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从分析我国医院法人治理结构模式入手,深入探索了医院法人治理结构中存在的问题,介绍和探讨我国产权和所有权改革的形式,并对上海和无锡的法人治理结构改革做了较详细的介绍,为探索我国医院建立适应市场经济体制的体制与机制提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

我国公立医院产权改革探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国公立医院产权制度改革的目标是:盘活医院存量资产,建立规范的公立医院运行机制,优化卫生资源配置;吸纳社会资本,形成投资主体多元化、投资方式多样化的办医体制;确保社会成员看病方便,看得起病.主要形式是产权整体转让和建立两权分离的现代产权制度.建立法人治理结构,转变政府职能,强化出资人监控权至关重要.  相似文献   

我国公立医院产权制度改革的目标是:盘活医院存量资产,建立规范的公立医院运行机制,优化卫生资源配置;吸纳社会资本,形成投资主体多元化、投资方式多样化的办医体制;确保社会成员看病方便,看得起病。主要形式是产权整体转让和建立两权分离的现代产权制度。建立法人治理结构,转变政府职能,强化出资人监控权至关重要。  相似文献   

美国以社区卫生服务中心董事会为核心的法人治理结构,其在构建基础和背景、社区居民的参与程度、组织运行有效性的保障机制、举办主体的类型等方面与我国的社区卫生服务机构的治理结构存在明显的不同.我国应明确社区卫生服务机构法人治理结构的具体标准,让社区居民参与到社区卫生服务机构的决策与监督程序中,协调举办主体与社区之间的关系.  相似文献   

医院经济管理的矛盾和出路上海医科大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院(200031)关涌一党的十四大提出的我国经济体制改革的目标是,建立社会主义的市场经济体制。这一改革的宏伟目标必然会涉及各行各业,随着改革形势的发展,近年来,医院的经济结构发生了较大的变化。以上海...  相似文献   

日本宗教法人问题可以追溯至明治政府起草民法时期。虽然明治政府最终决定设立特别法,但宗教法人与民法法人的论争始终贯穿于宗教法人制度的确立期和改革期。日本设立宗教法人制度是为建立近代行政国家,将宗教团体纳入国家神道体制,服务侵略战争。占领期改革后日本保留了宗教法人制度,是因为盟军总司令部未能辨明民法法人与宗教法人的异同、不了解日本建设行政国家的意图。2006年日本进行公益法人制度改革,公益法人与宗教法人的规定逐步接近。  相似文献   

本文以入世之后中国企业所面临的形势为出发点 ,参照国外及我国台湾地区的成功经验和做法 ,通过法人治理结构的健全、企业集团法律制度的合理构建以及创立我国中小企业法律体系三个方面 ,提出了完善我国公司法律制度的具体构想。  相似文献   

医院引进股份制机制改革的伦理思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在卫生改革中医院可不可以进行股份制的试点是一个极富挑战性的问题,我国医院公有制已经实行了数十年,在保障国民健康上作出巨大贡献,但随着改革的进程,医院的发展遇到现有体制、机制方面的许多难题。浙江、上海等地已经实行医院股份制改革试点的经验证明,股份制不等于私有制;在国力不可能更多增加卫生投入的情况下,医院股份制改革促进了医院的管理、社会效益和经济效益,可能是发挥社会力量办好医院、解决我国卫生改革深层次矛盾的途径之一。  相似文献   

取消“以药补医”,回归公益性以及增加政府投入并不能成为公立医院改革的目标.从哲学思考的角度分析指出,独立的法人治理结构、正确的医生定位、在法律框架内解决医患矛盾、纠正扭曲的服务价格、采用合理的就诊次序来缓解“看病难、看病贵”才是公立医院改革成功与否的关键所在.  相似文献   

李时椿 《学海》2001,(3):43-46
国企改革面临的困难和问题依然很多,最为突出的是企业长期存在的、大量事实上的"内部人控制"未能得到有效的扭转,在某些方面甚至更为严重.本文在辨析"内部人控制"准确涵义的基础上,分析了"内部人控制"在我国产生的原因和表现形式,反思了国企改革历程中治理结构的失误,提出必须从外部环境到内部结构来整治法人治理结构,以及从委托人到代理人来完善国有产权的委托代理制等综合性的对策思考.  相似文献   

特需医疗服务供方意向调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
剖析目前特需医疗服务供方所存在的主要问题,初步探讨在我国发展特需医疗服务适宜的承担主体。采用个别访谈和问卷调查的方法对来自不同性质的医院的医护人员和医院管理人员进行了意向调查。结果显示,医院发展特需医疗服务并不是解决医务人员收入问题的有效手段;公立医院发展特需医疗服务势必会对其普通医疗服务带来负面影响。建议在确保大部分公立医院只提供普通医疗服务的基础上,由私立医院和一部分公立医院作为特需医疗服务的承担机构。  相似文献   

现行法律、法规规定,无过错输血感染的法律责任采取过错责任归责原则,意味着当医患双方均无过错而又造成输血感染的损害后果时,完全由患者承担损害后果,这种规定无法体现公平、公正的法律精神。无过错输血感染法律责任应当规定为公平责任,这样才能更好地既保护医方利益又保护患方利益。  相似文献   

Conclusion This paper does not mean to imply that it is only public controversy that can meaningfully affect political outcomes, or even that it is the most important factor. Rather, we have attempted to indicate that public controversy constitutes a forum on which political actorsact; on which they attempt to implicate each other and the public in terms of some preferred view of the controversy at hand. It is certainly the case that the formal structure of the government and power relationships provides important constraints in terms of which controversy may take place. Yet within these constraints, actors can meaningfully construct various views of the structure of the controversy which differently construe the rights and obligations of participants. In this sense, the course of public controversy may in part be understood as a function of the language employed by these actors, both to the extent that particular expressions stand as documentary evidence of underlying discrepancies about the shape of the controversy and to the extent that the logic of certain speech-acts constrains the forms subsequent statements may take.  相似文献   

公益心是个体在公益行为中表现出来的比较稳定的人格特征。以435名青少年为被试,采用内隐观调查法搜集了具有公益心特征的形容词或短语,通过分类与合并找到了能代表具有公益心特征的80个形容词;然后,通过489名青少年对这些形容词或短语的评定得分,采用探索性因素分析得到了青少年公益心的四个因子,即同情友爱、环境意识、集体意识、热情自信;最后,对另外351名青少年的形容词问卷得分进行了验证性因素分析,结果表明青少年公益心四因素模型的拟合度较好,从而确认了青少年公益心的四因素结构模型。  相似文献   

上海申康医院发展中心是卫生领域推进政事分开、管办分开的一次改革试点,以上海申康医院发展中心为例,分析该模式探索公立医院管理体制改革,建立所有权与经营权适度分离,管资产与管人、管事相结合的市级医院出资人制度,促进市级医院加强内部管理,构建有效的约束激励机制,不断提高医院的营运质量和绩效的成功经验。  相似文献   

Thirty-two groups of three subjects each participated once in an intergroup public goods game (IPG) in which two groups compete for the provision of step-level public goods. Half of the groups were allowed to discuss the conflict before their members decided privately and anonymously whether to contribute their endowments to their group benefit, and half were not given this opportunity. The results show that preplay group discussion enhances the percentage of contributors and changes the players' estimates about the decisions of the other players. The theoretical implications of the results are examined within the framework of a new model which relates the individual decision to contribute or not to the reward structure, altruism, and the individual's belief structure.  相似文献   

Development and validation of the situational self-awareness scale.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article discusses the manipulation and measurement of levels of situational self-focus, which is generally labeled "self-awareness." A new scale was developed to quantify levels of public and private self-awareness. Five studies were conducted to assess the psychometric properties, reliability, and validity of the Situational Self-Awareness Scale (SSAS). The SSAS was found to have a reliable factor structure, to detect differences in public and private self-awareness produced by laboratory manipulations, and to be sensitive to changes in self-awareness within individuals over time and across situations. The SSAS can be used as a manipulation check of laboratory self-awareness manipulations and as a means of assessing naturally occurring fluctuations in public and private self-awareness in order to clarify the relation between self-awareness and other variables (e.g., mood and memory).  相似文献   

乡村公共伦理建设的难题解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乡村现代化运动提出了建设支持“人的普遍联系”和公共生活的公共伦理的历史性要求、致力于乡村公共伦理建设,必须寻求解决三类难题,即基础难题、结构难题、操作难题。  相似文献   

We have recently demonstrated the existence of the youth bias, referring to a tendency to favour adolescence and early adulthood over other lifetime periods when making inferences about the timing of important public events across the lifespan of a typical individual within one's culture. The youth bias integrates two discrete lines of research, that is, the literature on the privileged status of adolescence and early adulthood in human memory and cognition, and the literature on cognitive biases. Here we first examined whether the youth bias holds for specific categories of public events (i.e., deaths of public figures, United States presidential elections, and sporting events). We then investigated the possible role of the youth bias in structuring recall for public events, by probing, within subjects, for the relation between: (1) these expectations of the timing, in a typical person's life, of the most important exemplar from each public event category, and (2) the age at which the cited event occurred on a recall question asking participants to cite the most important exemplar, in their own lifetime, from each category. We found a youth bias for each category. Additionally, responses to the youth bias question were correlated with the age at which the recalled event occurred, but only where particularly salient historical events did not play a central role in driving recall (i.e., for sporting events). We conclude that the youth bias holds across different types of public events and provides a default structure for organizing recall of public events.  相似文献   

Background and aim: There have been several calls for adopting an empirical approach investigating public opinion concerning the differentiation between the professional titles ‘counsellor’ and ‘psychotherapist’. The present research makes a first step to addressing this issue. Method: Sixteen interviewers, recruited across the UK, interviewed 450 members of the public in 57 UK district codes. Age, gender and education were monitored for sampling purposes. Results: The findings indicated that around two thirds of the public perceive the professional title ‘counsellor’ to be distinct from the professional titles ‘psychotherapist’ and ‘psychological therapist’ and for these latter two titles to be almost identical. About one third of the public perceive the opposite trend, and one tenth is undecided whether these professional titles are distinct or indistinct. Conclusion: These results have implications for the debate concerning the structure of the Health Professions Council (HPC) Register in the regulation of counsellors and psychotherapists.  相似文献   

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