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Using the viewing box from a 2-field tachistoscope, feathers-arrows from 1 field were superimposed upon line-pairs from the other field to construct the Muller-Lyer illusion. 6 Os were tested for the illusory effects under 4 conditions of feather-arrow detectability: (a) d′=O, (no luminance); (b) d′=.42; (c) d′=1.00 and (d) d′=3.7. The length differences of lines of any given pair were a in., 1/64 in., 2/64 in., or 6/64 in. The illusion effect was observed when the feather-arrow d’ equaled 3.7. No significant nor suggestive illusion effects were found for the other feather-arrow detectability conditions.  相似文献   


A series of four experiments was conducted to determine whether English-learning infants can use allophonic cues to word boundaries to segment words from fluent speech. Infants were familiarized with a pair of two-syllable items, such asnitrates andnight rates and then were tested on their ability to detect these same words in fluent speech passages. The presence of allophonic cues to word bound-aries did not help 9-month-olds to distinguish one of the familiarized words from an acoustically similar foil. Infants familiarized withnitrates were just as likely to listen to a passage aboutnight rates as they were to listen to one aboutnitrates. Nevertheless, when the passages contained distributional cues that favored the extraction of the familiarized targets, 9-month-olds were able to segment these items from fluent speech. By the age of 10.5 months, infants were able to rely solely on allophonic cues to locate the familiarized target words in passages. We consider what implications these findings have for understanding how word segmentation skills develop.


Negative affect (NA) states are robustly related to relapse. However, the mechanisms for this relationship are not well understood. Whereas most models have proposed that NA directly promotes lapsing, some models suggest that NA may promote lapses indirectly by increasing reactivity to smoking cues. This hypothesis was tested in secondary analyses of a study in which 248 smokers used ecological momentary assessment to self-monitor affective valence, smoking cues, and lapses during an attempt to quit smoking. The smoking cues the authors examined were others' smoking and consumption of alcohol or coffee. The odds of lapsing when exposed to smoking cues were compared across conditions of positive affect, neutral affect, and NA. Consistent main effects of affective valence were seen but not the hypothesized interaction. Indeed, analyses showed that the effect of cues was typically diminished under conditions of NA. No evidence was found to support the hypothesis that smoking cues and lapsing are more closely linked under NA conditions.  相似文献   

Rats exposed to incentive downshift show behavioral deterioration. This phenomenon, called successive negative contrast (SNC), occurs in instrumental and consummatory responses (iSNC, cSNC). Whereas iSNC is related to the violation of reward expectancies retrieved in anticipation of the goal (cued-recall), cSNC involves reward rejection and may require only recognition memory retrieved at consumption. The three within-subject experiments reported here suggest that cued-recall memory can also operate in cSNC under some conditions. A small but significant cSNC effect was obtained when animals were exposed to the conditioning context during an average 90-s interval before the introduction of the incentive (either 16% or 2% sucrose solutions), rather than being given immediate access to the sucrose upon entry into the context (Experiment 1). Neither simultaneous contrast (Experiment 2) nor simple sequential effects (Experiment 3) contribute to this within-subject version of cSNC. These results suggest that cSNC can be shifted to a cued-recall mode with appropriate training parameters.  相似文献   

Substance use may influence mothers’ responsiveness to their infants and negatively impact the parent–infant relationship. Maternal substance use may co-opt neural circuitry involved in caregiving, thus reducing the salience of infant cues and diminishing the sense of reward experienced by caring for infants. Gaps in understanding exist with regard to the mechanisms by which substance use operates to influence mothers’ processing of infant cues and how this translates to caregiving. Therefore, we examined how substance use might relate to maternal neural responses to infant cues using event-related potentials (ERPs). Substance-using (n = 29) and nonsubstance-using (n = 29) mothers viewed photographs of infant faces and heard recordings of infant vocalizations while electroencephalography was recorded simultaneously. Three specific ERP components were used to examine initial processing of infant faces (N170) and cries (N100), and attentional allocation to infant faces and cries (P300). Substance-using mothers did not discriminate facial affect at early encoding stages (N170), were generally slower to orient to infant cries (N100), showed heightened responses to neutral faces (P300), and failed to adaptively differentiate between high-distress versus low-distress cries (P300). These differences may be important to caregiving behaviors associated with the formation of mother–child attachment. Implications are discussed, as are limitations and future directions.  相似文献   

Using the viewing box from a 2-field tachistoscope, feathers-arrows fr an 1 field were superimposed upon line-pairs from the other field to construct the Muller-Lyer illusion. 6 as were tested for the illusory effects under 4 conditions of feather-arrow detectability: (a) d′=O, (no luminance); (b) d′=.42; (c) d′=l.00; and (d) ′’=3.7. The length differences of lines of any given pair were 0 in., 1/64 in., 2/64 in., or 6/64 in. The illusion effect was observed when the featherarrow d’ equaled 3.7. No significant nor suggestive illusion effects were found for the other feather-arrow detectability conditions.  相似文献   

《Acta psychologica》2013,143(1):105-112
Previous studies in the domain of metacomprehension judgments have primarily used expository texts. When these texts include illustrations, even uninformative ones, people were found to judge that they understand their content better. The present study aimed to delineate the metacognitive processes involved in understanding problem solutions — a text type often perceived as allowing reliable judgments regarding understanding, and was not previously considered from a metacognitive perspective. Undergraduate students faced difficult problems. They then studied solution explanations with or without uninformative illustrations and provided judgments of comprehension (JCOMPs). Learning was assessed by application to near-transfer problems in an open-book test format. As expected, JCOMPs were polarized — they tended to reflect good or poor understanding. Yet, JCOMPs were higher for the illustrated solutions and even high certainty did not ensure resistance to this effect. Moreover, success in the transfer problems was lower in the presence of illustrations, demonstrating a bias stronger than that found with expository texts. Previous studies have suggested that weak learners are especially prone to being misled by superficial cues. In the present study, matching the difficulty of the task to the ability of the target population revealed that even highly able participants were not immune to misleading cues. The study extends previous findings regarding potential detrimental effects of illustrations and highlights aspects of the metacomprehension process that have not been considered before.  相似文献   

Eight participants decided whether two‐ or three‐dimensional bars embedded within two‐ or three‐dimensional frames were semantically consistent with written inequalities of the form ‘A>B’. Inequalities were presented either before (Experiment 1) or after the graphs (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, irrelevant depth cues were associated with slower decision times and there was no processing cost associated with an inconsistency between the dimensionalities of bars and frames. Memory encoding and retrieval times in Experiment 2 were affected by both graph complexity and consistency. Neither a depth consistency heuristic nor the maximum ink–data ratio principle can account for these results. More appropriate guidance for graph design will come from elaborating the working memory component of current cognitive models of graph processing. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study reported here examined whether size perception based on monocular distance cues is computed automatically. Participants were presented with a picture containing distance cues, which was superimposed with a pair of digits differing in numerical value. One digit was presented so as to be perceived as closer than the other. The digits were of similar physical size but differed in their perceptual size. The participants’ task was to decide which digit was numerically larger. It was found that the decision took longer and resulted in more errors when the perceptual size of the numerically larger digit was smaller than the perceptual size of the numerically smaller digit. These results show that perceived size affects performance in a task that does not require size or distance computation. Hence, for the first time, there is empirical support for the working assumption of the visual perception approach that size perception based on monocular distance cues is computed automatically.  相似文献   

In 6 experiments, the authors investigated whether attention orienting by gaze direction is modulated by the emotional expression (neutral, happy, angry, or fearful) on the face. The results showed a clear spatial cuing effect by gaze direction but no effect by facial expression. In addition, it was shown that the cuing effect was stronger with schematic faces than with real faces, that gaze cuing could be achieved at very short stimulus onset asynchronies (14 ms), and that there was no evidence for a difference in the strength of cuing triggered by static gaze cues and by cues involving apparent motion of the pupils. In sum, the results suggest that in normal, healthy adults, eye direction processing for attention shifts is independent of facial expression analysis.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the voluntary allocation of attention to a location in space can influence accuracy in two ways. First, additional processing resources can be allocated to the attended location, leading to an improvement in perceptual quality for objects presented at that location. Second, decision processes can be restricted to information arising from the attended location, which improves accuracy without influencing the perceptual representation. The present study examined the operation of these two attentional mechanisms when nonpredictive peripheral cues were used to capture attention automatically. Experiment 1 showed that, like predictive cues, nonpredictive cues influence accuracy by summoning perceptual resources and also by influencing decision processes. However, both the cues and the targets in this experiment were defined by luminance increments, making it possible that the cuing effects were mediated by a task-controlled attentional set rather than being fully automatic. Experiments 2 and 3 examined this possibility by using luminance-defined cues and color-defined targets; evidence was again obtained for both perceptual-level and decision-level attention effects. The capture of attention by a nonpredictive peripheral cue thus appears to influence both perceptual resource allocation and postperceptual decision processes.  相似文献   

To investigate the perceptual mechanisms underlying conspecific vocal recognition in canine species, eighteen dogs were presented with playbacks of normal and reversed versions of typical dog vocalizations. Auditory perception was analysed using the head-turn paradigm, a non-invasive technique extensively employed to study hemispheric specializations for processing conspecific vocalizations in primates. The results revealed that dogs usually turn their heads with the right ear leading (left hemisphere activation) in response to the forward version of their typical calls, and with either no bias and the left ear leading (right hemisphere activation) in response to the reversed call versions. Overall, our findings suggest that temporal features are determinant auditory cues for call sound recognition in dogs, and support earlier findings of the role of the left hemisphere in the analyses of intraspecific communication.  相似文献   

Contextual cueing occurs when repetitions of the distractor configuration are implicitly learned. This implicit learning leads to faster search times in repeated displays. Here, we investigated how search adapts to a change of the target location in old displays from a consistent location in the learning phase to a consistent new location in the transfer phase. In agreement with the literature, contextual cueing was accompanied by fewer fixations, a more efficient scan path and, specifically, an earlier onset of a monotonic gaze approach phase towards the target location in repeated displays. When the repeated context was no longer predictive of the old target location, search times and number of fixations for old displays increased to the level of novel displays. Along with this, scan paths for old and new displays became equally efficient. After the target location change, there was a bias of exploration towards the old target location, which soon disappeared. Thus, change of implicitly learned spatial relations between target and distractor configuration eliminated the advantageous effects of contextual cueing, but did not lead to a lasting impairment of search in repeated displays relative to novel displays.  相似文献   

Although following another person's gaze is essential in fluent social interactions, the reflexive nature of this gaze-cuing effect means that gaze can be used to deceive. In a gaze-cuing procedure, participants were presented with several faces that looked to the left or right. Some faces always looked to the target (predictive-valid), some never looked to the target (predictive-invalid), and others looked toward and away from the target in equal proportions (nonpredictive). The standard gaze-cuing effects appeared to be unaffected by these contingencies. Nevertheless, participants tended to choose the predictive-valid faces as appearing more trustworthy than the predictive-invalid faces. This effect was negatively related to scores on a scale assessing autistic-like traits. Further, we present tentative evidence that the "deceptive" faces were encoded more strongly in memory than the "cooperative" faces. These data demonstrate the important interactions among attention, gaze perception, facial identity recognition, and personality judgments.  相似文献   

Schneider and Logan (2006) recently showed that cue-switch and task-switch costs are sensitive to the relative probability of cue switches versus task switches. From this they concluded that taskswitch costs reflect priming of cue-cue transitions rather than actual task-switching operations. However, because this design confounded probability of specific cue transitions with probability of task switches, the results could also reflect task-switch-level adjustments. The present experiment (N = 80) pits the critical prediction of the cue-priming account, namely that costs for high-probability cue-cue transitions are smaller than for low-probability cue-cue transitions, against the main prediction of the switch-probability account, namely that switch probability, irrespective of specific cue-cue transitions, determines switch costs. Whereas the cue-priming prediction was rejected, a specific version of the probability account—that subjects are sensitive to the probability of a task switch, given a cue switch—was fully confirmed. Thus, tasks are in fact the critical representational units that determine task-switch cost.  相似文献   

Do individuals recognize their own clapping? We investigated this question with an off-line paradigm in which the perception of the claps is temporally separated from their generation. In a first experiment, we demonstrated that acoustic recordings of clapping provide sufficient information for discriminating between one’s own performance and that of another participant. Self-recognition was still preserved when the claps were reproduced by uniform tones that only retained their temporal pattern. In a subsequent experiment, we verified that the general tempo provides an important cue for self-recognition. Finally, we showed that self-recognition does not rely on concurrent synchronization of actual movements with the auditory sequences. The results are discussed in the light of current theories about perception-action links.  相似文献   

Recent work has demonstrated that the sense of agency is not only determined by efference-copy-based internal predictions and internal comparator mechanisms, but by a large variety of different internal and external cues. The study by Moore and colleagues [Moore, J. W., Wegner, D. M., & Haggard, P. (2009). Modulating the sense of agency with external cues. Conscious and Cognition] aimed to provide further evidence for this view by demonstrating that external agency cues might outweigh or even substitute efferent signals to install a basic registration of self-agency. Although the study contains some critical points that, so we argue, are central to a proper interpretation of the data, it hints at a new perspective on agency: optimal cue integration seems to be the key to a robust sense of agency. We here argue that this framework could allow integrating the findings of Moore and colleagues and other recent agency studies into a comprehensive picture of the sense of agency and its pathological disruptions.  相似文献   

Abstract: A global property (i.e., pitch set) of a melody appears to serve as a primary cue for key identification. Previous studies have proposed specific local properties in a melody (e.g., the augmented fourth, the perfect fifth, etc.) that may function as further cues. However, the role of the latter in key identification is controversial. The present study was designed to investigate what kinds of local properties, if any, function as reliable cues for key identification. Listeners were asked to identify keys for 450 melodies that consisted of the same pitch set, but which differed in sequential constraints. Using multiple discriminant analyses, we evaluated relative contributions of as many kinds of local properties as possible (e.g., single intervals, single pitch classes in each sequential position, etc.). The results showed that, except for the pitch class of the final tone, for which interpretation should be taken cautiously, none of the specific local properties examined contributed significantly to key identification. This finding suggests that, contrary to prior findings, key identification is derived from unidentified properties other than the specific local properties.  相似文献   

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