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In Experiment 1, we showed that active- and passive-avoidance responding in a running wheel was learned because of the avoidance contingency. In Experiment 2, strain differences among four commercially bred rats were assessed in an active-avoidance paradigm. Wistar, Donryu, and Fischer rats learned faster than Sprague-Dawleys. In Experiment 3, learning in a multiple active/passive avoidance schedule was examined, and both components of this task were learned. This multiple schedule was used to investigate strain differences in selectively bred rats in Experiments 4 and 5. Tsukuba low-emotional (TLE) rats responded more than Tsukuba high-emotional (THE) rats in both components. However, discrimination of passive components was better in THE than in TLE rats. Syracuse high-avoidance rats were superior in the active component, whereas Syracuse low-avoidance rats showed superior performance in the passive component.  相似文献   

The present report describes apparatus and procedures for investigating conditioned suppression of a running response in the gerbil. Data are presented which demonstrate that the conditioned suppression observed in this situation is not an artifact of alpha responses, pseudoconditioning, or sensitization. An analysis of differential conditioning indicated that cue similarity and US intensity are negatively related to cue-specific differential responding.  相似文献   

The rate at which monkeys pressed a lever and avoided shocks was manipulated in several ways. Measurements were also made of their plasma levels of 17-hydroxycorticosteroids. The rate at which the animals pressed the lever and the frequency with which they received shocks were both implicated as determiners of the steroid levels.  相似文献   

Some data on Sidman avoidance in the pigeon are presented to illustrate a technique of instrumental training which places minimal restriction upon the form of the reinforced response. The effect of a warning signal is demonstrated, and the course of discrimination-reversal is described.  相似文献   

In an experiment investigating the effect of CS duration on discriminated bar-press conditioning, subjects were assigned to one warning period duration (1.5, 5.0 or 15.0 sec.) on the first day of avoidance training, and to one of the three durations on the second day of training. On each day avoidance behaviour was greatly influenced by the duration of the CS (warning) period, but the duration on day I had no effect on the second day's avoidance performance. Groups receiving no CS during training, although provided an avoidance contingency, showed little conditioning, but produced highly significant amounts of intertrial responding. In a second experiment, subjects receiving CS on day I were shifted to no CS on day II. Avoidance performance on day II was not significantly different from the day II performance of subjects in Experiment I having two training sessions with the CS present or absent on both days.  相似文献   

Goldfish trained in a shuttle box under conditions in which changing compartments postponed shock for 20 sec showed a substantial, negatively accelerated increase in rate of crossing. That the avoidance-contingency was responsible for the change in behavior is suggested by the fact that no significant increase in rate of crossing appeared in control animals which were paired with the experimentals and shocked whenever the experimental animals were shocked; there is some evidence, indeed, that the control animals were handicapped in their subsequent adjustment to the avoidance condition. The introduction of a warning stimulus (light) in the last 5 sec of the response-shock interval decreased the rate of crossing in the first 15 sec and increased the rate of crossing in the last 5 sec. Reducing the shock-shock interval from 20 sec to 2.5 sec had no marked effect. The results are compared with those obtained in analogous experiments with higher animals.  相似文献   

The spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) exhibits increased sympathetic and behavioral responses to several types of environmental stress compared to its normotensive progenitor, the Wistar-Kyoto rat (WKY). The aim of the present study was to investigate response-dampening mechanisms in the SHR. This study examines whether learning to control a stressful environment reduces behavioral and neuroendocrine activation in the SHR. Twelve SHR and 12 WKY were subjected to daily sessions (S) of 20 trials of signaled two-way active avoidance. Another 12 SHR served as maturation controls. Blood samples were collected immediately after S 1, S 5, and S 14 and plasma level of corticosterone (p-CS) and plasma renin activity (PRA) were measured. There was an insignificant tendency for the SHR to exhibit larger increases in p-CS in response to stress than the WKY did. By S 5 both groups had attained the avoidance task. However, the level of p-CS was the same as after S 1, showing that activation is independent of the number of shock pulses received and performance. Postsession p-CS decreased between S 5 and 14, slightly more so in the SHR than in the WKY. The SHR exhibited lower PRA than the WKY, but there were no significant effects of exposure to the avoidance schedule. Behaviorally, the SHR exhibited shorter latency to escape in the first trial than the WKY did. The SHRs were hyperactive compared to the WKY, showing more ambulation and rearing behavior. The maturation control SHR reached the same mean arterial pressure as the SHRs which were tested. After S 14, signal duration was shortened from 10 to 3 s for six additional sessions. Both p-CS and PRA increased, while at the same time ambulation and rearing behavior decreased. These data show that the relationship between behavioral control and adrenocortical activation is normal in the SHR in spite of differences in behavior. The present results also confirm previous data on hyperreactivity to footshocks in two-way active avoidance tasks in the SHR.  相似文献   

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