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A theory of the interaction of perceptions of conflict and dispositional tendencies on individual creativity is presented and tested. It is argued that there are two broad classes of people: those who are primarily socially oriented and those who are primarily instrumentally oriented. Further, on tasks that match their orientation, individuals are proposed to generally adhere to patterns and strategies that experience has taught them are most likely to work. This should mitigate against creativity. On tasks outside of their area of specialization, however, individuals are typically expected to be more random in their thinking, which should promote creativity. Perceived conflict is argued to lead to a reversal of this pattern, however. That is, perceptions of conflict were expected to promote creativity on tasks within, and reduce it on tasks outside of, individuals area of primary interest. These ideas were tested in two studies, one with university employees and one with minority students. The results of both studies generally supported the theory.  相似文献   

Customers who purchased a household cleaning product from a door-to-door salesman were offered a monetary rebate after the sale. Customers accepted the rebate when it came from a company, but not when it came from the salesman. A second study replicated these findings and also showed that customers were reluctant to accept rebates that came from middlemen (suppliers). It seems likely that customers were more willing to accept money from the company than from other donors becausc they believed the company had higher income.  相似文献   

This study addresses limitations of prior research on politics by first addressing the multidimensionality of politics perceptions through assessing the confirmatory fit of 1-, 3-, and 5-factor models. Secondly, the study examines the relative effects of organizational and personal characteristics on politics perceptions, as well as their interactions. Results indicate that 5 underlying dimensions of polities perceptions demonstrate the best fit to the data, and that these dimensions are differentially influenced by organizational and individual-level factors and their interactions. Implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

This article illustrates how traditional concepts of person-environment fit and transition can be adapted to deal with change, and highlights the advantages of an integrated organizational and individual perspective on career development. Using an adapted version of the Minnesota Theory of Work Adjustment and a “Me Incorporated” metaphor, the article illustrates the need for both the individual and an organization to consider immediate and future demand and supply factors in relation to the other. In addition to placing a change overlay on training, selection and career development, the article illustrates how recommendations for dealing with organizational change can be adapted for use by “Me Incorporated”.  相似文献   

组织诚信:超越个体品德的组织伦理和行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈丽君 《现代哲学》2005,(4):105-112
由于市场经济活动中的交易行为更多是组织层面的行为,企业组织诚信相比较于个体诚信来说对社会公众就具有更广泛和更普遍的影响。本文辨析了组织诚信与个体诚信的异同,指出组织诚信是组织作为社会环境中的道德行为者,自觉遵守商业经营的一系列价值和伦理规则。文章揭示了组织诚信的作用,以及它成为组织战略性资产的定位,并进一步提出了建设组织诚信的基本路径。  相似文献   

This paper provides a framework for conceptualizing and reviewing the literature on the influences of organizational culture and climate on individual creativity. Although often treated interchangeably, culture and climate are distinct constructs operating at different levels of meaning; yet at the same time, they are closely interrelated. Culture is the beliefs and values held by management and communicated to employees through norms, stories, socialization processes, and observations of managerial responses to critical events. The beliefs and values that typify a culture for creativity become manifested in organizational structures, practices, and policies. In turn, these structures, practices, and policies guide and shape individual creativity by creating a climate that communicates both the organization's goals regarding creativity and the means to achieve those goals. The paper concludes with a discussion of issues relating to the development of cultures and climates for creativity and potential new directions for future research.  相似文献   

The current use of the term core competencies in business and industry results in confusion since the term is utilized in a variety of different manners. Through a review of business and psychology literature combined with the benchmarking of companies and consulting firms, this article defines two levels of core competencies. These two levels are organizational level core competencies and individual level core competencies. Additionally, this article addresses approaches for identifying, integrating and validating these two levels of core competencies and is intended to serve as a foundation for future research and discussion in relation to core competencies.  相似文献   

Virtually all scientific writing on attitudes toward political unorthodoxy in the United States focuses on group-targeted tolerance, or the question of whether Americans are willing to extend constitutional rights and freedoms to groups outside the political mainstream. Less is known about the etiology of individual-targeted tolerance, or the question of whether Americans are willing to tolerate the exercise of constitutional rights and freedoms by individuals who belong to unpopular groups. This paper examines the sources of attitudes toward individuals belonging to disliked and stereotyped political groups—in particular, the extent to which political tolerance judgments about gay and racist targets are influenced by attributes of those targets that are either consistent or inconsistent with group stereotypes. In line with expectations, an empirical analysis showed that individuals exhibiting attributes inconsistent with their group's stereotype (whether neutral with respect to stereotypic beliefs or directly challenging them) are tolerated more than those with stereotype-consistent attributes. Because members of political outgroups can control the timing of disclosing their group membership, they have the power to determine whether and to what extent stereotypic beliefs associated with their group will influence the reactions they provoke. This analysis confirms that the impact of stereotypic beliefs on tolerance varies as a function of timing of group membership revelation, although the direction of this interaction depends on the intensity of dislike for the group of which the individual target is a member.  相似文献   

为了探讨组织信任对个体和组织的作用,在全国不同地区43家企业进行了问卷调查,得到801份有效问卷。结果表明,在个体方面,多层线性模型(HLM:hierarchical linear modeling)分析的结果显示:组织信任对个体的工作满意度、情感承诺有显著的正向预测效果,对离职意向具有显著的负向预测效果;组织信任对工作满意度、情感承诺与离职意向之间的关系都具有显著的调节(加强)作用。在组织方面,结构方程模型的分析结果显示:组织信任通过组织学习和组织创新的完全中介作用于组织的主观财务绩效,即一方面分别通过组织学习和组织创新的完全中介作用于财务绩效,另一方面直接通过组织创新的完全中介作用于组织的财务绩效  相似文献   

In answering the question of what influences satisfaction with creativity in the workplace, this work takes into account the extent to which the organization supports human aspiration to act creatively. The work throughout reflects a pragmatist approach to creativity and fulfillment, bridging it with needs theory in psychology. The empirical model uses survey data encompassing over 4,000 workers in Italian social enterprises. Results show that satisfaction with creativity is supported, at organizational level, by teamwork, autonomy, domain-relevant competences, as well as by inclusive, fair processes and relationships. At the individual level, satisfaction with creativity is enhanced by the strength of intrinsic initial motivations. The analysis of interaction terms shows that teamwork and workers’ initial motivations are complementary in enhancing satisfaction with creativity, while a high degree of domain-relevant competences appears to substitute advice and supervision by superiors in accomplishing the desired level of creative action.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of ambiguity intolerance on attitudes toward corporate diversity programs. It was found that, holding constant demographic backgrounds of age, gender, work experience, managerial position, and majority-minority status, ambiguity intolerance was negatively related to support for diversity programs. The study also replicated previous findings that women and racial minority members support diversity programs more than do men and racial majority members. This study demonstrates the importance of including personality variables in diversity research.  相似文献   

The authors surveyed 86 pregnant women (73%White, 8% Asian, 7% African American, 6% Hispanic, and1% Native American) to examine individual andorganizational factors associated with organizationalcommitment and planned timing of their maternity leavesand return to work after childbirth. Women whoseorganizations offered guaranteed jobs after childbirthplanned to work later into their pregnancies and toreturn to work sooner after childbirth. Women whoperceived supportive work-family cultures were morecommitted to their organizations and planned to returnmore quickly after childbirth than women who perceived less supportive cultures. Also, women with lesstraditional attitudes toward parenting planned to worklater into their pregnancies and return to work soonerafter childbirth.  相似文献   

Decades of scholarship have identified several determinants of political intolerance, including authoritarianism and normative threat. Previous attempts in the literature to associate other individual difference variables (i.e., social dominance orientation [SDO]) and situational variables (i.e., out‐groups' gains in power and status) have been unsuccessful. Using a dual‐process motivational (DPM) model framework, in Study 1 we found that SDO predicted political intolerance of groups with hierarchy‐attenuating political objectives. This relationship was consistent over and above other well‐known predictors of political intolerance, including right‐wing authoritarianism (RWA). RWA predicted intolerance of groups with both hierarchy‐attenuating and cohesion‐reducing objectives. In Study 2, we manipulated whether an immigrant‐rights group was described as presenting a normative threat or as gaining power and status. Consistent with extant findings, RWA moderated the effect of normative threat on political intolerance. More interestingly, SDO moderated the effect of gains in power and status on political intolerance. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted using a convenient sample of employees (N = 999) from various industries to examine the main and combined effects of organizational and individual values on organizational commitment, perceived organizational support, and procedural justice. Moderated multiple regression analyses showed that employees' reactions were mainly explained by perceived organizational values and value preferences. In contrast, person-organization value fit and interaction effects were marginal. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

A comprehensive worksite stress management program consisting of self-management training and a stressor reduction process was evaluated in a pre-post, treatment-control design in four comparable facilities. Results showed that over a 3-month period those individuals attending self-management training improved on emotional well-being measures. Organizational data suggested that their work-units' productivity increased and absenteeism decreased over the same period. Results support the value of combining self-management training and stressor reduction to produce positive individual and organizational outcomes.  相似文献   



Emotions and emotional contagion are being increasingly recognized as crucial variables influencing individual behavior and organizational functioning. This position paper serves the function as a ready reckoner by reviewing and consolidating existing literature in the field of emotional contagion. The review is categorized into three broad headings: (a) individual, (b) interpersonal, and (c) contextual factors, based on their relationship with emotional contagion.


The article focuses on analyzing and critiquing studies of emotional contagion conducted in several streams such as psychological processes, personality, organizational behavior, marketing, and consumer behavior. A conceptual framework of emotional contagion is presented, supplemented with research propositions.


The phenomenon of emotional contagion in workplace and its effects on personal and group outcomes has emerged as a critical area of research. It has been firmly established in literature that spread of emotions, if not properly managed, is bound to influence work effectiveness.


Importance of understanding the effects of transfer of emotions, for both academicians and practicing managers is one of the critical take-aways of this article. Suitable interventions are the need of the hour in order to ensure proper management of emotions.


The contribution of the article is expected to be fourfold, in terms of: (a) presenting a structured and comprehensive review of literature on emotional contagion, (b) identifying gaps in the existing literature, (c) proposing a conceptual framework, and (d) developing propositions for future research.  相似文献   

Perceptions and reactions to inequity may hinge on referents of comparison and also on employees' rank in the organization. This study examined how three comparison referents—internal same-rank, external same-rank and external whole-organization—and respondents' hierarchical status in the company influence perceptions of inequity. The study also examined the relationship of perceived inequity with affect, job satisfaction, job involvement, organizational commitment, and stress. Seventy-five employees randomly selected from the three hierarchical levels of a manufacturing company (managers, supervisors, and workers) were the respondents. Results suggest that when individuals made comparisons with external same-rank and external whole-organization referents they experienced more inequity than when they made internal same-rank comparisons. Managers in comparison to supervisors and workers perceived less inequity related to pay, general rules administration, promotion, company and fringe benefits, advancement opportunities, and social power. Perception of inequity was found to be negatively related to job involvement, job satisfaction, and affect, and positively related to stress. Results implicate the role of social comparison referents in the evaluation of organizational rewards and perceptions of inequity.  相似文献   

We describe a number of ways in which two major components of client uncertainty, namely, self-concept clarity and intolerance of uncertainty may either facilitate or impede change in psychotherapy. Clients with low self-concept clarity find it much more difficult to clearly identify and understand their problematic thoughts, emotions, and behaviors; thus slowing down their progress through the various stages identified in Prochaska’s model of psychotherapeutic change. To illustrate, they may engage in much more contemplation prior to action, as they struggle to increase their awareness and insight. Clients with high intolerance of uncertainty experience substantial discomfort when faced with uncertainty, causing them to be highly motivated to avoid or minimize any aspects of psychotherapy that focus on change. This may cause them to avoid confronting their problems during the action stage of therapy. We further suggest that it would be beneficial to assess these two components of client uncertainty very early on in the therapeutic process, in order to facilitate a given client’s progress. Finally, we indicate a need for much more research that explores the role of these two individual difference constructs during therapy. This might include, for example, studies that directly examine how self-concept clarity and intolerance of uncertainty may relate to progress through each stage of change, or the selective use of avoidance strategies. Authorship of this paper is equal. A special thanks to Joan Olinger for her many helpful comments on this paper. This paper won the 2007 Wilfred Quaytman Award for Innovations in Psychotherapy, jointly sponsored by the Long Island Consultation Center and International Scientific Comminucations, Inc. to commemorate the spirit and dedication of Dr. Wil Quaytman, psychologist, psychotherapist, and founding editor of the Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.  相似文献   

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