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道教正一派斋醮科仪中,高功法师斋法行持是沟通人和神鬼的重要的途径。这种斋法行持就是以法术的召神遣将达到祈禳消灾、集福迎祥、保太平安或超度亡爽、荐先登真的目的。当正一道士在坛场诵经、念咒或在步虚声中掐块步罡或在悠扬音乐声中于罡毯上步罡踏斗时,人们通过自己的视觉与听觉感受到道教传统文化的魅力,也可以更多地理解道教的教义思想及其神学意义。然而在赞叹道教文化丰富多彩、博大精深的时候,人们对于道士们在科仪行持中的内秘功夫却是无法用感官认知的。正一派的斋醮科仪,包含着内秘功夫。这种功夫来自于道士们的内炼。从…  相似文献   

在位于福建西部的龙岩,宋代以来即已流行道教闾山派。该教派道坛于民间春秋社祭及寺庙打醮仪式中,不但科演本教派的科仪,同时还于科仪中穿插演出一种似仪似戏、仪戏混合的戏乐性表演形态,民间称之为“师公戏”。 师公戏产生的历史十分悠久,元明间已很盛行,清乾隆三年(1739)版《龙岩州志》即载该地区民俗“信鬼神,好戏剧”,其中应包含这种师公戏。该戏名称,因民间称闾山派道师为师公,故含师公演的戏之意思。所谓师公戏,从教法形态上分析,它依然是一种法事科仪,以第一人称妆扮演出,其功能依然是道教祈福禳灾、驱邪逐煞。…  相似文献   

上章是向三天太上呈送章文的仪式,章文是模仿世俗公文格式书写的仪式文书。上章作为早期正一道主要的祀神仪式,在东汉张陵、张衡、张鲁时期颇为流行。论文详细考察正一上章与道教经法制度的关系,正一上章仪式在社会上的影响,指出早期正一上章为上清派、灵宝派所汲取,正一上章已融入灵宝斋法和正一醮仪之中。传统科仪史认为道教斋醮的灵宝斋法始于三国时期的葛玄,论文从斋醮科仪史的宏观视野考察分析早期正一上章的内涵与功能,认为道教斋醮科仪的源头应追溯至东汉张陵创教时期。  相似文献   

江苏道教音乐是经过了一个漫长的历史阶段,在吸收了多方面营养后逐渐形成的。东汉时期,茅山修炼士周太宾善鼓琴,昔教孙登独弦,能弹成八音。晋时,茅山著名道士葛洪《抱扑子·内篇》中记载“撞金伐革,讴歌踊跃”,这说明在茅山的宗教仪式中已有边敲打。边唱歌、边舞蹈的音乐形式。其中的乐曲《华夏颂》和《步虚声》就是当时流行的名曲。南北朝时期,茅山道士陶弘景,在陆修静基础上进一步整理,创立了道教茅山派的科仪和音乐。隋唐时期,道教音乐受到帝室重视,江苏道教音乐有很大发展。这一时期,江苏道教主要有茅山上清道派和正一道派…  相似文献   

1991年10月3日至9日(农历八月二十六日至九月初二)龙虎山嗣汉天师府万法宗坛为台湾和海外正一派道士举行授箓仪式。道教正一派传度授箓科仪,自汉天师张道陵创教以来,便已成为正一道的传统。第四代张盛天师自汉中回居龙虎山,每岁均于“三元节”开坛,传度箓授,历来四方从受者甚众。宋、元以后,龙虎山张天师统领三山(即龙虎山、茅山、皂閤山)符箓,正一天师经箓遂为正一道众所尊崇。迨及后世,经箓授受的方法更加完善,远播于海内外。清末以来,正一授箓传度活动的科仪,虽因各种原因,在方法科式方面有所简化,但是仍然坚持按传统程序举行授箓。时至1946年,这一历史悠久的科仪传统,中断至今。新中国成立后,特别是党的十一川三中  相似文献   

道教科仪是体现道教信仰内容的行为方式,俗话称“道场”。它是道教信仰者接受道教教化、加强道教信仰、培养道教情感、以及交流思想见解的重要手段。它随着历史的发展,在不同的地区,和不同的宗派,形成了具有地方特色的道教科仪。信众邀请道士为他们举行消灾延生或超度道场,我们道士要为他们念经拜忏,举行步罡踏斗、破狱冲表等科仪,从而,使信众的心灵得到慰藉,愿望得到满足,但从一个道教徒的角度来看,我们的宗教科仪有些什么功能、有些什么作用呢?值得我们深思。一、通神和济度功能道教信众来到宫观做道场,或为了祈求自己和家人的健康和平安,…  相似文献   

早期正一道的上章济度思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
早期正一道主要的斋醮仪式是上章。作者通过对早期正一道上章与三官手书的探讨,认为五斗米道的三官手书就是上章的文书。并从道教斋醮科仪思想的角度,对正一章文的济度思想进行分析,指出斋醮济度思想源于正一道的上章。  相似文献   

灵宝派为中国道教三山符箓之一,是道教史上传承绵远的道派,随着道教在台湾的发展演进,灵宝派也传入台湾并逐渐发展。本文梳理台湾灵宝道坛的兴起、分布与传承延续,通过灵宝道教会团体组织在台湾地区的创立与推广历程,道教灵宝派法脉在台湾社会的传承,说明道教有联系大陆、台湾民众的特殊功能。  相似文献   

本文以学术界较少涉猎的《庄林续道藏》为基本素材,通过对其所收道书的研读,钩沉出许多有价值的闽台道教交通史料,并对清代闽台道教文化的交流提出了新见解。指出,清代是道教经典大量传入台湾的主要时期,福建是清代大陆与台湾道教交流的主要门户。从《庄林续道藏》所收道书的经卷的内容、刻刊人或助印人身份以及斋醮文书等几个方面来分析,清代大陆道教正一派三山符箓(龙虎宗、阁皂宗、茅山宗)及清微派、神霄派和净明、闾山派(三奶派)都相续移入台湾,而这些道派的许多经卷是直接从福建传播到台湾的。  相似文献   

青州驼山昊天宫由全真道士李守正创立于元至元十五年(1278)之前,元代昊天宫道士皆属丘处机一系传承。明代昊天宫虽有道士居住,但根据现存碑刻中的道士题名,难以确定他们的宗派归属,考虑到明代道教的通常情况,他们极有可能属于正一道士。自清初至民国期间,昊天宫道士一直属于全真道龙门派,而且传承有续,246年间传承了15代,但与明代青州修真宫龙门派并非一支。  相似文献   

本研究以广东省中等职业学校学生为研究对象,考察一直走在全国职业教育前沿的广东省中职生的生涯规划现状。通过自编的生涯规划测量量表对广州地区近800名中职学生的调查结果显示(1)积极方面:对专业的接受度较高、中职生的就业准备时间较早和对工作的薪酬较为理性;(2)消极方面:缺乏生涯规划意识、学习动力不足,学习动机复杂、中职生的就业地点较为局限等。  相似文献   

2007年本人在蒙古族地区国情调研中发现,蒙古族地区偏僻村庄有邪教渗透的情况。而且,利用蒙古族群众笃信佛教为手段。据当地蒙古族群众说:不知从哪里来的人散布谣言,说现在世界的佛主释迦牟尼改变形象了,必须把以前供奉的佛像毁掉,供奉现在的佛(伪耶稣),来保佑他们的全家。不然的话,会全家人被惩罚。因此,有的家庭丈夫信,妻子不信,因而造成很多家庭夫妻不和,发生矛盾。  相似文献   

The limitations and the proper domain of the levels-of-processing construct are considered. Following a sketch of the historical context in which the construct was proposed, some of its empirical and conceptual shortcomings are noted. The argument is then advanced that the notion of memory being determined by depth of processing should be regarded as a functional or purely psychological heuristic, immune to certain criticisms appropriate to the realms of cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience.  相似文献   

The limitations and the proper domain of the levels-of-processing construct are considered. Following a sketch of the historical context in which the construct was proposed, some of its empirical and conceptual shortcomings are noted. The argument is then advanced that the notion of memory being determined by depth of processing should be regarded as a functional or purely psychological heuristic, immune to certain criticisms appropriate to the realms of cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience.  相似文献   

In South Tyrol, a multi‐ethnic Italian province (Italians, Germans, Ladins) with an autonomous statute, the intergroup attributions expressed by members of the Italian group were examined (relationship: Italians vs. Germans). It was found that, while the stereotypes are more favourable to the ingroup, the attributions are more favourable to the outgroup. The implications of these results for South Tyrol and community relations are discussed. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The use of a cell phone while driving has been recognized as a form of distracted driving across the world. Many countries have banned the use of handheld mobile devices while operating motor vehicles. In Canada, all the provinces and territories now ban the use of handheld cell phones while driving. Utilizing the 2011 annual Alberta Survey, this study examined the current prevalence of cell phone use while driving in the province of Alberta. Moreover, this paper investigated the impact of the perception of risk on actual behaviors, and if demographic factors played a role. Our results indicated that despite being cognizant of the risks involved, many Albertans (52%) still use cell phones (45% of cell phone users utilized hands-free devices) while driving. Logistic regression analysis indicated that gender, age, employment status, home ownership, household income, immigrant status, and risk perceptions were significant predictors of cell phone use while driving in the province. These findings imply that the use of cell phones while operating a vehicle remains quite high despite legislative efforts to limit such behavior.  相似文献   

本文通过对新疆高校各民族、各学科以及各年级大学生对宗教与邪教关系认识的I调查,认为要提高各族大学生辨别和抵制邪教的能力,必须要把马克思主义宗教观(包括l科学无神论)教育与反邪教教育有机结合起来,把普及科学知识与科学精神的培养有机结I合起来,这样才能进一步提高反邪教警示教育的针对性和实效性.  相似文献   

The emotional effect of personal involvement in physical aggression was examined in a random sample of 1,753 adults from Ontario, Canada, using Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (response rate of 67%). Respondents reported a range of emotional responses from feeling good or justified to feeling angry, upset, terrified, disgusted, hurt, and embarrassed. Open-ended responses regarding emotional response were rated by the authors for 149 incidents of aggression, which yielded five categories: (1) positive impact 4%, (2) no feeling or no effect 31%, (3) mildly negative 20%, (4) moderately negative 28%, and (5) severely negative 17% (Kappa statistic of interrater agreement=.77). The substantial proportion of incidents involving positive or no emotional response suggests that a greater understanding of aggression among individuals can be gained by the development and application of a quantitative measure of emotional response that reflects the full range of emotions (positive and negative), using dimensions identified in this study such as feeling upset, fear, and anger.  相似文献   

The study investigated correlates of perceived HIV-related stigma among 673 HIV-positive women from rural Mpumalanga province, South Africa (mean age 28 years old, SD = 5.73 years). The women completed measures of HIV-related stigma experience and related personal factors. Following multivariable logistic regression, results showed that lack of male involvement during the ante-natal visits was significantly associated with all four perceived HIV-related stigma factors. Lower income, intimate partner violence (IPV), lower education, and experienced HIV-related stigma were associated with a combination of the four components of perceived HIV-related stigma. From these findings, we conclude that higher levels of education, income, and partner involvement are protective factors against perceived HIV-related stigma, at multiple layers. Improving on adult education and income generating activities can help in reducing HIV-related stigma. Male partner involvement in their partner’s pregnancy, the initiation of support groups for both women and men, as well as community-based IPV prevention interventions may help to reduce perceived HIV-related stigma among women living with HIV.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the nature and role of traditional forms of counselling and the scope of common problems presented to traditional counsellors in Lusaka province. It used a qualitative research methodology and deployed a holistic single-case study design with multiple embedded units of analysis. The sample consisted of 80 adult participants and one focus group interview with 8 discussants; and it was selected based on the purposive sampling method and snowball technique. Data collection was elicited through structured individual interviews and semi-structured group interview. The study revealed that traditional forms of counselling are rooted in traditional systems of knowledge and sociocultural values, customs, and practices; and they are essentially community-based and multicultural in nature.  相似文献   

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