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Previous laboratory studies that have either introduced extraneous environmental stimulation or tested children in cubicles have failed to provide support for the common clinical notion that hyperkinetic children are highly distractible. Based on the Rosenthal and Allen (1978) proposal, distractibility was investigated by introducing irrelevant information within the task context. Intratask distractibility was examined by comparing the performance of hyperkinetic and nonhyperkinetic children on a speeded classification task. Errors were measured for responses to slides containing either zero, constant, one varying, or two varying irrelevant stimulus dimensions. Dimensional salience of the three dimensions used in the study was measured for each child. The data indicate that hyperkinetics made more errors than nonhyperkinetics when constant irrelevant or two varying irrelevant dimensions were presented, but the two groups made equal errors when there was no irrelevant information presented within the stimulus array. No group differences in distractibility were found when the irrelevant dimension was low salience. It was concluded that salience of distractors presented within the task context may be useful in specifying the particular task conditions in which hyperkinetic children exhibit high distractibility. This study is based on the first author's Ph.D. thesis in the Department of Psychology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. The authors wish to thank the many administrators, teachers, and students in the Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools for their cooperation, including Dr. Thomas Vandever, Mr. V. N. Nicholson, Dr. Jesse Cabler, Mrs. Elizabeth Wortham, and Mr. W. J. Officer.  相似文献   

Relation of attention control and school performance in normal children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined the relation of attention control and school performance in a sample of 113 school children (51 boys, 62 girls), ages 9 to 12 years (M = 10.86, SD = 0.91). Children and parents completed the Attention Control Scale for Children, which measures children's ability to focus and shift attention, and also a scale for assessing symptoms of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Teachers provided a global rating of children's school performance. Analysis indicated that attention control correlated positively with school performance.  相似文献   

A number of studies have appeared which focus on the issue of whether hyperactive children are psychophysiologically different from normal children and what impact the stimulant drugs may have on psychophysiological characteristics of these children. The present paper reviews these studies under the type of measures that were employed. In general, the results suggest that hyperactive children are probably not under- or overaroused in their resting levels of autonomic functions, although some children may display resting cortical underarousal. However, the findings of studies on the impact of stimulation on autonomic or central functions intimate that some hyperactive children are probably underreactive to environmental stimulation, or are "underarousable." Indeed, where differences between hyperactive and normal children are found in such evoked-response studies, they are consistently in this direction of "underarousability." Results for the effects of stimulant drugs suggest that these drugs energize or increase the "arousal" of these children and enhance the impact of stimulation on the nervous system. The implications of these results for current theories of hyperactivity and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Deficient sustained attention is a symptom of hyperactivity that can be improved by stimulant medication. Recently, amphetamine has been shown to increase detections during a vigilance task in both normal and hyperactive boys. The present study applied signal detection analysis to the vigilance performance of 15 hyperactive and 14 normal boys divided into two age groups (6–9 and 10–12). A computerized continuous performance test was administered under amphetamine and placebo. Overall group comparisons indicated that perceptual sensitivity or d was higher for the normal boys and the older groups, and analysis of drug treatments showed that amphetamine significantly increased d. Interactions between drugs and age groups demonstrated that amphetamine affected the younger boys to a significantly greater degree than the older children for both d and response bias or . It is notable that the results were essentially parallel for both normal and hyperactive children.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in K-ABC performance between at-risk (n = 44) and normal (n = 49) preschool children. For the group at-risk, all of the mean global scores on the K-ABC clustered around a standard score of approximately 90. The normal group's mean scores were 15 to 21 standard-score points higher and clustered near 110. The results of t tests for independent samples indicated that the normal group's scores on both the global scales and K-ABC subtests were significantly higher than the at-risk group's scores in nearly every instance. Correlations among scores were consistent with previous findings for preschoolers on the K-ABC. For the normal group, correlations obtained among the global scales were nearly identical to those reported for the standardization sample. For the at-risk group, however, the correlation of .75 between Sequential processing and Achievement was higher than that (.58) between Simultaneous processing and Achievement.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate whether a specific subgroup of learning-disabled children (attention-deficit-disordered, ADD) differed from their normal counterparts on Piagetian tasks of conservation. The subjects were 34 third-and fourth-grade children. Seventeen children had been diagnosed as ADD; the remaining half were designated as normal. The two groups were equivalent in chronological age, mental age, and intelligence. The results indicated significant differences between the two groups on tasks tapping conservation of substance and number. These results may support the theory of a lag in the development of conservation in children with specific learning disabilities (ADD). Implications of the present research for therapeutic and remedial programs that serve ADD children are also discussed.  相似文献   

Children reported to be hyperactive in school and with behavior difficulties at home were randomly assigned to methylphenidate, behavior therapy and placebo, or behavior therapy with methylphenidate for an 8-week period. Rating scales were obtained from teachers and parents. Independent blind observers rated childrens' classroom behavior on a weekly basis. A behavior therapy program was implemented in the home and at school. Methylphenidate dosage was individualized. Ratings of behavior deviance were significantly reduced by all treatments. However, a significant advantage for the groups receiving methylphenidate was found over the group receiving behavior therapy and placebo. No significant differences between methylphenidate alone and methylphenidate combined with behavior therapy were obtained. Global ratings of improvement done by teachers favored the combined treatment of behavior therapy and methylphenidate over behavior therapy and placebo. No differences among treatments were found in the mothers' global ratings of improvement. The results indicate that though all three treatments were effective, methylphenidate was significantly superior to behavior therapy alone.This study was supported in part by grant MH 18579, and by grant No. 3-621 from the Long Island Jewish-Hillside Medical Center. The authors wish to thank the behavior therapists, Drs. Jeffrey Felixbrod and Marion Pheterson, as well as Ms. Patricia Ramsey, who was responsible for data analysis.  相似文献   

The effects of methylphenidate on a number of objective measures of activity level and attention were assessed on three repeated occasions in four types of settings: free play, movie viewing, testing, and restricted play periods. Subjects were 36 boys between 5 and 12 years of age and of average intelligence. Of these, 18 were diagnosed as hyperkinetic and participated in a double-blind drug-placebo crossover design. The remaining 18 boys, matched in age and IQ with the hyperkinetic children, served as a control group and received no drugs. Results indicated that compared to placebo, methylphenidate significantly reduced wrist, ankle, locomotor, and seat movement activity in the hyperkinetic children regardless of the type of setting in which the measures were taken. Relatively fewer significant drug effects were noted on the measures of concentration or attention. While concentration to reaction time, maze performance, and a movie viewing task improved during drug treatment, the length of attention to toys in free play was not significantly improved. Parental ratings of activity level were also improved by the drug. The hyperkinetic children were also observed to increase their level of task-irrelevant activity over time while control children remained relatively stable in activity over repeated assessment. Despite the positive drug effects, clinical observations suggested that methyl-phenidate may have reduced the interest of some children in their environment.  相似文献   

The present review examines 36 previous research reports involving over 1,400 hyperkinetic children in an effort to determine which variables have proven useful in predicting which hyperkinetic children will respond favorably to stimulant drugs. The research is summarized under eight types of predictor variables: (1) psychophysiological, (2) neurological, (3) familial, (4) demographic/sociological, (5) diagnostic category, (6) parent/teacher/clinician ratings, (7) psychological, and (8) profile types. The results of this review indicate that, to date, measures of attention span or concentration and its correlates have proven to be the most useful predictors of the response of hyperactive children to drugs. The results also suggest that hyperkinetic children are heterogeneous with respect to levels of CNS arousal and that this variable may prove useful in predicting their response to stimulant drugs. Problems involved in drawing conclusions in a review of this area of research as well as directions which future research might pursue also are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Following the discovery of short-term rhythmicities In physiological processes, a study was conducted to investigate existence of similar rhythms in motor behavior. Two groups of eight subjects each were tested every 10 or 20 min respectively in the performance of a linear positioning task with augmented auditory and proprioceptive feedback, for 10 consecutive hr. Each testing sample consisted of five trials with knowledge of results (KR), followed by five trials without knowledge of results (NKR). Between tests subjects drank constant amounts of fluids and urine flow was measured. Movement accuracy in the NKR condition varied rhythmically with periodicities centered at 100 min/ cycle. No comparable rhythms were found in the KR trials or in movement time. Urine flow also varied rhythmically with similar dominant periodicities, but these rhythms were unrelated to rhythms in error. The findings are interpreted to indicate rhythmic modulations in the efficiency of short-term storage and information processing from movement execution. Significance of these results to current views of motor control is discussed.  相似文献   

Seventeen hyperkinetic children who had previously responded to sympathomimetic amines were given three different dosages of caffeine in counterbalanced order (placebo, and low and high doses equivalent to one and three cups of coffee). One hour following ingestions they were tested, double-blind on measures of visual evoked response, alpha time, vigilance, and activity level. There was a significant effect on evoked response. The behavioral measures tended to be affected in a dose-related manner but not to a statistically significant degree. It is concluded that although centrally active, caffeine does not show the congruence between behavioral and central effects that other stimulants useful in behavioral management have shown.  相似文献   

Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) is known to cause visual, motor, and cognitive impairments varying in their severity. Most studies focused on impairment at early ages. Little is known about the PVL's later outcome. Effects of neural plasticity are for instance insufficiently known to prognose precisely their behavioral outcome. It is even hard to determine the consequence of one defect on global development over time. Because of the established neural link between eye motion and space perception, 5-to-9 year-old PVL's were tested in visual detection, postural control, and space attention tasks. In this paper, discussion will focus on behavioral asymmetry, developmental outcome, and brain injury.  相似文献   

The primary index of reflection- impulsivity is Kagan's Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFF), which yields both a latency and an error score. To evaluate further the construct validity of these measures, both the latency and error scores of 9- and 15-year-old normal and acting-out behavior-disordered children were compared. Young behavior-disordered children were found to be more impulsive than the other groups on the MFF error measure. No differences occurred on the MFF latency measure. This result is consistent with previous findings with normal children in supporting the construct validity of the MFF error score and raising questions about the construct validity of the MFF latency score. Findings were inconsistent with Kagan's assertion that normal children become more reflective with age. The older behavior-disordered children were more reflective on the error measure than the younger behavior-disordered children and had equivalent error scores to both age groups of normals. This finding suggested a lag in the development of reflection in behavior-disordered children.The authors wish to thank Dr. Kenneth C. Molkner for his valuable assistance in obtaining subjects and for his kind support.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined the effects of varying the standard assessment conditions on performance of social skills among normal and psychiatric inpatient children. Sixty children (30 normals, 30 patients), ages 6–12, completed behavioral and self-report measures of social skills on two separate occasions. During the second assessment, half of the children received feedback and incentives for performance; the other half did not. The testing conditions consistently altered social skill performance. Children who received the incentives during assessment showed significantly higher levels of social skills, as reflected in concrete behavior (e.g. eye contact, facial expressions), and molar responses (e.g. giving compliments, responding to provocation). The results suggest that social skills performance varies considerably as a function of the assessment conditions. Training programs should not assume that persons do not have the responses in their repertoires merely because of low pretest performance unless more extensive efforts are made to evoke appropriate responses.  相似文献   

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