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Previous research has demonstrated that perseveration in escape situations is an unlearned response bias of rats and mice which is difficult to overcome. In Experiment I, Sprague-Dawley rats were trained to a criterion of nine correct choices in 10 consecutive trials in a win-stay working memory water-escape task wherein an escape platform was hidden in one of two compartments. Subjects were given a forced choice on an Information Trial followed by a free choice on a Test Trial 5 min later. Subjects who were given a 30-s forced swim in the incorrect section following errors on the Test Trial showed faster acquisition and less use of response perseveration than control subjects. In Experiment II, the delayed escape procedure was used to compare acquisition of win-stay and win-shift strategies. Contrary to previous research both groups learned the tasks, although the win-stay group showed better performance. It is concluded that unlearned response biases of perseverating and returning to previous escape sites can be overcome if experimental conditions are appropriately arranged.  相似文献   

Twenty mice (Mus musculus), the second filial generation offspring from a C57BL/6 and DBA/2J cross, received spatial win-shift and win-stay water escape training within a mixed design in which all mice received both types of training. Acquisition under win-shift was superior to win-stay with respect to errorless trials and latencies regardless of the order in which the procedures were experienced. Win-stay responding did not exceed chance levels during any training phase. These data contradict the claim that win-stay training is the more easily acquired of the 2 acquisition strategies under aversive motivation.  相似文献   

In Expt 1, rats exposed to 64 inescapable electric shocks in a restrainer or merely restrained were later given either 0, 5, 15 or 30 escape/avoidance training trials with a two-way shuttlebox procedure that does not lead to interference with escape acquisition due to prior exposure to inescapable shock. After escape training all rats were given an escape/avoidance extinction procedure in which shock was inescapable. The rats which had received prior exposure to inescapable shock responded less often and with longer latencies in extinction than did the restrained rats. Experiment 2 demonstrated that this effect is caused by the inescapability of the initial shock treatment. These results were explained in terms of (a) associative interference which minimized the effect of shuttlebox escape training for the preshocked subjects, and (b) a stronger tendency to recognize the presence of an inescapable shock situation during extinction for the preshocked subjects. The relationship between these results and previous work demonstrating that exposure to the escape contingency mitigates the effects of inescapable shock exposure was also discussed.  相似文献   

Acquisition of a sound localization discrimination by rats was investigated. Two loudspeakers were located outside an experimental enclosure containing two levers and a dipper feeder. In the same-side condition, responses on the lever nearest the sound-producing speaker were reinforced. Animals in this condition acquired the discrimination rapidly, generally within the first session. In the opposite-side condition, responses on the lever furthest from the sound-producing speaker were reinforced. Acquisition for animals in this condition began below the chance level (50% correct responses) and took on the order of 10 sessions to approach the final, high level. The course of acquisition in both cases appeared to depend upon an initial tendency of rats to respond on the lever nearest the source of sound in this situation. The rise-decay time of the 4-kHz tone burst signal clearly affected the performance level reached. It did not, however, affect the rate at which the discrimination was acquired.  相似文献   

This study investigated the behavioral function of the medial caudate putamen (MCPu) in the solving of maze tasks. MCPu lesioned rats (n = 35) and control rats (n = 35) were trained for the place or cue task (the four baited arms and four unbaited arms task) in an eight-arm radial maze, which requires the win-stay or the win-shift strategy. In Experiment 1, in which the place task was used, MCPu lesioned rats could learn the task in the win-shift condition, but not in the win-stay condition. MCPu lesioned rats made a lot of unbaited errors in the win-stay condition, as they persistently chose adjacent arms. Control rats could learn the tasks in both conditions. In Experiment 2, in which the cue task was used, MCPu lesioned rats and control rats could learn the tasks in both the win-stay and the win-shift conditions. If anything, the performance of MCPu rats was a little better than that of control rats in the win-stay condition. The results of these two experiments revealed that the MCPu was involved in solving the win-stay place task, but not the win-shift place, win-stay cue, and win-shift cue tasks. These findings suggest that the MCPu plays an important role in utilizing both spatial information and switching foraging strategies flexibly and efficiently, that is, processing complicated visuospatial cognition.  相似文献   

《Learning and motivation》1986,17(3):287-310
The watermaze tasks of R.G.M. Morris (1981, Learning and Motivation, 12, 239–260) have been used to study the biological bases of spatial learning and memory in rats. These tasks enable the specific study of spatial learning by contrasting performance on two escape tasks. Both tasks allow a rat to escape from a pool of cool water by locating a small escape platform. They differ in the use of a plainly visible platform with varying location in the nonspatial task, versus a hidden platform with constant location in the spatial task. Rats learn to locate both kinds of platform with impressive and nearly equal speed. We report that while rats housed in groups show fast and reproducible acquisition of these tasks, rats housed individually show a gradual decrease in acquisition performance of both spatial and nonspatial tasks. This deficit is detectable after 2 or 3 weeks of isolation, and continues to increase in severity thereafter. The deficit is reversible by a brief period of group housing, by episodic exposure to loud noise, and by episodic restraint. The efficacy of these corrective treatments declines when isolation is prolonged beyond 3 weeks. These findings are interpreted as indicating an abnormality in stress responsiveness in the individually housed animals. The implications of these findings for experiments studying watermaze acquisition in individually housed animals are examined.  相似文献   

In Experiments 1 and 2 hungry rats were trained in a straight alley with consistent food reward (FF), food and nonreward trials intermixed (FN), or food and water trials intermixed (FW). In Experiment 1 rats were tested with nonrewarded trials (extinction) and Groups FN and FW did not differ, both running faster then Group FF. In Experiment 2 rats were tested with consistent water reward, and Group FW ran faster then Group FN, which was superior to Group FF. In Experiment 3, one group of hungry rats was trained on a single alternating schedule of food and water in Phase 1 and was shifted to a single alternating schedule of food and nonreward in Phase 2 (Group FW); the second group (Group FN) received a single alternating schedule of food and nonreward in both phases. When Group FW was shifted to nonreward from water, performance to nonreward was temporarily disrupted. These results indicate that, contrary to previous conclusions, hungry rats can learn about water when drive is strong and food is received in the situation.  相似文献   

Development of a learning set reflects the ability to abstract from a given problem the rules and procedures that can be generalized to novel stimuli. This ability has been demonstrated readily in rats only with tasks employing olfactory stimuli, suggesting a modality-specific capability. In the present experiment, rats were tested on a series of three go/no-go spatial discrimination tasks in order to evaluate their ability to develop a learning set in a modality other than olfaction. Each discrimination task was presented in a different room providing unique extra-maze cues. All rats reached the criterion performance of 18 correct responses in 20 consecutive trials on all three discriminations and showed a learning set. Some rats performed the third discrimination perfectly after only a single error. These results indicate that the ability to develop a learning set is not specific to the olfactory modality but reflects a more general cognitive capacity.  相似文献   

In two experiments, rats were trained to deposit ball bearings down a hole in the floor, using an algorithmic version of shaping. The experimenter coded responses expected to be precursors of the target response, ball bearing deposit; a computer program reinforced these responses, or not, according to an algorithm that mimicked the processes thought to occur in conventional shaping. In the first experiment, 8 of 10 rats were successfully shaped; in the second, 5 of 5 were successfully shaped, and the median number of sessions required was the same as for a control group trained using conventional shaping. In both experiments, “misbehavior,” that is, excessive handling and chewing of the ball bearings, was observed, and when the algorithmic shaping procedure was used, misbehavior could be shown to occur in spite of reduced reinforcement for the responses involved.  相似文献   

It is thought that circadian rhythms may influence learning and memory processes. However, research supporting this view does not dissociate a mnemonic impairment from other performance deficits. Furthermore, published reports do not specify the type of memory system influenced by the circadian system. The present study assessed the effects of phase shifting on acquisition and expression of place navigation in the water maze, a task sensitive to hippocampal dysfunction. The results showed that phase-shifting circadian rhythms in rats impaired the expression of place information on a retention test but not initial acquisition or encoding of place information. These results suggest that disruption of circadian rhythms may impair consolidation of previously encoded hippocampal place information.  相似文献   

This study aims to clarify the developmental changes in real-life decision making when strategy is adjusted using both positive and negative feedback, that is, whether strategic adjustment evolves with age. A total of 84 participants divided into three age groups (children, adolescents, and adults) performed the standard version of the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Children and adolescents showed a strong bias in favor of disadvantageous choices whereas adults learned to decide advantageously during the course of the task. Interestingly, the results clearly demonstrate that children did not switch differently following gains and losses whereas adolescents and adults switched more often after a loss than after a gain, corresponding to the “loss-shift” and the “win-stay” strategies, respectively. The results also revealed that adults switched less often after losses compared to children and adolescents and, thus, used the loss-stay strategy more often than the 2 youngest groups. These new findings suggest that successful completion of the IGT by adults requires fine feedback monitoring and more frequent use of the win-stay and loss-stay strategic adjustments.  相似文献   

Rats repeatedly acquired the performance of selecting only the four baited arms in an automated eight-arm radial maze, with the arms containing food pellets randomly assigned prior to each session. During each 14-trial (trial: obtain all four pellets) daily session, the number of errors (selecting nonbaited arms or repeating arm selections) showed a within-session decline, and choice accuracy for the first four arm selections showed a positive acceleration across trials for all rats. An index-of-curvature statistic, calculated for total errors, was used to quantify both the within- and between-session improvement of performance. Scopolamine (0.03 to 0.3 mg/kg, ip), but not methylscopolamine (0.3 mg/kg), reduced the accuracy of the first four selections of each trial and increased total within-session errors for all rats. Session times also were increased by scopolamine. An examination of within-session accuracy showed only slight signs of improvement at the higher dosages of scopolamine. The results indicate that behavior in transition states maintained by reinforcement contingencies in the radial maze is similar to that maintained by extended chained schedules, despite the fact that some of the stimuli controlling behavior in the maze are absent at the moment behavior is emitted.  相似文献   

The tendency to win-shift (to better learn to avoid, rather than return to, recently rewarded locations) has been demonstrated in a variety of nectarivorous birds and in honeybees. It is hypothesized to be a cognitive adaptation to the depleting nature of nectar. In the present study we report the first attempt to test for a win-shift bias in a nectarivorous parrot, the rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus hematodus). This species differs from others tested for a win-shift bias in that it is a facultative, rather than an obligate, nectarivore. We tested a captive-reared population of the birds on a shift/stay task at long and short retention intervals. The data show no evidence of either a win-shift or a win-stay bias. The birds demonstrated efficient spatial search ability and above chance performance for both shift and stay contingencies at long and short delays. These data suggest that an innate tendency to win-shift may not be present in all avian nectarivores, or that the role experience plays in shaping such behaviors is different for different species.  相似文献   

Chronic administration of corticosterone in rats (4-35 mg/kg/day) produces a marked dose-dependent increase in the frequency of escape behavior observed when animals are held by the tail on a flat surface. The effect is fully developed after 3 days treatment. It is not the result of an increase in spontaneous motor activity since the hormone tends to reduce the latter behavior. Adrenalectomy decreases the escape behavior and tends to do so to a greater degree in rats subjected to chronic stress (restraint) than in nonstressed controls. The results suggest that endogenous corticosterone serves to maintain the above escape behavior during chronic stress.  相似文献   

Individual performances of three rats were examined under a procedure in which steady rates of bar pressing were maintained by conditioned aversive stimulation. Originally neutral visual and auditory stimuli were accompanied by widely and irregularly spaced pulses of shock; they were terminated on a variable-interval schedule by pressing a bar. The contingencies between behavior and shock were also duplicated in a control procedure in which no visual or auditory stimuli were provided. Pressing observed under the control procedure was attributed to differences in the aversiveness of pressing and nonpressing behavior engendered by differences in the incidence of shock following the two classes of behavior. Increased rates with visual and auditory stimuli were attributed to termination of conditioned aversive stimulation. Control rates declined more rapidly than did experimental rates as the mean interval between successive shocks was lengthened; both rates tended to decline when less than 60 sec was allowed as time out from shocks following the successful response. In the control procedure, discrimination between the continuation and discontinuation of the shock series, as measured by relative rates, depended on the relative length of the interval between shocks and the time-out period. Regular warm-up accelerations in rate were noted following an initial delay in responding at the beginning of each session. The length of time required for the warm-up depended on the length of the mean interval between shocks, indicating that exposure to a certain amount of shock was required to establish a supporting state for the observed performance.  相似文献   

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