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说谎是一种非常普遍的社会现象。及时有效地识别说谎, 在人际交往和司法安防领域都具有十分重要的意义。根据说谎的自主性, 将说谎研究的实验范式分为被动说谎范式、主动说谎范式和混合说谎范式三大类。个体说谎时具有较高的认知负荷、较强的情绪唤醒和刻意的自我控制等心理活动特点, 这些心理活动会导致眼睛运动、面部表情、姿态动作等非言语视觉线索的变化, 且非言语视觉线索存在个体差异。未来研究应深入考察说谎的内在心理机制以及非言语视觉线索的心理意义, 加强真实情境下说谎行为的研究, 并借助新技术实现对非言语视觉线索的精准测量和分析。  相似文献   

内隐学习的主观测量标准   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
郭秀艳  朱磊  邹庆宇 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1192-1195
近40年来,验证知识的内隐性一直是内隐学习研究的焦点。传统三大范式常以自由言语报告或是迫选测验作为验证知识内隐性的外显指标,然而各种迹象表明,言语报告和迫选测验存在一定的局限性。由此,Dienes等人提出了内隐学习的主观测量。文章将从言语报告和追选测验的局限性着手,阐述主观测量诞生的必要性及其在衡量知识意识性上的效度。  相似文献   

综述了音节在语言产生中的作用。首先简单介绍了音节的概念;然后介绍了两类语言产生理论关于音节存储和音节如何起作用的不同观点;第三,从实验研究的主要范式和主要问题两个方面分析了目前在语言产生领域对音节的研究成果及存在的问题。主要的研究范式有:掩蔽启动范式、重复启动范式、内隐启动范式和图画-词汇干扰实验范式。研究的主要问题有:音节是否是言语产生中的功能单位,音节在言语产生中是如何起作用的,以及音节启动效应的发生位置。最后根据汉语音节的特点,分析了汉语词汇产生中对音节的研究以及今后的研究趋势  相似文献   

蒋浩 《心理科学进展》2018,26(9):1624-1631
任务转换是研究执行功能的常用范式。任务转换通常伴随着转换代价:执行转换任务比重复任务的反应时更长、错误率更高。转换代价可能反映了任务设置重构(重构理论), 也可能表明任务之间存在干扰(干扰理论)。与任务线索范式相比, 自主任务转换范式更具生态效度, 而且不仅能获得转换代价这个传统结果, 还引入了任务选择比例、任务转换率等新指标, 其结果倾向于支持重构理论。此外, 新近研究指出自主任务转换可能也包含干扰的作用。未来, 应通过进一步改进实验范式等方法, 实现两大理论的融合。  相似文献   

语用学是七十年代发展起来的一门语言学新学科,是语言的实用学。语用学本是符号学的一个分支,它是从符号学的角度来研究语言与语言使用者之间的关系,正确地解释了语言符号的功能化的过程。具体说,语用学研究在特定情景中的特定话语,特别是研究在不同的语言交际环境下如何理解语言和运用语言。语用学从语言的交际效果出发,主要研究语境以及各种言语规则,如前提和背景、指示语、言外之意表达规则、对话原则等等。我们就其主要方面做一简单说明。  相似文献   

索绪尔开创的现代语言学影响了20世纪人文科学的发展,正如美国学者乔纳森.卡勒所言:“他把本来是深奥难懂、专业性很强的语言学变成了一个主要的知识领域,变成了其他人文学科的典范”。(卡勒,第68页)作为后现代主义哲学大师的德里达正是从索绪尔的语言学中找到了哲学创新的灵感。一、索绪尔的语言学对德里达的影响针对当时语言学研究中把语言理解为个人言语行为的个人心理主义倾向,索绪尔指出要将语言学的研究转向语言自身,重视语言研究的社会因素。他提出语言学的研究对象是“语言”而不是“言语”。在索绪尔看来,言语是个人的与暂时的,语…  相似文献   

刘文理  乐国安 《心理学报》2012,44(5):585-594
采用启动范式, 以汉语听者为被试, 考察了非言语声音是否影响言语声音的知觉。实验1考察了纯音对辅音范畴连续体知觉的影响, 结果发现纯音影响到辅音范畴连续体的知觉, 表现出频谱对比效应。实验2考察了纯音和复合音对元音知觉的影响, 结果发现与元音共振峰频率一致的纯音或复合音加快了元音的识别, 表现出启动效应。两个实验一致发现非言语声音能够影响言语声音的知觉, 表明言语声音知觉也需要一个前言语的频谱特征分析阶段, 这与言语知觉听觉理论的观点一致。  相似文献   

通过三个实验,探讨不同时间进程下视觉和言语工作记忆表征对视觉注意的引导。实验1采用注意引导与注意探测任务同时呈现的范式,探讨不同记忆项与注意项时间间隔(SOA)条件下言语工作记忆表征对视觉注意的引导。结果发现,当SOA较短时言语工作记忆表征对视觉注意有引导效应,而SOA较长时未观察到引导效应;实验2、3采用注意引导任务与注意探测任务分离范式,分别探讨在不同SOA条件下言语和视觉工作记忆表征对视觉注意的引导。结果发现,不同SOA条件下言语和视觉工作记忆表征均能引导视觉注意。研究表明,不同实验范式对言语工作记忆表征对视觉注意的引导有明显影响,视觉比言语工作记忆表征能在更广泛条件下引导视觉注意。  相似文献   

逻辑学东渐,启发了梁启超的中国传统学术研究;用西方传统逻辑研究墨家逻辑形成了梁启超研究范式,并影响着中国逻辑史的百年研究。在对其研究范式的肯定与否定的争论中,形成了三种主要立场:中国形式逻辑史、中国名学与辩学史、中国符号学史。我们认为,逻辑观的问题是解决中国逻辑史界论争的关键。  相似文献   

采用视觉呈现干扰词的图片一词干扰实验范式,探讨产生不同语法结构时言语产生汉语词类信息的加工进程.3个实验分别考察了以单字词、名词短语和简单陈述句命名图片时词类信息的加工,结果发现:三个实验中都存在不同词类干扰的不一致,名词干扰比非名词干扰更强烈;语义加工与语法特征加工存在重叠的时间窗,研究结果支持言语产生的交互激活理论.  相似文献   

虚拟化身(virtual avatar)是玩家在视频游戏中的虚拟自我呈现方式, 通过操控虚拟化身, 玩家可扮演不同的角色, 并拥有新的身份。作为现实自我的投射和展示, 虚拟化身会影响个体的自我认同, 并带来自我的变化。近年来, 越来越多的研究开始关注虚拟化身对个体自我的影响。大量研究表明, 在视频游戏中操纵虚拟化身进行行为和身份模拟会影响个体的自我概念。相关理论从不同视角解释了虚拟化身影响自我概念的原因。另外, 已有研究表明虚拟化身与自我概念的关系受到化身线索、视频游戏特征及个体因素的影响; 自我临场感和化身认同是虚拟化身影响自我概念的内在心理机制。未来研究应关注虚拟化身对自我概念的深层次影响和长期影响, 化身形象和行为两种线索的交互影响, 以及虚拟化身带来的自我概念改变对现实行为的影响, 并加强该领域的应用研究。  相似文献   

The article details the significance of nonverbal communication or body language for the counselor in interview situations. The article gives background material of the research done in the area of nonverbal communication and quotes extensively from the leaders in the field. The article includes illustrations of messages sent by arm and hand gestures, feet movements, eye movements, silence, posture, appearance, the use of time and space, and the grouping of individuals. The article also includes a discussion of kinesics, the study of body movements; proxemics, the study of the use of personal space; and culture as a guiding factor in body language.  相似文献   

Digital immersive virtual environment technology (IVET) enables behavioral scientists to conduct ecologically realistic experiments with near-perfect experimental control. The authors employed IVET to study the interpersonal distance maintained between participants and virtual humans. In Study 1, participants traversed a three-dimensional virtual room in which a virtual human stood. In Study 2, a virtual human approached participants. In both studies, participant gender, virtual human gender, virtual human gaze behavior, and whether virtual humans were allegedly controlled by humans (i.e., avatars) or computers (i.e., agents) were varied. Results indicated that participants maintained greater distance from virtual humans when approaching their fronts compared to their backs. In addition, participants gave more personal space to virtual agents who engaged them in mutual gaze. Moreover, when virtual humans invaded their personal space, participants moved farthest from virtual human agents. The advantages and disadvantages of IVET for the study of human behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

卞玉龙  周超  高峰强 《心理科学》2014,37(1):232-239
随着虚拟世界的迅速发展,特别是虚拟现实环境与现实生活的日趋融合,虚拟现实环境对用户的影响引起了研究者的重视。在基于自我呈现的线上互动中,化身特点会有意或无意地影响到用户的知觉、态度和行为,即普罗透斯效应(Proteus Effect)。近年来,有研究者围绕着普罗透斯效应进行了一系列研究,对这一效应的概念、潜在发生机制、影响因素以及对用户个体和群体水平的影响等方面进行了一些探讨,并取得一定进展,这为国内学者开展虚拟世界中心理现象的探究提供了新的切入点。在未来研究中,普罗透斯效应的研究方法和范式仍需拓展,研究样本仍需丰富,本土化研究、跨文化研究以及应用研究也有待逐步展开。  相似文献   

This meta-analysis compares the findings of empirical studies that employ either a traditional form of cognitive–behavioral-based exposure therapy or virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to determine which is more viable and effective. Statistical analyses were performed on 26 studies to determine pre- to posttreatment effect sizes and interactions. Results demonstrated a trend toward significance in favor of traditional exposure therapy showing lower posttreatment PTSD. Limitations included a restricted number of relevant studies; future research on VRET for PTSD should orient more to experimental designs, larger samples, and increased use of control groups.  相似文献   

In social interactions, interpersonal distance between interaction partners plays an important role in determining the status of the relationship. Interpersonal distance is an important nonverbal behavior, and is used to regulate personal space in a complex interplay with other nonverbal behaviors such as eye gaze. In social anxiety, studies regarding the impact of interpersonal distance on within-situation avoidance behavior are so far rare. Thus the present study aimed to scrutinize the relationship between gaze direction, sex, interpersonal distance, and social anxiety in social interactions. Social interactions were modeled in a virtual-reality (VR) environment, where 20 low and 19 high socially anxious women were confronted with approaching male and female characters, who stopped in front of the participant, either some distance away or close to them, and displayed either a direct or an averted gaze. Gaze and head movements, as well as heart rate, were measured as indices of avoidance behavior and fear reactions. High socially anxious participants showed a complex pattern of avoidance behavior: when the avatar was standing farther away, high socially anxious women avoided gaze contact with male avatars showing a direct gaze. Furthermore, they showed avoidance behavior (backward head movements) in response to male avatars showing a direct gaze, regardless of the interpersonal distance. Overall, the current study proved that VR social interactions might be a very useful tool for investigating avoidance behavior of socially anxious individuals in highly controlled situations. This might also be the first step in using VR social interactions in clinical protocols for the therapy of social anxiety disorder.  相似文献   

People show a robust tendency to gaze at other human beings when viewing images or videos, but were also found to relatively avoid gaze at others in several real-world situations. This discrepancy, along with theoretical considerations, spawned doubts about the appropriateness of classical laboratory-based experimental paradigms in social attention research. Several researchers instead suggested the use of immersive virtual scenarios in eliciting and measuring naturalistic attentional patterns, but the field, struggling with methodological challenges, still needs to establish the advantages of this approach. Here, we show using eye-tracking in a complex social scenario displayed in virtual reality that participants show enhanced attention towards the face of an avatar at near distance and demonstrate an increased reactivity towards her social gaze as compared to participants who viewed the same scene on a computer monitor. The present study suggests that reactive virtual agents observed in immersive virtual reality can elicit natural modes of information processing and can help to conduct ecologically more valid experiments while maintaining high experimental control.  相似文献   

由于传统干预方法的诸多局限,虚拟现实暴露疗法(virtual reality exposure therapy,VRET)逐渐应用于对社交焦虑的干预,VRET是将虚拟现实技术与传统行为暴露治疗相结合而形成的一种新的干预方法。文章总结了VRET的三个发展阶段及其研究范式,述评了在VRET过程中的作用机制。未来研究可致力于设计更加自然的人机交互技术,实现技术与社交焦虑治疗的深度融合以及关注第三人称视角应用的作用及机制。  相似文献   

Men and women often disagree about the meaning of women's nonverbal cues, particularly those conveying dating-relevant information. Men perceive more sexual intent in women's behavior than women perceive or report intending to convey. Although this finding has been attributed to gender differences in the threshold for labeling ambiguous cues as sexual in nature, little research has been conducted to determine etiology. Using a model that differentiates perceptual sensitivity from decisional bias, we found no evidence that men have lenient thresholds for perceiving women's nonverbal behavior as indicating sexual interest. Rather, gender differences were captured by a relative perceptual insensitivity among men. Just as in previous studies, men were more likely than women to misperceive friendliness as sexual interest, but they also were quite likely to misperceive sexual interest as friendliness. The results point to the promise of computational models of perception in increasing the understanding of clinically relevant social processes.  相似文献   

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