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《The Black scholar》2013,43(4):94-100

药物政策与药品获得   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论药物政策的完善与否,及其推行实效对药品获得的影响等问题,探讨如何制定与健全我国的药物政策,尤其是国家基本药物政策,以保证政府责任的有效实现和社会公众药品获得障碍的消除.  相似文献   

现代社会的发展为当前较为滞后的高校医学人文素质教育提出了新的要求.同时,大学的合并又为大学生人文素质教育提供了诸多优势.合并大学的医学高等教育应利用合并优势,从转变教育观念、优化课程设置、加强师资力量、构建人文校园四个方面着手,积极应对时代挑战,加强对医学生的人文素质教育.  相似文献   

医学人文教育固然以提倡患者的自主存在性突破了医学技术主义形态,但若对患者自主地位的过度强调则会使其陷入二律背反的困境,于此之上的关怀哲学探究则把患者视为处于具体情境中的特殊他人,如此便能建立并维持医学人文情境中的医患和谐.透过耕犁“以患者自主为核心的医学教育限度”、“以关怀为始点的医学哲学诠解”与“关怀哲学在医学人文中的教育张力”三重意涵来突显关怀哲学在医学人文教育中的本位复归,期使医学教育能够透过关怀哲学的融汇从而在医疗临床过程中达成其效力显现的人文基点.  相似文献   

This article responds to three questions: What if the primary mission of the university is to (i) nourish the intellect, (ii) commit to the sacredness of all life, and (iii) foster spirituality? Responses examine multiple forms of literacy, instruction that is ecologically valid and thus oriented toward the unity of knowledge, and teaching as a moral activity. The suggestion here is that meaningful reform will emphasize education of the whole person in relation to the physical, symbolic, and social environments. Curricula focused on forms of representation, modes of treatment, and syntactic structure, adaptive understandings, constructed meanings, critical thinking, real problems, connected knowing, creativity, inspiration, service learning, and the development of declarative procedural and poetic knowledge are discussed.  相似文献   

McMullen (1982) attempted in his critique of humanistic psychology to attack its philosophical foundations, taking these to be phenomenology and a doctrine of self determination. In this paper we argue that McMullen has misrepresented the philosophical position of the humanists, then we examine McMullen's own philosophical assumptions. We show that he has assumed the philosophy of empirical realism which we argue is inadequate as a foundation for science. It is shown that it is the inadequacy of McMullen's assumptions which underlies his failure to comprehend the position of the humanists. We then present a version of theoretical realism and show how, in terms of this, a conception of being can be justified which allows for the emergence of hierarchical order. On the basis of this conception of being we reassess the nature of self-determination and motivation, showing how, in opposition to both the empirical realism of McMullen and the philosophical dualism of conventional humanistic psychology, a naturalistic form of humanistic psychology is justified.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the question ‘what does Wittgenstein mean by not having theses in philosophy?’ His conception of philosophy without theses, as this is articulated in his later work, is understood as a response to the problem of dogmatism in philosophy and a non‐metaphysical form of philosophy. I argue that although already the Tractatus aims at a philosophy devoid of theses, it involves a relapse back to such theses. Its conception of philosophical clarification involves a particular conception of the essence of propositions. This way the form of the activity of clarification is determined by a philosophical/metaphysical thesis. In his later philosophy Wittgenstein, however, manages to solve this problem. His solution, explained with the help of the metaphor of ‘turning our whole investigation around’, consists of a change in the comprehension of the status of philosophical statements. For instance rules (e.g. definitions) and examples are understood as what he calls ‘objects of comparison’. Such objects of comparison are something that cases of language use (to be investigated with the purpose of clarification) are to be compared with, but the philosopher is not to make the claim that such objects of comparison show what the cases of language use under examination must be. The modality (expressed by ‘must’) is a characteristic of the philosopher's mode of presentation. It should not be claimed to be a feature of his object of investigation (the uses of language to be clarified).  相似文献   

在《中国哲学通史·清代卷》部分,笔者尝试从哲学方法论的角度对乾嘉学术中皖派代表人物戴震的哲学方法论做一理论总结与概括,即将其由字通词,由词通道一字之义当贯群经本六书然后为定的方法概括为语言学方法,将其利用经学研究过程重视以知识说经的实证方法,和大其心,精其心,以与圣人之心相遇,从而理解天地之心,进而理解...  相似文献   

Heinbokel  Timm 《Human Studies》2021,44(4):559-579
Human Studies - Phenomenology’s return to lived experience and “to the things themselves” is often contrasted with the synthesized perspective of science and its “view from...  相似文献   

基于医学人文教育的视野,阐述了对医学生进行美学教育的重大意义.探讨了对医学生进行美学教育的若干重要原则,医学人文教育视野中的美学教育应引导医学生树立生命意识、反省意识、首创意识、认识论意义上的自由意识和本体论意义上的自由意识,从而实现医学生自由而全面的发展.  相似文献   

This paper argues that one can empirically test, via positivist methods, the post-modern attack on positivist epistemologies: Postmodern perspectives hold Knowledge and Truth to be intersubjective, consensus-driven social constructions. But traditional scientific approaches to knowledge, exemplified here by the cognitive social psychology of persuasion, seem oblivious to this and continue to detach the study of attitudes, beliefs, and emotions from that of knowledge, facts, and reason. Abandoning these artificial distinctions in both epistemology and method would enable this social psychology, reconstituted as a Sociology of Persuasion, to contribute greatly to illuminating the processes of Truth and Knowledge construction in social interaction. Moreover, this would facilitate academic engagement in civic discourse.  相似文献   

台湾中山医学大学教育的宗旨是以医学暨人文发展为导向,致力建构一个崇尚人文价值与尊重生命、医学人文兼容并蓄的医学大学,强调“先学做人,再学当医师”.开设的医学人文课程非常有医学针对性,按核心能力要求整合医学人文核心课程,分为文化与社会、人际关系与沟通、医学伦理/法律三个主轴,贯穿于1年级~6年级的学习中,而且与专业课程学习紧密相联,教学方式多元、务实和潜移默化.其教育模式无疑为我国的医学人文教育改革带来全新的视野.  相似文献   

现代医学教学理念:比利时基础医学教学分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
比利时是欧洲医学教育的发达国家之一。基础医学教育是整个医学教育中的基石阶段。比利时的基础教育有着浓厚的本国特点。通过从学科融合、教师行为、学生角色及考核方式等多个方面对比利时基础医学教学的优势进行了对比分析,为我国基础医学教育改革提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

人们可以把雅斯贝尔斯从《普通精神病理学》走向《哲学逻辑学》之路标明为从精神病理学走向社会病理学之路。哲学逻辑学是理性的自我意识或工具论。雅斯贝尔斯强调精神境况的三条原则:合理性、自身存在的主体性和实际现实。自身存在的主体性总是与合理性相互联系在一起,并对实际现实的变革产生影响。哲学逻辑学被理解成一种新的合理形式,而雅斯贝尔斯恰恰借助其“大全哲学”奠定了这一新的统一的哲学基础。  相似文献   

Studies in Philosophy and Education - This paper examines the loss of culture as a possible effect of the neoliberalisation of education, especially higher education. The paper opens with a brief...  相似文献   

杨玉昌 《现代哲学》2004,2(4):121-127
本文通过分析叔本华的意志和维特根斯坦的语言游戏探讨了哲学问题与生活方式之间的关系问题,认为叔本华和维特根斯坦分别提出意志和语言游戏的目的是要通过改变人们的生活方式来消除传统的哲学问题。他们的这一探索对于我们重新认识哲学的性质、意义和功能具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article takes a critical look at three conceptions of Islamic education. I argue that conceptions of Islamic education ought to be considered as existing on a minimalist–maximalist continuum, meaning that the concepts associated with Islamic education do not have a single meaning, but that meanings are shaped depending on the minimalist and maximalist conditions which constitute them, that is, tarbiyyah (nurturing), ta`lim (learning) and ta`dib (goodness). I then explore some liberal conceptions of cosmopolitanism, showing how these notions connect with meanings of Islamic education. Finally, I show how maximalist views of Islamic education connect with cosmopolitanism, while minimalist views of Islamic education seem to undermine the pursuit of cosmopolitanism.  相似文献   

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