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There is a biphasic pattern in response times to peripheral uninformative cues, with faster responses to targets in cued locations when the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) is under 300 ms and slower responses when it is over 300 ms. The effect has typically been attributed entirely to the SOA while ignoring other aspects of the cues (duration, spatial configuration). To examine these other factors, along with SOA, the present experiments included manipulations of SOA (50, 100, 200, 400, 800 ms), inter-stimulus interval (ISI; 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600, 700, and 750 ms), and whether or not the cue and target overlap in the same space. The results indicate that cueing effects depend on the combination of cue duration, ISI, SOA, and the spatial configuration of the cues and targets. Three factors are used to explain these time course results.  相似文献   

Dot probe studies indicate that masked fearful faces modulate spatial attention. However, without a baseline to compare congruent and incongruent reaction times, it is unclear which aspect(s) of attention (orienting or disengagement) is affected. Additionally, backward masking studies commonly use a neutral face as the mask stimulus. This method results in greater perceptual inconsistencies for fearful as opposed to neutral faces. Therefore, it is currently unclear whether the effects of backward masked fearful faces are due to the fearful nature of the face or perceptual inconsistencies. Equally unclear, is whether this spatial attention effect is due to orienting or disengagement. Two modified dot probe experiments with neutral (closed mouth in Experiment 1) and smiling (open mouth in Experiment 2) masks were used to determine the role of perceptual inconsistencies in mediating the spatial attention effects elicited by masked fearful faces. The results indicate that masked fearful faces modulate the orienting of spatial attention, and it appears that this effect is due to the fearful nature of the face rather than perceptual inconsistencies between the initial faces and masks.  相似文献   

This study examined a widely held assumption concerning the development of visual attention, namely, that different aspects of visual selectivity depend on common processing resources. Observers aged 5, 7, 9, and 24 years participated in a speeded classification task designed to examine the relations between covert shifts of attention and filtering. There were three important findings: (1) covert orienting and filtering share processing resources, (2) the ability to orient covertly to a target location and to filter competing information on the same trial became more efficient with age, and (3) 5 year olds were able to filter as efficiently as adults when target location was precued. The implications of these results for theories of attentional development are discussed.  相似文献   

Larger benefits of spatial attention are observed when distractor interference is prevalent, supporting the view that spatial selection facilitates visual processing by suppressing distractor interference. The present work shows that cuing effects with identical visual displays can grow substantially as the probability of distractor interference increases. The probability of interference had no impact on spatial cuing effects in the absence of distractors, suggesting that the enlarged cuing effects were not caused by changes in signal enhancement or in the spatial distribution of attention. These findings suggest that attentional control settings determine more than where spatial attention is directed; top-down settings also influence how attention affects visual processing, with increased levels of distractor exclusion when distractor interference is likely.  相似文献   

Processes of covert visual spatial attention have been closely linked to the programming of saccadic eye movements. In particular, it has been hypothesized that the reduction in saccadic latency that occurs in the gap paradigm is due to the prior disengagement of covert visual spatial attention. This explanation has received considerable criticism. No study as yet has attempted to demonstrate a facilitation of the disengagement of attention from a covertly attended object. If such facilitation were possible, it would support the hypothesis that the predisengagement of covert attention is necessary for the generation of express saccades. In two experiments using covert orienting of visual attention tasks (COVAT), with a high probability that targets would appear contralateral to the cued location, we attempted to facilitate the disengagement of covert attention by extinguishing peripheral cues prior to the appearance of targets. We hypothesized that the gap between cue offset and target onset would facilitate disengagement of attention from a covertly attended object. For both experiments, responses to targets appearing after a gap were slower than were responses in the no-gap condition. These results suggest that the prior offset of a covertly attended object does not facilitate the disengagement of attention.  相似文献   

Models of attentional control usually describe online shifts in control settings that accommodate changing task demands. The current studies suggest that online control over distractor exclusion--a core component of visual selection--can be accomplished without online shifts in top-down settings. Measurements of target discrimination accuracy suggested that the degree of distractor exclusion was guided by retinotopic maps of the prior probability of distractor interference at the attended locations. These probability maps can be retrieved via object-based cues, and they interact with shifts of attention to elicit increased levels of distractor exclusion when it is most needed. Thus, static probability maps can provide an internal template that guides the resolution of visual interference as spatial attention traverses the visual field.  相似文献   

Subjects judged the elevation (up vs. down, regardless of laterality) of peripheral auditory or visual targets, following uninformative cues on either side with an intermediate elevation. Judgments were better for targets in either modality when preceded by an uninformative auditory cue on the side of the target. Experiment 2 ruled out nonattentional accounts for these spatial cuing effects. Experiment 3 found that visual cues affected elevation judgments for visual but not auditory targets. Experiment 4 confirmed that the effect on visual targets was attentional. In Experiment 5, visual cues produced spatial cuing when targets were always auditory, but saccades toward the cue may have been responsible. No such visual-to-auditory cuing effects were found in Experiment 6 when saccades were prevented, though they were present when eye movements were not monitored. These results suggest a one-way cross-modal dependence in exogenous covert orienting whereby audition influences vision, but not vice versa. Possible reasons for this asymmetry are discussed in terms of the representation of space within the brain.  相似文献   

Twelve healthy subjects underwent investigation of averaged (electroencephalogram) EEG potentials during preparation for motor activity and in the latent period (LP) of visually evoked saccades by presentation of stimuli using Posner's (1980) design of "cost-benefit". It has been shown that covert spatial attention orientation leads to an increase in amplitude and decrease in latency of presaccadic initiation potential peaks within the saccadic latent period (LP) (P-100, N-50). Processes of covert orientation of attention during the interstimulus interval period of anticipation of the target stimulus correlate with the increase of slow negativity of fronto-parietal-temporal localization. Spatial-temporal changes of presaccadic potentials are evidence of the fact that orientation of attention during motor preparation and saccadic initiation is reflected in intensification of fronto-parietal networks of saccadic control and attention, activating the fronto-medio-thalamic and thalamo-parietal modulating systems.  相似文献   

An implication of the data analysis and presentation of Podgorny and Shepard (1983) is that subjects are able to attend simultaneously to more than one square of a grid display when the squares are separated by unattended areas: Attention to such nonunitary areas produces similar benefits as attention to unitary areas. These benefits are reflected in reaction times (RTs), which were reported by Podgorny and Shepard (1983) as being related to a measure of spatial dispersion (compactness) of the attended areas, but this measure does not signify whether these areas are unitary or not. A reanalysis of part of Podgorny and Shepard's (1983) data shows that RTs to attended and unattended squares are almost identical when the attended areas are nonunitary. This reanalysis also shows that RTs are related to compactness for unitary attended areas but that this relation breaks down when attention is focused on nonunitary areas. In addition, Podgorny and Shepard's (1983) data are presented in a way that demonstrates the importance of the actual grid location of probes on RTs. The failure of compactness to reflect these aspects of the spatial nature of attention suggests that this metric is deficient when applied to the study of the spatial determinants of attention.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, we examined covert orienting using endogenous cuing, in which attention is voluntarily directed toward a peripheral location. In one experiment, subjects were cued to attend to one end of an oblong object. They then detected targets on the cued object or elsewhere. In another experiment, subjects provided judgments of the relative temporal order of two flashes after their attention had moved endogenously. In a third experiment, subjects were directed to attend to an empty spatial location and subsequently discriminated features of objects that appeared at or near the locus of attention. In each of these situations, attentional orienting was object based, in the sense that nonattended locations that were on the cued object had an advantage over nonattended locations that were not on the object. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for object-based representations and the differences between exogenous and endogenous orienting of attention.  相似文献   

Currently, there is debate regarding both the spatial and temporal relationship between facilitation and inhibition of return (IOR) components of attention, as observed on the covert orienting of visual attention task (COVAT). These issues were addressed in a series of experiments where the spatial and temporal relationships between cue and target were manipulated. Facilitation occurred only when the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) was short and there was temporal overlap between cue and target. IOR occurred only when SOA was long and there was no temporal overlap between cue and target. Facilitation encompassed the cued location and all locations between the cue and fixation, whereas IOR arose for the entire cued hemifield. These findings suggest that the facilitation and IOR found on COVATs that use noninformative peripheral cues are separable and stimulus-driven processes.  相似文献   

A developmental study of covert orienting to peripheral visual cues   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Observers aged 6, 8, and 20 years participated in a speeded classification task designed to measure covert shifts of visual attention. On each trial observers responded to a target which appeared in one of three locations arrayed horizontally across the display. Three prestimulus cues were employed: neutral (the cue was present in all three possible target locations), unpredictable (the cue was present in the target location on a random basis), and predictable (the cue was present in the target location on 80% of the trials). There were four developmental findings: (1) Observers of all ages oriented attention automatically to the cued locations, (2) children processed targets in non-cued locations more slowly than adults, (3) only adults took advantage of the predictability of the cue, and (4) all age groups provided evidence that strategic orienting competes with response priming for cognitive resources. The implications of these findings for theories of attentional development are discussed.  相似文献   

Inhibitory component of externally controlled covert orienting in visual space   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Four experiments are reported that investigate an inhibitory effect associated with externally controlled orienting and first identified by Posner and Cohen (1980, 1984). The effect takes the form of an inability to respond quickly to a stimulus appearing in the same location in the visual periphery as a previous one that produced covert orienting. Several characteristics of the effect are revealed that eliminate possible explanations in terms of response inhibition, masking, and sensory habituation. The inhibitory component of orienting occurs whether or not the first stimulus requires a response (Experiment 1), lasts at least a second (Experiments 1, 2, and 3), affects not only the originally stimulated location but also nearby locations (Experiment 2), is determined by environmental coordinates (Experiment 3), and occurs both in the periphery and at the fovea (Experiment 4). It is concluded that inhibition may act together with an early facilitatory component (Posner & Cohen, 1984) in directing the attention and eye movement systems in order to maintain efficient spatial sampling.  相似文献   

This study investigated the orienting of visual attention in rats using a 3-hole nose-poke task analogous to Posner, Information processing in cognition: the Loyola Symposium, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, (1980) covert attention task for humans. The effects of non-predictive (50% valid and 50% invalid) and predictive (80% valid and 20% invalid) peripheral visual cues on reaction times and response accuracy to a target stimulus, using Stimuli-Onset Asynchronies (SOAs) varying between 200 and 1,200 ms, were investigated. The results showed shorter reaction times in valid trials relative to invalid trials for both subjects trained in the non-predictive and predictive conditions, particularly when the SOAs were 200 and 400 ms. However, the magnitude of this validity effect was significantly greater for subjects exposed to predictive cues, when the SOA was 800 ms. Subjects exposed to invalid predictive cues exhibited an increase in omission errors relative to subjects exposed to invalid non-predictive cues. In contrast, valid cues reduced the proportion of omission errors for subjects trained in the predictive condition relative to subjects trained in the non-predictive condition. These results are congruent with those usually reported for humans and indicate that, in addition to the exogenous capture of attention promoted by both predictive and non-predictive peripheral cues, rats exposed to predictive cues engaged an additional slower process equivalent to human's endogenous orienting of attention. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of an endogenous-like process of covert orienting of visual attention in rats.  相似文献   

In a previous study, Ward (1994) reported that spatially uninformative visual cues orient auditory attention but that spatially uninformative auditory cues fail to orient visual attention. This cross-modal asymmetry is consistent with other intersensory perceptual phenomena that are dominated by the visual modality (e.g., ventriloquism). However, Spence and Driver (1997) found exactly the opposite asymmetry under different experimental conditions and with a different task. In spite of the several differences between the two studies, Spence and Driver (see also Driver & Spence, 1998) argued that Ward's findings might have arisen from response-priming effects, and that the cross-modal asymmetry they themselves reported, in which auditory cues affect responses to visual targets but not vice versa, is in fact the correct result. The present study investigated cross-modal interactions in stimulus-driven spatial attention orienting under Ward's complex cue environment conditions using an experimental procedure that eliminates response-priming artifacts. The results demonstrate that the cross-modal asymmetry reported by Ward (1994) does occur when the cue environment is complex. We argue that strategic effects in cross-modal stimulus-driven orienting of attention are responsible for the opposite asymmetries found by Ward and by Spence and Driver (1997).  相似文献   

Two types of the attentional network, alerting and orienting, help organisms respond to environmental events for survival in the temporal and spatial dimensions, respectively. Here, we applied chromatic flicker beyond the critical fusion frequency to address whether awareness was necessary for activation of the two attentional networks. We found that high-frequency chromatic flicker, despite its failure to reach awareness, produced the alerting and orienting effects, supporting the dissociation between attention and awareness. Furthermore, as the flicker frequency increased, the orienting effect attenuated whereas the alerting effect remained unchanged. According to the systematic decline in temporal frequency sensitivity across the visual hierarchy, this finding suggests that unconscious alerting might be associated with activity in earlier visual areas than unconscious orienting. Since high-frequency flicker has been demonstrated to only activate early visual cortex, we suppose that neural activation in early visual areas might be sufficient to activate the two attentional networks.  相似文献   

Two tasks were used to evaluate the grain of visual attention, the minimum spacing at which attention can select individual items. First, observers performed a tracking task at many viewing distances. When the display subtended less than 1 degrees in size, tracking was no longer possible even though observers could resolve the items and their motions: The items were visible but could not be individuated one from the other. The limiting size for selection was roughly the same whether tracking one or three targets, suggesting that the resolution limit acts independently of the capacity limit of attention. Second, the closest spacing that still allowed individuation of single items in dense, static displays was examined. This critical spacing was about 50% coarser in the radial direction compared to the tangential direction and was coarser in the upper as opposed to the lower visual field. The results suggest that no more than about 60 items can be arrayed in the central 30 degrees of the visual field while still allowing attentional access to each individually. Our data show that selection has a coarse grain, much coarser than visual resolution. These measures of the resolution of attention are based solely on the selection of location and are not confounded with preattentive feature interactions that may contribute to measures from flanker and crowding tasks. The results suggest that the parietal area is the most likely locus of this selection mechanism and that it acts by pointing to the spatial coordinates (or cortical coordinates) of items of interest rather than by holding a representation of the items themselves.  相似文献   

Six experiments examined the issue of whether one single system or separate systems underlie visual and auditory orienting of spatial attention. When auditory targets were used, reaction times were slower on trials in which cued and target locations were at opposite sides of the vertical head-centred meridian than on trials in which cued and target locations were at opposite sides of the vertical visual meridian or were not separated by any meridian. The head-centred meridian effect for auditory stimuli was apparent when targets were cued by either visual (Experiments 2, 3, and 6) or auditory cues (Experiment 5). Also, the head-centred meridian effect was found when targets were delivered either through headphones (Experiments 2, 3, and 5) or external loudspeakers (Experiment 6). Conversely, participants showed a visual meridian effect when they were required to respond to visual targets (Experiment 4). These results strongly suggest that auditory and visual spatial attention systems are indeed separate, as far as endogenous orienting is concerned.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the possibility of attending to two areas of visual space without mutual interference. Subjects detected brief light flashes within two concentric circles under various conditions of allocating attention between the two circles. Performance within the inner circle was not affected when attention was allocated simultaneously to the outer circle, but there was a slight impairment in detecting stimuli in the outer circle if attention was also directed to the inner circle. These result ts are interpreted in terms of the two spaces being monitored independently but with some evidence of limited resources. It is likely that resources of visual attention reduce as a function of distance from the center of fixation even allowing for equivalence in the perceptual strength of stimuli prior to dividing attention.  相似文献   

Temporal integration is a process by which two serially presented visual stimuli are mentally integrated to form a composite representation. In the present research, we explored how spatial selective attention is used during the delay separating stimuli, in order to determine the contents of spatial working memory in this task. A two-task situation was created. On the primary task, two dot arrays were serially presented within a grid, leaving one space empty, which subjects identified. On the secondary task, instead of the second array, a discrimination probe was presented. Integration accuracy increased through delays of 1,500 msec, revealing an estimate of the time required to form an optimal memory trace for integration. Once the memory trace was formed (but not before), response time to the probe was faster if it was presented in a location previously occupied by a dot from Array 1. This indicates that during the delay separating the arrays, the subjects assigned spatial attention to the locations occupied by the first array and actively maintained the leading array in working memory. Implications for theories of visual processing and memory are discussed.  相似文献   

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