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Cognition is heavily grounded in space. As animals that move in space, we travel both physically and mentally in space and time, reliving past events, imagining future ones, and even constructing imaginary scenarios that play out in stories. Mental exploration of space is extraordinarily flexible, allowing us to zoom, adopt different vantage points, mentally rotate, and attach objects and sense impressions to create events, whether remembered, planned, or simply invented. The properties of spatiotemporal cognition depend on a hippocampal–entorhinal circuit of place cells, grid cells and border cells, with combinations of grid-cell modules generating a vast number of potential spatial remappings. The generativity of language, often considered one of its defining properties, may therefore derive not from the nature of language itself, but rather from the generativity of spatiotemporal scenarios, with language having evolved as a means of sharing them. Much our understanding of the hippocampal–entorhinal circuit is derived from neurophysiological recording in the rat brain, implying that the spatiotemporal cognition underpinning language has a long evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Single neuron recording studies have demonstrated the existence of hippocampal spatial view neurons which encode information about the spatial location at which a primate is looking in the environment. These neurons are able to maintain their firing even in the absence of visual input. The standard neuronal network approach to model networks with memory that represent continuous spaces is that of continuous attractor networks. It has recently been shown how idiothetic (self-motion) inputs could update the activity packet of neuronal firing for a one-dimensional case (head direction cells), and for a two-dimensional case (place cells which represent the place where a rat is located). In this paper, we describe three models of primate hippocampal spatial view cells, which not only maintain their spatial firing in the absence of visual input, but can also be updated in the dark by idiothetic input. The three models presented in this paper represent different ways in which a continuous attractor network could integrate a number of different kinds of velocity signal (e.g., head rotation and eye movement) simultaneously. The first two models use velocity information from head angular velocity and from eye velocity cells, and make use of a continuous attractor network to integrate this information. A fundamental feature of the first two models is their use of a 'memory trace' learning rule which incorporates a form of temporal average of recent cell activity. Rules of this type are able to build associations between different patterns of neural activities that tend to occur in temporal proximity, and are incorporated in the model to enable the recent change in the continuous attractor to be associated with the contemporaneous idiothetic input. The third model uses positional information from head direction cells and eye position cells to update the representation of where the agent is looking in the dark. In this case the integration of idiothetic velocity signals is performed in the earlier layer of head direction cells.  相似文献   

The definition of episodic memory includes the concept of mental time travel: the ability to re-experience a previously experienced trajectory through continuous dimensions of space and time, and to recall specific events or stimuli along this trajectory. Lesions of the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex impair human episodic memory function and impair rat performance in tasks that could be solved by retrieval of trajectories. Recent physiological data suggests a novel model for encoding and retrieval of trajectories, and for associating specific stimuli with specific positions along the trajectory. During encoding in the model, external input drives the activity of head direction cells. Entorhinal grid cells integrate the head direction input to update an internal representation of location, and drive hippocampal place cells. Trajectories are encoded by Hebbian modification of excitatory synaptic connections between hippocampal place cells and head direction cells driven by external action. Associations are also formed between hippocampal cells and sensory stimuli. During retrieval, a sensory input cue activates hippocampal cells that drive head direction activity via previously modified synapses. Persistent spiking of head direction cells maintains the direction and speed of the action, updating the activity of entorhinal grid cells that thereby further update place cell activity. Additional cells, termed arc length cells, provide coding of trajectory segments based on the one-dimensional arc length from the context of prior actions or states, overcoming ambiguity where the overlap of trajectory segments causes multiple head directions to be associated with one place. These mechanisms allow retrieval of complex, self-crossing trajectories as continuous curves through space and time.  相似文献   

Latent inhibition (LI) is the deficit of conditioning resulting from repeated nonreinforced preexposure to a conditioned stimulus before its pairing with an unconditioned stimulus. There are cumulative data showing that large lesions of the hippocampal formation disrupt LI. However, the effects of selective lesions of the different components of the hippocampal formation have never been directly addressed in the same study and conditioning paradigm. The first experiment of the present study aimed at investigating the effects of excitotoxic lesions of the hippocampus, subiculum, or entorhinal cortex on LI in an "off-baseline"-conditioned emotional response procedure. Hippocampus or subiculum lesions had no effect on either LI or conditioning. In contrast, entorhinal cortex lesions disrupted LI without modifying conditioning. In Experiment 2, locomotor activity in a novel environment was assessed in the same rats. Whereas lesions of hippocampus increased locomotor activity, lesions of the subiculum or the entorhinal cortex were devoid of effect. Although both LI and habituation to novel environmental cues are thought to involve interactions between the hippocampal formation and the mesolimbic pathway, these results indicate a functional dissociation between the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex.  相似文献   

The medial temporal lobe (MTL) has been studied extensively at all levels of analysis, yet its function remains unclear. Theory regarding the cognitive function of the MTL has centered along 3 themes. Different authors have emphasized the role of the MTL in episodic recall, spatial navigation, or relational memory. Starting with the temporal context model (M. W. Howard & M. J. Kahana, 2002a), a distributed memory model that has been applied to benchmark data from episodic recall tasks, the authors propose that the entorhinal cortex supports a gradually changing representation of temporal context and the hippocampus proper enables retrieval of these contextual states. Simulation studies show this hypothesis explains the firing of place cells in the entorhinal cortex and the behavioral effects of hippocampal lesion in relational memory tasks. These results constitute a first step toward a unified computational theory of MTL function that integrates neurophysiological, neuropsychological, and cognitive findings.  相似文献   

Results from previous studies suggest that the entorhinal cortex may be involved in mnemonic processes. The present study was carried out to investigate whether disruption of fibre connections between the temporal cortex and lateral entorhinal area may impair retention of a pre-operatively acquired simultaneous brightness discrimination task. The lesion resulted in a severe impairment in retaining the discrimination task (Experiment 1). The retention deficit could not be traced into the hippocampal formation by making perforant path lesions or hippocampal lesions (Experiment 2). The results indicate that the lateral entorhinal cortex is more crucial for reference memory than the hippocampal formation.  相似文献   

The hippocampal theta rhythm is a prominent oscillation in the field potential observed throughout the hippocampus as a rat investigates stimuli in the environment. A recent computational model [Hasselmo, M. E., Bodelon, C., & Wyble, B. P. (2002a). A proposed function for hippocampal theta rhythm: separate phases of encoding and retrieval enhance reversal of prior learning. Neural Computation, 14, 793-817. Neuromodulation, theta rhythm and rat spatial navigation. Neural Networks, 15, 689-707] suggested that the theta rhythm allows the hippocampal formation to alternate rapidly between conditions that promote memory encoding (strong synaptic input from entorhinal cortex to areas CA3 and CA1) and conditions that promote memory retrieval (strong synaptic input from CA3 to CA1). That model predicted that the preferred theta phase of CA1 spiking should differ for information being encoded versus information being retrieved. In the present study, the spiking activity of CA1 pyramidal cells was recorded while rats performed either an odor-cued delayed nonmatch-to-sample recognition memory test or an object recognition memory task based on the animal's spontaneous preference for novelty. In the test period of both tasks, the preferred theta phase exhibited by CA1 pyramidal cells differed between moments when the rat inspected repeated (match) and non-repeated (nonmatch) items. Also in the present study, additional modeling work extended the previous model to address the mean phase of CA1 spiking associated with stimuli inducing varying levels of retrieval relative to encoding, ranging from novel nonmatch stimuli with no retrieval to highly familiar repeated stimuli with extensive retrieval. The modeling results obtained here demonstrated that the experimentally observed phase differences are consistent with different levels of CA3 synaptic input to CA1 during recognition of repeated items.  相似文献   

The existence of recurrent synaptic connections in CA3 led to the hypothesis that CA3 is an autoassociative network similar to the Hopfield networks studied by theorists. CA3 undergoes gamma frequency periodic inhibition that prevents a persistent attractor state. This argues against the analogy to Hopfield nets, in which an attractor state can be used for working memory. However, we show that such periodic inhibition allows one cycle of recurrent excitatory activity and that this is sufficient for memory retrieval (within milliseconds). Thus, gamma oscillations are compatible with a long-term autoassociative memory function for CA3. A second goal of our work was to evaluate previous methods for estimating the memory capacity (P) of CA3. We confirm the equation, P = c/a(2), where c is the probability that any two cells are recurrently connected and a is the fraction of cells representing a memory item. In applying this to CA3, we focus on CA3a, the subregion where recurrent connections are most numerous (c = 0.2) and approximate randomness. We estimate that a memory item is represented by approximately 225 of the 70,000 neurons in CA3a (a = 0.003) and that approximately 20,000 memory items can be stored. Our general conclusion is that the physiological and anatomical findings of CA3a are consistent with an autoassociative function. The nature of the information that is associated in CA3a is discussed. We also discuss how the autoassociative properties of CA3 and the heteroassociative properties of dentate synapses (linking sequential memories) form an integrated system for the storage and recall of item sequences. The recall process generates the phase precession in dentate, CA3, and entorhinal cortex.  相似文献   

Many memory models focus on encoding of sequences by excitatory recurrent synapses in region CA3 of the hippocampus. However, data and modeling suggest an alternate mechanism for encoding of sequences in which interference between theta frequency oscillations encodes the position within a sequence based on spatial arc length or time. Arc length can be coded by an oscillatory interference model that accounts for many features of the context-dependent firing properties of hippocampal neurons observed during performance of spatial memory tasks. In continuous spatial alternation, many neurons fire selectively depending on the direction of prior or future response (left or right). In contrast, in delayed non-match to position, most neurons fire selectively for task phase (sample vs. choice), with less selectivity for left versus right. These seemingly disparate results are effectively simulated by the same model, based on mechanisms similar to a model of grid cell firing in entorhinal cortex. The model also simulates forward shifting of firing over trials. Adding effects of persistent firing with reset at reward locations addresses changes in context-dependent firing with different task designs. Arc length coding could contribute to episodic encoding of trajectories as sequences of states and actions.  相似文献   

The hippocampal CA3 subregion is critical for rapidly encoding new memories, which suggests that neuronal computations are implemented in its circuitry that cannot be performed elsewhere in the hippocampus or in the neocortex. Recording studies show that CA3 cells are bound to a large degree to a spatial coordinate system, while CA1 cells can become more independent of a map-based mechanism and allow for a larger degree of arbitrary associations, also in the temporal domain. The mapping of CA3 onto a spatial coordinate system intuitively points to its role in spatial navigation but does not directly suggest how such a mechanism may support memory processing. Although bound to spatial coordinates, the CA3 network can rapidly alter its firing rate in response to novel sensory inputs and is thus not as strictly tied to spatial mapping as grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex. Such rate coding within an otherwise stable spatial map can immediately incorporate new sensory inputs into the two-dimensional matrix of CA3, where they can be integrated with already stored information about each place. CA3 cell ensembles may thus support the fast acquisition of detailed memories by providing a locally continuous, but globally orthogonal representation, which can rapidly provide a new neuronal index when information is encountered for the first time. This information can be interpreted in CA1 and other downstream cortical areas in the context of less spatially restricted information.  相似文献   

The structure of people's conceptual knowledge of concrete nouns has traditionally been viewed as hierarchical ( Collins & Quillian, 1969 ). For example, superordinate concepts ( vegetable ) are assumed to reside at a higher level than basic-level concepts ( carrot ). A feature-based attractor network with a single layer of semantic features developed representations of both basic-level and superordinate concepts. No hierarchical structure was built into the network. In Experiment and Simulation 1, the graded structure of categories (typicality ratings) is accounted for by the flat attractor network. Experiment and Simulation 2 show that, as with basic-level concepts, such a network predicts feature verification latencies for superordinate concepts ( vegetable ). In Experiment and Simulation 3, counterintuitive results regarding the temporal dynamics of similarity in semantic priming are explained by the model. By treating both types of concepts the same in terms of representation, learning, and computations, the model provides new insights into semantic memory.  相似文献   

Prior experiments, as well as computational models, have implicated the hippocampal region in mediating the influence of nonreinforced stimulus preexposure on subsequent learning. Learned irrelevance (LIRR) is a preexposure task in which uncorrelated preexposures to the conditioned stimulus (CS) and the unconditioned stimulus (US) produce a retardation of subsequent CS-US conditioning. In the work presented here, we report the results of tests of LIRR in eyeblink conditioning in rabbits with sham lesions, nonselective cortical-hippocampal region lesions, selective hippocampal lesions, and selective entorhinal lesions. Sham-lesioned rabbits that had been preexposed to the CS and the US exhibited slower acquisition of conditioned response, as compared with context-preexposed controls. Nonselective cotical-hippocampal region lesions disrupted LIRR, whereas selective hippocampal lesions had no detrimental effect on LIRR. Selective entorhinal lesions disrupted LIRR. These findings fit other recent empirical findings and theoretical predictions that some classical conditioning tasks previously thought to depend on the hippocampus depend, rather, on the entorhinal cortex.  相似文献   

Two neural systems are known to encode self-location in the brain: Place cells in the hippocampus encode unique locations in unique environments, whereas grid cells, border cells and head-direction cells in the parahippocampal cortex provide a universal metric for mapping positions and directions in all environments. These systems have traditionally been studied in very simple environments; however, natural environments are compartmentalized, nested and variable in time. Recent studies indicate that hippocampal and entorhinal spatial maps reflect this complexity. The maps fragment into interconnected, rapidly changing and tightly coordinated submaps. Plurality, fast dynamics and dynamic grouping are optimal for a brain system thought to exploit large pools of stored information to guide behavior on a second-by-second time frame in the animal's natural habitat.  相似文献   

The hippocampus and the nearby medial temporal lobe structures are required for the formation, consolidation, and retrieval of episodic memories. Sensory information enters the hippocampus via two inputs from entorhinal cortex (EC): One input (perforant path) makes synapses on the dendrites of dentate granule cells as the first set of synapses in the trisynaptic circuit, the other (temporoammonic; TA) makes synapses on the distal dendrites of CA1 neurons. Here we demonstrate that TA-CA1 synapses undergo both early- and late-phase long-term potentiation (LTP) in rat hippocampal slices. LTP at TA-CA1 synapses requires both NMDA receptor and voltage-gated Ca2+ channel activity. Furthermore, TA-CA1 LTP is insensitive to the blockade of fast inhibitory transmission (GABAA-mediated) and, interestingly, is dependent on GABAB-dependent slow inhibitory transmission. These findings indicate that the TA-CA1 synapses may rely on a refined modulation of inhibition to exhibit LTP.  相似文献   

Computational modeling has contributed to hippocampal research in a wide variety of ways and through a large diversity of approaches, reflecting the many advanced cognitive roles of this brain region. The intensively studied neuron type circuitry of the hippocampus is a particularly conducive substrate for spiking neural models. Here we present an online knowledge base of spiking neural network simulations of hippocampal functions. First, we overview theories involving the hippocampal formation in subjects such as spatial representation, learning, and memory. Then we describe an original literature mining process to organize published reports in various key aspects, including: (i) subject area (e.g., navigation, pattern completion, epilepsy); (ii) level of modeling detail (Hodgkin-Huxley, integrate-and-fire, etc.); and (iii) theoretical framework (attractor dynamics, oscillatory interference, self-organizing maps, and others). Moreover, every peer-reviewed publication is also annotated to indicate the specific neuron types represented in the network simulation, establishing a direct link with the Hippocampome.org portal. The web interface of the knowledge base enables dynamic content browsing and advanced searches, and consistently presents evidence supporting every annotation. Moreover, users are given access to several types of statistical reports about the collection, a selection of which is summarized in this paper. This open access resource thus provides an interactive platform to survey spiking neural network models of hippocampal functions, compare available computational methods, and foster ideas for suitable new directions of research.  相似文献   

The effect of hippocampal denervation on olfactory memory in rats was tested after interrupting the lateral olfactory tract projections at the level of the entorhinal cortex. When lesioned animals were trained to learn new odors, they showed no evidence of retention 3 h after acquisition. These results confirm earlier data on rapid forgetting in rats after hippocampal deafferentation and are in parallel to the anterograde amnesia typically found in humans with hippocampal damage. On the other hand, preoperatively learned information was minimally impaired after hippocampal deafferentation even if it was acquired within less than 1 h before the lesion. This finding differs from reports on humans as well as monkeys with hippocampal damage where memories formed during a critical time span of months or even years before the lesion are found to be impaired. This may suggest that the consolidation process in humans and rodents has different time scales or that the roles of the human and the rat hippocampal structure in memory formation are somewhat different.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that mood correlates with the breadth of associative thinking. Here we set this hypothesis to the test in healthy and depressed individuals. Generating contextual associations engages a network of cortical regions including the parahippocampal cortex (PHC), retrosplenial complex, and medial prefrontal cortex. The link between mood, associative processing, and its underlying cortical infrastructure provides a promising avenue for elucidating the mechanisms underlying the cognitive impairments in major depressive disorder (MDD). The participants included 15 nonmedicated individuals with acute major depressive episodes and 15 healthy matched controls. In an fMRI experiment, participants viewed images of objects that were either strongly or weakly associated with a specific context (e.g., a beach chair vs. a water bottle) while rating the commonality of each object. Analyses were performed to examine the brain activation and structural differences between the groups. Consistent with our hypothesis, controls showed greater activation of the contextual associations network than did depressed participants. In addition, PHC structural volume was correlated with ruminative tendencies, and the volumes of the hippocampal subfields were significantly smaller in depressed participants. Surprisingly, depressed participants showed increased activity in the entorhinal cortex (ERC), as compared with controls. We integrated these findings within a mechanistic account linking mood and associative thinking and suggest directions for the future.  相似文献   

Brian Skyrms 《Synthese》2008,160(1):21-25
The problem of trust is discussed in terms of David Hume’s meadow-draining example. This is analyzed in terms of rational choice, evolutionary game theory and a dynamic model of social network formation. The kind of explanation that postulates an innate predisposition to trust is seen to be unnecessary when social network dynamics is taken into account.  相似文献   

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