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The consistency and loci of leniency, halo, and range restriction effects in performance ratings were investigated in a longitudinal study. Ratings were provided by approximately 90 supervisors in a metropolitan police department, who rated approximately 350 police-rank subordinates on five occasions over a three and one-half year period. Rating effects were computed separately as rater-and ratee-based statistics, and intercorrelated among the five rating periods. The nature of the data set made it possible to hold either raters or ratees constant for each analysis, thus permitting inferences regarding the sources of reliable variance in effects as due to raters or ratees. It was concluded that reliable variance in mean ratings is partly attributable to ratees, but mainly introduced by raters. Reliable halo variance is attributable to raters, and range restriction is a product of stable group performance variability within intact ratee groups. Implications of these results for future rating process research are discussed.  相似文献   

Method and trait effects in multitrait-multirater (MTMR) data were examined in a sample of 2,350 managers who participated in a developmental feedback program. Managers rated their own performance and were also rated by two subordinates, two peers, and two bosses. The primary purpose of the study was to determine whether method effects are associated with the level of the rater (boss, peer, subordinate, self) or with each individual rater, or both. Previous research which has tacitly assumed that method effects are associated with the level of the rater has included only one rater from each level; consequently, method effects due to the rater's level may have been confounded with those due to the individual rater. Based on confirmatory factor analysis, the present results revealed that of the five models tested, the best fit was the 10-factor model which hypothesized 7 method factors (one for each individual rater) and 3 trait factors. These results suggest that method variance in MTMR data is more strongly associated with individual raters than with the rater's level. Implications for research and practice pertaining to multirater feedback programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the area of critical reading in which pupils are to judge the truth value of statements related to social studies passages. A total of 526 subjects, 250 sixth grade and 276 eighth grade pupils were required to judge 45 statements, six statements for each of the seven passages, as either “true” (T), “probably true” (PT), “not enough facts” (NE), “probably false” (PF) or “false” (F) based upon passage information. Pupils differed significantly on 11 of 42 statements (X = 4.25, p<.05 to 51.65, p<.001). Findings support previous research that shows older pupils to be more aware of organizational structure, more precise in assessing information and better able to deal with logical relationships. Younger pupils respond more impulsively to ambiguous statements. When judging conclusive statements, the majority of sixth appear to rely upon their own belief system rather than upon passage information.  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of the effects of occupational sex-dominance on sex differences in occupational performance expectations. Female and male college students indicated their expectations for their own performance— self expectations—and that of either a typical male, female, or male and female person— comparison person expectations —for six occupations varying according to perceived sex-dominance. Additionally, the performance expectations were reported under anticipated private or public conditions. Results indicated that in contrast to males, females reported lower expectations for themselves alone and lower expectations for themselves in comparison to another person for male-dominated occupations. However, unlike males, females reported higher expectations for themselves and for themselves in comparison to others for female-dominated fields. Occupational sex dominance appeared to influence females' performance expectations, while males' expectations were similar across fields varying in sex-dominance. Neither the sex of the comparison person nor the anticipated privacy of the expectations were found to be related to the sex differences in performance expectations.  相似文献   

The influences of rater age and rater age on performance evaluations of 513 exempt managers from a large manufacturing organization were examined. Two general performance criteria and six specific performance criteria were used. Results showed small but significant age influences on two of the specific performance measures, Self-Development and Interpersonal Skills. Older workers received lower ratings than younger workers on both of these dimensions. In addition, younger raters gave significantly higher ratings than older raters on Interpersonal Skills. Small but significant age interactions were found in both Interpersonal Skills ratings and Self-Development ratings. The findings were replicated in a second sample ( N =178). The influence of age on performance ratings is consistent with previous research and is compared. The extent of the influence is smaller in the present study than in previous research.  相似文献   

Stereotype threat research has shown that being a member of a negatively stereotyped group may result in impaired performance on tests of skills thought to be relevant to the stereotype. This study investigated whether stereotype threat influences gender differences in performance on a novel test of visuospatial ability. Undergraduates ( N  = 194) were told that men outperform women on the test (explicit threat), were given no gender-relevant information (implicit threat), or were told that men and women do not differ (nullified stereotype). Although men outperformed women in the explicit and implicit stereotype threat groups, women's performance did not differ significantly from men's when told there is no gender difference. The effect was most pronounced for difficult line judgments. Although stereotypes regarding visuospatial ability may be less culturally salient than those of other cognitive abilities, these findings suggest that they influence performance nonetheless. Implications for optimizing cognitive test performance are discussed.  相似文献   

Outcome expectancies of people who conduct performance appraisals were identified in two disparate industries, newsprint and banking, using two methodologies: interviewing and administering a questionnaire. The alternate hypothesis was that appraisers perceive the consequences to them of conducting a thorough appraisal (i.e., giving negative as well as positive feedback) as aversive. This hypothesis was rejected. Appraisers did not perceive any consequences to them for conducting appraisals. Moderate support for the alternate hypothesis was obtained in the second study.  相似文献   

Twenty-four Indian couples predicted in confidentiality to the school principal, the performance, in very easy, ok, and very difficult exams, of several 12-year-old boys, presented as their only son. As hypothesized, pattern in the Motivation X Ability effect depended upon the experience of subjects with the task and the difficulty of the exams. Prediction by mothers conformed to the patterns of parallelism and linear fan; those by fathers conformed to the patterns of parallelism and convergence. The findings of the present research and those of past research lead to the conclusion that the egalitarian (i.e., pattern of parallelism), elitist (i.e., pattern of linear fan), and Horatio Alger (i.e., pattern of convergence) beliefs are present in Indian, as well as in North-American adults, but that Indians manifest the elitist and Horatio Alger beliefs very selectively. The implications of these results for cross-cultural research on cognitive processes and for the understanding of differences between mothers and fathers in the cognition of their son are discussed.  相似文献   

The nature of intraindividual performance variability over time, along with individual difference predictors of such variability, was examined using latent growth curve methodology. Quarterly sales performance for a sample of securities analysts ( n = 303) was measured at 8 times. Average intraindividual performance approximated a basic "learning" curve, although there were considerable individual differences in each of the latent performance growth parameters. Individual difference predictors from a biodata inventory were moderately related to these latent growth parameters. Theoretical and practical implications of performance variability for personnel selection are also discussed.  相似文献   

Mortality and morbidity statistics which reflect the major health disorders in the nation have changed dramatically in this century. Infectious diseases have been largely controlled, and this country's citizens are now burdened with the chronic and disabling disorders of an aging population that are increasingly linked to environmental and behavioral factors. This article documents gender and sex differences among the major life-threatening disorders and chronic health problems and suggests implications for psychology as a health science and profession.  相似文献   

许小东 《心理学报》1988,21(2):56-62
现今工业企业中所采用的奖励系统多数是由基本奖和超额奖两部分构成。本研究考察了基本奖和超额奖不同的配比结构对作业绩效的影响。结果表明:不同配比结构的奖励系统具有不同的激励功效,关键的影响因素是超额奖励率和基本奖励率之间的奖励比,在多数情况下,奖励比越高,作业绩效越好。最后,讨论了这一结果产生的原因及有关问题。  相似文献   

Sex differences in rates of depressive disorders and depressive symptomatology, as measured by the Diagnostic Interview Schedule, are examined for an island-wide probability sample of Puerto Rico. Consistent with previous research, depression is significantly more prevalent in Puerto Rican women than men. Risk factors associated with depressive symptomatology are examined from a sex-role perspective. The results of multiple regression analyses show that even after demographic, health and marital and employment status variables are controlled, women continue to be at higher risk of depressive symptomatology than men. These results are interpreted within a cultural and sex-role perspective.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the existence of a moderating effect for situational control of performance variance on the relationship between individual differences and performance. An experimental simulation was conducted and validity coefficients were calculated. Results supported the presence of the predicted moderating effect. The implications of these data for validation research and testing programs are discussed.  相似文献   

In two studies, 374 participants gave retrospective reports of their favorite games, toys, and hobbies (games) and of their favorite exercise and sports (sports) in elementary school, high school, and college. We tested Gilligan's (1982) expectation that more of males' play would be group activities played in public places, whereas more of females' games and sports would be home-based play in intimate dyads. Results showed that sex similarities and differences varied as a function of kind of play. For both sexes, games tended to be home-based and individual or dyadic play, however sports tended to be group, public-based play. Whereas team sports play was most frequent in childhood for both sexes and decreased in frequency from childhood into adulthood, the decrease in team, as compared to individual and dyadic, sports was significantly more dramatic for girls than for boys. The data indicated that whereas girls participate in a variety of types of play, boys' sports play is dominated by team activity across development. Thus, sex differences in the types of sports play provided the strongest support for Gilligan's hypothesis that socialization in team play may foster a reliance upon rights-based moral reasoning in boys.  相似文献   

Abstract— As predicted by models derived from evolutionary psychology, men within the United States have been shown to exhibit greater psychological and physiological distress to sexual than to emotional infidelity of their partner, and women have been shown to exhibit more distress to emotional than to sexual infidelity. Because cross-cultural tests are critical for evolutionary hypotheses, we examined these sex differences in three parallel studies conducted in the Netherlands ( N = 207), Germany ( N = 200), and the United Slates ( N = 224) Two key findings emerged First, the sex differences in sexual jealousy are robust across these cultures, providing support for the evolutionary psychological model Second, the magnitude of the sex differences varies somewhat across cultures—large for the United States, medium for Germany and the Netherlands Discussion focuses on the evolutionary psychology of jealousy and on the sensitivity of sex differences m the sexual sphere to cultural input.  相似文献   

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