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以162名员工及63名其直接领导为被试,采用问卷法探讨领导的调节聚焦对下属创新和组织承诺的影响及中介机制,结果发现:(1)领导的促进焦点可以正向预测下属的创新,且心理授权在其中起中介作用,领导的预防焦点对下属的创新没有显著影响;(2)领导的促进焦点以领导成员交换关系和分配公平为中介正向影响下属的情感承诺,领导的预防焦点正向影响下属的持续承诺。  相似文献   

Cognitive Resources and Leadership Performance   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Le rôle et la fonction des ressources cognitives que sont les aptitudes intellectuelles, l'expérience et les connaissances spécialisées ont longtemps été une énigme tacitement ignorée dans la théorie du leadership. En pratique, tout protocole de sélection ou de promotion d'un manager ou d'un leader évalue soigneusement les aptitudes intellectuelles du candidat, ses connaissances et son expérience professionnelle. Pourtant, rien de tout cela n'est en forte corrélation, voire tout simplement en corrélation, avec les performances de leader. Cet article, qui s'appuie sur la théorie des ressources cognitives (CRT), fait la synthèse aussi bien des recherches récentes que de nouveaux travaux qui éclairent le rôle des ressources cognitives dans le phénomène de leadership, et en tire des indications permettant d'améliorer les performances des leaders.
The role and function of such cognitive resources as intellectual abilities, experience, and expertise, have presented a long-standing but tacitly ignored enigma in leadership theory. Practically all managerial and leadership selection and promotion processes carefully weigh the leader's intellectual abilities, expertise, and job-related experience. However, none of these correlates highly, if at all, with leadership performance. This paper, based on Cognitive Resource Theory (CRT), summarises recent research, as well as new findings, that clarifies the role of cognitive resources in the leadership process, and spells out implications for more effective leadership performance.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of emotional competence and cognitive ability to individual and team performance, team-member attitudes, and leadership perceptions were examined. Focusing on emotional competencies, we predicted that, although both cognitive ability and emotional competence would predict performance, cognitive ability would account for more variance on individual tasks, whereas emotional competence would account for more variance in team performance and attitudes. We also predicted that emotional competence would be positively related to team attitudes and to both leader emergence and effectiveness. Using a sample of undergraduate business majors who completed tasks alone and as members of teams, our results generally supported the hypotheses. Implications for the reach and impact of work relating emotional competencies to performance are offered.  相似文献   

许科  王明辉  刘永芳 《心理科学》2008,31(3):584-587
采用研究者自行编制的员工组织社会化内容问卷,通过对382名企业员工进行调查,运用潜变量路径分析技术,探讨了员工组织社会化程度和员工行为绩效间的关系.结果表明:组织文化社会化对员工组织认同感有显著正向影响,工作胜任社会化对员工工作绩效有显著正向影响,人际关系社会化对员工工作绩效和工作满意度均有显著正向影响,组织政治社会化对员工组织认同有显著负向影响而对离职意愿有显著正向影响.  相似文献   

This study used a cross-lagged panel design to examine the temporal relationship between management communication and perceived organizational support (POS), and its consequences for performance. We assessed management communication and POS 2 times, separated by a 3-year interval, in a social services organization (N?=?236). Our findings suggest that management communication was positively associated with a temporal change in POS. In addition, we found that POS fully mediates the relationship between management communication and both in-role and extra-role performance. The present study advances our theoretical knowledge concerning how management communication affects performance, with implications for practice. Specifically, it reveals that management communication affects performance mainly because it signals that the organization cares about the well-being and values the contributions of its employees.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(4):321-338
The question of how to develop effective leaders is one of major importance to military organizations. This study, which examines a large cohort of U.S. Military Academy cadets over time, tests the influence of cognitive and personality variables on military leadership performance over a 4-year period. Hierarchical multiple regression procedures are used to identify factors at entry into the Academy that successfully predict military development grades as upperclassmen, 3 to 4 years later. A moderately stable cross-validated model reveals cognitive factors (college entrance scores, social judgment skills, and logical reasoning) and personality factors (agreeableness and conscientiousness) that contribute to later leader performance. A main effect for gender on leader performance was also identified, with women performing better than men. The amount of variance in leader performance scores accounted for by variables examined here, although modest, is notable considering the time interval involved. Nevertheless, future studies should explore additional factors, particularly personality ones, that may influence leader performance in developing leaders.  相似文献   

The study aimed to examine the impact of team resources – learning values and team leader optimism – as moderating variables affecting the relationship between team psychological capital (PsyCap) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), measured as a team outcome. Eighty-two management teams involving 395 participants from educational organizations responded to a quantitative questionnaire. Hierarchical regression analyses confirmed interactive effects of both moderating variables, which serve as positive resources for the team by enhancing the impact of team PsyCap on the willingness of the team to engage in OCB. Team PsyCap functioned as a positive team resource that brings about an environment that induces exhibition of high levels of OCB. This relationship is strengthened when both team learning and team leader’s optimism are high. The findings provide support for the relevance of contingency theories by emphasizing the necessity of certain situational features existing in order to have an impact on organization outcomes. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship among key issues discussed in positive organizational behavior (POB) and the implications for organizational success. One of the key outcomes of this paper is to have a better understanding of the relationship between work and a person's broader purpose of existence, and how work helps to accomplish one's purpose of life. In addition, quantitative measures are used to determine the relationship between work and happiness; a positive organizational culture and firm performance; and positive employee characteristics and employee performance. Through various statistical analyses, positive relationships were found among typical measures of positive psychology, positive organizational behavior, and employee performance. Implications for organizations and utilizations of research findings to create sustainable competitive advantages are discussed.  相似文献   

王震  孙健敏  张瑞娟 《心理学报》2012,44(9):1231-1243
采用配对问卷调查法, 以150位管理者和464位下属为研究对象, 考察了管理者核心自我评价对下属组织指向和人际指向公民行为的影响以及道德式领导和下属集体主义导向在其中的作用。跨层次分析结果表明:管理者核心自我评价对下属公民行为有显著正向影响; 道德式领导在管理者核心自我评价与下属公民行为关系中有中介作用; 下属集体主义导向在道德式领导与公民行为关系中具有调节作用, 表现为道德式领导对公民行为的正向影响对高集体主义导向的员工来说更明显。文章揭示了管理者核心自我评价对下属公民行为的影响效果、内在机制和作用条件, 也在一定程度上支持了领导有效性研究的特质-行为整合视角模型。  相似文献   


Meta-analyses demonstrate that the negative effects of subtle forms of discrimination on a range of work-related outcomes can be worse than those of overt discrimination (Dhanani et al. Personnel Psychology, 71(2), 147–179, 2018; Jones et al. Journal of Management, 42(6), 1588–1613, 2016). Yet, these syntheses and the primary studies on which they are based offer little insight into how or why these effects emerge. In the current study, we examine consequences of both of these types of discrimination on task performance and citizenship intentions via cognitive resource depletion. A total of 131 women experienced (a) overt discrimination, (b) subtle discrimination, (c) overt and subtle discrimination, or (d) no discrimination and were then asked to conduct a series of in-basket performance tasks. Results revealed that subtle (but not overt) discrimination significantly impaired measures of task performance and that cognitive resource depletion mediated these relationships. By pinpointing cognitive resource depletion as the mechanism that transmits the negative consequences of subtle discrimination, this work sheds new light onto this detrimental psychological experience and further opens up new opportunities for its remediation.


I feel very honoured by the distinguished group of colleagues who consented to comment on my paper. All raised thought-provoking questions which merit a detailed reply. I only regret that the strict space limitation imposed by the editor restricts my response to points on which my paper was unclear, and to a few important substantive issues. It would have been very satisfying to explore the many constructive and highly intriguing insights contained in the commentators' contributions.  相似文献   

仲理峰 《心理学报》2007,39(2):328-334
通过对198对直接领导和员工的实证研究,探讨了心理资本及希望、乐观和坚韧性三种积极心理状态与员工的工作绩效、组织承诺和组织公民行为之间的关系。结果表明:在控制了性别和年龄两个人口统计学变量的效应后,员工的希望、乐观和坚韧性三种积极心理状态,都对他们的工作绩效、组织承诺和组织公民行为有积极影响;员工的希望、乐观和坚韧性三者合并而成的心理资本,对他们的工作绩效、组织承诺和组织公民行为有积极影响  相似文献   

An important application of attribution theory deals with leader explanations for subordinate performance and their effects on future leader–member interactions and performance. In the present study, subjects worked on a 2-trial task in which there was a leader and 2 members. Leaders received performance feedback and an attributional explanation for subordinate performance after Trial 1, and subsequent Trial 2 behavior was videotaped. Results showed that attributions significantly affected the amount of time spent by the leader talking to the group during the second trial, as well as the number of negative leader comments. Level of performance was a significant determinant of subordinate ratings and reward/punishment recommendations. Attributions differentially affected the punishment advocated by leaders, with failure due to internal causes more likely to be punished than failure due to external causes. Implications for an attributional theory of leadership are discussed.  相似文献   

More than ever before, firms in the industrial marketplace are focusing on the contribution of the salesperson and selling role to organizational success. Considerable recent research shows that not only in-role but also extra-role behaviors—organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs)—are important in modeling salesperson performance. Yet, to date little effort has focused on examining the impact of OCB on relevant performance outcomes. Employing a sample of 207 industrial field salespeople from two companies and industries across the United States, this study reveals differences in impact of OCB on four diverse performance outcome types. The findings are discussed in terms of managerial applicability to industrial sales organizations, and a resulting set of next research steps is presented.  相似文献   

The prediction of creative performance from ideation has shown promise, but questions remain. In this study, the relationship of ideational behavior and the creative performance of elementary school children (= 255) was examined across 6 domains of creative performance: science, mathematics, technology, fine arts, music, and writing. Importantly, the potential confounding of grade and gender were controlled and creative self-efficacy tested as a moderator. Results indicated that ideational behavior explained a unique portion of variance in creative performance, above and beyond the potential confounding factors. The moderating effect of creative self-efficacy was confirmed, but only in the domain of science. Interestingly, ideation was more strongly related to creative activity than was creative self-efficacy in every domain except art and writing. Limitations and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to examine discrepancies in the evaluation of men and women regarding the performance of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). In Study 1, base‐rate differences in the perceived frequency and value of citizenship behaviors performed by males and females were investigated. A gender by job type interaction was found indicating that women were perceived to engage in OCB more frequently than were men in gender‐neutral and male‐typed jobs. No gender differences were found regarding the value associated with citizenship behaviors. In Study 2, undergraduates rated videotaped male and female instructors who exhibited different levels of OCB. Results revealed a gender by OCB interaction such that more accurate behavioral observations were made when observing males exhibiting OCB and females exhibiting no OCB than when observing males who did not exhibit OCB and females who did exhibit OCB. No gender by OCB interactions were found with regard to ratings of overall performance evaluation or reward recommendations.  相似文献   

The present paper outlines a model that incorporates employee performance and employee well-being as outcomes. In the performance outcome category, the model includes three forms of employee performance—task performance, contextual performance or organizational citizenship behavior, and negative behavior. In the well-being outcome category, it covers six forms of employee well-being namely; physical well-being, emotional/subjective well-being, psychological well-being, social well-being, ethical well-being, and spiritual well-being. In outlining the proposed model, the paper first briefly describes three forms of employee performance and six forms of employee well-being. It then discusses six models from the existing literature about organizational behavior aspects that address employee performance and/or well-being. Based on these models, the paper outlines a model of organizational behavior aspects for positive employee-related outcomes of employee performance and employee well-being. This proposed model identifies broad categories of organizational behavior aspects based on six existing models and arranges them in a plausible sequence of interrelationships.  相似文献   

This study, involving 139 employees from a variety of industries, organizations, and positions in Singapore, measured the effects of mood on the intentions of employees to contribute actions that are organizationally desirable but are not part of their formal job requirements (organizational citizenship behavior). After effects of established patterns of historical organizational citizenship behavior, demographic characteristics, and employee positive and negative affectivity had been controlled, stepwise regression analysis revealed that the amount of positive affect currently experienced by an employee significantly influenced the employee's intention to perform specific acts of organizational citizenship.  相似文献   

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