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3—6岁不同民族儿童颜色命名发展的比较   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
该文报告了我国大陆地区的汉族、蒙族、维族、壮族、白族及哈尼族3-6岁儿童的颜色命名发展的水平与差异。采用8种常见色片,即红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫及黑、白作为本实验用色样。结果表明:6个不同民族儿童的颜色正确命名率均随年龄增长而提高,不同民族儿童的颜色正确命名率存在一定差异。从总平均结果值来看,汉族儿童正确命名率为75.7%,蒙族为74.9%,哈尼族为59.8%,壮族为57.8%,白族为56.3%,维族为42.9%。对不同颜色的正确命名难易程度是不同的,但总的发展趋势是一致的,正确命名颜色的先后发展次序是:先是黑色、红色、白色,然后是黄色和绿色,再后是蓝色,最后是紫色与橙色。对儿童给予早期颜色命名教育可以明显提高和促进其颜色命名能力的发展。  相似文献   

我国汉,蒙,壮,维族儿童颜色命名能力发展的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告了我国汉、蒙、壮、维族3—6岁儿童的颜色命名能力发展的水平及差异.采用8种常见色片:红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫、黑及白作为本实验用色样。结果表明:4个民族学前儿童的颜色正确命名率均随年龄而提高;汉族及蒙族儿童的颜色命名正确率高于同年龄的壮族及维族儿童;不同颜色命名正确率的次序为红色;黑色和白色;黄色、绿色和蓝色;橙色和紫色。4个不同民族儿童都表现了一致的发展规律。  相似文献   

3—6岁城郊儿童颜色命名能力发展的初步调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
前言心理学家们对很小的婴儿有否辨别颜色的能力曾作过许多观察研究.1881年W.Preyer 在他的观察中发现。婴儿出生42天时,已具有对色彩物品表示出愉快神态,说明他已具有一些颜色感觉.他让幼儿看红、绿两种颜色,轮换地问他“红在哪里?”“绿在哪里?”.他发现三岁的幼儿已能正确说出一些颜色名称,分辨颜色的能力随幼儿的年龄增长而逐步提高.本文作者曾以红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫、黑、白8种常见色卡作为实验材料对我国城市汉族、维吾尔族、壮族和智力落后的儿童分别进行了颜色辨别能力发展的研究,发现各民族3—6岁儿童的颜色命名正确率,都随年龄增长而提高,而汉族儿童的颜色命名正确率略高于同年龄的壮族儿童,壮族儿童又略高于维族的儿童.智力落后儿童的颜色命名正确率则均低于同龄正常各族儿童.在颜色命名能力的发展方面,城市儿童与农村儿童有无差别呢?本文作者对北京郊区儿童的颜色命名能力进行了初步调查,并与北京市区儿童的结果作了比较.  相似文献   

本文报道了作者近年来对中国儿童同色配对、颜色命名和颜色爱好方面的研究结果。结果表明,中国儿童在同色配对中,到2.5岁阶段表现出一种“飞跃”现象,正确配对率达95.8%。中国儿童对颜色命名能力的发展,沿着如下规律,先是对红色能正确命名,然后是白和黑,再后是黄和绿,最后是蓝、橙和紫。对颜色爱好的研究结果表明,无论是汉族、朝鲜族、维族或是壮族儿童在学前期阶段均倾向于以暖色调及鲜艳色调(如红、橙、黄色调)为喜爱色,而不怎么喜欢冷色与灰暗色调(如黑、蓝、紫等色调)。  相似文献   

学前儿童颜色命名及颜色再认的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究包括两项实验。实验一采用8种不同颜色对120名3~6岁学前儿童进行了命名实验。实验二采用12种颜色对120名3~6岁学前儿童进行了颜色再认实验。结果表明,3~6岁儿童对颜色的正确命名和对颜色的再认能力都是随着年龄增长而提高。对8种颜色的正确命名百分比,3岁为50;4岁为67.5;5岁为90;6岁为94.5。不同颜色的正确命名的易难程度不同,有的命名正确率较高,有的较低,按其易难次序为红、白、黑,黄、绿、兰、橙、紫。3~6岁儿童的正确再认平均分数,3岁为0.30;4岁为0.38;5岁为0.55;6岁为0.64。学前儿童对颜色的命名及对颜色再认的实验结果均表明5岁阶段似乎是这方面能力发展的一个明显“转折”点。  相似文献   

本研究探讨了北京地区与香港地区4岁-5岁儿童的颜色命名能力的发展情况。结果表明:(1)无论北京地区儿童或是香港地区儿童,对颜色的正确命名率都随年龄增长而提高,5岁儿童的颜色正确命名率明显高于4岁儿童。对8种颜色的正确命名百分比,香港4岁儿童为77.25,5岁为86.75;北京地区儿童4岁为77.75,5岁为86.75;(2)北京地区与香港地区4岁与5岁儿童对8种颜色的正确命名率,总的趋势是处于同一水平,没有明显差别。(3)对8种不同颜色的正确命名的易难程度是不同的,有的命名正确率较高,有的较低,北京地区儿童按命名易难(正确命名率高低)次序为:红、白(100%),黑、绿(97.2%),黄(94.4%),蓝(80.5%),橙(66.6%),紫(22.2%);香港地区儿童为白、黑(100%),绿(92.2%),蓝(85.4%),红(85.0%),黄(76.7%),紫(69.4%)及橙(42.6%).  相似文献   

弱智儿童的心理障碍表现形式很多.最主要的是情绪障碍、反应迟钝和注意不集中等.但其感知觉的心理特点表现怎样?对颜色知觉和颜色爱好的特点如何?对此还没有进行过研究.正常儿童的同色配对能力随年龄的增长而逐步提高.2.5岁阶段表现出“飞跃”迹象.在颜色命名实验中,1.5岁幼儿均不会正确命名任何颜色;3岁儿童命名正确率可达50%.  相似文献   

3-6岁壮族儿童颜色命名及颜色爱好的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
前言一些心理学家很早就觉察到很小的婴儿就已表现出辨别颜色的能力。1881年W·Preyer 发现,婴儿出生42天时,已能对周围带色彩的物体表示愉快神态。他曾用红色和绿色作为实验的材料,结果两岁以下的幼儿还不能回答颜色的名称,到三岁以后才能有把握地说出某些颜色的名称。在J·F·Dashiell的研究中发现,幼儿到三岁时对颜色命名仍是不稳定的。W·H·Cook 对西欧儿童的研究结果指出,6岁儿童对红、绿、蓝、黄四种主要颜色的命名正确率为62%。我们以8种常见色卡为实验材料曾对我国不同民族的儿童做了颜色匹配、颜色命名及颜色爱好的实验研究。结果表明:1.5岁幼儿还不会正确命名任何颜色;2岁幼儿中有40%会进行1种或2种颜色命名;2.5岁幼儿有80%左右能进行某些颜色命名,正确率可达到25%;3岁幼儿命名正确率呵达50%。在颜色命名的实验中,还发现:正确命名率随年龄增长而提高。5岁是一个“转折”点。在这个阶段表现出一种“飞跃”现象,平均正确命名率达到90%,到6岁时达到94.5%。从幼儿对颜色命名的趋势来看,幼儿对颜色命名能力的发展,似乎都是先是红色,然后是白和黑,再后是黄  相似文献   

文化差异影响彝、白、纳西和汉族大学生对黑白的认知   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以彝族、白族、纳西族和汉族的大学生为被试,采用颜色相似性判断和颜色再认任务,考察了彝族、白族、纳西族和汉族的大学生对于黑色和白色的认知,意在探究不同民族的黑、白文化是否影响人们对黑、白颜色的认知。结果发现:⑴彝族、白族、纳西族和汉族的黑、白文化影响四个民族的大学生对于黑色和白色的认知;⑵语言和文化对于颜色认知的影响包括间接效应和直接效应。整个研究表明,语言和文化对颜色认知有重要影响  相似文献   

引言幼儿颜色辨认能力是心理学家和教育家广泛关注的问题。现行中等师范学校教材认为一年级学生一般只能分辨三种不同程度的红色、二种黄色、蓝绿不分。丁祖荫教授用12种颜色对幼儿园儿童进行测试,认为大班儿童能进行配对——指认——精确命名为黑、淡棕、粉红、绿;能笼统命名的也只有六种颜色。此研究只探索了现状而未探查其潜在可能,因而尚不能提出应掌握什么颜色的建议。上海师资培训中心心理学研究组以40种颜色让大班儿童配对辨认,表明有31种颜色正确掌握人数显著大于错误人数。但该实验未进行指认、命名综合测试,因而未揭示颜色表象保持和学习的可能性。  相似文献   

3~6岁儿童对11种基本颜色命名和分类研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对3~6岁儿童11种基本颜色的命名和分类进行了研究。结果表明:⑴汉语儿童对11种基本颜色的正确命名率随年龄增长而提高,顺序是白、黑、红、黄、绿、蓝、粉红、紫、橙、灰和棕。(2)汉语儿童对基本颜色分类能力随年龄增长而提高。3~4岁儿童对基本颜色没有明确的分类标准。5岁儿童有了一定标准,并出现按“彩色/非彩色”和“冷色/暖色”分类的倾向。6岁儿童颜色分类标准更明确,开始由主观标准向客观标准转变。  相似文献   

The present study was designed to assess sex-dimorphic color preferences in children with gender identity disorder (47 boys, 18 girls), clinical controls (65 boys, 35 girls), and community controls (65 boys, 35 girls). The mean age of the children was 7.63 years (range?=?3–12 years). Children were shown a hexagon-shaped display of 144 colors extracted from PowerPoint?. Each child was asked to choose his or her three favorite colors (Trials 1–3) by pointing to them, naming them, and then to provide a justification for each choice. From the entire array, children labeled a total of 11 different colors: black, blue, brown, gray, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white, and yellow. For three of the colors (blue, pink/purple, and red), there was evidence for normative sex differences in color preference, and, for the colors blue and pink/purple, the gender-referred children showed inverted patterns of color preference. For the color blue, luminance values showed that the gender-referred boys and control girls preferred lighter shades, whereas the gender-referred girls and control boys preferred darker shades. Qualitative analysis indicated that gender-specific justifications were uncommon, even for the sex-dimorphic colors. Gender-referred children showed inverted gender-stereotyped color preferences, which are likely related to their more general pattern of cross-gender identification. Principles of gender-differentiated development derived from gender-schema theory are used to explain the group differences in color preferences.  相似文献   

本研究对109名吊车工人进行了红橙黄绿蓝紫黑白等八种颜色的深度知觉阈限的测定.结果发现:在白色背景条件下,绿蓝两色为最佳深度色,最易辨别深度差异;黑紫红三色为二级深度色;橙黄两色为三级深度色;白色为四级深度色.易于深度辨别的颜色.,平均阈值小,分布较集中;不易深度辨别的颜色,平均阈值大,分布较分散.建议吊车设计部门,在吊钩臂部位的黄色背景上,涂上黑色条子.使吊车的吊钧本身具有颜色对比,少受作业环境的影响。  相似文献   

Following prolonged viewing of black and white striped pattems in colored light, red and green aftereffects that lasted as long as 3 days were seen on the patterns, illuminated with white light. Altemate exposures of a vertical pattern of stripes in green light and a horizontal in white light (or a vertical in white light and a horizontal in red light) produced a red aftereffect on the vertical pattern and a green on the horizontal. The red and green aftereffects were also produced with a single vertical pattern. Adaptation colors that were at all greenish produced a red aftereffect on a vertical pattern and a green on a horizontal, whereas colors that were at all reddish produced a green aftereffect on a vertical pattern and a red on a horizontal. Colors near pure blue and pure yellow, which had little red or green content, produced weak aftereffects. The saturation of the aftereffects on the vertical grating varied in proportion to the red or green content of the adaptation color. Vivid red and green aftereffects were frequently obtained with the vertical and horizontal adaptation patterns paired with colors that closely bracketed pure yellow or pure blue. In all cases, the aftereffects gradually desaturated as the head was gradually tilted down to the side; the colors on each test pattern, vertical and horizontal, vanished at 45-deghead tilt and reversed beyond 45 deg.  相似文献   

大学生颜色词分类的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
运用自然分类和多维标度法.对279名大学生进行了11种基本颜色词的分类研究、结果表明,大学生将11种基本颜色词分成三类:(1)非彩色,包括黑、白、灰,也包括色彩暗淡的棕色;(2)暖色,包括红、橙、黄和粉红色;(3)冷色.包括绿、蓝和紫。基本颜色词的语义空间有两个纬度:(1)彩色/非彩色;(2)冷色/暖色。不同专业大学生对颜色词分类基本一致,但也具有专业特点。  相似文献   

The Profile of Mood States was printed on four different colors of paper (yellow, red, green, blue) and white to test whether the color of paper would influence mood state scores of 246 college students. Univariate analyses of variance identified color effects only on the Fatigue scale.  相似文献   

红光照明条件下VDT不同显示色的视觉效果比较   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
许百华 《心理科学》2000,23(2):165-168
本研究以VDT上持续进行的视觉作业速度和眼的调节辐合时间作为指标,对红光照明条件下VDT显示的红、黄、绿、蓝、白五种字符色的视觉效果进行了比较.实验中,VDT背景光的主波长为630nm.结果表明,五种字符色在两项指标上均表现出显著差异;绿色显示的视觉效果最好,红色显示的效果最差,黄、白、蓝三色处于中间.  相似文献   

Many letters of the alphabet are consistently mapped to specific colors in English-speaking adults, both in the general population and in individuals with grapheme-color synaesthesia who perceive letters in color. Here, across six experiments, we tested the ubiquity of the color/letter associations with typically developing toddlers, literate children, and adults. We found that pre-literate children associate O with white and X with black and discovered that they also associate I and ameboid nonsense shapes with white; Z and jagged nonsense shapes with black; and C with yellow; but do not make a number of other associations (B blue; Y yellow; A red; G green) seen in literate children and adults. The toddlers' mappings were based on the shape and not the sound of the letter. The results suggest that sensory cortical organization initially binds specific colors to some specific shapes and that learning to read can induce additional associations, likely through the influence of higher order networks as letters take on meaning.  相似文献   

The Stroop color–word task cannot be administered to children who are unable to read. However, our color–object Stroop task can. One hundred and sixty-eight children of 3½–6½ years (50% female; 24 children at each 6-month interval) were shown line drawings of familiar objects in a color that was congruent (e.g., an orange carrot), incongruent (e.g., a green carrot), or neutral (for objects having no canonical color [e.g., a red book]), and abstract shapes, each drawn in one of six colors. Half the children were asked to name the color in which each object was drawn, and half were to name each object. Children's predominant tendency was to say what the object was; when instructed to do otherwise they were slower and less accurate. Children were faster and more accurate at naming the color of a stimulus when the form could not be named (abstract shape) than when it could, even if in its canonical color. The heightened interference to color-naming versus object-naming was not due to lack of familiarity with color names or group differences: Children in the color condition were as fast and accurate at naming the colors of abstract shapes as were children in the form condition at naming familiar objects.  相似文献   

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