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Six-hundred and thirteen girls and 601 boys in Zimbabwe completed the Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (JEPQ). The reliability of the Neuroticism (N) and Social Desirability (L) factors was acceptable but the Psychoticism (P) and Extraversion (E) factors possessed modest reliability. While the factorial validity of the P, N and L scales was acceptable, the factorial validity of the E scale was poor. L scores were significantly correlated with N and P scores among girls and boys. Whereas Zimbabwean girls reported higher P scores than did Canadian girls, Zimbabwean boys reported lower P scores than did Canadian boys. Zimbabwean girls and boys reported lower E and N and higher P scores than their Canadian counterparts. This study provides broad support for Eysenck's basic personality model, but it does not support the use of this version of the JEPQ, and especially the E scale, among Zimbabwean children.  相似文献   

艾森克人格问卷的项目分析   总被引:166,自引:3,他引:166  
陈仲庚 《心理学报》1983,16(2):85-92
本文共测试643人(男368,女275)。前90条为艾森克原问卷,后9条为补充备用的问题。对全部项目与量表做了信度与效度的分析,最后存留85条,可以作为今后试用的问卷和修订的基础。虽然本文计算程序与艾森克原工作采用的不尽相同,但本文结果的总趋势与原始工作尚为一致,故可以认为艾森克对人格度的分析在我国的文化特点下也有应用价值。  相似文献   

艾森克人格问卷简式量表中国版(EPQ-RSC)的修订   总被引:180,自引:1,他引:180  
该文引进艾森克人格问卷简式量表(EPQ-RShortScale,EPQ-RS),首次在国内加以修订。根据来自30个省市56个地区的8637人(含汉族7725人)的样本数据,修订形成了艾森克人格问卷简式量表中国版(EPQ-RSC),共包括4个分量表,各12个项目,这一形式和EPQ-RS相同。作者并基于本研究的样本提供了EPQ-RSC的中国常模。研究表明该问卷的E、N和L三个分量表具有令人满意的信度和效度,P量表的信度和效度基本达到有关的心理测量学标准。作者最后对此问卷的信效度结果以及问卷结果反映的当代中国人人格特点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The Eysenck Personality Inventory, the Cattell 16 PF Inventory, and the Comrey Personality Inventory were administered to 272 volunteers. Eysenck and Cattell factor scores were correlated with scores over homogeneous item groups (FHIDs) which define the Comrey test factors. This matrix was factor analyzed to relate the Eysenck and Cattell factor scores to the factor structure underlying the Comrey test. The Eysenck Neuroticism, Comrey Neuroticism, and Cattell second-order Anxiety factors appeared to match. The Eysenck Introversion and the Comrey Shyness factors also matched. The 16 Cattell primary factors overlapped but did not match with the Comrey factors.  相似文献   

Despite a proliferation in the number of instruments for assessing the Big 5 traits, extant measures are beset with limitations that render their use problematic in the workplace; that is, they contain generic as opposed to occupationally relevant items, couched in idiosyncratic, culturally specific language, demanding high reading ability levels, and are overly cumbersome. The 5 Factor Model Questionnaire (FFMQ) was devised to address these concerns. Five studies, spanning multiple samples and organizational contexts, demonstrate that the FFMQ is suitable for use with individuals drawn from the widest possible range of ability levels and cultural and socioeconomic groupings. The findings of exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses are in line with the hypothesized factor structure, and the resulting new scales exhibit acceptable reliability (internal consistency and temporal stability) and convergent and discriminant validity in respect of Costa and McCrae's (1992) NEO‐PI‐R scales. Furthermore, the new FFMQ scales are differentially correlated with independent ratings of overall job proficiency across three occupationally distinct samples.  相似文献   

Le questionnaire de personnalité 16 PF (Forme A) a été traduit en portugais et soumis à un échantillon représentatif des étudiants de Sao Paulo (Brésil), comprenant 770 H et 555 F. Pour chaque facteur, les résultats ont été comparés à ceux d'un échantillon standardisé d'étudiants américains: les étudiants brésiliens sont, en général, moins sociables (A —) et moins enthousiastes (F —), plus soupçonneux (L +) et plus imaginatifs (M +); ils sont également moins conservateurs (Qi +) et plus indépendants (Q2 +). l'analyse de second ordre fait apparaître les Brésiliens comme plus anxieux et plus introvertis, montrant également plus de spontanéité et de créativité que les sujets américains. On constate enfin l'existence de différences entre hommes et femmes, tant à l'intérieur de chaque groupe qu'entre les deux échantillons.  相似文献   

论人格特质“大七”因素模型   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
概要介绍和评价了人格特质“大七”因素模型。该模型继承了传统特质分类研究中的“词汇假设”思想和因素分析方法.并在选词标准及方法的客观性上有所改进和提高.在“大五”基础上增加了两个评价维度。文章指出“大七”存在一些问题。  相似文献   

To investigate the construct validity of the Comrey Personality Scales, this personality test and a biographical data inventory inquiring about past and present life circumstances were administered to 209 volunteer U.C.L.A. students. Biographical data variables were correlated with scores on the eight personality scales. Personality scale score estimates by the authors, based on examination of the respondents' biographical data responses, were also correlated with actual scale scores. The personality scales which received the best confirmation were Social Conformity vs Rebelliousness and Orderliness vs. Lack of Compulsion. Support for the construct validity of the other personality scales varied from moderate to negligible.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the underlying structure of the trait domain of Conscientiousness using scales drawn from 7 major personality inventories. Thirty-six scales conceptually related to Conscientiousness were administered to a large community sample ( N = 737); analyses of those scales revealed a hierarchical structure with 6 factors: industriousness, order, self-control, responsibility, traditionalism, and virtue. All 6 factors demonstrated excellent convergent validity. Three of the 6 factors, industriousness, order, and self-control, showed good discriminant validity. The remaining 3 factors—responsibility, traditionalism and virtue—appear to be interstitial constructs located equally between Conscientiousness and the remaining Big Five dimensions. In addition, the 6 underlying factors had both differential predictive validity and provided incremental validity beyond the general factor of Conscientiousness when used to predict a variety of criterion variables, including work dedication, drug use, and health behaviors.  相似文献   

初中三年级学生语文阅读能力结构的因素分析研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
莫雷 《心理学报》1990,23(1):43-52
本文运用“活动-因素分析法”对初中三年级学生语文阅读能力结构进行分析。选取广州市中学初三级280人作为被试,施行语文阅读成就测验,用斜交旋转的方法对测试所得数据进行因素分析,得出8个主要因素;然后用活动鉴别法与鉴别性测验插入法对分析出来的因素进行鉴别,揭示其心理实质。这8个因素分别是语言解码能力,组织联贯能力,模式辨别能力,筛选贮存能力,概括能力,评价能力,语感能力与阅读迁移能力。  相似文献   

Kuusinen (1969) compared the factor structures of individual subjects' ratings of their peers with the structure of peer ratings made by a group of subjects. He concluded that the group structure adequately represented the individual structures and that inter-individual differences were unimportant. This conclusion is challenged in the present paper. It is argued that the between-subject differences in Kuusinen's results were too pronounced to be dismissed as negligible. Data are also presented from a study in which subjects made personality ratings of stereotypic role figures. The factor structure underlying each subject's ratings was determined and compared with that of each other subject. The degree of congruence between the factor structures of pairs of subjects varied and in general only moderate convergence was observed. Implications of these individual differences for the concept of implicit personality theories were discussed.  相似文献   

“华人工作相关人格量表”的编制、意义与效度   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
该文介绍了“华人工作相关人格量表”及其意义、结构、效度的一系列研究。CPW选取与人工作相关人格特点有关的题目,在传统人格维度的基础上,增加了服务了取向(CSO)和管理才能(OMR)这两个针对工作民表境的人格维度。信度分析表明了15个量表都具可接受内部一致性信度,15个CPW量表分数与一个形容词检测表的相关分析结果支持了CPW的内容效度,CPW的相关矩阵和因素结构初步确证了CPW的结构效度,进一步的  相似文献   

中国人人格结构的确认与形容词评定结果   总被引:49,自引:1,他引:48  
中西方的人格结构既存在相似性,又有明显的差异性。该研究根据杨国枢和王登峰探讨中国人人格结构的“大七”模型时所用的中文人格特质形容词表,经过化简,由410个形容词压缩为273个;并扩大了被试量,由原来的733人(项目与人数比为1:1.8)扩大为1511人(项目与人数比为1:5.5)。采用相同的评定方法、评定程序和统计方法,得到了完全相同的人格结构。采用另外的样本进行的验证性因素分析也确认了中国人人格的七因素结构。由此揭示了中国人的人格结构及其与西方理论的差异,为系统研究中国人的人格特点和编制测量量表奠定了扎实的基础。文中还比较了大学生被试和社会人士在各个因素上的分数差异。  相似文献   

This is the first of three reports of a taxonomic investigation of person- ality based on a matrix of 600 personality questionnaire items represented equally by marker items derived from the personality trait systems developed by J. P. Guilford and R. B. Cattell. This report outlines the entire prsject (Sells, Demaree, and Will, 1968) and focuses on the factor structure of the total matrix with particular concern for the relative contributions and relations of the two sources. The second report will analyze in detail the separate factor structures found in the Guilford and Cattell trait markers, while the third will summarize the final factor identification, based on analyses of the total matrix and matrices representing the Guilford and Cattell systems.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to study whether it is possible by specific training on one test to produce changes in the level of performance on similar tests and in the factor structure of a set of intelligence tests. Considerable improvement occurred in the level of performance on the test on which training was given, but no significant transfer effects to the performance on other tests were found. Slight differentiation was observed in the factor structure.  相似文献   

基于父母知觉的儿童人格结构及其发展的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张雨青 《心理学报》1999,32(2):177-189
该研究在家庭访谈的基础上编制了3,6,9,12岁年龄组的人格问卷,并对北京和福州的777名3至12岁儿童人格特点进行了调查。结果表明,这四份问卷均具有较好的信度和效度,对四份问卷在四个年龄组儿童的测查结果分析进行因素分析(主成分分析,PCA)后发现,3至12岁年龄组儿童的主要人格维度为:“智力”,“认真性”,“宜人性”,“外倾性”,“情绪”和“认真性”,“情绪稳定性”在我国儿童人格维度中不是一个比  相似文献   

用以中国人人格结构的形容词量表(QZPAS)为基础构成的138个人格形容词问卷调查383名大学生压力应对人格的内隐人格观,然后用筛选后的88个形容词组成的压力应对人格问卷和自我评定方式调查1653名大学生,因素分析的结果表明,压力应对人格结构由才智、坚韧性、外向性、情绪控制、自信心和功利性6个因素构成。最后在检验信、效度前提下,本研究对该结构合理性和有效性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

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