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This study examined the moderating influence of the Type A and B behavior patterns on group performance and group functioning. Type As and Bs were assigned to different roles in groups given the task of deciding what items to transfer from a sinking ship to a life raft. Results indicated that groups with Type A leaders in conflict with a Type A group member arrived at relatively poor decisions. Type A leaders, however, also were perceived by their groups to be more competent than were Type B leaders. These results suggested that the Type A behavior pattern can have the paradoxical effects of hindering group problem-solving and of leading others to view Type As as more competent than Type Bs because of their active dynamic style.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of perceived dysfunctional family-of-origin rules on the dating relationships of young adult offspring. A sample of 322 students from three universities completed self-report questionnaires measuring dysfunctional family-of-origin rules, current dating behaviors, dating anxiety, relationship satisfaction and commitment. The results indicated that dysfunctional family-of-origin rules were positively related to dating anxiety, and negatively related to advancement in dating stages, relationship satisfaction, and commitment in the dating relationships of young adults. There also was a tendency for young adults from families with dysfunctional rules to date later and less frequently than young adults from families with more functional rules, although they dated about the same number of partners. Implications for future research and clinical interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of experience on the goal-setting behavior of Type A and Type B individuals was assessed using anagram tasks. Sixty men and 60 women were administered the Jenkins Activity Survey as well as a questionnaire assessing their previous experience with anagram tasks. Before each of three anagram trials, subjects set a performance goal and indicated how certain they were that they could reach that goal. The analyses indicated that Type A men had the largest differences between performance goals and actual performance, even though men, in general, were more certain that they would reach their goals. Differences across trials, however, decreased for all individuals. Men with the most prior self-reported experience were least satisfied with their performance. Of interest was the finding that Type B women had higher difference scores than did Type A women.  相似文献   

研究使用问卷法调查大学生对于网络交友信息的可信度评价,并结合行为以探讨信任心理和信任行为间的关系。研究结果显示:⑴网络交友文本信息的可信度评价存在性别差异,女性显著高于男性,但偏离不确定的程度较小,差异存在于看到具体信息和产生具体互动之前。⑵男性比女性有更高的几率选择合作或者做出互动行为,但并不是建立在信任他人的基础上,信任心理和信任行为是两个分离的概念。结合以上两点对单独使用信任心理或信任行为进行研究所得到的不一致结论进行了讨论,并提供了解决方法。进一步提出了对于初次合作式行为具有预测性的整合模型的雏形。  相似文献   

Type A behavior and optimism were examined as predictors of blood pressure and job performance in a hospital setting. Results indicate that the achievement striving dimension of Type A behavior was negatively related to blood pressure. The impatient/irritable dimension of Type A behavior was unrelated to either performance or blood pressure. The interaction of achievement striving Type A behavior and optimism was related to blood pressure and technical job performance. Specifically, achievement striving predicted blood pressure and technical performance when optimism was high but not when it was low. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent public opinion polls have suggested that there is a striking lack of public support for national political leaders and institutions. The two studies discussed in this paper explore why public evaluations of political leaders and institutions are low. In particular, they examine the role of perceived injustice in creating dislike for and distrust of leaders and institutions. This focus upon justice is contrasted with the more traditional focus upon the level of outcomes received from the political system and upon congruence in citizen-leader policy preferences. The results strongly support a focus upon justice by showing that judgments of injustice exercise an influence upon leadership evaluations and in stitutional endorsements which is independent of beliefs about the level of outcomes the political system is providing to citizens or of public support for government policies. In fact, both studies suggest that judgments of justice or injustice have more influence upon the endorsement of political leaders and institutions than do outcome-related concerns.  相似文献   

Obesity contributes to various pregnancy complications and therefore, may compromise maternal quality of life. The study aim was to investigate the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) during pregnancy. Study involved every 6th woman who gave birth in the Clinic for Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Center of Serbia during the year 2010. Initial and end pregnancy BMIs were calculated for every woman. The parturients (604) completed the SF36 questionnaire (physical-PHC; mental-MHC; total quality of life-TQL), Beck’s Depression Inventory, Fatigue Severity Scale, Pregnancy Symptom Scale, Multidimensional Personal Support Scale, and Acceptance of Illness Scale. Before pregnancy most women had normal or decreased weight, while at the end of pregnancy the majority were overweight or obese (p?=?0.000). Initial and end pregnancy weights (p?<?0.05) and BMIs (p?<?0.05) were positively correlated with depression. Depression was significantly lower in overweight compared to mildly or morbidly obese women during pregnancy (p?<?0.05). Pregnancy weight change correlated negatively with PHC (p?=?0.029), and positively with fatigue (p?=?0.030), and symptoms (p?=?0.011). Of all BMI categories, morbidly obese women had the worst feeling of social support (p?<?0.05). Pregnancy symptoms were significantly less problematic in women with normal weight compared to overweight and obese women during pregnancy (p?<?0.05). Assessing the impact of all investigated parameters together, we established significant models for PHC (p?=?0.036), depression (p?=?0.030), and fatigue (p?=?0.038). Pregnant women should be advised to keep their gestational weight gain within the normal recommended range to have a good pregnancy outcome and HRQoL.  相似文献   

王浩  俞国良 《心理科学》2022,45(5):1092-1098
依恋焦虑与个体心理健康存在密切关联,恋爱关系质量可能在二者关系中发挥着重要作用。本文以595名处于恋爱关系中的大学生为被试,探讨了恋爱关系质量在大学生依恋焦虑与心理健康关系中的作用。结果表明,恋爱关系质量在大学生依恋焦虑与心理健康的关系中既发挥着中介作用,也发挥着调节作用。一方面,依恋焦虑能够通过影响恋爱关系质量对心理健康造成影响,另一方面,高质量的恋爱关系能够缓解依恋焦虑对心理健康的消极影响。  相似文献   

The theory of reasoned action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980) and the theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1985) are compared in terms of predictive validity and a comparison between behavioral expectation (BE) and behavioral intention (BI) as the immediate antecedent of behavior is offered. In addition, the relationships between attitude-toward-the-act (Aacf), subjective norm (SN), and perceived behavioral control (PBC) as predictors of BE are examined. Results indicate that the theory of planned behavior is a better predictor of intention than the theory of reasoned action and that BI is a stronger predictor of behavior than BE. The results also suggest that Aact, SN, and PBC are better predictors of BI than of BE and that development of a behavioral plan moderates the Aact-BI-B relations.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,以 463 名初中生为被试,探讨了初中生感知到的数学家庭作业质量、控制感和家庭作业情绪影响家庭作业努力的内在作用机制。结果发现:(1)积极数学家庭作业情绪和消极数学家庭作业情绪均在数学家庭作业质量和数学家庭作业努力之间起完全中介作用;(2)数学家庭作业质量可以通过数学控制感分别经积极和消极数学家庭作业情绪的多重中介来预测数学家庭作业努力。研究表明,初中生感知到的数学家庭作业质量、控制感和家庭作业情绪均是其家庭作业努力的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

There are many variables that influence compliance. With regard to individuals making requests of others, Bickman (1974) found that the apparel of the person making the request significantly influenced whether another person complied with the request. This study evaluates other factors such as sex, age, and altruism in compliance. Subjects were involved in a replication of Bickman's dime and parking meter study. Results showed that the dress of the perceived authority not only affected the number of subjects who complied but also the type of compliance, the type of noncompliance, and the latency between request and compliance. Also, older subjects complied significantly more often than younger subjects in the role authority condition.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to examine behavioral consequences of a sense of time urgency, which presumably characterizes individuals classified as manifesting a so-called “Type A” coronary-prone behavior pattern. Experiment I indicated that time-urgent Type A Ss were reliably less successful than noncoronary-prone “Type Bs” in performing a task requiring a low rate of response for reinforcement (DRL). Type As were not only unable to delay their responses; they also showed greater evidence of tension and hyperactivity than Type Bs during DRL performance. Experiment II extended these results to the interpersonal domain. Time-urgent Ss became more impatient and irritated than less urgent Ss when both types were systematically slowed down in their efforts to reach a solution on a joint decision-making task. The results were discussed in terms of a conceptualization of the A-B dimension as reflecting differential expectations of and needs for environmental control. Additional evidence was presented in support of this approach. Consideration was also given to possible physiologic mechanisms mediating the relationship between psychological variables such as the Type A pattern and actual occurrence of coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

Hogben  Matthew  Waterman  Caroline K. 《Sex roles》2000,43(5-6):341-357
Conflict tactics within relationships and coercive sexual behavior are separate phenomena that are empirically related. To answer why they should be related, we drew upon two theoretical frameworks: an individualized form of cultural spillover and feminist control theory. Using an ANOVA framework, we constructed hypotheses through which we could (1) test for relations among constructs and (2) discriminate between the predictions of cultural spillover and feminist theory. We hypothesized that the severity of individuals' coercive sexual behavior would be related to the violence level of conflict tactics in relationships and also to a pattern of generalized psychological abuse within relationships. We also hypothesized that men, compared to women, would engage in more physically coercive sexual behavior and use more violence in conflict tactics. University students (50% women, 93% <23 years old, from a school with 73% White students) responded to the measures. With the exception of the last hypothesis, these predictions were supported by the overall data, although not universally within levels of gender. Based on the pattern of hypothesis confirmation and inconsistencies, we discuss the mix of support and potential moderators that would resolve inconsistencies for each theory.  相似文献   

Recognizing that bullying can occur in varying degrees of severity, the current study suggest the importance of individual traits in individual perceptions of being targets of bullying and ensuing emotional exhaustion. The present study extends the work environment hypothesis and trait activation theory by a joint investigation of the mediating role of (a) workplace bullying in linking perceived organization politics and perceived organization support with emotional exhaustion and (b) the moderating role of Type A behavioral pattern in influencing the mediation. Using a field sample of 262 employees working in different organizations of Pakistan, this study tested a moderated mediation model. Results were consistent with the hypothesized model, in that workplace bullying mediated the relationship of perceived organization politics and perceived organization support with emotional exhaustion. Type A behavior moderated the perceived politics—bullying, perceived support–bullying, and bullying—emotional exhaustion relationships. The mediation of bullying varied with levels of Type A behavior in these relationships.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of time pressure on the performance of Type A and Type B individuals. We predicted that Type As would perform more poorly than Type Bs on an anagram task during a timed condition, but not during an untimed condition. Subjects were 40 female undergraduates and the Jenkins Activity Survey was used to measure Type A behavior. The results confirmed our hypothesis. Type As made significantly more errors than Type Bs when timed, but not when untimed. Implications of these findings and the time-urgency component of the Type A behavior pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines whether afemale-demand/male-withdraw pattern occurs in datingrelationships and whether this response increases duringdiscussions of difficult topics. One hundred and eightindividuals (women = 60, men = 48) currently in a datingrelationship completed the Communication PatternsQuestionnaire, Short Form (CPQSF) regarding either adifficult or nondifficult discussion. The racialcomposition of the undergraduate student population at thetime the study was conducted was 68.8% Caucasian, 8.9%Hispanic, 8.9% International, 6.0% African American,5.6% Asian American, and 1.8% Native American (data on socioeconomic status were unavailable).Results show that dating couples do employ apredominantly female-demand/male-withdraw pattern, whichincreases in response to difficult discussions. However, this study also found that many dating couplesemployed male-demand/female-withdraw or equaldemand/withdraw patterns. Post hoc tests also showedthat couples exhibiting eitherfemale-demand/male-withdraw or male-demand/female-withdraw patterns weremore ingrained in specific negative behavior patterns,employed more demand/withdraw behaviors, and exhibitedless positive behaviors than couples with an equal demand/withdraw pattern.  相似文献   

Two separate three-wave, 2-year, longitudinal studies investigated error patterns in two decision models' predictions of couples' birth-planning decisions. One study tested the subjective expected utility model with a sample of married couples from the state of Washington and the other study tested the Fishbein model using a sample of married women from Illinois. Consistent with the proposal that predictions of deviation from the status quo result in a higher proportion of prediction errors than predictions of nondeviation from the status quo, both studies demonstrated that when couples were predicted to decide not to become pregnant, predictive accuracy was very high, but when couples were predicted to decide to become pregnant, predictive accuracy was significantly lower. Two hypothesized explanations for the biased error pattern were considered and received some support. The first, resembling the concept of inertia, is that a stronger motivational force is required to compel a person to elect a change from the status quo than is required to maintain the status quo. The second focuses on changes in decisions as a function of time and events. The heuristic value of directly examining prediction errors, in contrast to the more prevalent practice of reporting only one summary index of goodness of fit, was discussed.  相似文献   

大五和组织公平感对进谏行为的影响研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以361名长三角地区17家国有企业白领员工为样本,本研究探索了大五个性、组织公平知觉与进谏行为之间的关系。结果表明:责任感、外向性与进谏行为具有正相关,神经质、开放性与进谏行为呈负相关;组织公平知觉对进谏行为具有显著促进作用;此外,组织公平知觉对部分个性特征,如神经质与进谏行为之间的关系具有缓冲作用,高公平知觉会削弱神经质对进谏行为的负面效应。文章还对研究结果做了相关讨论。  相似文献   

The two main objectives of this research were to determine whether Type A cognitions are related to a broader range of symptoms than has traditionally been studied and to determine possible mediating variables. Past research and theory suggest that Type A individuals not only experience but also generate stress and interpersonal conflict (i.e., in keeping with a psychosocial vulnerability model). This psychosocial vulnerability may put Type A individuals at greater risk of experiencing a wide array of physical and psychological symptoms well beyond coronary heart disease (CHD), the health outcome typically investigated. Stress, interpersonal and non-interpersonal in nature, and perceived social support, were explored as possible mediators in the Type A cognition-symptoms relationship using structural equation modelling (SEM) in a university sample. Non-interpersonal stress and interpersonal stress mediated both the Type A cognition-psychological symptoms relationship and the Type A cognition-physical symptoms relationship. However, perceived social support only mediated the Type A cognition-psychological symptoms relationship. Results indicate that Type A individuals may experience psychosocial vulnerability, particularly reporting stress, which may put them at risk for the experience of negative health outcomes. Implications for cognitive therapy are discussed.
Donna I. PickeringEmail:

Though information about one's sexuality may be inferred from sexual interactions themselves, a sexual sense of self may also be derived from the quality of the intimate relationship more generally. In this study, we examined the sexual self-perceptions of young women in dating relationships (N=108) as a function of whether these relationships were characterized by abuse. Negative sexual self-perceptions were found to be more evident among women who were experiencing physical/psychological abuse or sexual coercion in their current relationships than among women who were not, even after controlling for self-esteem and depressive symptoms. However, positive sexual self-perceptions were unaffected by abuse, and hence may provide young women a basis for establishing healthier relationships in future.  相似文献   

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