionals to explicitly address when interacting with the patient group.  相似文献   

This essay distinguishes between two kinds of group harms: harms to individuals in virtue of their membership in groups and harms to "structured" groups that have a continuing existence, an organization, and interests of their own. Genetic research creates risks of causing both kinds of group harms, and engagement with the groups at risk can help to mitigate those harms. The two kinds of group harms call for different kinds of group engagement.  相似文献   

This article presents an integrative group therapy model for the treatment of bulimia nervosa (BN) and describes the 12-session format, incorporating components of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychoeducation, interpersonal therapy (IPT), and relational therapy (RT), in detail. Previous reports have found CBT, IPT, and RT to be effective approaches for BN when used separately. The integrative approach may have the advantage of achieving symptom reduction by two different mediating mechanisms, those that directly affect eating behaviors and those that address the interpersonal and relational context in which the disordered eating has developed. The group approach makes use of the peer group in providing new opportunities for self-exploration and self-correction. One advantage of an integrative model is patients' exposure to several different treatment modalities from which they can identify specific approaches that are most helpful to their recovery. This identification is valuable in directing future treatment, if needed. Pilot data for this approach are presented.  相似文献   

Virtually all scientific writing on attitudes toward political unorthodoxy in the United States focuses on group-targeted tolerance, or the question of whether Americans are willing to extend constitutional rights and freedoms to groups outside the political mainstream. Less is known about the etiology of individual-targeted tolerance, or the question of whether Americans are willing to tolerate the exercise of constitutional rights and freedoms by individuals who belong to unpopular groups. This paper examines the sources of attitudes toward individuals belonging to disliked and stereotyped political groups—in particular, the extent to which political tolerance judgments about gay and racist targets are influenced by attributes of those targets that are either consistent or inconsistent with group stereotypes. In line with expectations, an empirical analysis showed that individuals exhibiting attributes inconsistent with their group's stereotype (whether neutral with respect to stereotypic beliefs or directly challenging them) are tolerated more than those with stereotype-consistent attributes. Because members of political outgroups can control the timing of disclosing their group membership, they have the power to determine whether and to what extent stereotypic beliefs associated with their group will influence the reactions they provoke. This analysis confirms that the impact of stereotypic beliefs on tolerance varies as a function of timing of group membership revelation, although the direction of this interaction depends on the intensity of dislike for the group of which the individual target is a member.  相似文献   

This article deals with the intergenerational processes of adult children of Holocaust surviors. By exploring their level of individuation from the parental family and their capacity for intimacy with spouses, the research findings reveal that: Adult children of survivors are emotionally more interconnected to their parents than are their counterparts (using the MIS). Adult children of survivors have a lower intimacy capacity with their spouses in comparison with the control group. These findings are explained from an intergenerational perspective regarding a post-traumatic population.Received PhD from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Current research in the individuation process throughout adulthood, and the post-traumatic effect of Holocaust survivors.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of patients presenting problems with internet pornography have led to changes in the culture and practice of group analytic therapy at the Portman Clinic. The addictive element of this new form of artificial, sexual stimulation has to be recognised as part of the harm it produces. Group members spontaneously develop some of the principles and practice of established methods of addiction treatment, especially the 12-step programme, by helping each other manage their compulsion. This self-help function of the group coexists alongside the psychodynamic perspective, in which the meaning of harmful sexual behaviour is explored and understood. Certain individuals are more vulnerable to excessive use of pornography because of early developmental problems and current difficulties in their sexual relationships, resulting from internal conflicts about their sexuality. The group provides intimacy without sexualisation, primarily through a sibling transference. The therapist embodies an ability to think about the complexity of the sexual abuse that the pornography portrays. He or she works towards a truer perception of reality for group members, in which the false solutions of compulsive sexual behaviour are seen to be what they are: impediments to healthy development.  相似文献   

Genetic Counselors are increasingly becoming involved in organizing and facilitating support groups for couples who have terminated a pregnancy because of an abnormal fetal diagnosis. This paper discusses recurrent themes which have emerged in the FATE (Feelings After the Termination Experience) support group which was founded in New Jersey in 1990. By becoming familiar with the issues we have observed in our support group, genetic counselors should be better able to understand and empathize with their patients who make the decision to terminate a much wanted pregnancy. They may also feel better prepared to become involved in organizing and facilitating such support groups.  相似文献   

Three studies show that people whose physical features are seen as more (versus less) racially stereotypical are more vulnerable to social rejection and exclusion from those outside their group. In Study 1, which used an online social networking site, Blacks perceived as more physically stereotypical were found to have fewer non-Black friends, compared to less-stereotypical Blacks. In Study 2, which used an experimental paradigm, requests for friendship made to non-Blacks by more-stereotypical Blacks were more likely to be rejected than those made by less-stereotypical Blacks. Finally, in a college dormitory, people judged to have more (vs. less) racially stereotypical physical features were found to interact less often with outgroup members. This work substantiates a growing body of research demonstrating that people who are perceived as more physically stereotypical of their racial group are particularly vulnerable to discriminatory treatment by outgroup members across a variety of life domains.  相似文献   

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