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从笔者在国外所作的田野调查、笔者自己抄录的关公庙碑铭、华人会馆碑铭、越南社会科学院图书馆所藏的田野调查材料、越南汉喃研究院所藏古籍文献及前人研究成果来看,历史上关公崇拜在越南非常盛行,其主要原因是华侨华人的积极传播和中越文化的共性,从总体来看,今后关公崇拜在越南的发展呈衰微之势,但仍将长期存在。  相似文献   

Although psychological warfare was practiced to a greater degree in the Vietnam conflict than in any other war in history, virtually nothing has been published about it. Perhaps few wished to be identified with such activity, or it may be that security considerations prevented discussion of the operations. At any rate, the end of the Cold War has made it possible to take a brief look at a hitherto unknown (or undiscussed) subject. This article, however, does not make a pretense of being comprehensive for the whole war, but rather reflects personal observations during one brief period of intense fighting—the summer of 1966.  相似文献   

An emotional paradigm, prerequisite counselor skills, and related information believed to be helpful in the counseling of Vietnam veterans are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

吕桂霞 《学海》2005,65(5):133-140
随着苏联、西欧、日本的崛起和第三世界反霸力量的日益壮大,深陷越战泥沼的美国被迫提出以“实力”、“谈判”和“伙伴关系”为核心的“尼克松主义”,不得不在亚洲实施收缩战略,尼克松政府开始重新审视美国的越南政策,提出了“谈判”和“越南化”相结合的双重策略,使美国最终摆脱“越战梦魇”,实现了所谓的“光荣和平”。  相似文献   

Many unemployed Vietnam veterans may be sufferers of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Symptoms and behaviors of PTSD are reviewed to assist employment counselors in identifying such individuals, and suggestions for referral are made.  相似文献   

In this article, the Franklian treatment method of existential reflection is described as it can be used in marital therapy with Vietnam veterans. The author also provides information about treatment results with twenty-three Vietnam veteran couples from 1974 to 1987.  相似文献   

A group of Vietnam combat veterans were surveyed to determine the quantity and quality of their dissociative symptoms. The results suggest that the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and dissociative disorders in this group of patients may be much more closely intertwined than we have heretofore considered. Those who suffer from PTSD have a continuum of severity of dissociative symptoms ranging from the frequent experience of a partially forgotten traumatic experience to the rare occurrence of a full blown case of multiple personality disorder (MPD). Most cases of MPD are related to trauma during childhood in environments fraught with extreme ambivalence and victimization, in association with abandonment and betrayal. However, the high frequency of dissociative symptoms and even occasional occurrences of MPD in Vietnam veterans suggests a similarity in the environmental factors associated with the Vietnam war.  相似文献   

Groups of Vietnam veterans (n= 52), Vietnam era veterans (n= 77), and nonveterans (n= 249), all of whom had graduated from an Ivy League university in 1966, were compared in terms of their retrospectively reported general political orientation in 1966 and their current orientation and specific political attitudes in 1990–1991. The Vietnam veterans rated themselves as being more conservative than the nonveterans on political orientation and on specific political issues in 1990–1991. The Vietnam-era veterans tended to take an intermediate position politically between the other two groups. Controlling for retrospective political orientation in 1966, intensity of military experience predicted more ideological conservatism and more support for the war against Iraq, as well as a more conservative position on a number of specific political issues of current interest. Results are consistent with the idea that critical experiences in young adulthood, namely military service in Vietnam, may affect political attitudes over many years.  相似文献   

The study aims were to identify the interpersonal style characteristics of Vietnam Era veterans by comparison with World War II veterans. The sample included 3,075 veterans in treatment in 47 VA health care facilities. Patients were categorized as medical-surgical, psychiatric, and drug addicted, and divided by age into the 24 or less, and the 45 to 55 age groups. The measuring device was the Interpersonal Style Inventory. Group differences on the 17 scores were tested by discriminant function analyses. The Vietnam Era veterans were found to be more rebellious, mistrustful, adventure-seeking and expedient than the older veterans.  相似文献   

Biblia: Válogatás a Vizsolyi Bibliábol (Bible: Selections from the Vizsoly Bible) compiled by István Vas. Budapest: Európa könyvkiadó, 1986. 933 pp. 125 Ft.

Vallási kisközösségek Magyarországon (Small Religious Communities in Hungary ) by József Fodor. Budapest: Magyar Média, n.d. Paperback, 168 pp.

The Struggles for Poland by Neal Ascherson. London: Michael Joseph, 1987. 242 pp, £14·95.

Human Rights in Yugoslavia edited by Oskar Gruenwald and Karen Rosenblum‐Cale. Los Angeles: Institute for Interdisciplinary Research; New York: Irvington Publishers, 1986. 673 pp.

?rtve Drugog Svetskog Rata u Jugoslaviji (Victims of the Second World War in Yugoslavia) by Bogoljub Ko?ovi?. London: Biblioteka Na?e Delo, 1985. 205 pp. Include English and French summaries

The Churches of China by Britt E. Towery, Jr. Revised and enlarged second edition. Waco, Texas: Long Dragon Books, 1987. 300 pp.

Islam and Resistance in Afghanistan by Olivier Roy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. Paperback, 254 pp.

Ioann XXIII ‐ Pobornik edinstva khristian (John XXIII: Bringer of Christian Unity) by Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov) of Leningrad and Novgorod Vienna: Pro Oriente, 1984. 656 pp.

A Radiance in the Gulag by Nijole Sadunaite. Translated by Rev. Casimir Pugevi?ius and Marian Skabeikis. Manassas, Virginia: Trinity Communications, 1987. Paperback, 148 pp. English printing planned for January 1988.

Book note

Der Geistliche und seine Gemeinde in Osteuropa (The Priest and his Parish in Eastern Europe) edited by Wolfgang Kasack. Berlin: Berlin Verlag, 1986. Paperback, 160 pp.  相似文献   

Vietnam veterans are plagued by an emotional sense of having failed at what society once considered an important job; careful attention, therefore, must be paid to the type of counseling that counselors give them. This article discusses common concerns among the Vietnam veterans and offers suggestions for initiating programs of service.  相似文献   

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